Emperor Beidou's words were neither salty nor indifferent, and there was no ups and downs in the intonation. He was simply telling a fact, even if the fact made Xia Yi uncomfortable.

"Well, I didn't just come to you to complain, you should have long wanted to push me into the struggle of Daxia, right?

"Yes! With the strength of my Big Dipper, help you win power in Daxia, and then you can help us. This is a win-win situation.

"But why do you think I can get Daxia's approval?"

Xia Yi has never been to Daxia, even if Xia Kong unilaterally thinks that he can become a prince, but whether he can become a prince depends on the emperor and even the prince. Dazhen is different from Beitou/the prince of Daxia is sure It is the highest blood awakening level among the younger generation in Daxia.

The emperor asked, Xia Yi felt that this was an unnutritious conversation.

"Give me a little more practical benefit. I am a person who values ​​reality more. Anyone can make promises."

Xia Yi now knew enough about the structure of the dynasty in the North Sea, so he dared to bargain with the overlord emperor.

"I can send you a legion. You can take it to the Eastern Profound Region in the future as your own personal power, and you can send it over now.


After the emperor finished speaking, he took another sip of tea, his tone of voice was very confident, as if he knew that Xia Yi would definitely agree.


After hearing this, Xia Yi stood up with a shot of the tea case. His tone was a little excited and a little unbelievable. The emperor calmly laughed, staring at Xia Yi's eyes and nodded.

"make a deal!"

Xia Yi was afraid of the emperor's repentance, and immediately agreed to this matter. This army not only represented 10,000 soldiers, but also represented Beidou's support for six small continents.

"Okay, then it's a deal. I still admire you very much. Looking at the entire sky spirit, you are still ranked top among the younger generation. I bet you have a future."

"Then you won't be disappointed."

Xia Yi is very happy and excited now. This sudden support is nothing but charcoal in the snow. This will not do any good to Beidou. On the contrary, it will help Liuxiaozhou's back. The emperor made this decision and was taken Impeachment is inevitable, but the emperor still did it.

It's just that-come, Xia Yi can't help but sigh that certain things in the future may not be easy to handle, such as greedy wolves. Even though the Lord of the Big Dipper has done too much to the greedy wolf, the Lord of the Big Dipper is kind to himself. There really is a fight for that day, Xia Yi thought he might help Beidou.



Three days later, Bingyun City, Donghe Palace.

At this moment, the entire Donghe Palace Mansion was rumbling, and the entire Frozen Cloud City was a bit serious. Frozen Cloud City was already under martial law at this moment, and entering and exiting Frozen Cloud City required extremely severe inspections before allowing it to be released.

And the reason for this is because Donghe Wang Xiayi was assassinated, but those assassins were not as skilled as people, and they were all counter-killed by Xia Yi. People sighed Donghe Wang’s greatness, but they couldn’t help frowning. The atmosphere has been a bit chaotic recently.

What they didn't know was that Xia Yi had been assassinated since March 8 when he walked out of the palace. There were four assassinations in Donghe Wangfu today, but Xia Yi found all of them.

"... Brother Xia, doesn't it matter if this goes on? Am I causing you trouble?"

Xia Yi is now lying in the sun on the grandmaster chair he made, and Xia Qing is standing next to Xia Yi holding a fan to fan Xia Yi, Xia Qing is now wearing a black and white maid costume, even With knee socks, Xia Yi was completely regarded as a maid.

"It's okay, isn't it just an assassination? Just get used to it.’

"...Thank you, Brother Xia, for taking care of me.

Xia Qing still understands things very well. She is now completely dependent on Xia Yi to take care of her. Once she leaves Xia Yi, what awaits her is the fate of being captive for blood collection. Therefore, she listens to Xia Yi's words very much. She does what Xia Yi asks her to do. .



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She was wearing strange clothes when she went out, and everyone looked at her with lustful eyes; at this point, she felt that the skirt of the dress on her body was really too short, and others could see the inner shirt if she walked two steps at random.

"Xia Yi, are you too leisurely!"

At this time, Princess Luming didn't know when she returned to the palace. Xia Yi had planned to ignore it after killing the assassin. He had become accustomed to it, but Princess Luming had to take care of it and asked the whole city to strictly inspect it.

"Otherwise? It's a blessing, not a curse, or a curse that cannot be avoided. Anyway, this kind of...

