Even the sleeping girl seemed to be reactivated, and her whole body trembled slightly trying to wake up. Even if it couldn't, Xia Yi put her finger on the girl's lips, and she bit her.


Xia Yi was slightly confused, and patiently fed a little until the girl's eyelids finally opened. She looked at Xia Yi with a very confused expression, her eyes were full of confusion, and it took a while before she recovered her mind and began to look around. .

"Ancestor, you finally woke up!"

The vampire grand prince on the side was so excited that he almost danced to celebrate. The first generation of awakening means that their clan can slowly add many second generations. There is no better news than this. Because their clan is difficult to reproduce, early It was on the verge of dying, and now it is barely maintained by his third generation.

"Well...how many years from now..."

"According to records, it's 80,000 years old!"

The vampire sighed for a while, since he remembered, even his ancestors, the ancestors have been taking care of the ancestors, and in the long years, I hope that the ancestors will one day wake up. Only the first generation, the second generation and the third generation can survive the age. They all have a lifespan, but even the first generation who is immortal and immortal will not encounter all kinds of accidents.

"Has it been so long...this one is?"

The girl looked at Xia Yi. She knew that the blood of the other party awakened her. It was the blood of divine nature, which means that even if the person standing in front of her at this moment is not a god, he is very close to a god.

"The sub-god from Xuanhuang, God Xia Yi."

"I'm not a **** yet, just call me by name, no honorifics."

Xia Yi shook his head. He has never liked to be respected by others. It's nothing more than calling him venerable. He is not worthy of such a name from the gods.

"No wonder...there is the breath of dragon blood. Although not much, it is amazing enough. Why do you want to help me wake up?"

"It's just a matter of effort, and I also have something to ask, do you know the fairy clan?"

Xia Yi paid attention to the girl's reaction. Her reaction was completely different from that of the Elf Queen. She lowered her head and thought, but did not show any disgusting emotions, and then nodded heavily.

"Knowing that they are man-made monsters, combined with the advantages of the various races of our Law and God Realm. Since their appearance, no one can compare with them, and even let the power of the bloodline make up for each other's disadvantages. It is the most perfect bloodline. Bar."

"After they left the Dharma and God Realm, they also plundered a lot of the blood of the starry sky and ten thousand races. They have already become more powerful now. One day of cultivation is comparable to the average number of years of hard work. It is true that everyone is a genius. Their high talents have also made them lose their self-realization since they were young. After all, cultivation still depends on self-realization."

Although the power of blood flows in one's body, it is ultimately his enlightenment, the ancestor enlightenment, the ancestor enlightenment, not self-enlightenment, and the power of non-self-enlightenment basically has an end.

"I am not very clear about the way of cultivation. Our ancient blood races can only be regarded as demi-humans or even half-humans. Many of the Taoisms of the human races are not compatible with our God Realm. The arrogance of the past is also a bad thing now."

No one is willing to give up the glory of blood, because that is the root system, the source of the name, and one of the important reasons for being a person.

"There is no way, I can only say that each has its own advantages."

"Indeed, so I guess the immortal clan is not feeling well now. My blood clan uses blood as the clan name. I have seen today. Although I am unable to struggle, you can still do it."


The first generation of the blood family knew much more than the Elf Queen, and there was a lot of useful information, and even seemed to have surprises. The girl said that she had seen today, so what did she see?

"what do you mean?"

"Rotten, power will also decay, and it will also age. The more refined the power, the faster it will age. This decay is different from living things, but a kind of inevitability under the general trend of the world. It was useful in the past but has no effect today. , The glory of the past has become a bondage, and the decline of my blood family originated from this. My ancestor is the **** of the blood family. He wants to become the true ancestor, that is, the zero generation, but he can’t do anything he tries. Research and tell me that in the distant future there will be a day in which Shinto will be impossible."


Should it be said that he is really worthy of being the ancestor of the blood family? Although he did not know the weakness of the immortal bloodline, Xia Yi knew more important information in a certain sense.

The past is gone.

This is similar to the Nantian Palace Lord's own research on the inability to become a god.

