"It's kind of awesome.

Xia Yi was fascinated at a glance. This profound technique has something to it, but it requires the alchemist to be extremely proficient in the refining process of a certain pill before it can succeed. In other words, using this profound method can save a lot of time for refining pills. At the same time this is a means of attack.

"Yang Yan, Fire Pill!"

Xia Yi immediately tried it. He urged Yang Yan in his palm, and gradually compressed Yang Yan into a small fire pill. The power of this fire pill was much greater than that of Hong Leizi. The key was that it did not consume a lot of spiritual energy. .

"Gathering Pill!

Xia Yi took out a few medicinal plants from the storage ring and threw them into the air. These medicinal materials were wrapped in flames and naturally absorbed the free spirits around them. In a short while, they turned into a few round medicinal herbs and fell in Xia Yi's palm.


Xia Yi feels very comfortable now, he likes this kind of magic with strong visual effects, but it's a pity that this trick has no effect on refining the Heaven-defying Spirit Pill, but this profound technique is precious in using soul power.

Xia Yi's spirit power is not low, but basically he can't use it at all for battle. Often, his spirit energy and blood energy are all used up, and his spirit energy is still in full bloom. One thought becomes a pill, and many kinds of aura attack methods can be stored as pill. Take it out at critical moments.

"Xuanyuan Split Heaven Style!"

Xia Yi double-directed the dance, before the sword energy was shot, it turned into a sword pill and fell under his hand. Xia Yi took the sword pill and threw it forward, and the sword energy bloomed again. A little bit bigger.

"It's enough to make up for the shortcomings of the alchemist's lack of combat power. It is indeed the alchemist's profound technique.

Although alchemists are not low in combat power, most of them are not very high in combat power. Xia Yi is just an exception. This Ying Danzong's profound method will help Xia Yi in the truth. It can only be said that it is better than nothing. , Let Xia Yi have a feeling of hopelessness.

After that, Xia Yi tried again and again for the possibility of becoming a pill. Xia Yi finally found it-a fun way to mix the fire pill and the sword pill into a storage ring, and then directly throw the storage ring out. Detonate.

This is equivalent to a fragmentation grenade that has been strengthened countless times. It has a miraculous effect against low-level cultivators. The key is that it can be used without others on the scene, as long as it is prepared in advance.

"In general, I am not at a loss, and three ten-yuan Jiazi Pills are not in vain.

Ten Yuan Jiazi Pill, even the current Xia Yi does not mean that it can be cultivated immediately. A lot of preparations are still needed. Fortunately, the hard work has not been wasted. Where can I make money?...

Xia Yi can only say that he has embraced a beautiful woman?


No, no, I dare not hold it back at all!

"So did I make a profit or lose?

Xia Yi fell into contemplation on this point. Luo Xi, to tell the truth, is also a stunning beauty. She has a very good personality, and she is in peace.-The silk is lively, but the key is not whether she looks beautiful or not, but rather Xia Yi carried another pot.

It's just that there is something that makes Xia Yi a little concerned. These past lives are very careful to avoid affecting him, but this time, why must he be in contact with Luo Xi? Is it because where is Luo Xi's help afterwards?

Wait!!! It won't be...

"The heavens have no way!

"Answer me, does Luo Xi have to sacrifice again?

Xia Yi asked himself, but unfortunately there was no answer. Xia Yi raised his head and stared at the night sky. He became increasingly confused about his past lives.

"Since you don't answer, don't help me make choices in the future! There are three thousand great ways, I have my own way in this world!"

"It's okay to kill a life as a devil, just ask for the well-being of relatives and friends!


Xia Yi was a little angry to be honest. He knew that his past lives were for his own good, but he didn't need it. He didn't want anyone to interfere in the way of his life, including himself of course.

The so-called benevolence and righteousness are just his false name, he is a hypocrite! He can be a hero of benevolence and righteousness when he doesn't hinder himself. Once it is related to relatives and friends, he will not hesitate to pick up Tu Li and Xia Yi personally.

It's just that after these words, a sigh sounded in Xia Yi's mind, and a line of words appeared on Xia Yi's feet.

Fairness, freedom, and kindness.

"Tsk, show me again...

Xia Yi's face is ugly, can't let him pretend to be ruthless? Sure enough, it's useless to pretend to be in front of him. He sighed, Xia Yi left speechlessly, and left Ying Danzong after returning the scroll.

Only when he was leaving, Xia Yi could clearly notice that Luo Xi was looking at herself in the dark, how much this woman who had just met him cares about her, Xia Yi could vaguely feel it, but he was not happy, but he felt a little heavy. .

Isn't he trying to put aside these relationships so as not to affect them? Like Yun Nishang in Yuanjie, in order not to affect her, Xia Yi left alone with a cruel heart.

If he fails in this life, if he can have the next life, and if he can reach the Metaverse, maybe Yun Nishang will be like Luo Xi today.

"I really have love debts left everywhere...

Thinking of this, Xia Yi was speechless. He was really shameless and was doing harm to girls everywhere. When he was still in Xuanhuang school, he was anxious that the harem would be full of the world, singing and singing every night, that was a man's dream.

But now Xia Yi only feels heavy, and feels that she is not blessed to accept the grace of beauty.

Returning to the battle of Xuanzong, Xia Yi immediately closed himself up and hid in the Hundred Wars Secret Realm to fight. Ying Danzong's trip made Xia Yi very ashamed. What else can he do besides temporarily giving Luo Xi a promise? Play

Even You Yu'er's future safety for Xia Yi could not be guaranteed. This heavy pressure on Xia Yi's fingers made him hold the spear even tighter.

"Stop your breath!"

The perception is closed, the spear is drawn like a crescent moon, the cold light is icy, dozens of phantoms dissipate in an instant, and the remaining chill is still there.

"How is this worse than last time.

Using his own martial arts once again, Xia Yi suddenly realized that it was worse than last time, and the shot was slower than before. He was not decisive enough to swing the gun, so he stopped and looked around.

"What's the difference? Distracted thoughts or emotions?

Xia Yi's brows furrowed, and this trick was created by his own martial arts to cooperate with Ren Wuhe-it is the only way he can instantly hurt the saint, but in the face of such a weak shadow, how can he deal with it unconsciously? Holy One?

These distracting thoughts are nothing more than Xia Yi thinking about what to do if he is counterattacked if he can't control the enemy with one move. This-after all, there is too much space in the move, but the saint is very good at seizing the opportunity. Beat him severely by himself.

"Oh, no matter what E continues

If you can't figure it out, you don't want to. Xia Yi emptied his brain and followed the feeling of fighting. He hoped that fighting would tell him everything.



Time passed in a hurry, the weather gradually entered midsummer, and another month passed without knowing it. Xia Yi has been honing his skills seriously in the battle of Xuanzong, and has been fighting the phantom all this month.

And Xia Yi's self-created martial arts have also been improved a lot in frequent battles, but after all, it still couldn't meet the requirements Xia Yi imagined.

"Is the bottleneck?

Many phantoms around him were scattered under the tip of the gun. Xia Yi stood alone in the formation and looked at his right hand. This martial art requires a very high mood and mood. It is not an ordinary martial art, and even created this. i] Xia Yi of martial arts can't figure out what is perfect.

But he has a feeling that he can perfectly release the power of this martial skill when he reaches the state of no thoughts and no self, and then it will not be a dream to hit the saints instantly.

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