Mortals remembered the fear of being ruled by monks. Xia Yi once helped them get up, but now they are suppressed in a more cold-blooded way. The emperor of a country is slaughtered by monks in this way. It is simply a **** on earth. Mortals are under Xia Yi’s power It is impossible to move under control, even if there are means to ask monks for support.

Eventually until three days later.

The sky was raining gray. The rain did not dilute the **** smell, but made it thicker. The blood melted in the water and flowed freely in the city. The people who laughed and laughed before became cold and cold. corpse.

Xia Yi raised his head and closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The rain was still washing on his face. Scenes flashed in his mind about his understanding of humanity. He had hoped and despaired, he had gained and lost, and he was pleased and gratified. Sad and angry, maybe he is still immature now, but at least he is definitely no longer the youngest son.

"The sage in troubled times, the devil in the devil, can cross the street freely as a mouse."

Xia Yi chuckled. If everyone is like a demon, then the sages will no longer occupy the righteousness. Someone once asked why the sages only appeared in the heyday. A very simple truth, do you recognize the sages in troubled times? Can you tell if it is a sage or a demon?

Can you see if what the person did is a means or an end!

"Xia... Yi..."

Behind Xia Yi, there was Zhao Lianbing, who was always bound and kneeling on the ground. Xia Yi killed all the people in the city, and left no one alive. There are no innocent people at all. The relatives of cancer are also cancer. Xia Yi is not It is not that they are not given a chance, but they are given a chance. Who will give Xia Yi a chance? Who will give this humanitarian opportunity!

Therefore, chemotherapy is a helpless solution that kills even normal cells. Without the courage of a strong man to break his wrist, he cannot break through this quagmire.


Zhao Lianbing was puzzled, or he was puzzled, and still puzzled. After a lot of sacrifices had been made, Xia Yi actually chose to continue to sacrifice more people. This is simply unreasonable, but Zhao Lianbing felt Xia Yi. The approach seems to make sense.

Because Xia Yi's eyes were brighter than before.

"You should be able to understand that the **** of a thousand miles was destroyed in an ant nest. Now the **** is full of worms. It is too difficult to repair. It is better to destroy and recast. It has nothing to do with merciful killing. I just chose the most suitable method. The biggest difference between mortals is not limited to power, but also our consciousness."

"It is precisely because of the power that we can complete our enlightenment. We often use enlightenment to limit power and gain power for enlightenment. This is the cultivator."

Because of jumping out of the shackles of humanity, Xia Yi has seen a lot of scenery that he has never seen before. Before, he saw the flourishing age painted on the wall. Later, he saw the smog behind the wall. Now, because he stood taller, he saw it. The distance on the horizon above the smoky miasma is still prosperous.


"Yes! It's a pity that we were not born in the most prosperous time of the human race, but fortunately we were not born at the end of the human race. We still have the possibility to change all of this. The immortals are also humans. They also have roots and distrust. Hostility, it’s a pity that I have too little time, otherwise I can find a plan that sacrifices less."

"As for now... I still hope to get through this calamity..."

Xia Yi sighed as he talked. He suddenly felt that the immortal clan no longer let him breathe. Healers could save and kill people. He understood that the rooted Xia Yi could cause cancer in the immortal clan, human The root nature will not change.

This is the case for the immortal clan, the mortal, and the same is true for Xia Yi. Malice towards others can be said to be the fastest way to satisfy one's self.


One day later.

Tianling was shocked. Xia Yi went to Zhongtianyu and slaughtered a mortal city. This result was unacceptable for mortals, and they couldn’t figure out why their Xia Sage acted on mortals!

Xia Yi responded positively to this, telling them that there was a fairy clan traitor in the crowd at the time. The fairy clan traitor told him that if he wanted to save other mortals, he would let him slaughter the city. He slashed the mortals with tears for everyone. As for Zhao Lianbing, he has also been killed He cut it with his own hands, of course, there is no truth in it.

Xia Yi called on these mortals to see off the victims, and also sent a lot of resources to the victims' relatives. The rest of the mortals were immediately moved. Xia Yi was really great, for they were willing to kill evil. Xia Yi was before. Those who can suffer from being nailed to the cross for them!

