Alchemists who specialize in healing can also be called spiritual doctors to a certain extent, which are equivalent to those who specialize in injuries and are highly respected in the realm of comprehension.

After a while, the female disciple who had left earlier bought the medicinal materials, which surprised Xia Yi, because her speed was so fast that it was only a stick of incense from leaving to returning.

"I wish you success, let me know when you are ready to start, and I will time it for you.

It is good to submit the medicinal materials to Xia Yi, and the failures and losses in the refining process will also be counted in the total value. It can be said that this is a comprehensive assessment of the alchemist’s own foundation and alchemy. There are many things that need to be considered. .

The cost-effectiveness of the pill, the speed, the ease of collecting medicinal materials, the effect, the loss, etc. must all be taken into consideration.

"You can start now."

Xia Yi looked at his Pill Ding and smiled. The pill furnace that most people used for alchemy, fewer people use the Pill Ding, and it is more common in the ancient times to use the Ding to make alchemy in the circle of the furnace, and more in the modern cultivation world. It is a stove. I」true bU

Because the advantages of the stove are more and more obvious. First, the circular structure is evenly heated, and then there are many small benefits.

That is the cauldron-generally speaking, it can also be used as an offensive and defensive object, but a pill furnace that can do that is rare. It can be said that the role of a pill cauldron is more comprehensive. In all aspects, the pill furnace emphasizes the special purpose of special equipment, which is specifically used for alchemy.


I nodded my head, and began to count silently in my heart. The timing had already started, and Xia Yi didn't waste any time. He opened the lid of the tripod and poured the medicinal materials into it.

What Xia Yi refined was a special kind of pill that was obtained from the Cangjing Pavilion of the Human Pill Sect, but it was not an Evil Pill, but it met the needs of the Human Pill Sect in certain characteristics.

If this pill is refined normally, there is almost no medicinal effect after it is refined, but the magic of the pill is that it can store the power of the human body’s blood, in other words, it can give the power of blood to the body excessively in this way. Used by others.

The human pill sect is directly refined with human blood to extract the essence of it, but Xia Yi will not, here he will start cheating again.

Xia Yi squeezed his fingers and squeezed out a drop of blood containing vitality and energy into the Danding. He had long discovered that his blood had some special effects. For example, if he took it to water the flower, that flower would be in the evening. It can turn from a seed that has just broken the ground into a blooming flower. It can be said that this blood is not very valuable to him, but if it is to be considered for its true value

Innate Taoism, the blood of the Eucharist, this value is the kind that people who know the goods don't know how expensive it is, and the Taoism doesn't change.

"You are really shameless, bullying others and don't understand the value of this blood."

The Haotian Tower began to scold Xia Yi from the side. For the Eucharist himself, this blood is really worthless. When Xia Yi fought before, the blood flowed a lot, but this was not the same as Xia Yi himself forced it out. --Yes, only what Xia Yi forced out was medicinal, and the wounds flowed out only the most common blood containing a small effect. Xia Yi's realm has not yet reached the point where all the blood in the whole body is transformed into spiritual blood.

"Haha, what's the matter? The inheritance of the Sky Evil Demon Sect is very interesting, especially their alchemists. Do you know among their alchemists, what is the most powerful elixir in the world?

"how could I know?

"It's a special physique, it can be cultivated, the great medicine for living!

"And I am the holy medicine!



It can be said that the pill that Xia Yi refines, the ordinary medicine and the elixir are used as a cover, the core, the most expensive, but the least valuable is his blood.

Xia Yi silently communicated with the Haotian Pagoda using spiritual thoughts, and at the same time, he paid attention to the situation in the pill cauldron. This pill is easy to practice, and it is basically not difficult. After all, the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials themselves are not required, most of the medicinal materials All are just drug primers.


Half an hour later, the pill was practiced. Xia Yi opened the lid of the tripod and pulled out a light red pill. The pill had a faint **** smell, but it was not disgusting, but rather attractive. The sweet smell and the indescribable weirdness made the woman next to Xia Yi extremely curious about what pill Xia Yi had made.

At this time, nearly half of the people on the field had almost finished the pill. Xia Yi handed the pill to the female disciple next to him and asked her to pass it to Xu Yuan. The female disciple took it, but did not leave immediately.

"Xia Yi, if possible, can you tell me what kind of pill this medicine is?

Alchemy masters on the three continents have a deep hatred for the evil ways of alchemy. Therefore, even some alchemy techniques that only touch the evil way have no inheritance on the three continents, so the woman doesn't know what Xia Yilian is.

"Blood Qi Pill, if the injury is not serious, it can restore the original problem of the injury, but its own medicine is not great. If it is taken together with other medicines, it will strengthen the effectiveness of most healing pills, even if it is taken continuously, there is no need to worry about the properties of the medicine. Reduce.

"In other words, take the Blood Qi Pill before taking the Healing Pill, and then you will not be afraid of wasting a whole bottle. The excess medicinal power will be transformed into strength, which is good for fighting.

