"You were born in the Jiemeng and belong to the Jiemeng. No matter how you deny it, you are a member of the Jiemeng. Even if you don't, the Jiemeng will recognize it."

"I can go back and let the Jiemeng expel me! Even if it is a death proof!"

"Does it make sense?"

Xia Yi asked Yun Nishang back. It seemed to Xia Yi that it didn't make any sense. It was so stupid to prove to someone who didn't care about her. Yun Nishang has never been so stupid in the past. In the past twenty years, something must have happened to her. Things changed.

"How not!"

"tell me the story."

Xia Yi has now become curious about why Yun Nishang is like this. Xia Yi still has a good impression of Yun Nishang. Before this reunion, he had a good impression, but now he is almost disillusioned.

"Do you need any reason to stay with people who think about it day and night!"

"That's it?"

Xia Yi showed an unbelievable expression. This indifferent and ruthless "just this" is Xia Yi's true thoughts. How should I say, Xia Yi didn't mean to slander those infatuated people, because he was too, but infatuated. The premise is that the other party also values ​​you.

Otherwise, it will only cause trouble to the other party.

"You are obviously not such a person, why do you want to pretend..."

"Yun Nishang, there are some things I don't want to say that are too ugly. Just stop. I am very busy now. I don't have time to deal with them. I went to the Hall of the Night for you. I admit that I liked you before. No, that's not a liking. , I am greedy for your body, but now I am not greedy."

Xia Yi really doesn't like Yun Nishang too much. The character of Yun Nishang is really not the kind that Xia Yi likes. She is too soft, so soft that it makes me a little greasy.

"It's okay now, right here right away! As long as... as long as I can stay with you, I will do everything!"

Yun Nishang expressed his love with excitement. Xia Yi's eyes narrowed slightly. He couldn't feel any love for him in Yun Nishang's words. If it weren't for him, then Yun Nishang had been deceiving himself and deceiving others. .

The person she loves is not Xia Yi at all, but loves herself who likes Xia Yi. She likes herself as an infatuated and miserable woman, and enjoys the love that people have for her in this capacity, and she no longer radiates from her all the time. You can see a lot of things in his pathetic temperament.

"It seems... I hurt you."

He broke into the Hall of the Night of the Night alone and saved her like the most handsome hero, but it was not saving her, but hurting her, giving her delusions that she shouldn’t have, like someone who would believe in themselves after a successful gambling. Can win.

Until I lost everything, I thought I could make a comeback in the end.

If you have to describe what kind of person Yun Nishang is, Xia Yi thinks that Gufang’s self-admired gambler is very suitable for the current Yun Nishang, and he used to be a self-righteous sage.

"You hurt me, I can't forget you anymore."

She shed a few drops of tears that seemed cheap to Xia Yi. Her love was a bit deformed. After all, everything she did was to satisfy herself, but she had to put on the name of struggling for Xia Yi. This is not love, but Emotional kidnapping in the name of love.

Xia Yi walked slowly to Yun Nishang and wiped away the teardrops from the corner of her eye with his hand. There is nothing wrong with self-satisfaction. Her self-satisfaction is indeed sacrificed. It is not malignant, but it is very inappropriate at this time.

"You go."

"I won't go!"

"Really not leaving?"

"Don't go!"

Yun Nishang said firmly, because Xia Yi finally took the initiative to approach her and touched her face gently.

"Even so?"

Suddenly, with a puff, Yun Nishang felt a cold in her chest. She lowered her head with difficulty and saw that a sharp knife penetrated her chest. She looked at Xia Yi very puzzled. She never dreamed that Xia Yi would be like this. Treating her, she coughed and vomited blood, her lips wriggling to say something.


Mountain cliffs, under the moonlight.

Yun Nishang spoke of love in a hoarse voice, saying that she should stay even so. She felt that this could give Xia Yi the greatest shock, and at least it would make Xia Yi regret treating her so much.

With tears and blood, but the love remains the same, how many people in the world can do it?

This is the unrequited love sung by the world. She suddenly laughed and felt that she realized that she is a sad heroine who is written in any story and is worth remembering. She seems to have caught herself all the time. What you want, if there is a hint of intolerance and helpless heartache in Xia Yi's eyes, it will be fine.

But in Xia Yi in her eyes, his unchanging face was nothing but perseverance that made her feel unfamiliar.

Even if he killed her, even after listening to so many love confessions, would he actually just disdain it? Why do you like this kind of person? At this last moment, Yun Nishang felt worthless in the powerlessness of his life disappearing.

The survival instinct surged, which defeated her self-paralyzed heart, and she finally began to reflect on whether she really liked Xia Yi so much? She didn't know when she became comfortable with being comforted by others. There were countless outstanding men around her like stars Gongyue. She was satisfied and felt a desire that could not be filled.

