
To the right of Chaotang, a military officer stood up.

"Commander Xia, regardless of so many other things, the task given by General Dong is to destroy the evil demon sect. Even if you don't destroy the evil demon sect with your own hands, you should not speak nonsense. We will not say that you have picked up the bargain, but will lament you. lucky."

"Well, this is F. My luck is really good, then I was lucky to complete the task, and my luck is also part of my strength. If I don't go to the evil demon sect, it will not be destroyed? Who can say that? So shouldn't it also be my credit?

Xia Yi continued to talk nonsense, regardless of whether the military attache's tone was good or bad. Anyway, the person who mentioned this matter was not on his side.



"But it's not what you did. It is a taboo for me to be a soldier. Isn't this enough to prove that you are not worthy of being a commander? Sooner or later you will lead the sergeants under your hand to destruction!"

The military officer had not yet found the point, and continued to try to use reason to overthrow Xia Yi, but Xia Yi never thought about reasoning before going to court.

"Oh, but I'm lucky. If they follow me on the road, they will be tripped by the spirit stone. Who can tell you that? You see that the Sha Demon Sect usually has nothing to do, General Dong-give it to me The mission is gone. Isn’t it a coincidence? This shows that I am favored by God and the army I lead will also be favored.'

Xia Yi continued to talk about his luck and said that anyway, he was not allowed to catch this group of cultural relics and officials to criticize him.

"Can luck be everything!!"

The military attache directly yelled angrily. Few people who believed in luck had a good end. Gamblers were the most obvious teaching materials.

"I am favored by the Dao of Heaven, and I am inborn Dao Body, are you dissatisfied?"

"Bah! Just you? Then I am still the Eucharist!"

"Cut, believe it or not."

Xia Yi put on a stinky face and looked away, making people want to smoke Xia Yi's big ears. How could this person be so cheap?

"Well, all in all, we can admit that the destruction of the Sha Demon Sect is related to your luck, even if you do go, you are the assassin, but the Eastern General also specifically mentioned that he wanted to raise the power of my Beidou army, but did you do it? ?" i out

"It's done, so I said I did it. Otherwise, it's all my luck. You're on my side instead. If you don't thank you, it's too cheap to denigrate me. !

Xia Yi was simple again-he choked off the other side's words directly.

"But you have no evidence, and outsiders can't know that Beidou did it. What kind of military prestige are you doing!

"I still want to ask, give me a thousand people and I will promote your sister's military might, thinking that it is to bully mortals? Let alone three continents, this-boat people passing by my six small continents, under my hands The Qi Gathering Realm cultivator can beat you down!"

Xia Yi stopped talking nonsense, but gradually said that General Dong was not the one. This military attache was clearly prepared, and he knew that Xia Yi would say that.

"This is not the Haikou that you praised yourself. You said you can do it. General Dong is very worried about the shortage of people. Who is the blame?"

"Do you have any evidence that I said it? Is there a photo-taking stone? If you don't have it, you shut your mouth. If you are really worried about the damage to your military power, you can pull me 100,000 people for a walk, and the evil demon sect promises to kneel. To surrender, this is the military might. It is enough for a man to think clearly. You still believe me, you are a pig?"

Xia Yi's words-out, the military officer was speechless, who's called-Thousands of people really didn't think enough.

"Okay, let's skip these first. Since the Sha Demon Sect has been destroyed, we must be happy. Don't say anything about military might and luck. Now, let Commander Xia explain a little bit; why ignore Dong General specially. The prepared celebration banquet leaves, and you don't say hello, or do you look down on General Dong?

At this time, General Dong's lieutenant spoke. The first two questions were stubbornly entangled by Xia Yi and they were over, but this question is not so easy to skip.

"Yeah, I look down on it, I look down on it, dissatisfied? Do I have to look up on him? Don't forget that besides being the commander of the Northern Army, I am also Qingyun Sect Master. Gu Qingyun Sect Master Xiao Mo personally asked me to take over. Why should I look down on him? Besides, I'm still the prince Daxia. It is an honor for me to look down on him, so what if I look down on it?

"But you are now the commander of my Beidou army!! And the general is your manager!"

General Dong's deputy emphasized this sentence, and Xia Yi laughed after hearing it.

"This Eastern Expedition, the North General did not let me go, nor did the emperor let me go. I can only think of him when I go, so I went, but I look down on him now. Do you have any comments? General, I have a relationship with him. Did he give me a spirit stone? I don’t say that I gave him a coolie. He still makes things difficult. Who does he think he is, Lord of the Big Dipper!!"

