The so-called "true", but so!



Xia Yi slowly went upstairs with a gloomy face. He is now almost to the top floor. As long as there are monks downstairs, Xia Yi does not ask why he does not ask the source-law obliterated. Finally, he reached the top floor, and the top floor seemed to be dedicated to someone. The meeting room has only one entrance, which is a wooden door.

At the moment when Xia Yi reached the top floor, he actually tried to obliterate with divine consciousness, but was blocked by the opponent. There was a master but only a master, compared to the group of obliterated monks downstairs.

Xia Yi opened the door. There was a lot of space inside, but there were very few items. There was no sofa. There was only a desk and chair. There were two people in this room. One of them was a foreigner, and that of the foreigner. Dark skin, very strong, with a bald head, tattoos on his arms, skulls and pistols, the foreigner immediately spoke in English with a middle-aged man who looked very old. The old middle-aged man also shook his head in doubt.

"Your Excellency, why use soul consciousness to visit me, don't you know it's impolite!"

The middle-aged man who was very old saw Xia Yi. He looked young, but he didn't worry about Xia Yi. He didn't know what happened downstairs. If he knew it, he would never be so calm.

"I don't know, so are you the top of the true self teaching?"

Xia Yi didn't care about anything else, only this point. When the old middle-aged man heard Xia Yi say the three words "True Self-Teaching", the expression in his eyes was very plain, not surprising. Xia Yi was also a monk in his opinion. How could it be possible to come here without knowing it.

"I'm the real I teach Zuo Hufa Mo Ming, you can call me Mo Lao, no one will go on for a long time.

The apparently old middle-aged man is obviously a person with identity,-he blew himself up when he came up. Many Xuanhuang cultivators in this branch know that, but because in the city center, there has never been a person who has been a problem, so he is now I felt that Xia Yi probably wanted to talk to him about something, and he didn't even know that the death god's sickle had been placed on his neck.

"Is that right? Isn't the right guardian called wonderful?

As soon as Xia Yi heard that the Zuo Hufa taught by the true self was called Mo Ming, he asked this sentence, inexplicably--listen, his eyes became a lot colder, because he felt Xia Yi treat him from this sentence. Disrespect, that means that the other party should be the enemy.

"Which junior are you! If you don't say it clearly today, be careful not to go back."

After Mo Ming finished speaking, he gave the foreigner next to him a look. The foreigner immediately took it out with a grinning---pointed the white pistol at Xia Yi's head. The monk is strong, but the monk who can fight firearms is not Xia at all. A monk of Yi's age can do it. He expects that Xia Yi will only have a few stages of qi cultivation at most.

"Me? Xia Yi, just an unknown junior, today I want to...".


When Mo Ming heard Xia Yi's self-reported name, he shouted sharply, as if he knew about Xia Yi. The foreigner did not hesitate, and immediately pulled the trigger.



Because Xia Yi was completely unsuspecting, he forgot to defend, and was hit by a bullet on his forehead, causing Xia Yi's head to shake back.

"I said,...well.

Xia Yi’s words have not been finished yet, and again, a bullet hit Xia Yi’s mouth. That pistol was much more powerful than a normal pistol. Xia Duan, who had played games for several years, knew that it was the so-called Desert Eagle. Caliber pistol.

But it seems that the feeling of being hit is not much more headache than being bounced?

Until all seven bullets were exhausted, Xia Yi had time to continue the friendly dialogue with them, but before that, he had to take out the bullets stuck in his teeth.

Xia Yi opened his mouth and drew out his teeth with his little finger openly. When Xia Yi took out a flat bullet, the foreigner scolded it on the spot. He had no idea what the **** was this?

Obviously, this bullet hits something that cannot be penetrated. But it turns out that the power of the desert eagle can't break a person's teeth?

Just kidding!!!

Speaking of it, he had clearly hit the forehead before, why this person was okay, he was very surprised at the time, and it was not until the bullets were exhausted that he realized that the seemingly honest young man in front of him had mysterious and unpredictable abilities. Work "area

"Refiner... Qi person?"

