Generally, the number of places near the camp is the highest

"It can give you a fair flame beat a few times, and then slowly lifted into the air, emitting terrifying heat and strong light.

Xia Yi lightly lit the fire with his fingers, and the bamboo in the fire was pierced by the light, and the other mortals and monks in the crime camp were also obsessed-illuminating the crime camp in the extreme night.

Consciousness closed his eyes.

Mik, the heavy snow has disappeared, replaced by the day and sky that are impossible to appear in the north

After they opened their eyes again, many people in the crime camp were stunned.

Hanging in the middle-round the warm sun, the warm sun let less, because the warm sun in the sky will only appear in dreams.

Many people even wonder if they are doing it or someone who has never seen the sun since they were born. The haze in their hearts is swept away all at once.

Whether it is people who have seen the sun before, thoughts and longing, one after another walked out of the igloo to greedily enjoy the sun, while the mortals who had never seen the sun went a little bit, they had the risk of having their eyes on the sun and wanted to see the sky more. The sun.

Even with tears in his eyes, the sun was ruined by light thorns and blind eyes. bokA

Although it’s not the sun, it’s just summer

.......Look, Xia Yi can actually make the Mobei appear daylight and also create the sun, which makes Fang Zhu to repair

In Fang Zhu’s eyes, there are unbelievable people. No matter how high his status is, most of the monks he can come into contact with are low-level monks.

What is the power of the high-ranking monks of Chu? Not seeing it with his own eyes, Fang Zhu was completely shocked by this unreasonable force.

As the saying goes, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, this

"The sea monster is coming, and when they go to defend their enemies, they all look at Xia Yi under the sun,-now I know that this sunshine should be Xia Yi's belt.

Xia Yi yelled, many of the crime camps are very high, but with this warm sun in the sky, even mortals can fully exert themselves and fight against the sea monster in the heavy snow. It is difficult.

Combat effectiveness. The mortals in the camp took up weapons made of sea monster bones and took the initiative to step out of the crime camp to plan and repair

Soon, the siren approached the crime camp. The people who committed sin, they just had no hope of life and were waiting for death, but the sunlight ignited their minds-to fight against them, including those who are lazy.

The only embers left in it. So many means, whether it’s to allow them to celebrate the New Year or to grant some forgiveness, the best means is not

It is not necessary to persuade the evil to follow the good.

Too much for them to see the sun again, even if it’s just



The battle afterwards was very exciting. In Xia Yi's opinion, it was very exciting. This was the first time he saw fighting spirit on the faces of the people in the crime camp. After being locked in this place for a long time, even a normal person will become gloomy and it is inevitable in his heart. Haze was born, not to mention the guilty person, Xia Yi knew that the sun in the sky burning his huge amount of spiritual energy was the best reward.

It’s just not.... It’s a bit of a loss. This round of burning consumes thousands of spiritual stones. There are still countless spiritual stones in Xia Yi’s storage ring at this moment. It is more expensive than simply helping mortals to warm up. Almost hundreds of times.

But Xia Yi thought it was worth it. Even if he didn't say it, even if he was indifferent, he still couldn't save him from death, and Fang Zhu didn't know what nerves he had, so Xia Yi wanted it-put it on The good sword also ran to fight the sea monster. Fang Zhu seemed to have some martial arts literacy and combat effectiveness a little bit higher than ordinary mortals.

The battle ended quickly, faster than any time after Xia Yi came to the crime camp. It was obvious that the sea monsters were the most - times, that is, more people were injured than every time before, but they were also hurt happily. Standing in the warm sun, looking at the dark night and wind and snow in the distance, I was very reluctant to return to that environment.

At the end of the North, just a clear sky is a scene that many people dream of.

"The sun disappears after two hours, so please hurry up and get more exposure."

Xia Yi met the look of countless people's expectations and announced that the sun could still exist for two hours, which made countless people ecstatic, and even more so, kneeling directly at Xia Yi from a distance, this--the real crimes The person is also regretting what he did before.

The atmosphere of the entire crime camp changed so much after the sun appeared. Even if it was only a small point, the rekindling of the fire should be able to ignite the true goodness in their hearts.

Xia Yi smiled lightly, with his hands behind him, he returned to the second floor of the bunker. At the end of the North, the frozen sea was shrouded in darkness and snow. Only a small crime camp was bathed in the sun, and the people living in it were smiling. , Lying in an open place very peacefully, enjoying this moment of sunshine peacefully.

