Xia Yi repeated it three times in a row. After these three times, Xia Shi was still a little hard to explain, but she silently checked her body and found that there were no traces of wearing or taking off her clothes and underwear. Qi, as a girl, she pays attention to how to wear clothes.

"So what about Zhu Youhua?

"I told him to go back."

Xia Yi replied slowly, knowing that Xuanhuang also had the Situ family, Xia Yi knew that this newly experienced daily routine was about to end. Facing the Situ family, he would rather kill mistakes than let it go.

"Did something happen?"

Seeing that Xia Yi seemed to be in a bad mood, Xia Shi looked at Xia Yi anxiously, but couldn't see any change in Xia Yi's face, and she always looked calm and calm.

"I may not have time to see Dad in a short time, but I will take time.

Xia Yi turned his head, looked at Xia Shi with a smile, and touched Xia Shi’s hair with his hand. Xia Yi had a hunch in his heart, which can also be said to be intuition. He knew that daily life would not last long, so he just returned to Xuanhuang. I cherish it later.

Once his hands were stained with blood, he was not sure whether he could return to daily life, or if he was not the harmless man and animal now.

"Sure enough, something happened!!"

When Xia Shi heard Xia Yi's tone, she immediately stood up and walked in front of Xia Yi, facing Xia Yi face to face.

"Brother, tell me! Is it the trouble mentioned by Zhu Youhua? I know that I am a little attractive. If I cause you to trouble me...



Xia Yi still doesn’t know how widespread the Situ family is. If someone on the other side has real power, such as an official, then maybe

With the worst guess, he will fight the army.

"Brother, what happened!" Yuan

Xia Shi didn't give up, she always felt that Xia Yi was hiding something from herself, but Xia Yi just didn't say, she didn't intend to ignore it anymore this time, but wanted to ask clearly.

"An old grievance needs to be dealt with.

Xia Yi knew that if he really wanted to deal with Situ's family, then Cheng Jie's little trouble could not be left alone. It would be more real to wipe it out directly. Now he has turned his mindset into half a monk.

"What old grievance?"

"You don't need to know, I tell you this, just don't want you to be involved in my affairs.

Xia Yi waved his hand, saying that he wouldn't say it, but how could Xia Shi agree?

"Brother, say!"

"Look at your character, because of this, I don't want to talk about it.

Xia Yi did not get angry because of Xia Shi’s stubbornness. On the contrary, there was more helplessness in her tone. If she didn’t tell Xia Shi, curiosity would kill her, but she couldn’t let her know, so Xia Yi could only use it as much as possible. The vaguest way to warn Xia Shi.

"What happened? Is it the problem on the road?\'

I have to say that Xia Shi still has some understanding of her brother, and the troubles that can't be solved by ordinary means made her immediately think of the gang organization.

"No, but similar.

"I asked Dad, Dad still has some ways.

After Xia Shi finished speaking, thinking that she had already understood almost, she immediately took out the phone and prepared to ask her father for help. Xia Yi reached out and grabbed Xia Shi's mobile phone and directly shut down Xia Shi.

"Don't ask too much, if you still treat me as a brother, don't involve me in my affairs!"

Xia Yi didn't want Xia Shi to know that he was a butcher, and he didn't want to let his sister know that his hands were stained with blood. At least in Xia Shi's mind, Xia Yi wanted to maintain the image of a simple brother.

Abide by discipline and law, with integrity and kindness.

"How could it be! Stupid brother! You know that the more you say that, the more worried I will be!"

"But I won't tell you? If I don't tell you, you can rest assured?"

That’s impossible. Without warning Xia Shi, she will only do stupid things based on her understanding. To use the simplest analogy, in Xia Shi’s eyes, human life is critical, and human life is the most important thing, and she feels that nothing happens. It will be life-threatening.

But in Xia Yi's eyes, righteousness is important to K's own judgment. The enemy is a monk just like him. The monk has a natural contempt for mortals, just like humans treat pets.

People who abuse pets will jump out to get justice, but in essence, can people who can do this kind of thing be so easily affected by so-called justice?

The goodness of the monk is very pure, and the evil is also very pure.

To save or kill, but a difference in thought.

That's why Xia Yi wanted to be a mortal, and didn't want to be affected by the cultivator's mentality. Power could achieve him and destroy him. From the mortal to the immortal, it is easy, and from the immortal to the mortal, it is difficult.

"Brother! It's appropriate to share with your family, such as sharing the pressure with me. Is it really okay for you to force yourself like this?"

Xia Shi has become accustomed to Xia Yi's character, and Xia Yi is indeed a person who likes to force herself to do things.

"Do you think I am forcing myself this time?"

Xia Yi sighed and looked into Xia Shi's eyes. Xia Shi is still a mortal, too fragile,-once he dies, he can't pull it back. Xia Shi only needs to live in the light.

Xia Shi pondered for a moment, and finally nodded firmly in her eyes. She smiled sweetly, and made no secret of her concern for Xia Yi. She felt that if she and Xia Yi's identities were reversed when she was a child, Xia Yi would definitely be several times more successful than her now. .

In Xia Shi’s eyes, Xia Yi will always be the brave brother. Xia Yi fell silent, thinking that he should not rush to reunite with his parents and sister since he returned to Xuanhuang, but reunion with relatives is so sensible. Goodbye, he couldn't help it...

I don't want to watch Xia Shi and her parents worry about herself anymore.

In the final analysis, it is also because of this that conceal everything related to the cultivator.

But fortunately, Xia Yi's Dao Heart has been fulfilled, and this matter makes him distressed, but it doesn't make him confused.

"...I am not me anymore...

"Don't look at me from your previous views, now I am your ideal me.

"The real... is far different than you think."

At the very least, Xia Yi was sure that Xia Shi would not think that she was capable of killing people, but what she had in her hands...Totally, it would not be too much to describe it as a river of blood.

Xia Shi squeezed her fist, and the more she thought that Xia Yi was doing her best because of the past, she thought she looked down on him and wanted to prove it in front of her.

But Xia Shi, who was born with this idea, didn't even notice this. She actually looked down on Xia Yi the most and didn't want to trust Xia Yi as a man.


Fade away

In summer night, the cool breeze blows on the riverside, so many people are happy to take a walk on the riverside after a full meal.

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