How could Xia Yi kill mortals!

People hope that Xia Yi will not. Xia Yi also said that he has no alternative. It must be helpless. People are more likely to believe the facts that they are willing to believe. Even if they have realized that this fact may be wrong, they will still agree with themselves like anesthesia. .

After that, Xia Yi publicized the immortal threat theory. Mortals’ anti-immortal sentiment increased. Mortals everywhere kowtowed and marched in front of other cultivation sects. Most of the cultivation forces can only endure it, and the smaller ones do not dare to kill. , It is strange that Xia Yi has not found an excuse to attack if he is killed.

Larger forces can't kill, otherwise they will only be used by Xia Yi to provoke mortal emotions. People in the cultivation forces know very well how the immortal clan can be so boring to force Xia Yi to kill mortals and make mortals disgusting. Xia Yi is almost the same.

But even if this fact is said, mortals enthusiastically support Xia Yi and don't allow others to say something bad about Xia Yi. Xia Yi opened up the warehouse and used a small amount of resources to reward mortals, some ordinary spirits. Because the artifacts were presented by Xia Yi, the mortals who received them were regarded as heirlooms, adding a layer of recognized meaning.

That is a gift from Saint Xia, even the emperor of a country may not have it. As long as the treasure given by Saint Xia goes out, even if the emperor sees them, he has to get out of the carriage and hold his luggage. It's like a human being. Middle aristocracy, Xia Yi spreads his influence among ordinary people, so that those who support him can get feedback that satisfies them.

In this way, they would be desperate to sell their lives, and even if they were sold by themselves, they would shout the glory of Lord Xia!

Don’t forget, benevolence is also a means, and it’s a means that didn’t work very well in the early stage, but is full of stamina. Xia Yi gives mortals the opportunity to perform. If you perform well, you will be rewarded. If you accidentally die, you will come out to mourn. Anyway, it's just a mouthful.

But for mortals, the meaning is different! They have been doing nothing for a lifetime, and they have achieved nothing. They can be named by Xia Yi before they die. As a result, their family, relatives and friends are respected by others. Even the imperial power of the dynasty must be given preferential treatment. Then directly let him get promoted and make a fortune.

People see the shortcut!

Supporting Xia Yi is a shortcut! Who dare not support Xia Yi, without Xia Yi's hands, already fanatical mortals will kill him, and behave in front of Xia Yi. Xia Yi changed his style and hijacked mortal roots by benevolence instead of benevolence. Tak tried to change for the purpose.

Under Xia Yi’s advocacy, the first incident of a mortal attacking a disciple of the cultivation sect finally occurred. Xia Yi not only promoted the immortal threat theory, but also instigated the relationship between the mortal and the cultivator, making them antagonistic in the root system, eager to prove himself The existing mortals let out a big sigh. Although they are also fanatical, the core is Xia Yi!

In this way, it is not cancer, but white blood cells! It's an anticancer drug!

Xia Yi made Tianling’s distrust of the fairy clan escalate frantically, which naturally aroused the resentment of the cultivation sect. Tianding Lao Zun couldn’t help but jump out and scold mortals for their ignorance. When signing the peace ceremony, the fairy clan would swear an oath. How can it be easily violated!

And Xia Yi just gave an example casually, didn't really want to say it, and there was no big reason, but mortals just want to believe what I said from Xia Yi's mouth, what can I do?

"I'm standing in front of you with a knife, I promise not to do it, and I promise not to do it when I pull the knife and put it on your neck. Finally, when I cut your head, you may not know if I will do it. The peace ritual is invalid. Unless you surrender unconditionally, throw the knife away and get closer. The peasants among the mortals know how the immortal clan who came with thousands of troops came to ask for peace!"

Xia Yi’s statement indirectly raised mortals and devalued monks. Tianding Lao Zun said they were ignorant. Then Xia Yi praised them for their long-term vision. The brainwashed mortals could no longer distinguish between good and evil. Xia Yi pointed to a murderer and said that he had killed him. Yes, that is to kill it right!

Xia Yi is justice!

