Cheng Jie was silent for a while, looked at all the students in Fan, and finally turned his attention to Xia Yi.

"That's that. I've always been generous. How can I be stingy in class gatherings. Everyone is my good friend and good brother. Let's go. Let's go and eat well. I invite you all!"

Cheng Jie smiled generously. People who didn't understand him really thought he was a bold master.

But soon.....

"Except for this guy, I had conflicts with him before, and I don't want to see him now.

Cheng Jie stretched out his hand and pointed at Xia Yi.



Cheng Jie’s idea was very simple. Just find a way to prevent Tao Zhi from getting off the stage. Xia Yi didn’t look good. He didn’t want to hold on to Xia Yi because of his family background and status. He used to deal with Xia at school. Yi is also mainly to embarrass Tao Zhi.

Don't you Tao Zhi want to protect Xia Yi? See what you do now?

"Old Cheng, this is wrong with you. Everyone is old classmates. It's been a long time to gather together. They were all students before. What can I have for you? I apologize on behalf of Xia Yi. I'm sorry, Brother Cheng , Forget it, don't have bad feelings.

Tao Zhi is very mellow, knowing that Cheng Jie is still unable to understand him, immediately put down his body to help Xia Yi, Cheng Jie nodded, Tao Zhi is still sensible, and Tao Zhi is a person he still admires, Tao Zhi is a man Those who do big things, he won't get too silly with Tao Zhi because he even wants Tao Zhi to help himself.

Anyway, he is also an opponent who has fought for three years, how can he not understand Tao Zhi?

As for Xia...

A boring victim in a struggle.

"Okay, I am not a person with a small belly, but you can't apologize, Xia Yi, you can apologize to me again, you may think it is nothing, but you really made me very angry at the time, of course, after apologizing Forget it, we can still be friends in the future."

Cheng Jie immediately aimed at Xia Yi again. Xia Yi raised his head and looked at Cheng Jie. He remembered that Cheng Jie was still insulting himself on the night of the graduation party.

"If you weren't protected by Tao, what do you think you are? I invited you to this graduation party. Did I ask you to come? Get out!

CE Right Notes

Yes, that night, when Xia Yi was just attending, Cheng Jie didn't say anything. He didn't say until the graduation party was about to end. He believed that he had no contradiction with Cheng Jie. Perhaps the only contradiction started with Yuan Xianxian.

Yuan Xianxian approached Xia Yi only because of academic problems, but Cheng Jie became jealous, and finally threatened Xia Yi not to pass the next exam. For Xia Yi, whose transcript was cut at the time, can he agree?

Thus, the two people's hatred ended.

Thinking of these past little troopers, Xia Yi thought that everyone was so old, why are they still thinking about them.

It seems that they can demonstrate their abilities if they can't get off the stage alone with each other-so, a good class gathering has become an ugly show off stage.

Not only the stage is ugly, but the things to show off are also so ugly.

Xia Yi remembered that he scolded badly at the time, and did not say any feng shui turn-like angry words, just swearing, what shamelessness, what kind of silly X, what kind of X you, like being beaten by someone's tail Like crazy dogs.

In fact, he should have been calmer at the time, but how to calm down, after the college entrance examination, the doctor informed his mother that his lifespan may not be a few months, and Yuan Xianxian had been very close to Chengjie that day, so he was in- Feelings, anger, sadness, despair, powerlessness and other emotions erupted at the moment Chengjie said the three words "get out" to him.

He chose to be mad in silence, he did not choose to leave with his tail in his hands, at least...

At least bite him!

That was the first time Xia Yi went crazy. This obedient student, the Xueba who scolded and beat back was like a ruffian-he went crazy. This is Xia Yi, his side as a man, telling them that he is not a mad dog. , But a mad wolf.

Anger to the extreme, will never swallow, will resist to the end.

Just like him who was forced to have no choice in Shun Guo that day.

"Friend? Sorry, I'm just one with a key, you're afraid you look down on me.

Xia Yi remembered these past grievances, and suddenly laughed for some reason, and slowly walked to Cheng Jie, and faced him face to face.

"What do you mean? A joke on the Internet?

"That's right, then do you deserve the key?

"If the key is not the key, you can apologize if you apologize, and leave if you don't apologize. I didn't force you to do anything."

Cheng Jie seems to be quite generous at the moment. This paragraph was newly learned by Xia Yi after returning to Xuanhuang. It is very interesting. It meets Xia Yi's aesthetic standards. Xia Yi hasn't spoken dirty words for a day. He feels like he is going to die. How hopeful he is Let someone scold him, save Xiao Xia Yi, let him say a few dirty words!

"Oh, then you are not worthy?

You are not worthy of these three words-out, Cheng Jie's eyes rolled, and he immediately knew what Xia Yi meant. This was playing with him in a different way. Unexpectedly, after graduation, Xia Yi, who was originally dull, became greasy and mellow.

"Why am I not worthy? How much is your key worth?


"Really? That..."..

Xia Yi cleared his throat and squeezed his throat.

"You, match, how many, put?\'

For these few, Xia Yi’s pronunciation is very substandard. They are all the first sound in pinyin, no doubt swear words. Once this **** is said, Xia Yi immediately feels more comfortable, and he feels like he is himself, no need to pretend to be. deep.

Ha ha.

Cheng Jie laughed twice and didn't say anything. But the expression on his face showed that he was already very angry. Xia Yi yawned. Sure enough, he shouldn't come to show off at the conference. He showed that none of these classmates-one Can stand it.

The same nine-year compulsory education, Xia Yi is definitely better than them.

"Then Chengjie, my words are as simple as that. If you ask me, I still dislike the dirty rice. What kind of stuff are you? I apologize to you for ignoring you. You really take yourself seriously. See me--lu Think I'm in a good mood with a smile?"

Xia Yi now reveals his nature, revealing his nature as an uncivilized scumbag. He is a stinky mouth, and it is more uncomfortable not to say bad words than to kill him.

"Really, then you go away, don't let me see you in the future, otherwise I will see you once...


Before Cheng Jie had finished speaking, Xia Yi, who was standing in front of Cheng Jie, started directly, and he slapped Cheng Jie in the face.

\"Is it hit once? Then I will be hit anyway, I will hit you first.,f

Cheng Jie is a little confused now, what's the matter, why didn't Xia Yi play his cards according to common sense, and actually slapped him in front of so many classmates?

".you you!!"


Xia Yi slapped his backhand again.

"Be polite to me! My name is Xia Yi, not you!

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