Compared with the realm of cultivation, because of chaos, there are opportunities for ascendance everywhere. I don’t need to rely on the magic way. According to the monk’s own Taoism and personality, he can keep his bottom line. Xia Yi only saw the cruel appearance of the realm of cultivation before. Yuan Qing died in Duantian, and inexplicably became friends with Lu Yingli in the follow-up. They met Sang Huai 100,000 years ago. After Tianling's last battle was helped by Jing Yi, Xia Yi saw the truth.

If it’s not for hostility, they are actually very good guys. Perhaps it is because the bottom line in the realm of cultivation is too vague, so people are more willing to abide by their own bottom line, and the bottom line of the fairy clan is too straightforward. It's boring, and it makes people want to break.

The bottom line is something, the first break will make people feel guilty, the second break will make people regret it, and the third break will start to become numb until you become addicted. After all, what you can get by breaking the bottom line is not breaking the bottom line. It's impossible to get it.

"Xianhuan, this black-collar town governor is not a good thing, it's him! It's him who is tempting us, and you are also investigating him. You should know better than us!"

"Xian Duo Fu, do you want to sell us for safety? Don't think about it! You have our evidence, but we still have your evidence!"

"You **** are so arrogant!"

The family members of the Nantian Palace Lord no longer defend themselves in front of the iron proof, instead they turned their guns to pull down the black-collar town governor and die together. Of course, this mentality Xia Yi also understands, but the black-collar town governor’s The guilt is in Xia Yi's hands. If Xia Yi wants to make it public, he will make it public. If Xia Yi doesn't want to, it is not enough to execute Xian Duofu based on the words of these people's family.

"Quiet, anyway, it is a fact that you indulge and help the rebels, and even set up the tribe to get the blood pill pill. It is almost impossible to blame for your actions. Do you really think I don't know at all?"

"I just didn't say! Give you face, you are the relatives of the Nantian Palace Lord, and the Nantian Palace Lord is the hero of our clan. I hope you will accept it if you see it well. If you know your repentance, I originally planned to beat you up recently. Thinking of the disappearance of His Royal Highness Ruyi, are you still human?"

"Are you so greedy that your heads are stupid? What is so obvious? I just sent my hands suggestively to check it out. I have to tell you that I close one eye to you? Then what is my prestige! Forgive you!"

Xia Yi pointed at them in an angry tone. His tone was full of hatred for iron and steel. The family members of the Nantian Palace Master felt ashamed. They have been wondering why Xia Yi didn't check them because of the lack of evidence? So they also secretly prepared preventive measures, but they didn't expect that Xia Yi was willing to let them go.

If they knew this was the case, they wouldn't have to worry about the day when the Dongchuang incident happened.

"Punishing Immortal Venerable, we were wrong, we know it was wrong, please forgive us!"

"Punishing Master Xianzun, we don't dare anymore. We will perform our duties well in the future, and will never do these things for our own benefit again."

"We are so stupid!"

"I still have young children. Our Southern Emperor's line has withered so that only a few of us are left. If we die, who will continue the Southern Emperor's line!"

The family members of the Nantian Palace Lord cried and cried. It can be seen that they are really regretful at the moment, but Xian Ruyi, who has been sitting high above the palace Lord, suddenly spoke.

"Last night, Punishment Xianzun proposed to give you a chance. It also took into account the Southern Emperor's bloodline and various reasons. You also know that the Southern Emperor Formation Talisman is now in my hand, but you don't know that this Southern Emperor Formation Talisman is almost impossible. In the hands of the rebels!"

"The one I put in my arms is fake!"

"Without the Nandi Formation Talisman, penalty Xianzun cannot condemn you to death. In other words, I want to put you to death. Even if penalty Xianzun helps you intercede, it is useless. You know what you have done, and still repent? I will not let it go, I have already seen your true colors, there is nothing to say."

"Only death can repay your fault!"

Xian Ruyi has an aura in her body at this moment. If the army on the expedition does not have an accident, the position of Nantian Palace Lord will not be inherited by her anyway, but it is not that she does not have the ability to inherit, but the rank is too low. NS.

But whether it is from the bloodline or from the family origin, Xian Ruyi inherited the position of the lord of the Nantian Palace.

"Ruyi...Here is the opinion of Xianzun Punishment. After all, you are still too young, and you don't have a long-term view of many things."

"Yes, you see that we usually only oppose you, and we basically agree with the opinion of penalty Xianzun!"

"Ruyi, you are too young to be sensible!"

"Punishing Immortal Venerable, if His Royal Highness is not comprehensive enough in handling matters, we think you are more suitable for acting as the acting palace lord. With our recommendation, you will have no problem becoming the acting palace lord!"