Tianding Lao Zun and other comprehension forces came forward to inform the mortal history, telling them that the goal of the immortal clan is Xuanhuang, and Xia Yi also stepped up to popularize the history of science, and the spirit emperor killed the southern immortal emperor. Can the immortal clan bear this tone? Moreover, the immortal army is so terrifying, is it really just to deal with the troops sent by a disabled Xuanhuang?

As long as the immortal clan cannot prove that they will not invade the heavenly spirits, they will invade. The immortal clan is a more aggressive realm, and the immortal clan originally had this purpose. No matter what other monks say, they can’t change the mortal’s perception. Know.

The cognition of mortals has been completely changed by Xia Yi, because Xia Yi enumerated a lot of realities. If the immortals really attacked, the monks could still beg for mercy and be slaves, but what can mortals do? The fairy clan will only regard them as maggot pits that consume resources.

For the mortals who are now scared and frightened by the recent series of events, Xia Yi is the last place they can find peace of mind, and the last resort. Other monastic forces have a deep understanding of the ignorance of mortals, and they simply no longer try to persuade them. , Actually chose to ignore it and let the mortal show off in front of his sect.

But they didn’t know that this also followed Xia Yi’s meaning. Xia Yi gave mortals more or less an unprecedented position. The seeds of changing roots have been planted, and the conquered Dongxuan was used by Xia Yi to train mortals. Among the outstanding ones.

Xia Yi also ordered the conquered forces to salute the mortals after they were selected by Qingyunzhi. Xia Yi set the next step to satisfy the mortals’ self-reward, so that they greedily thirst for treatment that is far more honorable than the emperor. Fame and fortune give them the opportunity to prove themselves.

To put it bluntly, Xia Yi really has too little time. If Xia Yi is given a hundred years, Xia Yi can turn the entire Eastern Profound Realm into his own back garden, facing the troubles of Xia Yi, the real powerhouse of Tianling. Most of them ignore it.

After the immortal army arrives, Xia Yi will feel better!


After this, Tianling fell into a short period of plateau. Mortals were still tirelessly harassing the cultivation forces. The undercurrent surging situation made people feel depressed. Recently, people from many other realms have more or less visited Tian. The spirit, the fairy clan's flower marching in the starry sky, naturally made many realms feel pressure.

This is like a fuse. The weak and the weak report to the group to keep warm, and the strong gather to discuss the sharing of benefits. Even the great world of Taoism can take action. They can not support any party, but sell it to Tianling. Weapons, there is nothing wrong with selling resources to the fairy clan.

All the big realms smelled the smell of gunpowder. Some wanted to make a fortune in the war, and some sent to the immortal clan to vote for fame. The large-scale battle of the realm has not happened for a long time. The last time was the battle between the boundless and the league.

What surprised Xia Yi was that he also got contact with many people from other realms who opposed the immortal clan. They were willing to provide him with free resources and help, but Xia Yi knew that these guys did not want to help them kill more. A person of the fairy race.

If there are other realms openly declaring war on the immortal clan, then Xia Yi will definitely run over to give something meaning, and contact and exchange feelings, the strong in other realms are not stupid, Xia Yi has a small chance of winning, so they There will be no public support, but it doesn't matter if you secretly provide help.

There are even some realms purely to watch the excitement. By the way, let’s see if you can get something. Tianling gathered many people from other realms for a while, and it was extremely lively, and even the Azure Cloud Sect appeared. Some people in suits and leather shoes.

This kind of dress can be said to be very weird, but it is not uncommon in Xia Yi’s eyes. Now it can be said that it has entered the pre-war preparation stage. The fairy clan did not forget to pave the way for his arrival on the march, and Xia Yi naturally wanted to The floor tiles were all turned up for them, and thorns were buried by the way.

On Qingyun Cliff, a person from Xuanhuang stood behind Xia Yi. He looked at the scenery of the different world for a while and was a little sluggish, but the main reason was that the landscape outside Qingyun Sect was so bad that it was actually black scorched earth.

"How is the preparation of the United Nations?"

Xia Yi looked at the terrible dark ground around Qingyunzong. This was a masterpiece of war. But if you want to stop the war, you have to create more scorched earth.

"The whole world is currently producing nuclear weapons with all their strength. Cobalt bombs have been successfully developed, but unfortunately they cannot be mass-produced. Theoretically, the harm to monks is not great, but radioactive materials and pollutants are enough to kill monks in the cave."