She wants that person to comfort her too! Just like other men, Xia Yi's indifference will not make her feel painful, but will only make her feel happy. The more so, the more tragic value she has.

in the end……

When everything she wanted was done, she realized that the facts were not as good as she had imagined. Xia Yi did not cry or pity, and she did not have grief. If she died in Xia Yi’s arms in a beautiful situation, then Yun Nishang would not have a little bit of it. It didn't feel worthwhile, but Xia Yi's eyes were full of disdain, which shattered her self-esteem in an instant.

She realized that she was wrong, she shouldn’t have noticed that Xia Yi was so indifferent and forced Xia Yi to satisfy her. Xia Yi has indeed changed. The things he shoulders do not allow any mistakes, so he can make any mistakes. Hell, what is it to kill a woman who doesn't care at all?

She is worse than a clown who makes others laugh!

Regret, despair, unwillingness and other emotions attacked Yun Nishang. As her consciousness became more and more blurred, there was only a strong remorse in her heart, and even some hatred. She felt that her personality had been insulted by Xia Yi.

But at the moment when consciousness was completely annihilated, everything became so clear again.

The dark world became bright again, and there was a crisp worm's sound beside her ears that could not hear the sound. She felt that her body was very cold, perhaps it was cold sweat, but it was definitely not hot blood. Xia Yi was looking at her with a weird right eye. , The blood moon pupil on the black background, gave her the illusion that the soul was sucked into it.



Yun Nishang froze for a while, isn't she dead? The previous feeling of death was too real. It was so real that her soul thought she was indeed dead, but in fact she was useless. Xia Yi's knife was only against her chest, not piercing half a point. .

"So are you satisfied? This is your true heart. It's not that I don't accept you, but that you don't like me at all. On the contrary, I have a good impression of you. Unfortunately, you have to pierce the window paper. ."

"Heart Sword Zongyun Nishang, I also like the strong smile you show when you are sometimes sad, just like when you accepted the order to marry me and recognized me as a good person, and began to accept me slowly, You were the most beautiful back then, but now you..."

"The ants are not as good."

After that, Xia Yi pulled back the tip of the knife. Yun Nishang’s original intention has changed. He has become like a stranger, a little hysterical. When Xia Yi saw Yun Nishang like this, he remembered when he recognized himself as a saint. Everyone thought that he was a true sage, but other people had no vision.

Therefore, as long as sacrifices are made for the mortal, the mortal will be moved, and he will also be moved by his own righteousness and fraternity.

"Heh...hehe, is it an illusion?"


Hearing Xia Yi's answer, Yun Nishang lowered her head and slowly stretched out her hand to cover her face. Before the death created by illusion, she knew what kind of person she was and what her thoughts were, but after all It was not what she had realized before she died after she made a mistake, but Xia Yi's deception.

She is more angry than ashamed.

"Is that so happy to play with me!!"

Unable to help it for a while, she stretched out her hand to hit Xia Yi, and Xia Yi grasped her wrist accurately.

"You are not qualified to beat me. It is not the past and never will be back to the past. These two decades have passed in a hurry. Our fate and what we have to bear are completely different. I belittle you, but..."

"You really don't deserve to stay with me, get out."

In the end, Xia Yi is completely ruthless. Xia Yi originally thought that Yun Nishang was the one who owed something in the world, but the people who really owed it were always by his side. It was his fault that Yun Nishang became the way he is now, because He loves to be a hero, and he also loves to sacrifice himself for whom.

There is no distinction between the two of them, everyone is like this, the difference is that Xia Yi has already determined to jump out of the relationship.

"Go away...?"

"Even if it is true, why should I be so unrelenting? I should have really liked you."

Yun Nishang said and said, she just laughed and cried. At this moment, she was very beautiful, without the melancholy temperament that was a little contrived, very real, just like she used to be in Yuanjie.

I like the flattery of beauties and feel complacent about it.

I love the hero's pride and paralyze myself for this.

What mistakes can tell people is that mistakes can't change any mistakes, just like people can never learn a lesson from history, but fortunately, as long as a small number of people can detect it, it can more or less affect the entire human race.

If you don't wake up, it's fine to sleep all the time, but if you wake up, it's too much to sleep.

"Anyway, I'm sorry, I don't want to do this to you, but you have to be clear about where I am now. How can I tolerate children in the realm?"

"I'm curious what your two ladies have done for you..."

Yun Nishang's words were jealous, even if she knew her own unbearableness, but because of this she knew her heart, she still liked it, otherwise even the play would not be able to go on.

"Two ladies?"

Xia Yi only remembers Yu'er. Yu'er married herself. Could it be that Zhao Lianbing was talking nonsense there?

"There's none?"

"No, it's really two ladies. I didn't react, but when your alliance came to talk with me, didn't you ask what my wife did?"

"What did she do?"

"Hundreds of millions of people."

After that, Yun Nishang’s face is a bit ugly. She has seen Zhao Lianbing. It is hard to imagine such a cruel hand under a woman. At least she can’t do it. If possible, she is more inclined to sacrifice herself to save the billions. People, her nature is not bad, she has never been bad.