"oh, I understand now.

The female disciple nodded. I did not expect that the pill from 2’s hands had such a miraculous effect. The value of this pill can be said to be very variable. The key is to see how effective the other pill is taken together, but it does not affect the pill. Will evaluate the Blood Qi Pill.

She took the medicine and walked towards Xu Yuan and explained it to Xu Yuan. After the next step, Xu Yuan looked at Xia Yi in surprise. She was quite satisfied in her heart, but the female disciple asked Xu Yuan again. A few words, Xia Yi is also paying attention to Xu Yuan now. Seeing that the female disciple can talk to Xu Yuan directly, and Xu Yuan's attitude is pretty good, he immediately thought of something. Isn't the identity of this female disciple really simple?

"This kid, he is a master of martial arts, if his blood qi can be overdone to others, the healing effect is really strong, and the power of this blood qi pill lies in repairing. It has the effect of the fourth-grade small pill, which is equivalent to filling the cracks. The injury will not aggravate, and the natural effect of taking Healing Pill will be doubled.

"In other words, the injured person is like a water tank with cracks, and the water will keep overflowing. Taking the healing pills is water injection, and the blood-qi pills fill the cracks?"


The female disciple asked Xu Yuan in a different way, and Xu Yuan nodded with satisfaction after hearing this. This is exactly the truth.

"Yes, the value of this pill is far more than any healing pill under the fourth rank, but it allows him to drill the loopholes of the pill, the martial arts king's blood is really the third-rank medicinal material, but it can't be counted as the value of the medicinal material.

Xu Yuan is a fifth-rank alchemist. When he is in his realm, he has long known the truth that everything in the world can be medicine, including that he himself is a medicine. His blood is even better than Xia Yi’s blood. After all, it is the blood of mighty power, but he Without practicing martial arts, unlike Xia Yi's physical capital, Xia Yi can jump alive even with half a tank of blood, not to mention a drop of blood.

It's just that this is alive and kicking, and it's a little weak no matter what-

More than an hour later, this level was over, and Xia Yishun passed the level again logically. The Sun family alchemist really couldn’t pick out Xia Yi’s mistake. He could refine all medicines to such a value. As an alchemist, he personally I still admire him, but from a standpoint, he still longs for Xia Yi to be eliminated.

"Next to the third round of the second round, the alchemist must be able to clarify the intractable diseases of the human body in addition to the alchemy. Where there are ordinary diseases, the cultivator will also have the intractable diseases of the cultivator. Don't take it lightly."

After Xu Yuan finished speaking, he clapped his hands. Several disciples in white clothes took the four practitioners to the alchemy square. Their cultivation bases range from gathering Qi to transforming Void. There is one person at each level. They all look normal. Many people. I don’t understand Xu Yuan’s intentions, so I stare at Xu Yuan, waiting for him to say a word

"These four people each have intractable diseases caused by different reasons. What you need to do is to understand their symptoms and write down the methods or pills to treat them. They will tell you where and what their symptoms are. Looks like, after speaking, they will let go of themselves and let you use their spiritual sense to explore the chapter.

The reason why alchemists are highly respected is that in addition to assisting in cultivation, the greater role and the initial role of the alchemy is to heal the wounds. The first pill of the human race is the healing pill. It can be said that the alchemy itself is a kind of medicine. Later, it developed into a more powerful orthodoxy.

Therefore, Xu Yuan's move was to investigate whether the famous alchemist did well in the most basic part.

"I practiced the fire technique a few days ago, because something went wrong in my practice, and I almost lost my mind. So far, there is still anger in my body that I can't get rid of. I think I have been poisoned by fire.

The first person to speak was the Spring Realm, and he explained the symptoms clearly after he opened his mouth, causing a strange expression on the faces of the group of alchemists, and they thought they had to guess by themselves!

"I was practicing in the mountains not long ago, and I encountered the strange spirit grass. I didn't think so much when I was happy, so I swallowed it directly, which caused my spiritual energy to run extremely slowly during this period, and my cultivation base fell.

The second speaker was the Qi Gathering Realm. He also explained the symptoms and reasons very clearly. It was poisoning by taking the elixir by mistake.

"I was injured by the sword qi, and I still have the sequelae of that day in my body so far. Once I practice, it will cause the sword qi to cause trouble.

The third one was talking about the phase of deficiencies, and his illness also sounded like the most common sequelae of battle.

"I didn't feel sick. I felt that way, but the master wanted me to come and see. He said that I was weak at origin. When I didn't practice, my body was indeed-very poor,-I got a lot of illness every season.

The fourth person is Dongtian Realm. He also expressed it very clearly, but he was a little bit unconvinced that his illness was not healed. Xia Yi estimated that these were the few people Xu Yuan casually found in Dancheng to seek medical advice, Dan. The city's alchemy is the most developed in the six small continents, and it is normal for people with intractable diseases to come to the city for treatment.

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