After the mirage entered the growth stage recently, there is actually a problem.

She has entered the "spring period", and the dragon clan's fertility is pitifully low, and the mirage dragon, a side branch that is cherished among the dragon clan, is even more difficult to give birth to offspring. As long as the mirage dragon thinks about it, its ability to change is not an all-male-female one. The handsome men and beauties can't change without her, they have what they want.

It's just that she knew very well that Xia Yi's stingy scumbag pants were difficult to pick up, basically don't want to succeed, she really wanted to open the meat, but she was not a random dragon, she had to look at it.

"Uh...hehe, thank you so much in a nutshell."

Yun Nishang noticed that there was something wrong with the mirage dragon in time. The **** of the dragon clan is really not just talking about it. It is worthy of being a strong man who can leave blood in all the acquired creatures. It is really different. If you can accept it, dare to go.

This is due to the nature of the dragon clan, and it is not that the mirage has any problems. For example, when meeting Xia Yi for the first time, the mirage skipped the growth period and forcibly entered a "spring period".

It's a pity that I didn't succeed at that time. It's a pity to say it!

"No thanks, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."


Yun Nishang no longer wants to let the mirage stay for a long time because of the slight disgust in his heart. The mirage is now a little calmer. If Xia Yi knew that she would dare to do such a thing, she would not be pressed to the ground and beaten to death. In fact, Mirage always thinks that Xia Yi's younger sister, Xia Shi, is pretty good.

How to put it, after all, in terms of looks, it is the female version of Xia Yi. The mirage dragon who has been in a state of abstinence for a long time has been sickened by Xia Yi.

After the mirage left, Yun Nishang sat on the bedside to reflect carefully. The mirage turned into Xia Yi made her understand her heart. She just happened to meet the heroic Xia Yi at the age of the girl Huaichun. She satisfied Xia Yi's vanity, and Xia Yi also satisfied her expectations.

At this moment, she did not want to admit that her first love was such a superficial thing, but the fact is the fact. The emotions are stripped of all kinds of shells, but the inside is empty. In the end, she defies the Taoist oath but hopes to leave Xia Yi with a strong force. That's all, I want to make Xia Yi more or less regretful for giving up.

She knew that Xia Yi would save her. Until the end, her sacrifice was also a little selfish, but it didn't matter. In the past two decades, she hadn't let go, and even forced herself to not like others afterwards.

When did she become so superficial, she didn't know this, or it was because she was such a superficial woman from the beginning, but only now consciously, her appearance is just for Xia Yi An episode.

If Xia Yi is willing, they can naturally develop further. If they don't want to, they can only let go. Feelings are barely coming.

Taking out the message Yujian, she contacted a person who really owed something to her. In fact, she had been watching it all the time, but she had never admitted that that person was Lin Lun, and what he did was no better than her. Xia Yi did less.

Even compared to her superficial feelings, Lin Lun's feelings may be more sincere.

Two hours later.

Outside the Qingyunzong guest hall.

Guan Li practiced the sword outside the door as usual. His sword skills have not improved recently but have declined, but the core of the sword intent is qualitatively changing. Guan Li feels that he has grasped something, just when he is about to enter the realm. , A noise disrupted his thoughts. He looked back and saw that it was Lin Lun who had come out of Yun Nishang's room.

"Brother Lin, how did it turn out?"

Yun Nishang took the initiative to contact Lin Lun and talked with Lin Lun for a long time. Lin Lun had a dark face and looked very unhappy, even gritted his teeth.

"I can't accept it. Although Nishang confided the truth to me, I can't accept it. She actually feels that she owes me to me and thinks that she is not worthy of me. I can't do anything to persuade her. She seems to plan not to marry in this life."

"Is it so serious?"

Guan Li raised his brows, feeling very surprised, completely unable to understand what Yun Nishang thought.

"She betrayed the Jiemeng and told about that day. We happened to be there at the time. It is estimated that the elders never thought that Yun Nishang's favorite person was Xia Yi, otherwise they would never let Yun Nishang know."

They are indeed the juniors of the Jiemeng, but what happened that day is not top-secret news, and they are all Jiemeng’s own people. Even though they are juniors, they will sooner or later become important figures in the Jiemeng. It’s okay to know. Dao vowed to declare that he would never disclose secrets.

"She violated the oath?"

