But Xia Yima came up with another sentence, just, this made Fang Zhu's heart beat a drum, just what?

"Leader of the Corps, please say, as long as I can do it, I will go through fire and water at all costs."

"It's not to let you go through fire and water, but I don't think you will be reused in the North Sea.

After Xia Yi finished speaking, Fang Zhu was completely puzzled, because Xia Yi was not talking about Mobei, let alone Beidou, or even Beihai.

"Dare to ask the commander of the corps what does it mean B\"=

"I am the King of Donghe, but I guess you haven't heard of it, but you, as a Wen Zhuangyuan, should know that Heavenly Spirit has five domains. To be honest, I am from the Eastern Profound Realm, and I am Dongxuan. Sect Master Yu Qingyun, you can work in my sect.

"Xia Yi on Six Small Continents?

Fang Zhu immediately reacted. Xia Yi's name blurted out. Xia Yi was stunned. Is he so famous? Everyone at the northernmost crime camp knows him.


"It turned out to be Lord Xia, no wonder, no wonder you accepted my request so simply. At the beginning, I also cited your acceptance of the refugees in the North Sea to criticize those powerful and powerful. I didn’t expect to see me in such a place. It’s so lucky. NS!"

Fang Zhu is so excited now, Xia Yi originally had an excellent reputation among Liuxiaozhou's mortal population, which led to the mortals of Outland who were more or less envious of Liuxiaozhou's mortals, and he could meet a master like Xia Yi. , And speaking of Xia Yi's most famous battle, it was naturally the battle of Shun Guo, to avenge the mortals and slaughter the cultivation sect.

Heart R Mu Xiaowan

"Heh heh.

Xia Yi just smiled. In fact, he knew more or less that everything he did would always pay off. At least for now, his name is spread among the mortals of the Celestial Spirit, compared to the cultivator. The great emperor, mortals are more concerned about who treats them better. If you ask the mortal emperor of Tianling and the emperor of Wu, I’m sorry, I don’t know.

But if you ask who Xia Yi is, then they can talk more and can talk all day.

"You are really fortunate to be able to meet Sect Master Xia in the next three years. I began to feel that my choice to come to the camp in the first place was really the most correct choice in my life!

Fang Zhu had already admired Xia Yi before, but now that I saw him, it was even more admiration. Besides, Xia Yi not only promised to get him out, but also seemed to plan to let him go to the Eastern Profound Region to develop. That's right. Anyway, he also saw the gold of these imperial nobles in the North Sea.

He just wanted to make his knowledge useful, but it was a pity that Beidou didn't value his mere mortal, so he would naturally not spare any effort to help value his Xia Yi.



Xia Yi still doesn't know how big a treasure he has picked up. Of course, there is also the reason why Beidou does not know the Pearl. Fang Zhu is basically one of the few people in the North Sea who have a deep knowledge of organs, but Fang Zhu is not. What I know is that Xia Yi didn't expect much from him, just out of pity.

"All in all, thank you Sect Master Xia for your appreciation!"

Fang Zhu is also in trouble now. When he was the number one player in the North Dipper, his status and status were higher than that of many monks. Especially after the improvement of the machine cannon, he became the machine cannon, but also failed. Of course, he would not tolerate this happening, and reported it with all his might, but what he didn't expect was that he was thrown into the North Crime Camp.

Fortunately, he met Xia Yi right here, and it can be said that this is not what he deserves.

Of course, Xia Yi didn't have so much emotion. He was still thinking about the source of the sea monster. He also analyzed the previous sea monster's body, and he discovered it-a very terrifying fact.

Xia Yi, who has received a good modern education, is naturally not bad in biology, so Xia Yi discovered that the siren has no distinction between males and females. How do they reproduce? What’s more terrifying is that the siren’s body does not even have reproductive organs, and it is cut off. The possibility of self-reproduction made Xia Yi think of another structure.

This is the reproduction mode of queen bees and queens.

There may be a mother-mon behind the sea monster, and that is the root of everything. i

"Sect Master Xia, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing Xia Yi looking into the distance, Fang Zhu kept thinking in his eyes, so he asked, wondering if he could help Xia Yi.

"I'm thinking about the source of the siren. Have you ever thought that the siren does not breed with males and females?

Xia Yi asked about this. However, there is a specialization in the art industry. Fang Zhu doesn't understand these aspects very well, but he is also a normal person with a sound mind at any rate, and he suddenly thought of something.

"Speaking of which, the sea monster does not seem to have a jade pillar, nor a waterfall cave.

"Yuzhu? Waterfall cave? You have something!"

Xia Yi heard what Fang Zhu said about that and saw that Fang Zhu's eyes changed a little, but Fang Zhu didn't care. Xueyue Fenghua is human nature, and there is nothing to say.

"Let's not talk about this first, how did the sea monster appear!

Fang Zhu still couldn't think of the main points. Although he was rich in knowledge, he didn't know how to study bugs at all.

"There are queens, you should be aware of this?"

"Ant? Ant!!!"

Fang Zhu repeated the word ant three times, and his tone-time was heavier than one-time. When Xia Yi asked, he understood it instantly.

"The reasonable argument in the dynasty is that the sea monster should be similar to the fish and belong to the monster fish, but this is the case-isn't it that the source of the sea monster is a female demon queen?


Xia Yi sighed. He just didn't say anything to death, but he felt that this was probably the case. Somewhere on the bottom of the sea - there must be a huge and ugly demon queen.


Fang Zhu suddenly covered his mouth, his face turned blue, and he looked a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing but the feeling that I'm eating bugs all of a sudden.

Xia Yi understands the reason for Fang Zhu's nausea. It is indeed disgusting. Fortunately, he didn't use his mouth. The ferocious beasts of the Nanling Region tasted good game. Xia Yi didn't like seafood when he was in Xuanhuang. He was even allergic to seafood.

"But I don’t want to eat yet. There is nothing else to eat in this place. Okay, I want to go to the outermost periphery of Frozen Sea to observe one-down, this is my waist badge, and this storage ring is your resource. , You just let a monk distribute it on your behalf, and you will manage it on my behalf during this period of my absence.


Fang Zhu bent down and carefully took over Xia Yi's waist tag and storage ring. In Fang Zhu's opinion, this was a great honor, but Xia Yi just wanted to find someone to do it for him. He wanted to see it before he came. Now, the frozen sea must have an edge, and the extreme north is south, but there is no frozen sea in the Nanling region.

After explaining Fang Zhu, Xia Yi couldn't wait to go straight to work.

However, the range of the frozen sea was very large. On the third day after Xia Yi set off from the crime camp, the scenery was still the same--the endless flat frozen sea could not be seen at all, and I didn't know when to run.

Xia Yi sighed, looked towards the higher sky, and decided to spend more aura to increase his speed to the limit. Xia Yi broke through the clouds and entered the starry sky in one breath, and then used the steps he learned from Long Aotian. The starry sky moves at high speed, and when you reach the realm of the true monarch, the practice in the starry sky is actually as good as the ground E, but no matter how the monk grows up on the ground, he is still a little afraid of the starry sky.

After flying for another three days in the starry sky, Xia Yi finally vaguely saw the edge of the frozen sea. The deep blue ice had changed a little. Xia Yi returned to the ground and saw the boundary between the frozen sea and the normal sea surface. Even the temperature was somewhat different. When it gets hot, this hot and humid temperature is a little familiar to Xia Yi, and the Nanling region is this kind of temperature.

So is this side already considered the South China Sea?

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