The realm of comprehension before the world’s recovery is the era of the end of the law, and once it recovers, it is fully recovered, declining and prospering,-a great world has come, and people who can make a name in this great world, and those who have made meritorious deeds are basically all people. People who will be passed down for generations to come.

And everyone, without a doubt, wants to fight in this era, just like Situ's family, like that Leiwei.

Moreover, Xia Yi’s feelings are very clear. He is not a native of the realm of comprehension, and has no subtle influence. Liu Xiaozhou usually has more auras scattered in the mountains and rivers than when he first came, and he came How long has the cultivation world been until now?

It’s only about two years.

"But you are also very big-hearted. As the Void Transformation Period, you actually like a cave-in-the-sky realm.

When Xia Yi was investigating the woman of the Witch Clan, she discovered her cultivation base by the way, which was to transform the void, which surprised Xia Yi.

"Why can't it? Cultivation is not everything, he is very good, and I heard him say that you seem to be the first person in these six small continents, right? I didn't expect that the martial arts king will become a master, and the Taoism of the fairy battlefield is really affected. The damage is too serious, and the Void Deficiency Period is only a life-saving force in the Nanling Region.

"I know, these are only six small continents, but three continents are not like this.

Liu Xiaozhou, Immortal Battlefield, and the world of Liu Xiaozhou were the most damaged, and there was no way for the monks to be affected.

"I know, but it is true that the fairy battlefield left a lot of things worth exploring. Before I came, I heard that the demon clan was moved to the fairy battlefield. I heard that somewhere in the fairy battlefield, there was still my witch. The ancestral world teleportation array in the clan legend."

"The ancestral world of the witch tribe?

"Well, my name... Xuan Huang.

(Come to kA

When the Witch girl mentioned this, her eyes showed deep love.


Xia Yi couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and suddenly burst into an atmosphere.

"Jiu Li Wu Clan?

Xia Yi began to inquire about this. The Jiuli Wu Clan fought against Yan and Huang Emperors in the ancient times. From the bloodline, Xia Yi and the Wu Clan still had enemies, but the Wu Clan disappeared without a trace after the war.) Unexpectedly The realm of running comprehension is here.

"Who are you!

This woman-listening to the word Jiuli, her expression instantly became extremely serious. Among the Wu clan, only the core clan knew the legend of Jiuli.

"After all, I may also have the blood of the Witch clan. There is a term called Li Min People, Li Min is the Witch Clan, but I don't know if I have it. After so many generations of Xuan Huang, the blood has long been mixed.

Xia Yi started to explain on her own that the woman of the Witch clan was surprised when she heard Xia Yi said that she had the blood of the Witch clan. The main reason was that Xia Yi seemed to know Xuanhuang very well.

"You are..."..

"I am a person of Xuanhuang. The entire Xuanhuang is in the era of the end of Dharma. The Taoist law does not exist. It is even worse than the six small continents. I don't know where to go. You will be disappointed when you go back."


"That's even more important to go back! If one day the immortal world comes back, Xuanhuang can just...

Xia Yi immediately waved his hand to interrupt the Wu Clan woman, without letting her finish.

"Don't worry, my Da Xuan Huang Shang is afraid of a fart.

"Go? Go to the Ten Thousand Saints? How could it be possible!!! There weren't that many when Xuanhuang peaked! This is still the era of unfaithfulness?"

"Because there has been a super-majesty, he is called Nuclear Sage, Dao Fa is nuclear fission, forget it, I guess you don't understand it after telling you, anyway, don't worry about it at the moment, you should worry about your own injury first.

Xia Yi didn't expect this witch woman to care about Xuanhuang so much. He, a native of Xuanhuang, fell behind.

"The nuclear saint is so powerful? But it is also-a bit...

"The avatar of the Nuclear Sacred Society."

"But tens of thousands of people... also... and it's impossible to have every clone...

"Anyway, you can rest assured that we are fellow villagers, I will lie to you?"

With a few words, Xia Yi blocked the curiosity of the Witch girl and asked him to explain to the cultivator what science is. Is it possible? None of the cultivators understand science: they themselves are not scientific.

However, Xia Yihao does not doubt the power of the nuclear sage. The nuclear sage is Xuanhuang's most lethal method now, and the most important reserves are sufficient.



After that, Xia Yi chatted with the women of the witch tribe for a long time. Most of the content they talked about was related to Xuanhuang, but the women of the witch tribe didn’t even know Xuanhuang as well as Xia Yi, but that was only a matter of ancient times, but more For ancient history, such as ancient times, the women of the Witch ethnic group are clearer than Xia Yi, and those things are not even recorded.

However, based on the information that Xia Yi has already mastered, Xuan Huang's strength was even stronger than that of the cultivation world, and he was a veritable cultivation world.

But no matter what. The battle of the ancients was too tragic, and the secrets in it were unknown to later generations. Xia Yi used to only think that it was a myth and legend, something made up by ancient ancestors.

And Xia Yi finally asked his deepest doubts under the knocking from the side.

"Xuanhuang was in ancient times, what race is there?

After all, there are three major races on the earth today, and Asians are not the only ones.

"Only I wait for the Xuanhuang people."

The witch woman responded that the Xuanhuang people are a collective term and can differentiate into many sub-races, such as the witch tribe. Xia Yi guessed that other races today are also some big races?

"Then... what's your impression of the blond race?"

Blond and blue-eyed, this should be a very obvious difference compared to Asians. Xia Yi stared at the Wu tribe woman, hoping to ask anything of value.

"Huh? Don't you know?

.Package J

But the Witch girl was shocked, saying as if Xia Yi should know it. This made Xia Yi very puzzled. The Witch girl took a deep breath after seeing Xia Yi’s incomprehensible expression. -A stone.

"This is a photo-taking stone, a photo of the ancient war, just recorded a corner, you can use your spiritual sense to see it.

The woman of the Witch tribe handed the stone to Xia Yi after speaking. Xia Yi looked at the stone curiously. The dark stone had an inexplicable aura. Xia Yi couldn't tell what the aura was. He plunged the spirit into the stone. -The scene immediately appeared in Xia Yi's mind. It was the scene of Sikilling. A monk was fighting with another monk.

"Xianzu! Why invade my cultivation world!"

The monk pointed his sword at the other monk, and the appearance of the other monk was obviously different. He was blond and blue-eyed. He did not answer, but just continued to attack. The picture recorded by the photo stone ends here.

"The fairy clan.

A wave of waves suddenly rose in Xia Yi's calm heart. Is this the fairy clan?

"Anyone who has a bit of knowledge knows that this is a characteristic of the fairy clan, but you don’t know it is not surprising. After all, it’s an ancient matter, and most of the records left are missed in the battle, but you, as a Xuanhuang person, should be clear. That's right."

"'s not surprising that I don't know, Xuanhuang's fault time after the war was too long."

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