"But will the world change too quickly? For us, one hundred thousand years, millions of years, or even tens of thousands of years is an unimaginable long time, but from the perspective of the starry sky, this is not a snap!"

It was only a hundred thousand years, that the Era of No Emperors turned into the Era of Gods, which was too fast.

"The ancestors also raised this point, but the ancestors think so."

After the blood girl finished speaking, her palm ruptured on her own, and the blood overflowed from it and turned into a blood cell. The blood cell slowly rose diagonally into the air, and then slowly fell diagonally.

"This is the primordial chaos, even the primitive and ancient."

After the words, the blood girl once again controlled the blood cells to rise in a straight line, and the fall was also in a straight line.

"This is us, our Tao may not be declining, but collapse, and collapse in an instant! Does this instant match the flash of the starry sky, the million years in our eyes?"

While speaking, she once again created a blood cell. The first blood cell rose obliquely, and the second blood cell was born from the first blood cell to the peak period, and it rose in a straight line. A blood cell is juxtaposed.

"Climbing is always slow, but falling is always faster than climbing."

After that, whether the two blood cells slide down diagonally or in a straight line, even if there is a difference in the speed of falling, they are all very fast, far faster than climbing.

After doing this, the two blood cells fused together and returned to the palm of the blood girl's palm.

"This is the same origin, blood is thicker than water, do we really have an open sky? Are there so-called acquired creatures in this world?"

After the blood girl demonstrated, Xia Yi’s eyes were wide open. Xia Yi clearly felt the mystery contained in these behaviors, the supreme principle of the movement of the world, even though Xia Yi could not tell, Xia Yi pressed the blood girl’s shoulder. The look in his eyes was a bit fanatical.

"Go on, and then!"

"Uh... there is no more. This is what the ancestors once demonstrated to me when I was ignorant and ignorant. I actually don't understand it very well."

The blood girl apologized to Xia Yi and smiled. Xia Yi sighed, thinking about it, she should not be able to give birth to this kind of thought. The blood **** who failed to become an emperor is really not easy, prophesying Today, I also explained the reason in an obvious way.

"Do you understand the theory of the tide of the Great Avenue?"

"The ancestor knew this theory, but he did not approve of it. To be precise, even if there is a tide on the highway, but the big waves are washing the sand, how can we get back when we are all washed ashore?"

"We were all washed ashore..."

"Yes! That's it. Did your ancestors leave anything useless?!"

Xia Yi shook the body of the blood girl in excitement. People now study godlessness, but the ancestors of blood clan are looking for Wudi from the standpoint of gods!

Who is better, there is no need to say more, because the Fa God Realm does not practice magic techniques, it may be able to look at all this from a fairer perspective.

"Unfortunately, no. The achievements of the previous generations are basically destroyed by the plundering of the church when the church wanted to dictate the law to the gods. But there is another thing passed on to me. Although the power is decayed, the human race is still in its prime. The blade we picked is rusty, why not build it yourself? But it must be fast, it will be too late."


"The predecessors were not able to leave behind the so-called building of new blades, but they left the way to abandon the rust knives and return to their origins. In order to become a pure-blood human race, if you have a special physique, you have to destroy yourself and have blood inheritance. Also forget, become the original human race, and gain your own strength in the time of hard work with the help of strength."

"Our kinship is too late anyway. The ancestor said that the moment we abolish our blood, we will decay directly. I don't want to die, and I don't think the ancestors must be right. The facts depend on the current situation."

The blood girl told me about the studies of the blood ancestors about the era of no emperor. Xia Yi guessed that there may be studies of the predecessors of the era of no emperor in all realms, just like studying the godlessness now, no action. It is the study of future generations without saints.

"Is the law of abandoning blood with you?"

"Didn’t I say that, I was taken away by the church, and it’s not good if I’m still there, don’t you really plan to try it? In order to study this, even our blood race himself ignored it, if he could make a little layout at the time. Now, our kinsmen will not be where they are today. I blame him a little anyway."

"But his research may be useful to the entire human race. He is not necessarily the hero of your blood race, but if his research is correct, then he must be the human hero."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the fairy clan, you awaken me mainly because you want to know information about the fairy clan."

