"In this battle, the living side, you die or we are all destroyed:" SE Zhi

"The battle name kills the king, if you die, you are worthy of our respect, but I also hope that you respect us.

After the general said, the soldiers surrounding Xia Yi roared,-this kind of aura slowly spread in the army, Xia Yi raised his head and looked at the six small continents outside the camp. A few of them saw it. Worried, but didn't mean to come up at all. Although I ordered them not to be sent to death, I was surrounded and watched as the main commander. This was also interesting.

As for more people...

They didn't worry about him, and even laughed, judging from their mouths, they seemed to say the words "self-reliance", saying that the North Sea region was self-defeating! They trusted Xia Yi very much and thought that Xia Yi could solve it.

Who is Xia Yi? The hero who once guarded the sentient beings on the Six Continents in Broken Sky City, who mentioned that Xia Yi didn't respectfully call Xia Renxiong, that is, the hero of the people. This time he will definitely guard the Six Continents! They cheered enough.

"Well, I do respect you, and your heart to protect the family is worthy of respect.

Xia Yi turned his head and looked at the soldiers in the North Sea again. He became more aware of the current situation of the Six Continents. It is not only the external and internal troubles, but also many people who don't know what to do. On the contrary, it is the young people who have been stopped- Generations, they are more bloody, more worthy of training



No one is wrong, no need to say more, just war!

Holding a gun in both hands, Xia Yi first tried to break through the air, but the great powers in the air were already prepared, and attacked Xia Yi at the same time. The swords and swords all attacked Xia Yi, and the soldiers around him also rushed up at the same time. Siege.

It’s still a bit difficult to see a breakthrough from the air, and it does not rule out the possibility of the opponent’s self-destruction. A forced breakthrough can be removed, but after a serious injury, how much combat power he still has, even if he takes the pill, it takes time to recover, and generally speaking It is best to meditate and adjust your breath after taking the elixir. You can continue to fight as soon as you take the elixir. Then the effect of the elixir will be very limited.

After landing, ten sharp spear points pierced Xia Yi's body, but they couldn't penetrate at all. They could only pick out a few holes in Xia Yi's red shirt. Xia Yi's body trembled, and the force passed through the spear. With those soldiers holding them, they all retreated a few steps, and then Xia Yi turned around and swept, and the ten people closest to him appeared on their necks-blood lines, and they fell down, but soon new soldiers filled them up. Continue to attack.

There is no sadness, no words, only the smell of blood. The Qingzhou Zhongxiu who is watching from a distance seems to ignore their own affairs at all. The expressions on their faces are mostly optimistic. Since your Qingyunzong wants to rule us, you have to behave a little.

For them, Xia Yi did this to convince them of Qingyunzong. The older-generation monks were not like the younger-generation. They were passionate and focused only on reality.



Everyone knows that Liuxiaozhou is a mess, and even Liuxiaozhou Zhongxiu knows that.

They did think about getting up, and now it's also an opportunity. Unfortunately, they didn't stand up by themselves, but were supported. The weight of their spine was all weighed on a walking stick.

Regardless of whether they noticed this fact or not, most people haven't really thought about changing it. Xia Yi now also feels that he may be wrong. It is probably a mistake to let them watch to avoid loss now.

But Xia Yi was also very helpless. It was impossible for them to sacrifice meaninglessly, right? Liu Xiaozhou was originally weak, and this complicated mood made Xia Yi helpless.

And at this moment, there is no time to sigh these, because he is under the siege of the opponent.

He couldn't remember how long the siege had started, but he was killing all the time. When he regained his sense of reason, he looked at the soldiers surrounding him, and the number didn't seem to decrease much.

The dead will be trampled by the living soldiers behind them, and they will even slowly form-a wall of corpses surrounds him, blood soaks the beach and rocks into the sea, making the coast become bloody, and the sun shines on the sea of ​​blood, making the sky a little bit Flushed.

However, this scene not only did not make the soldiers in the North Sea afraid, but further became extremely fierce. The **** smell would make the coward vomit and make the beast angry.



Xia Yi's tense nerves were careless, and he was hugged by a few people behind him. The soldiers in front of him took this opportunity to stab him with the tip of a spear madly, and even attacked his face and lower plate. Xia Yi's heart I was irritable, slammed the person behind him, turned around and wanted to use magical attacks, but he was approached immediately behind him. Apart from the use of martial arts, there was no time to use the magical skills.