The family members of the Nantian Palace Lord began to lick Xia Yi frantically. After all, Xia Yi showed the intention to forgive them. Xia Yi didn’t say a word and could only give them a helpless look. Xian Ruyi’s eyes swept over those of her former relatives. Faces, looking at them until the end, they are still changing tricks to say that they are not worthy.

But even if they really regretted it, Xian Ruyi didn't plan to forgive.

"Since you have all pleaded guilty, I won't say anything about it."

"Punish Xianzun and put them to death on the spot!"

Xian Ruyi took out the Nandi Formation Talisman, and many people in the Nantian Hall exclaimed. If you want to be put to death, you can go anywhere. Why is it in the Nantian Hall? Is this going to stand up? This immortal Ruyi is usually timid and fearful. Why does he have such courage and consciousness now?

Moreover, she still kills her own relatives and gains her prestige. Changing to another person, she will definitely find ways to protect her shortcomings and will never let her relatives be killed.

The family members of the Nantian Palace Lord turned pale. They never expected that the person who made the final decision on their life and death was actually this little Xian Ruyi.


"His Royal Highness Ruyi, in my opinion, it is not good to be executed in the Nantian Temple. After all, the Nantian Temple was once built by Lord Nandi himself. They also have the blood of Lord Nandi. Let me take care of the rest."

Xia Yi first smiled at Xian Ruyi, soothing Xian Ruyi's emotions, and then turned his head back to Xian Ruyi and gave the Nantian Palace Lord’s clan gazes. Other people also saw this action, Nantian Palace Lord. His clan members instantly realized that this was the last chance that Xianzun Penalty gave them!

Damn it! Are they blind? Why did they not see clearly before punishing such a good person?

"His Royal Highness Ruyi, even if we really deserve to die, but at least in the end, we don't want to die in the Nantian Palace, and we don't want our blood to drain in the Nantian Palace."

"Before we made a mistake, we also dedicated most of our lives to Nantian Palace. We were once a proud Nandi family. Even if you don't agree with our repentance, at least we don't want our blood to dirty Nantian Palace."

"His Royal Highness Ruyi, you take it for the dignity of our Southern Emperor's line. Let us walk more comfortably, die here, we have no face to meet the palace masters under Jiuquan!"

The clan of the Nantian Palace Lord began to play emotional cards, and other people in the Nantian Temple also agreed with this opinion more or less, not that they felt that the Nantian Palace Lord’s clan relatives shouldn’t die, but that it was indeed a bit to be put to death in the Nantian Temple. Too much.

"Hmph, now I start to think about the pride and glory of blood? Why didn't you think about it when you harmed the tribe and me before? It's because you brought dirt to the Nantian Palace, that's why you need to wash it with blood!"

"Punish Immortal Venerable and execute it immediately!"

Xian Ruyi gave orders loudly, with the majesty of a superior, she looked like a little girl who knew nothing about the world.

"His Royal Highness Ruyi, I am honored by the Central Palace of Heaven and I am in charge of punishment, but there are still some things to be scrupulous about. Since ancient times, my immortal clan has not had any descendants of the five-party immortal emperor being executed in the main hall. I think……"

"Punish Immortal Venerable, you are a foreign Venerable. If you don't understand our immortal clan, the crime of violating ethnic unity will be increased! Or do you think that what they did is right?"

"I am grateful that you have helped me so much. From a personal point of view, I will remember your kindness in my life, but the law is indispensable. Even if you punish Xianzun to do the same thing as them, I will put you to death! "

"And this is what you taught me the so-called family, country, and the world."

Xian Ruyi said that even Xia Yi dared to be fierce. Xia Yi looked embarrassed. There was a lot of discussion in the Nantian Temple. People could see that this Xian Ruyi was really not simple at all. She was almost supported by the penalty Xianzun. Yes, but after sitting on it, she started to turn her face. A woman actually took advantage of an Immortal Venerable!

What a fairy Ruyi, she deserves to be Nantian Palace Lord’s most beloved little daughter. She is really beautiful in the fairy clan second only to Xian Yueyin. She is really underestimated. After the Nantian Palace Lord and her brother sacrificed, the fairy If Yifei was not depressed, but instead took over the heavy task.

Her pitiful look before was almost as if she was pretending, and now she is the real one!

"My immortal clan draws upon the principles of human governance from all walks of life. Everyone knows how powerful Xuanhuang once was. It's nothing else. It is precisely because Xuanhuang said that the emperor had committed the same crime with the common people. How can you go to crusade?"

"When I will lead soldiers to avenge my father, who else will believe me?"

"Punish Xianzun, put them to death, now immediately!"

Xian Ruyi issued the final judgment, which is beyond doubt and can not be rebutted. Xia Yi observed the expressions of other people and felt that the plan was very successful. Since Xian Ruyi had to help Xian Ruyi to go up, Xian Ruyi had to stand on her own!