Xia Yi was suddenly shocked as she spoke, her body turned into a fuzzy afterimage, but it soon became solid again, and her cuffs were stained with a trace of blood at some point, and Princess Luming turned her head subconsciously and followed her own. One of the five servants fell, and something else rolled out of his hand, a bottle.

Princess Luming froze for a short while, but she didn't expect that there were assassins among the people who followed her, and she was also shocked at the moment. If the target was her, she would not know where she died. She walked over and picked it up. I got into the medicine bottle on the ground, opened the cork and smelled it very carefully, but the sky turned around immediately in front of my eyes, and she was even a little unsteady. It was Xia Qing's hand that quickly supported her.

"Sister Star, what's wrong with you?"

Xia Qing was a little worried about Princess Luming, because after Xia Yi brought her to the palace, Princess Luming treated her very well, and treated her as a younger sister from the bottom of her heart. This moved Xia Qing, even Xia Yi. It's just kindness to her.

"It's okay, this should be some kind of sex, it's not effective yet...

Princess Luming shook her head and forced herself to wake up. Xia Yi stood up at this time and took the medicine bottle from Princess Luming, and then poured a little into her mouth in front of the two of them.

"The taste is okay, a bit sweet.

After all, just give the powder in the bottle a mouthful, which made Xia Qing and Princess Luming both stupid, especially Princess Luming. She just smelled it and she was a little confused, and Xia Yi unexpectedly-- O is bored.

"I'm a spiritual alchemist, taste it, and see if I can steal the prescription. I already know the composition. I'm bored in the future. I can do something by myself. Then, are you willing to go to the end of the North now?"

Xia Yi made a special trip back to the Eastern Palace to persuade Princess Luming to go to Mobei.-At first, Princess Luming vowed to be very confident that she would not be attacked. But Princess Luming was obviously now, she underestimated Xia. How big is Yi's trouble?

"I will use the teleportation formation to go to the end of the north, but what about you and sister Xia Qing?"

"I? Anyway, I'm fine at the moment. I'm just taking care of the elderly in the palace. There are no orders from the emperor's land. My wife in the Eastern Profound Region takes care of you better than me. You can be safe. Anyway, I, the king of Donghe, still touched you. Light," I will lose my reputation if you die.

It is normal for the dynasty struggle to involve people around him. Liu Xiaozhou is far away in Dongxuan, and You Yu'er is protected by the Haotian Tower. It is almost impossible for the assassin to succeed. In Beidou and Xia Yi, only Princess Luming has a better relationship. NS.

"I don't know if you care about me or your reputation."

Princess Luming sighed after speaking. At first she brought Xia Yi to the North Sea. She didn't expect Xia Yi to get to this position in a short time, and even directly enter the core of the dynasty struggle, and her original status was very high. The status of the marginalized little princess in the dynasty has also risen steadily recently.

The most obvious thing is that many officials have begun to flatter her. Although her vanity has been partially satisfied, the price is obviously quite heavy, but Princess Luming herself enjoys it.

"You have both, you are also a capable person, so beautiful, it's a pity to die.

Xia Yi’s words are sincere. Princess Luming gave Xia Yi a very different feeling. How can I say that she can clearly feel that Princess Luming is an ordinary person who has dreams and works hard for. This kind of person is very real. , Xia Yi also appreciates this kind of person.

"I have to admit that you are very proficient in how to please women. I doubt you are a playboy, but Xia Qing really doesn't have to go to Mobei? I think it's more dangerous to be by your side. pOK5

Princess Luming has been tortured recently anyway, and Xia Yi often disappeared for a while inexplicably. After that, many corpses would appear everywhere in the palace, which was very scary, and Xia Yi did not notify her, and the corpses would not be processed. Is obviously warning the assassins

"You can just go, don't cause trouble to General North. Xia Qing will not be very good in every sense if he goes."

Xia Yi did not clearly explain anything. After speaking, he smiled at Xia Qing, but he seemed to have forgotten Xia Qing's ability. Xia Qing's face became dark because Xia Yi wanted to keep a maid by his side. It's very comfortable, and if you make a mistake, you can beat women upright.

"Well, then, there is just one thing I want to remind you. Compared with Brother Da Huang and Brother Er Huang... be careful with my sister.

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