Compared with martial arts, it takes time to prepare, even if it is-second, but the opponent will not give it to him when it is-second. The use of-instant eternal and consumes too much, so you can't waste it in the siege. Own aura.

"Emperor Yan's Sky Burning Style!

Xia Yi was helpless and stomped his feet forcefully. At this moment, only the bloodline magical powers were used. Relatively speaking, the bloodline magical powers moved at will. It did not require much preparation time. After using the Yandi Burning Heaven Style, the soldiers around Xia Yi were immediately burned to death by the flames. Xia Yi took this opportunity to take the pill immediately, but the lieutenants and generals who were in the air attacked and disrupted him at the same time. Fortunately, Xia Yi's cultivation base was strong, so he still took the pill. .

In this case, the quality of the pill must be high, and it must be able to withstand the attacks of oneself!

And this kind of pill, Xia Yi didn't have much in his body, and the stock of Continual Life Pill was now less than 20 pills.

Those who are in the air do nothing else, let alone participate in the siege, but are always ready to attack to prevent Xia Yi from escaping and taking medicine. If they participate in the siege and Xia Yi seizes the opportunity, Xia Yi can escape. of. ""Compare

So from this point of view, the other party knows how to defeat the strong with the weak and use the quantity to bring down the strong, and the people of the six continents are so fierce, and the three continents don't necessarily dare to be too aggressive.

As time passed by, the opponent's attack became more and more fierce. Any soldier who came forward to attack him did not retreat. When they smashed their weapons, they bit their teeth and smashed their teeth, and they rushed forward. Use the top of your head.

This is a simple human tactic. Although Xia Yi is now their enemy, he is deeply shocked by them. If the cultivators of Liuxiaozhou have this **** nature, why not be able to rise!

Under curiosity, Xia Yi searched for a certain monk who was close to him, and saw the North Sea region in his memory.

The land of the North Sea is as big and small as the islands. Only the larger land has better ecological conditions and aura. Some small land can not eat enough for mortals, and the North Sea is also invaded by the monsters, that is, the sea monster. , Compared with Lu Yao, the number of Sea-Monsters is larger, although there are fewer strong ones, but once they attack, they will be as dense as insects and endless to kill.

The Kraken, after all, is an aquatic monster, unable to get out of the water for too long, and it will lose its combat power if it leaves the water too far. Therefore, the larger the continent, the more it can survive in the North Sea, while the smaller the continent, the more difficult it will be.

In the severe cold, the **** battle between the Kraken and the countries in order to survive, so that every monk in the North Sea is a real man. They trust the weapons and fists to protect themselves more than the magic, so the martial arts in the North Sea are extremely developed!

Among them, the long spear is the most versatile weapon in the North Sea, from mortals to masters, nothing-not a spearman.

Xia Yi was thinking, perhaps in a sense, the North Sea is more suitable for him now. He can become an excellent general, leading the soldiers to expand and fight for the continuation of their homeland, instead of being blocked by a group of weak people. In front of the audience, kill the real man.

In Xia Yi's mind, in fact, he gradually began to feel that the monks in the North Sea region had more value to live, because they wanted to live!

..... He can't let go of everything in Liu Xiaozhou now, that kind of monk's unruly and pursuit of spells is a kind of spiritual exploration.

So, why fight each other?

I don't understand, but I can only kill.

I don't kill you, you will kill me.

The soldier’s memory was played back in Xia Yi’s mind, and finally fixed on the day he joined the army. The sea monster attacked the local town. He cried and hugged his father’s mutilated body, vowing to find a more suitable one for the rest of his family. The land of survival.

And now...


The one who killed him was himself.

"Xuanyuan split sky style!

Before he knew it, the opponent's attack seemed to slow down. Xia Yi began to use magic techniques. His thinking has stopped. He fought with the true meaning of martial arts and instinct. A ray of sword light flew over, cut off the heads of several soldiers, and sprinkled blood. On Xia Yi's face, he was surprised to find that no one attacked him anymore.

He glanced at him, and there were corpses all around him, panting, standing in a sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain.

"My dear brothers, thanks for your care for so many years. If the six small continents can be occupied in the future, I hope that my family can continue in a more inland place, and I hope to relocate my sister's grave to the inland. I was most afraid of the sea during my lifetime...".

In mid-air, a lieutenant suddenly said to others that the general nodded and took out the message jade brief to deliver the message. After all this, he rushed to Xia Yi, and Xia Yi raised his spear indifferently and hard. -Thorn, his true pill is shattered.

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