When Bai Li asked this sentence, his hands were trembling. He wanted to ask this question a long time ago. He has made so much contribution to Da Xia, why Da Xia treats him like this!

"Bai Li, I'm sorry, because you are too close to the opposition party. If you didn't save me before, you are dead, I am disappointed in you, and I am also very sad, so I sent your nationals, hoping to give you A warning."

"You also know that I have saved you before!!! The wound on my chest to protect you has not subsided, and I have become a great saint? If I didn't need my life to save you, I was already a great saint, and you really have the heart to bear it. for me!!"

"I can't bear it, but if this is your choice, I can't do anything. I am really doing it for justice. If you believe in me, turn around and I will explain it to you.

Xia Zheng is still taking care of Bai Li in many ways. Knowing that Bai Li has begun to oppose him, he still keeps open-only one eye is closed. He feels that since 2 he has done his best, otherwise Bai Li would have been lying in the grave. It's all rotten.

"His Royal Highness, is my kindness to save you worth so little?

Bai Li is very disappointed now, he is so disappointed, he is always regretting why he wanted to save this murderer in the first place!

"If you can save thousands of people by sacrificing you alone, I will not hesitate, but I can guarantee that your descendants will be best cultivated by Daxia. This is my style, so I hope you look back and you are still My savior, I will regard you as a hero, if you oppose me, then I apologize.

"For my goal, I can only copy and cut you []. You know I never talk nonsense with any enemy. You are the first and the last."

Bai Li stared at the messenger jade slip with white hair wagging on his white temples. He looked up at the sky with a few old tears.

"His Royal Highness, this Xia Yi is the same you used to be".

"so what?

Xia Zheng's voice is cold, without any emotions, those who make big things do not stick to the trivial, and the benevolence of women harms others 2!



The momentum on the field is a bit strange now. Xia Yi closed his eyes tightly and didn't know what he was doing. Wuqi's spear couldn't wake Xia Yi, but at least he knew that he had to protect Xia Yi. Since the enemy hadn't attacked, he would not move.

Seeing that Bai Li did not move, the other two sages directly attacked Xia Yi. Bai Li's heart is now falling into a battle between heaven and man. He understands that his choice is not wrong. Although it is not wrong, his own citizens, His relatives are in the hands of Prince Daxia, and the price of betraying the prince is not something he can bear.

As a former veteran who saved the prince again, once, if it were not for him to fight against the prince, he would have been a great minister of Daxia, rather than a small general. The prince had indeed tolerated him. Many times, he knows this too.

It is not true that the prince has no humanity. The prince values ​​love and righteousness, but he was Daxia's prince before that.

The two saints simultaneously attacked Xia Yi. No matter how powerful Wuqi's spear was, it couldn't use Xia Yi's magical powers or other means as weapons, and at most it guided Xia Yi to use martial arts.

"This spear is something extraordinary, take his spear away."


After fighting with Xia Yi for dozens of tricks, the two sages suddenly realized that they were still unable to gain the upper hand. Although they didn’t do their best, you should know that they are two sages. Resisting.

The two saints reached a consensus and immediately did not intend to be merciful. The two of them used the domain together. Suddenly Xia Yi knelt down on one knee, his body was like being held down by something, Wuqi's spear firmly supported the ground and didn't want Xia Yi to be let go. Kneeling down, the other saint came directly to Xia Yi to take Wuqi away, and then used Wuqi to pierce Xia Yi's dantian.

"If it weren't for the prince to keep you alive, you are already dead."

The saint who stabbed the spear into Xia Yi's dantian felt that Xia Yi had been abolished. It was so simple for the saint to deal with the real monarch of the district. What reason to talk to him, just use the domain to suppress and kill, they are not like Bai Li That gave Xia Yi opportunities everywhere.

After all, the prince’s people were still watching among the thirty thousand sergeants, seeing their performance in their eyes.

With the gun down, the sage standing in front of Xia Yi is ready to carry Xia Yi away, and the sage who suppressed Xia Yi with the domain also put away the domain. Dantian is one of the monks’s absolute weaknesses. If you abolish the dantian, you will be able to cultivate directly. Loss, regardless of whether he is a talented arrogant or a strong one, even if their saint Dan Tian is abolished, although he will not lose his cultivation base, his strength will be greatly reduced.

Bai Li could only sigh when he watched this scene. Now what he does is useless. He thinks of the prince too well, and thinks that he can use the prince's kindness to him to do something at the end, but he did not expect the prince to do more brutal.