The problem that the blood girls don’t want to talk about in the first generation is that they don’t have to pay anything to their own family, and how to pay to the entire race. The first generation just wants to become an emperor and wants to be enchanted, and even abandon the power of immortality and bury the emperor in weakness. Jie, even Daofah's famous Dao style failed back then.

"Okay, I just want to tell you don't blame him. The relationship between your predecessor and you should not be simple. When you mention him, the tone and the look in your eyes are both nostalgic and gentle, but there are also some blames, as if you are talking about him. A father who doesn't care about himself."

"You...you...forget it, your insight is very good, the ancestor is indeed my father, but I blame him, what's wrong with this? What on earth do you ask for abandoning so many? What's the point of downloading!"

"You don't understand, although you live long enough, this is the human race, and you can die after hearing about it."


In the closed world of Dharma and God, an unknown ancient blood human race sacrificed to explore the cage that trapped the entire human race. He might have been stupid and impulsive at that time, and it might be the same now, if anyone can understand him. Everyone knows what he paid.

For example, Xia Yi.

Xia Yi knew that he must have escaped from the pure racial distinction, and he cared about everyone’s interests. Even if he had his own little selfishness, if he could become an emperor, then he would be right. Unfortunately, he is just like most people. Failed.

But his words reminded Xia Yi and sounded the alarm.

It was Primordial Chaos that grew old, not Human Race, but Human Race did not seize the time to practice, and it would really grow old until it lingered and was hopeless. To be honest, Xia Yi even felt that it might be too late now.

It was time to take action during the Wudi period, but it was dragged to the Godless Years abruptly.

"I have been asleep most of my life. If my views are not comprehensive enough, then I apologize, but I will not forgive him, never."

The blood girl is unwilling to forgive her ancestor, that is, her father. Xia Yi is not good to go on. There are some things that only the people in them can understand. Since you can’t empathize with them, don’t stand and think that you are right. Talking **** on the standpoint, that's not righteous, it's just an idiot who uses righteousness to promote himself.

"I understand that if my relatives treat me this way, I will not be happy, but it is a pity that I am that kind of relative."

"I don't think it's a mistake to insist on yourself. Some things have to be done by someone. Let's continue with the previous things. What do you want to know about the immortal clan?"

"The blood of the fairy clan can gather the power of the same clan. I heard the Elf Queen say that your blood clan can do it too. I want to know this."

"Blood power is right, but we can’t gather blood power. We can just order and gather the next generation or family members and envoys born from our own blood. Moreover, blood power is not a glorious thing, more similar to A blood contract, and a blood contract forcibly implanted."

The words of the blood girl made Xia Yi think about it a little bit. The fairy clan showed a kind of fanaticism when using the means of gathering blood. It was more like paying for faith, using will as a bridge and blood as a chain to connect everyone present. .

The immortal clan shouldn't have a blood contract when each person is born, and there is not necessarily any blood power that prevents the inferior immortals from resisting the pure-blooded immortals. On the contrary, it is difficult for the pure-blood to act on the inferior immortals.

"Will it be a blood oath? Can the blood oath be passed on to the next generation through blood?"

If the earliest strong immortal clan all swear blood oaths without missing anything, it is not impossible that their descendants will also be bound by blood oaths, because this is a restraint, the more a way to protect themselves.

The same clan does not harm each other, and works together externally.

"Yes, but it also depends on the person. Someone must take the lead in doing something, such as using the blood oath as a medium to cast a blood curse."

"Someone from the fairy clan can do this! That is to say, this power is not inherited from whom, but the fairy clan explored it himself?"

"The possibility is very high. I think I should know your purpose. Do you want to find a way to crack the fairy clan?"

The blood girl was very intelligent, and learned Xia Yi's purpose through Xia Yi's questions.

"Yes, so what do you think?"

"The blood curse is the reason. The power of the oath unifies the will, but the bridge that transmits the power is still the bloodline..."

