Xia Yi had the feeling of eating **** when he swallowed Fear. This kind of experience was enough.

And Chang Ling is obviously unable to become the target of infection under the protection of Dao Gang Jian Feng. These black qis can only live on the fleshy pieces. Situ Yun's body temperature rises rapidly due to the sun inflammation, and the fleshy pieces sticking to her. Also began to fall and escape like there is life.

The cry of the Demon Infant became louder and louder, until it became a scream, causing the cellar to tremble. Chang Ling sealed his ears with aura, and couldn't stand it. Xia Yi was used to it. Situ Yun's expression was very painful at the moment, but she was a- There was no sound.

Suddenly, she raised her neck, and a mass of matter composed purely of resentment floated out of it. The mass of matter immediately attacked Xia Yi. Xia Yi just opened it with a hand--wave, and the mass was enclosed in the cellar. Inside, there is no way to escape, and I have no choice but to absorb other black qi, and the pieces of meat also begin to gather towards the matter.

And Situ Yun had completely fainted at this moment.



"Xiaoyun, what are you thinking, Xiaoyun?"

Under the blue sky, a little girl was called twice by the person next to her, and then she suddenly realized that she was in a trance before.

"I, there seem to be pictures in my mind.

"Picture? Don't talk about this for now, the clan stipulates that you must practice today."

The age of the person next to the little girl looked much older than him, and the expression on her face was kind.

"But father, I don't want to practice,-not at all!

The little girl shook her head resolutely. She was a little afraid of the people in the clan. She always felt that they were terrible, and she had seen many times in the clan that made her sick.

"No, the patriarch said that you are very talented, and there will be excellent people like you in our clan every once in a while, so you have to cultivate.

The middle-aged man still smiles very kindly. The little girl is his daughter, and he doesn’t know much about blood, but the patriarch says that it’s good-it’s good. It doesn’t matter if other people don’t practice, but she must practice. The patriarch is That said.

"But father, I always feel that I shouldn't cultivate... Every time I try to cultivate, I dream of an old man who seems to be crying...

"Old man? Cry? What kind of weird dreams do you have all day long, listen up, this world is cruel, as long as it can become stronger, no matter what means you use is legitimate.


".-... also count?


The little girl's expression showed a trace of fear, because she saw it and saw her father bleeding a girl about her age in the basement.

"You don't understand, that deliciousness is addictive, and you - will definitely fall in love with that feeling."

The middle-aged man said so, and licked his lips. This action made the little girl subconsciously stay away from-point, even if the person in front of him is her biological father.

That night, she returned home and cried to her mother as usual. This trick was very useful. It was only by this trick that she could not practice until now.

"Mother, my father forced me to practice again today...


Her mother sighed deeply when she heard the word again.

"Xiaoyun, I used to be the same as you and an excellent person in the clan. The clan leader forced me to practice, but I kept myself. Thanks to this jade pendant my mother gave me, I will pass her to you now. Although I don’t know how long it can protect you, if you have a child in the future, if you are also an excellent person, remember to pass it on to her!"

The girl's mother eagerly took out a jade pendant and hung it around the girl's neck. Then, as if worried about something, she solved it again.

"Xiaoyun, are you afraid of pain?"

"Don't be afraid."

The girl smiled and faced her mother. The little girl's mother nodded when she saw this, and then took out a knife.


"Hold it! You have to do it! Maybe it's about to start, you must not lose this jade pendant!"

"I will keep it safe.....

The girl’s words were not finished yet, the mother pierced the girl’s belly with a knife with tears in her eyes. The girl subconsciously wanted to scream, but her mother covered her mouth with her hand. The girl watched in horror as her mother hid Yu Pei in her belly. This made her almost collapse, seeing such a **** scene at a young age, which made her lose consciousness directly.

That night, she passed out in pain and didn't remember much what happened afterwards. She only vaguely heard the quarrel between her mother and father. Every time she cried to her mother that she didn't want to practice, her parents would quarrel.

After waking up the next day, the mother disappeared.

She didn't know where her mother had gone. The memory of her mother remained in the scene that scared her last night. The mother cut her belly with her own hands, and she touched her belly, and there was a wound.

So what's the point of doing it? She didn't know, but she had a dream at night, and the crying old man became more real this time, and asked her to tell her something she didn't understand.

It lasted like this for several days, and my mother didn’t necessarily come back, and my father didn’t pay much attention to her. Every day, she only made some food necessary for her life, some red bean rice. She had eaten this since she was a child, so it didn’t feel strange. ,

It’s just that the red bean rice tastes particularly fragrant these days. She wanders in the empty family every day. There are not many people in the family, but every house in the family has a basement.

There was a strong smell of blood in those basements.

While wandering aimlessly, one of her playmates found her. She turned her head happily, but saw that her childhood playmate still had blood on her lips.

"Ah Yun, why are you still not cultivating! The feeling of cultivating is great, everyone is waiting for you.

"I... No, E is not like this: it shouldn't be like this!

The little girl stepped back in fear, looking at the blood on the corners of her childhood playmate's mouth, she seemed to think of her father again.

"You're self-willed again, it's because of this that everyone won't play with you.

"Well, let's practice together. I realized that blood is more delicious than anything we have ever eaten. I heard that when we grow up, we still have essence to eat!


The little girl shook her head in horror and ran away. It shouldn’t be the case. She-Lu returned home in a hurry to find her mother crying, but she couldn’t find her anywhere. At last, she thought of the basement, because there was only the basement. pass.

At the entrance of the basement, there is still a strong smell of blood, which has never been lacking in the clan.

She walked down cautiously, hearing what seemed to be a noise in it, she slowly opened the door to a gap, and saw the unforgettable curtain of her life. The mother was lying on the stone platform, her body was not **** and her face was withered, and her father held it. -A bowl is receiving blood dripping from the mother's neck.

And that bowl belonged to her, she remembered it clearly, because there was a small gap on it. u

At that moment, endless nausea struck her mind, her stomach kept rolling, she couldn't stop it, and she couldn't hold her mouth tightly.

"Uh! Uh.

Finally, her young body was defeated by instinct. She vomited out the meal she had eaten last night, the bright red bean rice.

In the basement, the bloodletting father heard the sound outside the door, put down the bowl and strode to the door and opened the door. She couldn't get out at the moment, because she was still vomiting, and her father looked at her blankly with no expression. How panicked, but laughed.

"you saw it?"

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