"Yes, prepare more."

"We try our best!"

As he spoke, the man in suit and leather shoes looked at Xia Yi in a puzzled manner.

"By the way, why do I always feel that I am being hated?"

"You look like the fairy clan!"

Xia Yi was speechless when he mentioned this point. This time it is a Westerner, but when you look closely, the gap is quite large compared to the fairy clan. Both hair color and pupil color are different, and the facial features are even more obvious. The faces of the people of the tribe are more similar to the Orientals.


Hearing Xia Yi’s answer, the person laughed awkwardly. Xuan Huang is now very united. The Dharma and God Realm once helped Xuan Huang in the road of jihad. Xia Yi also misunderstood that Xuan Huang Westerners are descendants of the immortal clan. But in fact they are pure people in the realm of law and god.

The ancestors of the immortal clan have the bloodline of the Dharma and God Realm as well as the bloodline of other realms, and they are also integrated into the blood of innate creatures. In other words, the immortal clan does not belong to any single tribe. How can they not be powerful when they gather the heads of the family?

"By the way, can you contact the Law God Realm?"

The enmity between the immortal clan and the Fashen Realm is not small, the person shook his head, how do you contact this? There is no position of the Fashen Realm on the star map. Xia Yi guessed that the Fashen Realm is probably not in the back star area, in the new star area that the Master of the Supreme Profound Hall once said.

Xia Yi gave a few more orders afterwards, and his brows were still not stretched out. Xuanhuang can provide assistance in addition to nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons. It is not realistic to see a technological leap in a short period of time. How long does it take to try? Technology is a technique that causes quantitative changes to cause qualitative changes, and cultivation is a technique that causes quantitative changes to cause quantitative changes.

Once the technology is upgraded, it is the upgrade of the entire realm, and the monk can only take care of himself and a small number of people around him, even teaching others takes time.

Xia Yi is making preparations here, and the immortal clan is also constantly paving the way. The realm of affinity with the immortal clan, or the realm of cooperation with the immortal clan, has slowly come to Tianling. Today, the Tianding Holy Land will receive it. One of the official allies of the fairy clan.

People from Jiemeng.

The number is not too large, but there are also tens of thousands of people. They are basically high-power elites without cannon fodder. Among them, there are a few younger generations who should be brought to the foresight. Discuss, and the younger generation is visiting Tianling’s strongest power, Tianding Holy Land.

Below the Tianling Peak, a dozen young people walked together and watched the flowers. I have to say that the Tianding Holy Land is really a holy place. The nine giant cauldrons are very shocking to see. The strongest realm of the human race is The immortal clan, Dao Fa, and the two powers are the Boundless World Alliance, and then it is the turn of the Tianling. The Tianling is indeed not strong, but at least it is the old realm, and the weak is definitely not weak.

"Guan Li, what are you looking at?"

Among several young people, one young man has been staring at a knife mark on the cliff not far away. The murderous intent contained in that knife mark has not dissipated yet.

"The one who wields this sword is a master of swordsmanship."

"Can you be more powerful than you, the Slaughter Blade Saint?"

"If this is his full power, I can beat it, but if it's not for me, maybe I can't. It's just that this knife mark makes me feel familiar."

The young man named Guan Li feels a little cold, but mainly because of his murderous aura.

On the other side, a man kept inviting a woman to stroll around, but the woman's eyes were always puzzled.

"Neon, what are you thinking? You have been like this since the beginning."

Hearing the man's question, the woman called the neon clothes sighed slowly.

"Have you seen that person before? It looks not much bigger than us, but the aura is very terrifying. I dare not face him. Even a warlike person like Wen Yu dare not to challenge him. I secretly inquired afterwards. That person was called Jing Yi. He was supposed to be Heavenly Spirit and Earth Lord. I didn’t ask about Heavenly Lord’s news. It seems that Heavenly Lord is like a taboo. Is our Union really stronger than Heavenly Spirit?”

Wen Yu is the strongest young generation in their league, but he is even worse than Jing Yi who is the loser, let alone defeated Jing Yi, the heavenly monarch who didn't even want to be mentioned by Tianding Holy Land. .