What he wanted was the puppet palace owner, a puppet made of iron, not a puppet made of paper.


Xia Yi took a deep breath and deliberately made a somewhat uncomfortable look. He took out a knife from the storage ring and walked towards the family members of the Nantian Palace Lord. Yi holds the Nandi Formation Talisman, as long as others are willing to admit, then she is the Nantian Palace Lord.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, if you have another life, you still have a bottom line."

After the words, Xia Yi swung a knife gently. This knife cut through the space as if swiping a knife from multiple time and space, slashing everyone's neck. If the sword aura invades the sea of ​​consciousness and crushes the soul, it seems that the injury is not serious. , But it is absolutely fatal, because the wound is not big, so the bleeding is not a lot, but dozens of living people who were still shouting for mercy just turned into corpses, this scene still makes people feel heart trembling.

The history of the immortal family seems to have been turned over a new page at this moment, and the leading record is this moment.

Immortal Ruyi succeeded to the throne, against punishment, righteousness to destroy relatives, and blood stained the South Temple.

"Well, that's the end of today's affairs. I hope you will stop thinking to these idiots that you can escape sanctions by being in a high position. As for the black-collar town superintendent, you..."

"It is said that the reason why Xianzun Punishment was able to rescue me is also the information you provided. It depends on your merits more than the demerit. Remember the third-class merits that Nantiangong alone recognized, and you will become the city governor of Hongyuan City today, but if you are No matter what you dare to commit, I can give or take your third-class skill."

"Yes...Thank you, my lord! Thank you! The villain will definitely live up to expectations and be a good person."

The black-collar town superintendent, it’s not right. Now Xianduofu, the city superintendent of Hongyuan, kowtows his head to thank you. People like him can actually be promoted to the city superintendent one day. He didn’t make any contribution. The next thing, this strange change made him sigh in his heart that the villain can only travel the world.

"Venerable Xianlong, Venerable Xianjun, can you two serve as deputy palace masters?"

After rewarding Xian Duo Fu, Xian Ruyi looked at the two venerables who had the blood of the Southern Emperor, and asked them to become vice palace masters at the same time. The two of them had no opinion, so they nodded and agreed, but they didn’t. What I thought was that penalty Xianzun didn't get any benefits.

This is obviously being warned by Xian Ruyi. Youdao is the master of high power. Even if it is a life-saving grace, the penalty of Xianzun is nothing, but it is pitiful. Many people in the Nantian Temple are watching the penalty of Xianzun. , Punishment Xianzun looked a little unnatural with a smile.

"As for the punishment of the Immortal Venerable, I can only give you the support of resources and the full use of the formations used in the Nantian Temple. After all, you are actually a member of the Central Temple. Please don't blame it."

"Where, I have completed my duties, where the duties are, rewards and punishments do not matter."


A few days later, what happened in the Nantian Temple spread to the other Sifang Temples of the Xian Clan. The performance of Xian Ruyi was unexpected to everyone. How can I say, it is too good, so good that it is not like a person of this age at all, and it is immortal. Ruyi doesn't have any special experience either. If she insists on saying it, perhaps she has experienced the early death of her father and brother and betrayed by her relatives.

However, these two experiences are enough to crush ordinary people. Xian Ruyi survived and grew up in desperation, transformed and gained a new life. It is different from most people of the same age. Although the knowledge and experience are still lacking, the xinxing is worthy of affirmation. .

Coupled with Xian Ruyi's performance when he was assessed at the Northern Emperor Xianfu not long ago, it was obvious that he had touched the threshold of the awakening bloodline, and his talent was also worthy of recognition. Therefore, no one said anything, this little Nantian Palace Lord. It was temporarily admitted.

But to be convincing, Xian Ruyi still needs to do a lot.

In the Nantian Palace, the penalty hall, Xia Yi was checking the distribution of other rebels except the Nantian Palace. Xian Ruyi sat on Xia Yi again and acted like a coquettish, preventing Xia Yi from handling official duties.

"Brother Xian Huan, I heard a lot of people privately say that I am scorpion-hearted recently. Am I really that too much?"

After Xian Ruyi became the lord of the Nantian Palace, the whole Xianjie Yunan suddenly talked about her, especially her experience of how a little girl became the lord of the Nantian Palace in just one year was praised. The core reasons are all said. She is lucky, the time and place are right, and she's ruthless enough.

At the time of the sky, it was the Nantian Palace that only left her a Southern Emperor main line.

The location is right because she is in Nantian Palace and has the Nandi Formation Talisman entrusted to her by the Nantian Palace Lord before the expedition.

Renhe, naturally, is Xia Yi, a young and outstanding Venerable who has returned from a foreign land, is willing to help her.

"There are so many popular people, gossip all day long, just get used to it."