He asked Mo Ming next to him in unfamiliar Chinese. Mo Ming nodded after hearing this. He already wanted to run away. He still can't forget the scene a few days ago.

Xia Yi’s younger sister, Xia Shi, was arrested, and she seemed to be watching the scenery-so she appreciated the environment here. When he and Lord Situ mentioned that she was going to use her for double repairs, she was still posing with her head in her arms. The feeling of being able to come.

Later, in order not to disturb Master Situ, he left directly. Later, he received a call that Xia Shi was actually a monk, and Master Situ asked him to shrink all the forces of True Self Teaching outside and strictly forbid the core personnel to go out. He also did this this time. In order to discuss business, there is no other way to come, but in the end, he still has a Tao. Then, is this Xia Yi changed from Xia Shi that day?

No, Master Situ said that the Xia poem that day was a certain legendary existence change, that is, the beast mirage dragon. If you can catch the dried blood, it is definitely the best tonic, and the Situ family is already plotting to catch it. Catch the mirage dragon, if it is true, you have to notify the Situ family immediately now!

"By the way, do you know how the Situ family is going? I will ask for directions, but I guess you won't say it anyway. I'm still searching for souls.



Xia Yi spoke slowly, Mo Ming's eyes turned, and immediately stretched out his hand and took out a message jade slip. Xia Yi was a little surprised when he saw this. He thought he would use a mobile phone, but he seemed to be afraid of being monitored by technology.

"Wait, I'll call the people from Situ's family over!"

"Oh? That's fine too.

When Xia Yi heard that the other party actually cooperated in this way, regardless of whether he was thinking of calling someone to encircle and suppress him, he appeared anyway-a member of the Situ family is a good thing. As the core of the True Self Sect, the members of the Situ family must know a lot of this Mo Ming It's not clear.

Mo Ming didn't waste the opportunity, and immediately used the transmission jade slip to communicate with Master Situ.

"My son! That Xia Shi's elder brother Xia Yi came to the door, and he is right in front of my eyes now!

At this time, Young Master Situ, who was hiding in the headquarters of the True Self Teaching Department, noticed that there was information in the jade slip, and he took it out impatiently to see where the problem was. He didn’t know which force was responsible for the ghost these days, so he suddenly let True My teaching lost two branches.

However, he had received the wind before. The person who did it thought he was secret, but he forgot the satellites in the sky. Through satellite playback, he had already determined who did it, that is, the mysterious Xia Yi.

"Which force is this **** Xia Yi? He can't be better than me at this age. Could it be that he was taken over by an old monster?"



Young Master Situ thought about these issues and read the information in the jade slip of the transmission. After reading this information, he froze for a while and then screamed at the jade slip of the transmission---sound:


How could that Xia Yi be in front of Elder Mo! He had already sent someone to monitor him, and that Xia Yi is now hugging left and right in the bar, how could he appear in the city branch!

"No..-. One of them must be the mirage. This is an opportunity!"

After a brief period of panic, Lord Situ calmed down immediately. He was sure that the mirage was the one who shot him that day. He didn't expect that Xuanhuang actually had a divine beast. Now the entire Situ family is concerned about this matter. It is a great achievement to catch the divine beast !

As for Xia Yi himself?

Neither he nor the Situ family cared that much anymore, and it didn't even matter whether Xia Shi was a spirit body or not. What is a spirit body compared to a divine beast?

So which Xia Yi is the mirage dragon?

Young Master Situ thought about it and analyzed the information he had already learned. Mirage Dragon loves to devour soul power, while Ghost Xiu is composed of pure soul power, so now is Xia Yi who attacked the branch real?

According to the combat power of the mirage dragon, only it can silently destroy the branch of the true self teaching. This is also very consistent. He estimated that the mirage dragon is definitely the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying period, because the current earth is impossible. With the **** of transformation, the Situ family can only catch it with all their strength, but the benefits of catching it are self-evident, the beast of the Yuan Ying stage!

If it can get its essence and blood, the white 8 soars, the improvement of the cultivation base will be like a play, and the mirage dragon is strong in the soul, if the corpse repair that is not easy to be confused is sent to solve it, it is almost safe.

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