Suddenly he didn't know what he was going crazy, and rushed towards Xia Yi. Xia Yi flashed slightly, his heart was extremely speechless. This person's sanity had almost collapsed, but Xia Yi thought so too,-a collapsed person suddenly saw one Pretty girl, it's not weird to do anything bad, isn't it?

The blame is that I have taken a girl from the house. I knew I should take the house-a middle-aged uncle, but the Situ family wanted to arrest the girl. What method does he have to take away the middle-aged uncle?

After the boy’s movements were avoided by Xia Yi, he turned around and pounced on Xia Yi again. Xia Yi knew that he could no longer communicate in words.

"You're so cool, give me dizziness!"

Xia Yi flashed sideways, flew up and kicked him in the neck. The position was very precise, causing the boy to instantly lose consciousness and collapse. After he fell, Xia Yi raised his head and many ghosts appeared in front of him. This Oji

There are headless people, those who lack arms and legs, and they are covered in blood. They are terrifying and terrifying anyway, but Xia Yi's eyes have always been calm, as if they were commonplace.

"Okay, it's time to do business next."

He wanted to see how many secrets were hidden in this deserted village. The ghosts were not surprised when they saw Xia Yi, and they were a little puzzled until Xia Yi came to the side of a red-clothed headless ghost.

"Brother, lend me your life and pay you back in your next life.

Xia Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The instant that the red headless ghost was touched by Xia Yi, his soul flew away, and his soul power was absorbed by Xia Yi. The surrounding ghost repairers were all stunned. They were wondering how this little girl would respond. thing!

The next moment, Xia Yi answered them.

I saw the girl’s body suddenly fell, and from the girl’s body a gleaming transparent person flew out. This transparent person was almost entirely constructed from soul power. It already exists and is visible to the naked eye, unlike these ghosts. , Don’t use illusion to confuse people, others can’t see him at all

The ghosts just stared at the spirits that emerged from the girl in this way. The doubts lasted for only a few seconds, and then they turned into fear. Yes, they were scared! If there is a body, they will all be frightened. Kind of fear!

The transformation of soul power is real and visible. According to their knowledge, it is the method of the legendary ghost emperor or ghost!

This kind of powerhouse hasn't appeared in at least 10,000 years!!



"Heart Sword, Despair!

Xia Yi’s spirit used his soul power to condense a bow and arrow, and then bent the bow to shoot a few arrows directly, destroying these ghosts almost instantly. For the current Xia Yi, he is fighting out of the body more than hiding. It's more convenient in Su Xiaoran's body.

He now has the memory of the red headless ghost. It really is an important branch taught by True Self. In this deserted village, there are almost all ghost repairs. There are dozens of little ghosts, and there is a ghost king. Sit down, but what about the ghost king?

Ghost Xiu with the lowest cultivation level can't harm even a healthier mortal. He can only use illusion techniques to scare him. Facing Xia Yi who possesses divine consciousness, he is like a candle in the wind. Xia Yi - blow it out. .

So after learning about the situation, Xia Yi decided not to hesitate anymore and planned to directly end the deserted village and search for the ghost of the ghost king.

"Oh? Still want to run?"

The ghost cultivators outside the deserted village were solved. The ghost cultivators in the deserted village instantly felt that the situation was not right and fled out, but will Xia Yi let them go? Of course not!

Xia Yi's divine mind-move, directly block the void, and the entire deserted village is shrouded in Xia Yi's divine mind. If the soul is truly powerful, if it is separated from the body, the combat power will only be higher. If it can be transformed into the soul, it will be even more No body is needed anymore.

"Soul Wave Technique!"

"Three thousand kills, kill!"

When Xia Yi thought, a gust of yin wind blew in the deserted village. It was just a thought. The ghost repairs in the deserted village were wiped out by 90%. This is the absolute crushing of the low-level Wei Xiu by the power of the birth of divine consciousness. Xiaozhi of Death

The fighting method of soul repair is very simple. Unlike the martial arts of martial arts, there are so many uncertainties. Soul repair-dao, if the realm is not as good, it will be completely crushed. For example, if the mirage is like this again, Xia Yi Will be slinged by mirage dragons, but mirage dragons are experts in soul-cultivation-dao.

