Xia Yi allowed the spiritual energy to circulate back and forth in the body, and the spirit and energy slowly recovered under the action of the sun. This feeling made Xia Yi feel that he was photosynthesizing like an old tree.

I have to say that the effect of the sun inflammation obtained in the dragon tomb was quite large. Karma fire can not be regarded as fire at all, but a mysterious power, but it has the form of fire. Yang Yan is the real thing. The different fire.

When the aura recovered to a certain level, Xia Yi took out the pill cauldron for alchemy. He asked the barbarians for some medicinal materials. Only in this way could he recover quickly. He is no longer a low-level monk, and recovery is no longer a simple one. It takes a lot of energy to make pills or what you can do after lying down for a few days.

This life of basking in the sun every day and practicing pill medicine lasted for more than half a month, and Xia Yi almost recovered his loss. Among them, the pill was the greatest contribution. If there is no pill, I am afraid that there will be no half a year if I only rely on the sun. Want to recover as before.

"No wonder some masters have to retreat for ten and a half days if they are injured. It is really difficult to recover...

At the top of Juyang Peak, Xia Yi took the last pill, and the aura in his body circulated for several more weeks. After confirming that there was no obstruction, he breathed a sigh of relief and declared that his recovery was complete. In order to kill the saint, Xia Yi prepared it before the fight. -For more than a month, it takes so long to recover after the fight, and the fight was so miserable, which let Xia Yi know the fact that the saint is really not easy to mess with.

Sure enough, the existence of transcendence and sanctification is not what mortals can imagine.

Xia Yi took out the message of Yujian and immediately transmitted the message to Princess Luming and asked about the current situation in the North Sea. He felt that the format of the North Sea would be very nervous, but the strange thing was that Princess Luming did not reply at all and could not be contacted. I don’t know. What is wrong.

After half a day, reluctantly, Xia Yi and Xia Kong communicated again. Xia Kong replied this time, but his voice was a little restrained.

"You may be in trouble

"Me? What did I do?

Xia Kong spoke first-the sentence was that Xia Yi might have gotten into trouble. This made Xia Yi very strange. Could it be that he killed a saint? But that was the saint who deserved it. ==

"The opposition party of Prince Daxia is currently publicizing your deeds in the dynasty, saying that you are against the sky at a young age, and you are the future emperor of Daxia. It seems that you want to suppress the prince. Now you must find a way to prove it. The death of the saint has nothing to do with you, or not too much.

"This will work???"

Package F

When Xia Yi heard that everyone was stupid, he was used for no reason, and hated by others for no reason. Did he lose his blood?

"Yes, this kind of thing is common in the dynasty. Daxia's stability is attributed to the bloodline, but the failure is also the bloodline. You have to know that having a bloodline does not necessarily mean excellent, but having a bloodline at least proves that you are naturally excellent."

"Then do you think I did it?

"Of course not, or you have paid a great price, unless you are open to the first battle against the heavens and the saints are believed to be believed. Now this false name has not yet been established, but Daxia is propagating wildly. Although your name is It's glory, but the gun shot out, I suggest you deny it first

"sure, no problem!"

Xia Yi thought about it. He is not a kid anymore. At this time, he needs to hide himself and not to expose his fighting power too much. What he originally wanted was deterrence, but he never thought that this could be used, but the purpose of deterrence should still be achieved. NS.

"....Well, are you currently in the North Sea?"

Xia Kong breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked if Xia Yi was in the North Sea instead of directly asking where Xia Yi was. It can be seen that Xia Kong still knew that there were some things I could ask and some things I could not ask, but Xia Yi didn't think so much. Xia Kong asked directly, and Xia Yi would answer Nanlingyu directly.

"Not here."


"Don't come back in a short time, what about Xia Qing?

"Should still be there."


After hearing this, Xia Kong slapped his lips directly. This is a bit troublesome. He is not actually the prince’s opposition party, but the prince is somewhat authoritarian and self-sufficient. He is overbearing but lacks benevolence. This kind of person may not become a stunner, but he is very Easy to become a tyrant.

"Then she is safe


"Probably it's still safe. My people in Beidou are taking care of Xia Qing and won't be exposed.

Xia Qing has taken care of a mirage dragon who is good at illusion. She hides in Frozen Cloud City under the fisheyes and will not be found. Unless the saint can find something wrong with a very close inspection, even if it is a saint, he wants to glance at it. It is impossible to find Mirage Dragon and Xia Qing.

