"Yes, no, there are no immortals in the world, only stronger people. In short, you don't need to ask more about me."

Xia Shi nodded obediently. C How dare she ask more now? She knows that besides her brother, she is also a **** who can't destroy even a nuclear bomb. In the true sense, she can use violence to simply and purely overturn the existence of civilization.



Tianling, Dongxuan.

Fight Xuanzong, within the secret realm of hundreds of battles.

A young girl was holding a white bone gun, and her weak body looked very uncoordinated with the long gun, but she overcame the illusion of surpassing her own cultivation time and time again.

Cold light-flashing, the tip of the gun pierced the phantom. The speed was so fast that it was overwhelming and unable to make any response.

On the edge of the secret realm, Wang Jian Jingzheng and an old man were drinking. They looked at the girl who made the gun, with a look of relief in their eyes.

"Elder, Yu Yan, her current combat power should be enough to rise to the core disciple, the inner door is no longer where she stays.

"I know, but I can't."


"Look at her, she's not good at guns, she can have such a superb spear skill when forced to use a gun. She needs to be calm now, she needs to suppress, not indulge. She is not holding the gun with her hand, but with hatred."


"The Situ family and those major demon sects are not that weak. If she was asked to rush to death, it would be disrespectful to Xia Yi. Didn't you see her when she was seriously injured and dying when she returned to the sect three months ago!

The great elder criticized Wang Jianjing. When he mentioned the name Xia Yi, Wang Jianjing also sighed --0. He could not forget the style of the man with the spear during the Battle of Broken Sky. If he is still alive. According to Zong, the core disciple must have his place.

"I'll deal with You Yuyan. Since I accept her as a disciple, I won't let her go to death.

After fighting the battle, Emperor Xuanzong finished speaking, finished drinking the last --0 wine, and left directly, Wang Jian silently shook his head in shock and returned to the girl.

"Yu'er, your master's business.

As soon as Wang Jianjing uttered the word Yu'er, he was glared at by the girl. Wang Jian was shocked and stretched out his hands helplessly, showing an apologetic smile.

"Yuyan, your master, I still can't persuade him to stay in the Secret Realm of Hundred Battles for a while.

"...The dead old man, Uncle Wang, when will I go out!"

The girl's tone was a bit vulgar at the moment, and she had lost her studies at first glance, but Wang Jian was shocked and couldn't say anything.

"Calm down yourself, your current strength is still too weak, but you are still a direct disciple of the elder, even Xia Yi at the beginning does not know how better than you, you can win - time, you can win two Two times, three times or four times? I often stand by the river and don’t have wet shoes. You want to die early and stay together with him!!"

Wang Jian was surprised to hate the girl a little, but the girl lowered her head, holding the spear tightly and did not speak.

"I'm...but he will scold me.

After a long time, the girl suffocated such a sentence. two

"Stupid! He won't scold you, I'm afraid it's not going to curse me under Jiuquan, and Qin Hong's **** kid also ran out all day to send him to death. I really served you two. That's it. Don't want to go out recently , The young master of the silly dog ​​of the Galaxy Hall wants to lick you all day, let him catch the opportunity, your eldest brother Daohuang Gongzi can’t protect you.


"He dare to risk the world?\'

"What's not dare, you six small continents offer Xia Yi as the savior. You have been on three continents for a while. I respect him and admire him, but the three continents are different. Understand, in short, be obedient, don't make trouble for me, Liu Xiaozhou will need you local monks to develop in the future."

After Wang Jian was shocked, she left the girl directly and left. The girl sighed, looking at the bone gun in her hand and the calluses on her palm, her heart was filled with sorrow. Is this what he pursued?

It's really false. The people who were rescued won't talk about it, but more people actually think that he is a jumping clown. From now on, who would dare to stand up and become the so-called "hero".

Simply thankless!

"Yu'er, don't think too much, practice first. I recently had a foreboding that something had happened on Xuanhuang's side. There was a sign of revival in the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth, and even I had the feeling that I might be able to find a way back.

"Well, I see, Brother Haotian."

The girl slowly replied, and began to practice the spear in her hand again. The illusion reappeared, but no matter how she swung it, she seemed a little uncomfortable.

It's not that she doesn't know how to use a spear, but that she wants to imitate another person's style too deliberately.

"... Brother Haotian, is he really dead?"


The girl questioned again at this moment.

"This is the first thousand two hundred and fifty-eighth time you have asked me, how many times have you said... he is gone, you just didn't watch him die, it's better not to carry this kind of unrealistic hope after all. , That is Netherworld, even if it is not dead, it is now one of countless bones. It is the enemy of the living. Maybe it is swallowing life in a certain realm now.

Haotian Tower's tone was a little angry, he was still angry at Xia Yi's choice.

"Really? But this is also Brother Haotian, you answered me one thousand two hundred and fifty-eighth times. You remember so clearly that you said I was unrealistic, so what about you?

Hmph, you really have to learn something, don't learn the tone of that kid anymore! Even if you die for Xuanhuang, you end up in such a small place...

"Selfish! No matter what it means to die for Xuan Huang, you still claim to be his guide at the expense of you. Don't worry, I will help Xuan Huang die again for him!

After the girl finished speaking, she stopped talking to the Haotian Tower. She just continued to practice the gun mechanically. The action of shooting the gun has been similar to the person she wanted to imitate. The gun was shot 100,000 times. If there is a similarity, come to her. That's enough.

This will give her the illusion that he is still by her side.

Haotian Pagoda has very big opinions on the girl, very big, if it weren't for her, Xuan Huang Mingming could be born-a strong man, Haotian became more and more angry and didn't want to, and began to think about the reason for the abnormality a while ago.

It feels that an old friend of its own has revived part of its consciousness. This shows that Xuanhuang's heavenly path has opened. If it is not for Xuanhuang's natural recovery for some reason, it is that after the decline of the world, a new generation of powerful achievements will help Xuanhuang regain its power. Communicate the way of heaven.

But this is actually bad news.

Because this will speed up the invasion of Immortal Territory, I can only hope that people from Liuxiaozhou will be grateful and come to help Xuanhuang overcome the difficulties at that time.

The sleeping Shenlong had already opened one eye at this moment. Although it had seen the world again, there were people with good intentions who didn't want it to wake up.

But is Shenlong really just opening one eye, and is it really just waiting to be beaten?

Xuanhuang, the city in the middle of the night is still noisy, and people are still discussing everything about Xia Yi. This topic seems to have become a major topic of the century. Everyone is extremely interested in this and eager to express their opinions.

Xia Yi walked on the street, behind him was Xia Shi with a curious look. This counts as a trip abroad, right? Although the process is very tortuous

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

Xia Shi noticed that Xia Yi was walking and could not go anymore. He looked up at the sky, his back was straight, and his eyes were cold.

"Look at the starry sky, what do you think it is?"

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