After going back and forth for a few gusts of wind, there is a ghost king left in this terrifying deserted village, and the rest of the ghosts are all annihilated. Xia Yi has survived the soul catastrophe, and the soul is much stronger than the people of the same realm. , Not to mention crushing these little ghost repairs.

Finally, Xia Yi searched the ghost king and immediately grasped a lot of core information about the true self teaching.

Here it....

He is the person under surveillance, and the other party knows that he is here. Xia Yi is now very grateful that he has taken She Su Xiaoran temporarily, otherwise he will run away before he goes up the mountain.

In addition, True Self Sect is mainly divided into three types of monks, ghost repair, corpse repair, and demon repair. Among them, the most ghost repairs, the number of corpse repairs are also many, and the least demon repairs. They are the masters of the true self teaching. The class is strict, and as the ghost king, he can only reach the layer above his head.

But at least, Xia Yi now knows of several other branches of True Self Sect, some are still such uninhabited villages, and some even have little information about the headquarters and Situ's house in the ancient tomb.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, follow this path, and I will be caught sooner or later, Situ...huh!

Easily thrown away this deserted village, Xia Yi’s goal of seizing the house of Su Xiaoran has been achieved. Originally, he wanted to use Su Xiaoran to let those ghost repairs take action. Who knows that Su Xiaoran has the important information directly, and saves it. It was necessary for Xia Duan to do that.

Just when Xia Yi's spirit was about to return to Su Xiaoran's body, Xia Yi discovered that Su Xiaoran lying on the ground was actually staring at herself.

In this way, Xia Yi and Su Xiaoran looked at each other for a long time. Xia Yi is a little at a loss now. Isn't her soul sealed by herself? Why can she break free!!!

Is it because his methods are too crude?

"Then.... Immortal Lord?"

I don’t know how long it took, Su Xiaoran, who was lying on the ground, stood up and looked at the translucent Xia Yi repeatedly, and Xia Yi was also looking at Su Xiaoran. The sea of ​​knowledge of this guy had unexpectedly changed, and It continues to expand.

If this continues, she will become a soul cultivator!

"What's the matter?"

Xia Yi looked at it for a long time, and couldn’t see why, what happened on Su Xiaoran's body could only be explained by one way of saying that she was not an ordinary person at first, and she happened to have activated her physique. conditions of.

"It's really an Immortal!! Lord Immortal, I've seen everything you do. It's too powerful for you to wipe out those ghosts all at once!"

" can see?

"Yes! I have yin and yang eyes since I was a child, and I can see these things from a very young age, they also like to pester me, but every time they don't know why, they disappear after a while." or Mu J says

"Yin and Yang eyes?

Xia Yi knows this statement. Although such people are rare, they are relatively more likely to appear than special physiques. This makes Xia Yi fall into contemplation. Slowly, he thought of a possibility. He began to examine himself and discover his own The soul power is unexpectedly less.

But the battle just now couldn't consume so much of his soul power.

Although Xia Yi was very unwilling to believe that, even though he felt that he was hitting a ghost, he still used his spirit to forcibly probe Su Xiaoran-fan, especially her bloodline, under the investigation, Xia Yi had the result in his heart.

Yin... God body.


No, it’s not really. It’s accurate to say that Xuanhuang has inherited the blood of the Yin-Yang Divine Body. Did Xuan Huang actually have the Yin-Yang Divine Body? Can pass down the blood, that Yin-Yang Divine Body has definitely been sanctified. The bloodline will have the current innate Taoist body.

But why such a powerful yin and yang divine body did not appear in Xuanhuang's history?

This made Xia Yi feel strange.

"You are born to be able to hell?


"Start by being able to remember things!"

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