Guan Li was shocked. He just wanted to use hints to make Xia Yi more or less aware, but then he thought that Xia Yi was not afraid of this conspiracy at all and he didn't say it. After all, Xia Yi's attitude at the time was to simply use the vastness. No matter, how can Xia Yi have complete trust in the forces he wants to use?

Even if Yun Nishang didn't say anything, Xia Yi was just a little more troublesome at best.

"I really don't know what she thinks! Now she can't go back, unless the injury is completely recovered to hide it, what should I do!"

Yun Nishang’s change of heart did make Lin Lun happy, but it was Lin Lun that was most worried about Yun Nishang’s failure to go back. He stood there thinking for a while and decided to go to Xia Yi’s theory. Yun Nishang did this for Xia Yi. For sake, is it so difficult to accept her!

Lin Lun couldn't stand it anymore. Compared to himself, he really felt that Yun Nishang's feelings were more important.

"Find a reason to delay it for a while, Dao injury is really hard to explain."

Dao injury can't be caused easily. It is said that it is difficult to cross the calamity, and there is no Dao injury under the holy calamity, and Yun Nishang is the holy one? She couldn't even summon her, and they didn't know the other possibilities, and the most likely one was that Yun Nishang had violated the Taoist oath. This was the only possibility.

"Said it was other vows. For example, you once swore to be together, but Yun Nishang changed your heart."

"The elders are so foolish? I finally asked, if he doesn't accept Yun Nishang, don't blame me for being too much. It just so happens that the Jiemeng has no reason to kill the Azure Cloud Sect? Isn't that there?"

"you sure?"

"I want him to pay the price!"

Lin Lun’s eyes were a little red at the moment. Lin Lun left the guest hall immediately after speaking. Guan Li turned his head and glanced at Yun Nishang’s room. His heart was quite speechless. Lin Lun had been framed in the Jiemeng before, even at that time. He also felt that Lin Lun did it, but Yun Nishang was willing to believe him.

After that, he proved his innocence, and since then he has been single-minded to Yun Nishang, but is Yun Nishang's belief in him a comfort? Yun Nishang has such a personality and is good to everyone.

"Hey, that's all, I can only hope that Master will sell me a poor face."

Guan Li sighed and took out the transmission jade slip to directly inform Xia Yi of the matter.


Lin Lun came to the Qingyun Temple to find Xia Yi's theory all the way, but Xia Yi was not in Qingyun Temple, but An Yu who was in it told Lin Lun that Xia Yi was on Qingyun Cliff and Xia Yi was in the clan. It's basically on the top at the time.

On the cliff.

A green pine, a thatched cottage, a stone table and a stone bench. This is Xia Yi’s residence. It is too simple and not even as good as the cave mansion used by his disciples. Lin Lun saw him standing next to the cliff when he walked up to Qingyun Cliff. Xia Yi stands with his hands behind his hands, and he doesn't know what he is thinking when he looks into the distance.

"Sect Master Xia!"

Lin Lun called out Xia Yi, with a rather disrespectful attitude. In the face of anger, he even forgot his fear. He values ​​Yun Nishang very much. No matter how Yun Nishang treats him, he hopes Yun Nishang can be with him, but he I also hope that Yun Nishang can have a good end.

If Yun Nishang likes Xia Yi more, he will not oppose it, but will support him with integrity. He has such a personality, even if Xia Yi is already very excessive, he still has to reason for Yun Nishang.

"What's the matter?"

Xia Yi turned his head and glanced at Lin Lun. Lin Lun was not familiar with this person, but he could come out as a guy with good nature, even far more pedantic than himself, and he didn't know how to work around.

"I'm here to talk to you about neon clothes, what are you going to do to neon clothes?"

"She is a member of your Jiemeng, so naturally she is the Hui Jiemeng."

Xia Yi didn't want to answer directly, this decisiveness gradually made Lin Lun clenched his fists.

"But she will help you if she violated the oath! Don't you feel even a little touched? People's hearts are all flesh-grown, and even a stone-hearted heart will at least know how to reciprocate!"

"It's she who wants to say, and I didn't ask for it. Does anyone want to die for me, I must die for him too? Then I want to sacrifice for the whole fairy clan, of course, all the fairy clan is willing to die for him? I sacrificed better."