"Tianjun? The guy who blatantly defies the immortal clan? I only know the title of Tianling Tianjun. As for his surname and name, I don’t know who he looks like. The elders may know, provided that the elders asked Tianding Holy Land. , Why? Are you curious? Then do you want to inquire?"


In the Azure Cloud Sect, Xia Yi is also receiving guests at this time. How many people from other realms have arrived in Tianling recently. No one power can say it clearly. The famous big realm will not be mentioned, but some of the lesser-known small realms. People fished in troubled waters and came to Tianling.

After the war, Tianling will definitely have vacancies in human hands. These people in the small world just want to mix up this qualification. Even if it is not a phoenix head or a phoenix tail, the sky spirit is better than a chicken head. Some realms are extremely inferior in strength, even better than Not the current Xuanhuang.

Among them, many people from other small realms wanted to send big gifts to settle in the Eastern Profound Realm. Xia Yi eliminated many forces in this battle, and it did leave a vacancy in the Eastern Profound Realm, but Xia Yi was not enough for everyone. Yes, those talents in the small realm really don't have a sense of belonging.

Although Xia Yi is a black and yellow person, he still has a sense of belonging to Tianling. At least he grew up here. There are traces of his journey along the way. There are people who love him and those who hate him. Those who have no sense of belonging. People may be worse than mortals.

The monks of Tianling still have people who have not extinguished their blood, knowing to defend their homes and the country, but are there any of these strong outsiders?

At that time, I am afraid that it is not going to beat him down!

It is until today that Xia Yi finally ushered in truly valuable foreign visitors.

"Sect Master Xia, the matter is so finalized. In the past thousand years, the immortals have been honest and changed frequently. I doubt that they want to do any calculations. With their strength, they are already crushing any side of the realm, but they are still making enemies and pulling allies. , It is simply dividing the human race."

"If our expectations are not bad, after the immortal clan captures Xuanhuang, the immortal clan will begin to plan a series of reasons for attacking other realms, but the reason is unknown."

At this moment, a tall woman and Xia Yi stood side by side with Xia Yi and talked about the immortal world. Judging from the woman’s temperament, she is not a junior, but she is definitely not an older generation. Like Xia Yi, she is almost a mainstay in the cultivation world. Young adults.

"Does Dao Fa care?"

"How can Dao Fa do not care, but you also know that the larger the boundaries, the more Xiao Jiujiu inside. I have to say that the high degree of unification of the immortal clan is really terrifying. It is estimated that there are different voices in the immortal clan within Dao Fa. There are dozens of them, and it’s a bit difficult to unify them."

The woman sighed, and then looked into the distance. The Qingyun Sect, the sect standing on the scorched earth, is really amazing. Especially as the lord of Xia Yi, what kind of combat power Xia Yi is now is also a mystery. The authoritative statement is still invincible under the Lord.

"Even we are vast, and only five believe that we should intervene, but in fact, only our Sang family sent people."

The woman briefly told Xia Yi about the situation of Cangmang. Cangmang was the real world that could pose a threat to the immortal clan. She had secretly helped Xuanhuang one hundred thousand years ago, and it was said that it was also the idea of ​​the Sang family.

Although it was the first time that the Sang family had contact with Xia Yi, Xia Yi had a sense of familiarity. Xia Yi thought of a person who had good nature and bad style, but was very knowledgeable about current affairs. Don't hate it, those who know the current affairs are the best.

"Does the imperial family be included among these five?"

The vast emperor clan is the strongest force in the vastness, which is equivalent to the heavenly sacred land of the heavenly spirits.

"Including, so you can think that the high-levels in our vast real power have the tendency to assist you, but it is only this tendency. Our original purpose is to stop the Jiemeng. The people of the Jiemeng have followed the immortal clan."

"Then you can deal with it as you like, and just tell me if you want any help."

Even if Cangmang doesn’t directly help, it’s already a big help to block some Xiaoxiaoxiaoshi. Xia Yi now has no thoughts to manage the world alliance and those small realms. The fairy clan is simply pulling a team of people and indirectly provoking many forces. Past enmity.

Is there any value in doing this?

Of course there is!

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