"Okay, but although Beidou has ceased, Daxia may have to do it on you. If possible, you will be counted. Don't admit that you have killed the saint, and then come directly to Daxia to test your blood.

"It's not in a hurry."

Xia Yi gave a haha. He couldn't detect the bloodline anyway. Once the bloodline was detected, it might be bigger than the storm of the saint. Xia Yi's bloodline is the Yanhuang bloodline that has been fully awakened. Then--the test is OK. Prince Xia was afraid that he was going crazy.

"It's better to be earlier, but it's up to you.

Xia Kong knew that Xia Yi didn't seem to have the intention of recognizing his ancestors, but he didn't force it. After all, everyone has everyone's ideas.

"Well, what's the situation with Beidou now?"

"I don't know, I can only say three points now. If you never show up, the prince may encourage the small country under his control to attack Liuxiaozhou. He knows that you are still alive."

"How did he know?

"Your soul lamp in the Azure Cloud Sect, don't underestimate the dynasty's intelligence gathering ability."


Xia Yi had a headache now. Originally, there was no conflict between him and Da Xia. This dynasty was really a whirlpool, and he was completely involved.

"The second point, if you show up in Beidou, you will probably be safer on the face, but in the dark you have to be careful and then careful. Thirdly, I am not sure to what extent the prince can do it for Xia Qing. This is because of me. Then, if it doesn't work, give up Xia Qing when we lose.

The king’s point that Xia Kong said was very constructive, especially the last point, but Xia Yi also heard a little bad meaning, killing the saint himself was a bit impulsive, although it can shock the younger generation, But in a sense it also causes trouble for myself.



Next, Xia Yi simply stayed in the barbarian training in the Nanling region. He decided not to show up for the time being, so he procrastinated to play, but the main thing was that the problem of Xia Qing had to be solved. Prince Daxia was determined to win against Xia Qing, Prince Beidou. I also intend to help Prince Daxia. Although both Xia Kong and the Big Dipper are helping Xia Yi, their way of helping is not so much help, as it is more appropriate to give rewards after using it.

So Xia Yi is now thinking about how to choose afterwards. At present, it seems that the best plan is to abandon Xia Qing, so that not only will come to the Beidou Prince, not only will he benefit himself, but the Daxia Prince will no longer trouble himself.

Just in this way, it is a bit equivalent to betraying the Emperor of the Big Dipper, but in fact it doesn't matter at all. What about the betrayal? Anyway, Xia Yi doesn't plan to make a profit in the Big Dipper. Xia Yi feels that he is a swing position. Anyway, he can get close to anyone. , It's just that the benefits of getting close to the Big Dipper Lord himself are even greater.

It was so until another month later, Prince Daxia seemed to have lost his patience, and finally formally initiated negotiations with Xia Yi. Of course, You Yuer told Xia Yi about this because Prince Daxia directly warned Qingyunzong.

"Yu'er, what did Daxia say as the prince?

Xia Yi was sitting on Juyang Peak, basking in the sun. He had just received You Yu'er's message, but he was not surprised, because Xia Yi had already prepared for it.

"Let you surrender the fugitive as soon as possible, otherwise the army will be on the six small continents in the near future. Speaking of the rumor, is it true or false that you are against the sky and conquer the sage?"

You Yuer is more concerned about the threat of Prince Daxia, whether Xia Yi really accomplished the feat of defeating the saints. Because the saints rarely appear in the Eastern Profound Realm, many people have never seen it before, let alone kill. Die, and now the landlord of Liu Xiaozhou Xia Yi can actually defeat the sky and defeat the saint, how can this not let the monks of Liu Xiaozhou be surprised and proud.

"Of course it is true, but you are not allowed to spread it."

Xia Yi couldn't lie to You Yu'er, so she confessed it altogether. When You Yuer heard Xia Yi's admission, she felt infinite pride in her heart. Xia Yi was also her husband anyway, and the glory of her husband did not mean her. The glory?

"Relax, I understand, but I am worried that the struggle in the North Sea will harm Liuxiaozhou. I heard that the battle between the royal family is very serious."

"Definitely, you can delay for a while. I will do some preparations. I have had enough of the experience of letting others choose. We need to make a bright stroke."

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