Xia Yi's analogy is somewhat ruthless, but in fact, the pay and return can never be constant.

"Sect Master Xia, Nishang can't go back anymore! Do you know what she will face when she goes back!"

"I don't know, but what about knowing? Does it have anything to do with me?"

Xia Yi's tone and demeanor all showed Xia Yi's indifference. Lin Lun felt even more heartache when he thought that Yun Nishang sacrificed himself under such indifference. What a wonderful woman Yun Nishang is, why did I meet him? A villain like Xia Yi!

"That means you don't care about the neon clothes?"

"What do you think?"

Xia Yi admitted with a smile that he didn't care, Yun Nishang's hope of living was actually greater. It was he who managed to let Yun Nishang die.

"I don't think you are worthy of being with neon clothes! Even if you are stronger than me, even if you have a high position, you are not worthy!"

"Why am I worthy to do with you? If you are worthy, take care of her. You came here to tell me this? Then you can go away, before I feel bad."

Every word of Xia Yi seemed to be piercing Lin Lun’s heart with a sharp knife. Lin Lun thought a lot, there were many things he wanted to say, there were accusations, questions, and advice. He wanted Xia Yi to change his mind. Xia Yi paid more attention to Yun Nishang.

He can't comfort Yun Nishang. Even if Xia Yi is such a bastard, if Xia Yi can comfort him, he still hopes Xia Yi can comfort him, but Xia Yi's light words completely disrupted his thoughts.

After all, it is never possible for a person to treat the stone in his eyes as a gem.

"You will pay for what you do!"

Lin Lun suddenly laughed, his tone was a bit vicious. He was really not afraid of death. This made Xia Yi wonder why Lin Lun valued Yun Nishang so much, because Yun Nishang had not even given him feedback.

Lin Lun is still ruthless now that he has relied on wishful thinking.

"Unfortunately you can't see it, do you want to die?"

"I originally came here with the consciousness of death! You can never have this realization. Anyway, the kindness or existence of others in your eyes is completely worthless, right?"

Lin Lun even began to laugh at Xia Yi. He wanted to gain the upper hand at this point. Xia Yi also felt funny at this moment. He didn't expect that someone would come and call him selfish one day.

Since he became famous in the realm of cultivation, people will not be stingy with their praise whenever they talk about him. His impartiality has penetrated into everyone's hearts, but is this really the case?

of course not.

His selflessness is his greatest selfishness. He is satisfied with self-sacrifice and feels great. He is no different from Yun Nishang, who violated his oath, and Lin Lun who scolded him at the moment.

The crows in this world are generally black, and they are all the same. The most ridiculous thing is that every crow thinks that they are white. They can only see other crows but not the color on their body. Are they blind? Surely not blind!

Why can't I see it?

Because people are always colorblind when they look at themselves, and the black ones are also white.

"Of course not so, but Yun Nishang is not in this list. If I were you, I would take good care of her and feel worthless for her. You are funny. Do you want her to continue to be hurt?"

"I am for her, she doesn't care about me at all, but it doesn't matter, I care about her, that's enough!"

"So you don't care what happened to me? It doesn't matter whether Yun Nishang is dead or alive. No matter how much you say, it just makes me feel very annoying. If it weren't for your love, you are now a corpse. ."

Xia Yi didn't give Lin Lun any opportunity to reason. In Xia Yi's opinion, Yun Nishang and Lin Lun are better together. Since I didn't want to be with Yun Nishang at the beginning, there is no love for that, so let go Just fine.

Even if it is a woman who has had a deep connection in the previous life, he hasn't let go. Xia Yi knows that they are all excellent, not worse than anyone else, but there is no hope in the previous life to continue the front line.

Because the previous lives know that they can’t give each other a good life, they will only let them die helplessly in pain, just like if there is another life, Xia Yi does not want the next life to have anything to do with Zhao Lianbing and Yun Nishang. Because Xia Yi knew that he was a disaster star.

It is for their good, as farewell in this life.

"Why don't you accept her?"

Lin Lun gritted his teeth and decided to start a battle between Jiemeng and Xia Yi for Yun Nishang. He can do it. The power behind him has a lot of say in Jiemeng.

"I have decided, or do you want me to treat her as a plaything, play if you are interested, and put it aside if you are not? I know I can't give her anything, so I refuse, but what about you?"