Speaking of it, Xia Yi dared to close his perception because he believed in him. If Xia Yi didn’t close his perception, Bai Li felt that with Xia Yi’s method, no matter how much he could hold on for a long time under the hands of these two saints, maybe he There is also his own way to negotiate with the Great Xia Dynasty, this is his fault.

\'...This spear.

The saint who took Wuqi found that Wuqi in his hand was frantically resisting, and wanted to return to Xia Yi's hand, but how could a weapon be able to break away from the saint's hand, he smiled slightly, and directly planned to erase it with holy power Unexpected spiritual consciousness.

The weapon does not have the spirit of the weapon, although the spirituality will be reduced a lot, but this kind of weapon that has been born with a spirit should be able to give birth to a new spirit for the second time as long as it is well cultivated. On the contrary, the original spirit will not be erased. On the day when it was exhausted, he would only recognize Xia Yi, and no one else could use it, even the refiner who refined this spear.

The holy power enters the spear, the brutal destructive power directly hits Wuqi's spiritual wisdom. In a space where no one has ever set foot in a certain film, a group of dim light is constantly trembling, it is making a certain roar, but unfortunately it can't be transmitted. To anyone.

The saint's brows showed a suspicious color, because the spear in his hand began to become scorching hot, and its heat was enough to melt the steel, and the lines of the spear kept flashing red like the veins of the earth.

"This Wu...0.0.0...my...how is it possible!!!"

He was surprised to find that his sacred power was actually absorbed. What material was this weapon made of! The weapon's own spirit can absorb the sacred power, indicating that the material used to build the weapon is above the sacred level! O.25cg.c

"What's wrong?"


Another saint saw something wrong. He saw the pain of his companions. This spear had been out of Xia Yi's control and could still resist in the hands of the saint, but this did not make them fear, but rather excited.

"The Peak Sacred Artifact! At least it is the Peak Sacred Artifact or even a semi-sacred weapon. If it is dedicated to His Royal Highness, we will definitely get a great reward. I will help you suppress it!"

The two sages looked happy, as if they had picked up a big baby. This is the only real master Xia Yi who can have such a weapon. This is really a waste. Bai Li saw that the two people he had cultivated were against Xia Yi. The weapon is so greedy, the face is even more ugly, even a little desperate

As a saint, don't you even need the most basic dignity!

"You two give me almost a little bit!"

Bai Li couldn't tolerate it anymore and rushed forward-palm hits the saint holding Wuqi, the other saint had quick eyes and hands, turned around and had the palm of Bai Li, but he almost couldn't stand after being repelled a few steps. Steady, a few drops of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Captain White, are you crazy?!"

His face was surprised, Bai Li had just used his full strength in the palm just now. If they were accidentally hit, they would not be able to eat. Bai Li is not an ordinary saint, but the pinnacle of the Great Sage's qualifications. saint.

Before he started with Xia Yi, he basically kept his hands and didn't dare to hurt Xia Yi.

"What I am crazy, I have to wipe out the spirit of the weapon, how I taught you! I now regret why I promoted the two of you, how can you two be like the prince!

The two saints blushed a little when they heard Bai Li say this. Their faces were obviously much younger than Bai Li. Of course, they had to admit that they had the mind to use Bai Li before. After all, people are good at being others. Deception, but Bai Li helped them anyway, and they still respect Bai Li no matter what.

But since the stand is divided now, don't talk about the past.

"Captain White, we will help you again! Your behavior has already made the prince displeased. If this spear is dedicated to the prince, the prince may be relieved of your punishment if he is happy.

"Yes, Chief Shen Jun 5 wants you to think about N\"

After the two saints finished speaking, the message Yujian in Bai Li's hand trembled again.



The situation along the coast is currently extremely chaotic. You Yu'er looked at Xia Yi worriedly. She wanted to rush out to help Xia Yi, but was stopped by the Haotian Tower. Zhao Lianbing held something in her hand, and she died to death. Staring at Xia Yi, if it weren't for one of the three saints to favor Xia Yi, Zhao Lianbing had already crushed the things in his hand.

It can be said that the person who has been preventing the situation from deteriorating is Bai Li. The prince is anxious that the situation will deteriorate, so that Xia Yi can no longer get the support of anyone in Daxia. He is the prince, and the second heir, the second princess, is his beloved. The three heirs miss him too much, and they still stand in the same position with him. In this case, he almost wins.

And if Xia Yi's talent is used by people from the opposition party, it might really cause a little trouble, so the prince Xia Zhengcai intends to completely deteriorate the relationship between Da Xia and Xia Yi.

He is not a fool, he is domineering but not arrogant, he never underestimates any enemy, let alone is known as Xia Yi who has the posture of fighting against the heavens and saints.

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