Unknowingly, another half month passed. Xia Yi’s term of office came to an end. He was told by the new corps commander that he could go back. Just like the last handover, Xia Yi took out a booklet and handed it to the new corps commander. Simply told-after some things, I put my things away and prepared to leave. Just as soon as I walked out of the bunker, there were many people living in the crime camp outside. They looked at Xia Yi silently, with strong reluctance in their eyes.

After Xia Yi used Yang Yan to get the sun out of the sun, he issued a technique of ice cold attribute. With this technique, mortals have the opportunity to become monks, kill more sea monsters, and return to the outside world as soon as possible. , Together with the rising of the sun, this technique is the second hope.

"Everyone, the crime camp may not be abandoned, but I hope that there will be fewer and fewer people in the crime camp until the last group of people can leave before the next group, instead of - just stay here.

After that, Xia Yi followed Fang Zhu and left. Xia Yi walked on the ice without turning his head back. Fang Zhu looked back curiously in the middle-everyone in the camp bowed deeply. Thousands of people bend down and bow at the same time; the scale is vast, under the puzzled look of the recruit's captain.

As a member of the crime camp, Fang Zhu knows exactly what Xia Yi brought to the crime camp. It is like lighting a fire in the boundless darkness, allowing the ignorant people to regain some of the most important things. , But Xia Yi himself doesn't seem to pay attention to these, it seems very plain.

Weibei Fortress, the top of the sentry tower.

As soon as Xia Yi came back, he was informed that General North wanted to see him. The military order was like a mountain. Xia Yi was naturally obedient, and Fang Zhu was resting in his camp.

"I can see what you did in the crime camp, and you must know what the crime camp is investigating.

Xia Yi. After reaching the top of the guard tower, the first sentence of General North was that he knew everything that happened in the crime camp. Of course Xia Yi knew this--the fact.

"Knowing people, Mobei is a good place. You can honed a lot of strong-minded and good generals, but it's not always the same-you will definitely be able to honed people who can really achieve great things. General North, you want to use this to select people who can take on great responsibilities. ."


The Northern General slowed his head and looked at Xia Yi’s expression with satisfaction. Xia Yi was the person he was looking for who could take on the great responsibilities, and even if he didn’t need to go to the crime camp, Xia Yi’s achievements in the Eastern Profound Realm could already be enough. Prove it all. \'J巧5T

"If you have no other identity, the next Beidou general of Beidou will have a place, and I will spare no effort to train you. The 30% of Beidou's treasury is under my control, and you will get the best training from Beidou. If you It's a good thing to be the prince of the Big Dipper-pile, I can support you on the throne."

"General Bei is joking, how can I become a majestic master?"

Xia Yiqian smiled peacefully, and General Bei also smiled.

"Gu Qingyun’s sect master and emperor’s status are the same. You don’t need it when you say it. I look forward to the day when you rejuvenate Qingyun. Let’s talk about business. I know your general purpose. I decided to sell you a favor. Gamble-under your future, from now on, you are one of the three generals under my hand. I will give you the status of commander-in-chief of the tenth army. You have a hundred thousand army in your hand and you have the command to adjust."

General Bei-while saying,-while taking out a gold rim waist card and threw it to Xia Yi, Xia Yi took it, and looked at General Bei with a puzzled expression. Is this favor selling a bit big?

General North had a total of 30 legions under his hand, and now he actually gave him one-third. Of course, this was only a name, and General North could take it back at any time, but this name also represented real power to some extent.

This army of 100,000 cultivators could definitely crush most of the sects on the three continents if they were taken to Dongxuan.

"From now on, the 100,000 army is allowed to be deployed by you, but you are not allowed to do anything wrong, and you are not allowed to cause excessive losses. I will not limit other functions, even if you are transferred to the Eastern Profound Realm to give yourself a strong presence.

The next words of General Bei excited Xia Yi, and a hundred thousand troops filled the front. This was horrible after thinking about it. After some weighing, Xia Yi accepted the favor of General Bei.

"I owe you a favor.

Xia Yi bent down and bowed. This was a great favor, which directly resolved the North Sea Region’s daring to do something about the six small continents. Even the three continents would be honest when they heard the news. Compared with the non-existent holy emperor, this one hundred thousand army It is the real facade.

"Well, but after accepting my favor, I don't care about the follow-up. You should be careful about the fight between the princes. If you accidentally die, you won't be worthy of the favor I sold you."

The North General continued to speak; his eyes turned to the direction of the imperial capital. The Seven Big Dippers of this generation need outsiders to slay their spirits.



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