"She just feels happy. How do you know if she will be happy in the future? Self-deception, self-righteousness, self-intoxication, do you like it? Great love is boundless, but it's not yours. You are just naive, and I am indifferent. Give her redemption, but you enthusiastically push her into the abyss!"

"In terms of your love for her, you may not be as good as me. Sacrifice for love without seeing yourself as a ghost. Is it unconditional indulgence to be good for a person? An idiot who harms others and harms oneself, and humiliation affects others. Have you ever seen the so-called love obtained by being a scumbag? I can't say it clearly and I'm justified, and it's impossible to save it."

"Huangkou children dare to argue with me, please wipe the milk from your mouth first, get out!"

When Xia Yi said something, Lin Lun was stunned. He whimpered as he wanted to say something, but only felt that his internal qi was disordered, and he was scolded for internal injuries by Xia Yi alive.

twenty one

Lin Lun stood there looking at Xia Yi. He wanted to speak, but when the words reached his mouth, it seemed like his mouth was sewn. He couldn't speak at all. He understood that Xia Yi's words were not unreasonable, and they were even considered the most logical and famous sayings. When I think about Xia Yi's identity and situation, I can also know that he can't end well with him.

Xia Yi's eyes are the borders of the family and the country, but in his eyes he can only see the love of his children. He was silent for a long time, and in the end he couldn't even let go of the cruel words. He turned and walked down the mountain griefly. , Xia Yi has a temperament in him, he lost to that temperament, against that temperament, Xia Yi's eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the depths of his soul.

He couldn't afford any courage in front of Xia Yi. This was not domineering or other pressure, but a kind of crushing on a level. He and Xia Yi were not at the same level at all.

Lin Lun ran away in a desperate manner. Xia Yi turned around and looked at the distant skyline again. The more wars would rise, the more people would care about many things that were originally daily in life when life and death were unpredictable. Bit by bit.

In fact, there is no conflict between the love of the family, the world and the love of the children. It is better to say that if there is no love for the children, the family and the world will lack something. The battle that is willing to give your life can never be for yourself, if it is for yourself. , More or less will try to save his life.

Just like those soldiers who died on the battlefield, they didn't have much national sentiment. In their hearts, they were more of their family members. After the country was broken, the family died.

"Yu'er, haven't you exited yet..."

Thinking of the recent reunion with Yun Nishang and everything Zhao Lianbing had done, Xia Yi wanted to talk to Yu'er. Yu'er could relieve his tension and relieve his pressure. Unfortunately, Yu'er also expected that it would be difficult to leave in the future. , I decided to retreat and want to help Xia Yi.


Only then did Xia Yi discover a problem that made him have to face it. He is very likely to die in this battle, but he is not afraid, because he is a underworld, and he has survived several times almost completely. After coming over, if he goes to the Netherworld again, he still has very high hopes of returning. This is Xia Yi's confidence.

But what about the others?

He had never considered this before. Others might die because of this. He didn't want Yun Nishang to refuse because of him. What about Zhao Lianbing? Where's Yuer? And who also liked his Zi Xiaoyun?

What does he want to do, what he wants to leave behind, he doesn't know what will happen to them when he dies, can he tell them that he can definitely come back? Watching major battles with one heart, forgetting the love of his children, but Xia Yi is still a human being and cannot do without these.

No one knows the family, the country, and the world at birth, but more often they are in love with their children.

Two days later, the juniors of the Jiemeng were about to leave the Jiemeng. No one except Guan Li came to say goodbye to Xia Yi, and Yun Nishang did not come. Guan Li knew what relationship he wanted to maintain with Xia Yi, not too far nor too close. He is a smart man.

Standing on the edge of Qingyun Cliff, Guan Li and Xia Yi stood side by side. Guan Li followed Xia Yi's eyes and looked into the distance. Is Xia Yi always looking at the scenery? What is there to see in the black scorched earth? Guan Li was slightly confused about this.

"Master, can you tell me what you are looking at?"

"I haven't seen anything, I can't close my eyes and think about things, right? And it's unnecessary."

Xia Yi didn't play the mystery, and told the truth. People have three realms in their eyes. Looking at mountains is a mountain, looking at a mountain is not a mountain, and looking at a mountain or a mountain.

And Xia Yi is now in the realm of looking at mountains or mountains, which can also be said to be returning to the basics.

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