"For what……"

"For the sake of my situation, we could tell the old stories well, and it would be nice to talk about the old feelings, but I really don't have that idleness now."

While talking, Xia Yi raised his hand and touched Yun Nishang's head twice. Xia Yi would not let go of any best possible results, just like this time, he hurt Yun Nishang's self-esteem and heart and wanted to restore some impressions.

I said a lot of harsh words, but in the end it was still as gentle as the past.

"Did I disturb you?"

Like a kid who did something wrong, Yun Nishang lowered her head, her voice was a little low, and she seemed to be reflecting on it. In the end, she couldn't really hate Xia Yi. She forgave Xia Yi easily.

"Well, I'm bothering you, but I won't take it to heart, but after this, I will really see you again. I couldn't say goodbye in Yuanjie."

Never...no longer!

"Am I not even a trace of it?"

"There is no possibility, because I have really liked you, and have a good time with someone who likes you. You are already in heaven, why fall into hell."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, Yun Nishang was silent. She would never think of this way for a reunion twenty years later. Xia Yi has changed and has not changed. His way of dealing with things has changed, but he is still so gentle. Yes, because people have roots.

Yun Nishang sighed. She raised her head and looked at Xia Yi seriously. She has the same white hair as 20 years ago. Although it is not so handsome, it is indeed unforgettable. We will meet Xia again in 20 years. Yi's still gray hair also made her feel happy.

"Instinctively wants to wait for you to accept me and then tell you, but it doesn't matter, just treat it as repaying it."


Suddenly, she covered her throat, and she trembled all over, gritting her teeth and speaking forcefully as if fighting against something, her teeth were stained with blood, and she fell so low on her white clothes along her lips.

"The fairy clan...has...xuanhuang coordinates...the vast emperor clan...don't...believe it!"

"The Boundless World League... secretly... there is... a connection..."

Yun Nishang said word by word, Xia Yi looked at Yun Nishang in shock, until her spirit was on the verge of dissipating, she fell down like this, Xia Yi immediately stretched out his hand to let Yun Nishang fall in her arms, at least not let her fall. on the ground.

"Miami, what's wrong with her?"

"Breach the oath."


"So, if you violated the Taoist oath, it seems that she wants to say it after you accept it. I can help her survive the backlash, but if she violated the Taoist oath, she may not be able to go back. I can see the difference, I can guess what she did."

The words of the mirage caused Xia Yi to fall into contemplation, not only because Cangmang had contact with the Jiemeng, but also because Yun Nishang had to say all this, but nothing else, she was indeed rewarded, and she did not waste her own way into the Palace of Yongye. Save her.

"I didn't expect that the immortal clan actually still has this second player, and that's right, there are only eternal interests and no eternal enemies."

"The Sang family is probably worthy of trust, but the vast emperor clan...tsk!"

He killed Baihu 100,000 years ago. He once killed Yueyan in the Metaverse. Now he has hooked up with the fairy clan. Although he has never met, the vast emperor clan is really shameless. Hold the boundless authority.

"There is one thing to say, I think Brother Xia, you have the talent to eat soft food, these women are so fascinated by you, I really don't accept it."

"There is no way for someone handsome, you take good care of her, I'll take care of something."

Ordering the mirage dragon to take care of Yun Nishang, Xia Yi walked towards the back mountain with a cold expression.


The Qingyunzong’s refining workshop was built in the back mountain, and people from the vastness also temporarily lived in the back mountain. Xia Yi did not arrange them in the guest hall. He wanted to wait for the people from the world alliance to arrange it, and Yun Nishang The information provided made Xia Yi directly feel flustered.

Although he believes that the Sang family is trustworthy, it is just that he believes that he must immediately confirm the facts. However, it is really a loss for Yun Nishang to know this. Although Xia Yi is puzzled about how she knows, but these are all It doesn't matter, just ask when she wakes up.

From the beginning, Xia Yi didn't trust the boundlessness, but at least he believed that the other party had the same interests as his own. Even if he used himself, he shouldn't get into trouble, but if he had contact with the immortal clan from the beginning, this nature would completely change.

In the back mountain, the refining workshop was brightly lit, and a scorching breath radiated from the refining workshop. Qingyunzong’s refining workshop was working overtime to produce various weapons. Xia Yi now dominates the East Xuan and can gather the entire East. Xuan's resources, Xia Yi naturally would not waste those resources in vain, he would convert them all into useful things.

Not far from the refining workshop, there are many buildings built here. They were originally built for the disciples of Qingyunzong who specialize in refining. Zhao Lianbing lived here for a long time before entering the Taixuan Hall. Now it is used temporarily. As for the vast guest room.

Xia Yi released his soul power to inquire, and quickly found the information of the Sang family woman. Xia Yi opened the door without knocking and walked in. However, the next scene made Xia Yi a little embarrassed. Barged in while the other party was taking a bath.

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