In order to highlight the abilities of Xian Ruyi, Xia Yi deliberately staged a scene where he deflated himself. The effect was very obvious, but it also brought a little notoriety. After all, his punishment of Xianzun is still very respected in Yunan. It is said that Xian Ruyi used the punishment of Xianzun's goodwill, and it is strange that Xian Ruyi was not scolded.

The last thing is cruel enough, that is, Xian Ruyi turned his face after taking office, killed her relatives and made herself the master of the palace. Now some people have put Xian Ruyi as the two strange women of the fairy clan who are not inferior to Xianyueyin. Even Xian Ruyi's voice is higher, after all, Xian Yueyin is only the daughter of the central palace lord, and Xian Ruyi is already the lord of the heavenly palace.

"Yes, I don't care what outsiders say about me, as long as you understand me, Brother Xianhuan."

Xian Ruyi had a deep attachment in her eyes. After speaking, she closed her eyes and asked for a kiss to Xia Yi. Xia Yi felt embarrassed. It was really embarrassing. Xian Ruyi was very enthusiastic in private, but it was impossible to stop after she had already acted. Xia Yi could only continue with difficulty.

I'm sorry, Yu'er, I can't look back anymore.

Xia Yi kept apologizing to Yu'er in her heart.

"Brother Xian Huan..."

Just kissing is not enough to satisfy Xian Ruyi. She actually wanted to do the night’s work under the blue sky and white sun. At this moment someone knocked on the door. Xian Ruyi sighed and immediately stood next to Xia Yi to watch Xia Yi handle official affairs, Xia Yi Then he shouted "come in".

The visitor was Xian Duofu, an unexpected guest. Xian Ruyi was a little upset. No matter who was doing this kind of thing, he would avoid being disturbed.

"Why are you here? Wouldn't you want to give gifts or turn the penalty Immortal Venerable?"

As soon as Xian Duofu came in, he was threatened by Xian Ruyi viciously. The smile on Xian Duofu's face was a bit stiff. He noticed that Xian Ruyi was somewhat disheveled, and he also guessed why Xian Ruyi was angry. Immediately prepared to apologize, but at that time Xia Yi spoke.

"His Royal Highness Ruyi, I called him here. I need to check with him for something."

"Why are you looking for him..."

"Since there is a need, your Royal Highness Ruyi, go back to practice first. We estimate that we will have to talk for a while."

"Um... well."

Xian Ruyi would never refute any of Xia Yi’s words in private. Xia Yi said nothing. She didn’t doubt at all, and simply left the penalty hall. After all, her Xianhuan brother now has to deal with official affairs, so she can’t care about her for the time being. She still understands this.

After Xian Ruyi left, Xian Duofu smirked at Xia Yi twice. This penalty Xian Zun is really capable of heaven. Why is Xian Ruyi used? It's really a big joke in the world, Xian Ruyi's apparent soul has been punished by Xianzun, and now this Nantian Palace is basically the punishment Xianzun has the final say.

"You were seen by many people when you came, right, including my men?"

"Yes, I must follow the decree of the Lord."

"What you have to do next is also very simple. Let's talk casually. When you leave, you look a little smug, just like a villain."

"Oh? I wonder what the lord is planning?"

"Haha...what do you know so much about me? But it doesn't matter if I tell you, have you ever heard of equal rights? I am now a dominant family, and someone has to come out to clean up me, disgusting me, that person is you, I am loyal , You are a traitor."

"I see! Your lord, you want to create the illusion that you are indeed warned by Xian Ruyi, right, and I am supported by Xian Ruyi specifically against you."

"That's right, so you have to step up your cultivation next, otherwise, how can you make a face to my venerable? If you make a little achievement, I will get you into the Nantian Temple as soon as possible, and then I will count on it. You sit on an equal footing with me."

"This... how dare the villain!"

Xian Duofu's vest was a little wet again. This was frightened. The penalty Xianzun clearly wanted to let himself be controlled everywhere, but he controlled everything behind his back. Xian Duofu once again felt how dangerous Xia Yi was at this time, but it was a pity that he There is no turning back, and I can only follow Xia Yi to the dark.

"I gave you the courage, don't you dare? Then there should be rebels coming to you, after all, you have revealed the position of Xian Ruyi, and you are now red and have the conditions to be in a high position. The rebels should They won’t be so stupid to pull you down. They will threaten to use you. You might as well agree to get in and break into the rebels to make a real sense of both ends."

"But remember to be hard-hearted, just say the big deal and die, so that they don't dare to ask too much."

"Yes! The villain understands."

"Don't be a villain, you will be called an adult in the future, you have to change your temperament, understand?"

"That's also in front of others, in front of you, the punishment of Master Xianzun, how dare I be called an adult, I will always be a villain."

Xian Duofu tried his best to flatter, Xia Yi was laughing, Xian Duofu was also laughing, but the smile was unnatural.


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