"The emperor is still sitting on this high hall now. Could it be the emperor's land? The emperor has spoken, don't tell me-a thousand people, let me go alone. But the emperor didn’t even ask why his Eastern General ordered me, the Northern Commander? Then how about my Northern Commander going to your Eastern Army to pull two battalions to fight the sea monsters in the end of the Northern War? I can help if I reach out to the Northern Army, but he shouldn't be punished. If he insists on punishing, I will take it if I take out the Jade Seal of the Kingdom!'

Xia Yi yelled and swears his loyalty to Beidou, and he criticized General Dong’s cross-border behavior. When Xia Yi said this, the meaning of punishing Xia Yi has changed. In terms of speaking, but now if Xia Yi is punished, doesn't it mean that his general power is as great as the emperor?

The emperor turned his eyes when he heard it. This angle is good! It's tricky!

"Commander Xia is right. General East does not have any power to punish the commander of the Northern Army. Commander Xia is going to help this time. Even if he didn't help at all, General East can't punish him. I rewarded Commander Xia. The merit of Mobei is worthy of its name. If General Gu Jidong punishes Commander Xia, doesn't it mean that I am dim-eyed and a faint king!

The Emperor Beidou followed up with another word, which can be said to be dead at once, and then punished Xia Yi to be the Dong general too much, to force him to be a faint lord.

Many officials above the court could only let go when seeing this. Before Xia Yi scolded, they thought that Xia Yi was furious and furious. How could they think that Xia Yi's scolding was justified, and he had succeeded in justifying himself.

"Finally, do you have anything else to say?


The emperor looked at the officials who had nothing to say, and thought that Xia Yi's mouth was so good, he was indeed the master of a sect from scratch. The people of the Eastern Profound Region are actually a little polite, and they like to find a reason for everything. Xia Yi has also been scolded.

"No, Commander Xia said it reasonably, but I have a word that I hope Commander Xia will listen to. It is better to accumulate verbal ethics when speaking for officials, and to curse others for a while, but be careful not to ruin your reputation."

The civil official who first made things difficult for Xia Yi recovered at this time. Although he failed, he still wanted to find the reason to make Xia Yi sick.

"Trouble care, but don't have to. Cursing is really comfortable for a while, but I am not always comfortable when I curse?"

Xia Yi pulled out the wrong theory again, this time it really left the civil official with nothing to say, and there was no more reason to say it.

"The mountains do not turn, the waters turn, Commander Xia is so cherished!

He arched his hand, and then retreated to the emperor, but before he left, Xia Yi said something very cruel.

"We are monks, and our practice is going against the sky. I mean God’s will, and the mountains and rivers must be turned for me! Your words are very reasonable, but they are reasonable. You don’t have a moral heart, so you can’t control your age. Not even Daneng. You may be a qualified official, but not a qualified cultivator.\"=

"In my sect, you don't even deserve a spiritual stone.



After the words, the civil official turned his head and stared at Xia Yi. His lips were moving. He wanted to explain something, but as a cultivator, he could not judge from the perspective of the cultivator. What Xia Yi said was nothing. Flaws.


In the end, he could only leave the court with a sullen snoring, and some neutral officials and officials who were inclined to Xia Yi fell into contemplation. After thinking carefully about what Xia Yi said, it is not unreasonable, but the culture of the dynasty is like this, and they are unable to change it. , Can only use the method that suits the dynasty to obtain their own interests.

To put it bluntly, gaining benefits is not for cultivation, but gaining benefits is the main goal. At this time, it’s a bit of turning the cart before the horse. Unfortunately, there is no way. In the sect structure of the Eastern Profound Region, a disciple can obtain training resources if he performs well. , But they can only rely on tactics

"I don't think the Aiqing has anything to talk about, so let's go down!

The Emperor Beidou raised his hand, and the hundreds of officials under the hall bowed to see off. They left in turn after the Lord left. Many civil and military officers standing on the side of the Eastern General would stop by and threaten Xia Yi. The days are not long. , Xia Yi directly thought that he hadn't heard it.

After everyone left, Xia Yi stayed alone in the court hall. The Emperor Beidou handed it to him when he just left-a look, probably to make him wait. The Emperor Beidou might have something else to discuss with himself. talk.

However, time passed quickly, and the Big Dipper lord who had left before did not return. Instead, a little girl who appeared to be only about 14 or 15 years old came to Xia Yi.

"It's Commander Xia of the Northern Army...".

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