"I think you should go to the only empire. The empire prohibits intermarriage with foreign races in any way, unless you no longer belong to the empire. Trusting the contract can therefore share the power of other people, but the empire has been rumoring that this is just a secret technique, and it is normal for the little elf sister to not know."

"Really? I thought that the power of the fairy clan is mostly related to your ancient blood branch. Is the orthodox bloodline of the only empire far behind the ordinary human clan?"

"The gap is not that big. When the empire was not an empire, it was also a well-known family in the Fashen Realm. The immortal clan should have been inspired by them no matter how you say it, or even relied on their blood."

"Thank you, I know, the only empire... I guess I will go to the church afterwards."

Xia Yi is very interested in the method of abandoning blood and returning to the source. Even if it is equivalent to giving up dragon blood, abandoning Fuxi, or even if the blood of Yanhuang and Huang no longer flows, even the blood of the three great Kaitian emperors, whether or not, will dissipate. The bloodline will return to the beginning.

Back to the era of seeking fire.

The blood of other people is power, or maybe...

It is an impurity.

The power that once wanted to wake up step by step has now begun to be discarded. Even if it is the innate Taoist body, Xia Yi has never missed it. If the first fire will be extinguished, he will let himself go back to the beginning, look for new fire, seek hope, seek...

Open the sky again.

"I wish you a smooth journey, but now that the sealed ancient gods of the Fa God Realm are not out, no one thinks that there is a way to take you. Even if it appears, it will be difficult to threaten you. The broken ancient gods can display the power and The power you can exert now will not be too bad, and will not be so big that it will kill you in seconds."

The blood girl is very grateful to Xia Yi for awakening her. There is no way to obtain the blood of the ancient gods. The blood family has long been not as good as before, and they have even been included in the demons to linger, and the road to revival has just begun. .

If it can be revived.

"I also wish you an early rise. If you need it in the future, you can come to me. I don't mind sending you the blood of the true god."

"Oh? Do you think you can break the current limits?"

"At least there is hope and a way. Even if the church destroys your father’s achievements, I will find a new way to return to the source. Although it is risky, I really do not weaken me by doing that. After all, I I have cultivated the power step by step, and I have not gained much power from the ancestors."

Martial arts and life and death, these are Xia Yi's best strengths, and also the core strengths. The other daos are all auxiliary.

"I just look forward to that day. At that time, I might be able to use you to become a god. At that time, I can also use the ability of my clan that is not a blessing or a curse. I can bestow a few people immortal and immortal. If you don’t want to lose something, My dear ones, I can give them this strength."

"I understand it. I think it's better to have the feeling of catching up from time to time when I die, because then I can feel that I am still alive every second, without losing my will, and I don't want my relatives to covet and enjoy in the endless life. , Killing the will becomes a drag."

The reason why people can grow so fast, to put it bluntly, is because no one wants to die.


The two sides talked almost, and Xia Yi did not continue to bother. Almost everything that should be understood is already known. The next goal is the current largest anti-church force in the God Realm. Although the empire is opposed to the church, this empire is based on Xia Yi. According to Yi's news, it is not a very good force.

It's just that one dictator wants to defeat another dictator.

It can be seen from the name of this empire that it has been fighting all the year round after its strength has become stronger, bringing all the surrounding small countries under its control, and ignoring the distance restrictions with other empires, relying on the powerful combat capabilities of its soldiers to fight across the mountains and the sea. , Finally annihilated the last other empire of the Law God Realm nearly a thousand years ago.

Therefore, the only empire changed its name to the only country, and because this strength officially opened the history of opposing the church. Although the only empire is not a good kind, it is generally more effective than it is. It is also a rule. The empire restricts a lot of freedom. At least given spiritual independence.

"God Xia Yi, there is a news that I have to tell you that the headquarters of the Academy Alliance is in the only empire, and the high-level forces of the empire also have a contract with Longdao. We have the strongest dragoon regiment in the world of law and gods. Many years ago, I heard that they were preparing for a God-killing plan. Although it is not aimed at you, please be careful and show respect as much as possible."

"After all, if you give them a little bit of face, I think they will be respectful, because after all, your purpose is just to ask questions."

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