What If I Can’t Die?

Chapter 351: Congratulations, you hurt me

However, after being demonized, this guy became rougher and thicker. He was not killed by Song Shi's slap across the air, but rolled on the ground like a ball for hundreds of meters, smashing rows of buildings.

Gan Wuji was terrified.

He saw with his own eyes that the elders of the royal family were crushed and beaten by this guy, but now they were slapped away by Song Shi.

Comparing the two, the gap between him and this person is as big as a chasm.

Especially a few years ago, he was at the same level as the other party, and participated in the Langya Immortal Dao Association together. He was still not convinced when the other party was the first to climb to the top.

"Tsk tsk tsk, no wonder the self-confidence is inflated. This is using the magic energy to cultivate the magic body."

Song Shi didn't slap Demon Lord Yuhua to death, he was not surprised, but looked at it with interest.


The latter jumped up from the ruins with a roar, like a ball bouncing, and stared at Song Shi angrily: "Why are you so strong, I risked my life to demonize, but I still can't compare to you, a damned Nascent Soul, the law of heaven is unfair !"

This statement resonated with many people.

Especially those who have been dealt with by Song Shi, they agree in their hearts.

They felt that it was really unfair to make this person so perverted, and those of them who practiced so hard could only be bullied.

"You think the way of heaven is unfair, go against the sky and kill it, pierce the sky, so that the sky can't cover your eyes, and the earth can't hide your heart anymore."

Song Shi shrugged and gave the other party a suggestion.



Many people have black lines all over their heads. They are just jealous that you have improved so fast. How can you really go against the sky?

The Feathered Demon Lord stopped his incompetent roar, and suddenly became quiet, which seemed very abnormal.

This made Song Shi feel that this guy probably had mental problems.

"Madman, Qianmian, come and eat him together!"

The next sentence revealed that Yuhua Mozun's mind was abnormal.


Two more monsters shot out from the magic cloud. One had unusually long hair and a crazy look. It looked like a complete lunatic, with bulges all over its body, just like toads.

The other guy made Song Shi feel disgusted. His huge body was covered with human faces, men, women, old and young. The faces were distorted and blackened, like evil spirits gathering on one person.

These two guys looked more like monsters than the feathered demon with a changing body shape, but the eyes of the three were abnormal, looking at Song Shi as if they were really looking at food.

"This guy looks delicious."

The lunatic grinned.

"I can't help drooling."

Qianmian licked his lips, disgusting mucus flowed out, like a very hungry beast.

The most disgusting thing was that the faces of other people on his body revealed greedy looks, which looked gloomy and terrifying.

"You are all bloated, even I want to eat."

Song Shi's expression was flat, even after these two guys were demonized, they were comparable to cultivators who turned into gods.

"Father, be careful. They injured the two elders. Don't underestimate them."

Qian Wuji reminded Emperor Qian that as for Song Shi, he didn't need to care, and he didn't need to care.

In the next second, the three-headed demonized guy moved.


The sound of piercing through the air as it moved at extreme speed was like a bomb, and the magic cloud rushed towards Song Shi from three directions amidst the tumbling.

They didn't think about Emperor Qian, they only had Song Shi in their eyes.

The proper hatred value is full.

Song Shi looked down at the three afterimages, estimated for a while, and was sure that if he stood still, it would be difficult for the three to kill him.

My physical body is too strong, it has already surpassed the ordinary divine body, and the cultivator of the Void Refining may not be able to match it.


He didn't sit still, the flames rolled up, but this time they were all compressed in the palm of his hand.

The Feather Demon Venerable ran the fastest, and he slapped him in front of him.

"Six Paths to Suppress Demons!"

The Zhiyang Zhigang's palm is concentrated in the palm of the hand, and it meets the fist of Yuhua Demon Venerable head-on.


The void was shattered, and at the same time, the arm of the Feathered Demon Venerable was also shattered.

A look of astonishment appeared from his blood-colored eyes for a moment, and then his body trembled violently,

Hit in the chest by Song Shi's fist, he flew upside down, and his body began to split open in the air.

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A burst of flame power erupted in his body, rushed out along the crack, tore his body apart, and then exploded directly.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, it looked like the Feathered Demon Lord rushed over at the fastest speed, was punched to fly backwards at a faster speed, and then split and exploded in mid-air.

Obviously, the flesh body that the Feathered Demon Venerable forcibly lifted up could not withstand this level of collision.

Two fists are no match for four hands, so Song Shi's chance of flying the Yuhua Demon Lord and avoiding the attacks of the remaining two at the same time is small.

He didn't choose to dodge either, he blocked Qianmian's attack with one hand, and took another's attack abruptly.

The mana-changing clothes were shattered, and there was a muffled sound, and the terrifying aftermath spread, tearing apart a wooden building next to it.

Song Shi's body swayed, and the shock wave was removed, and the clothes transformed by mana quickly recovered. He looked like he was blown by a strong wind, with his hair flying and fluttering, a little windy and cloudless.

He quietly looked at the lunatic who maintained an attacking posture, his expression was a little frozen: "Is this strength?"


Qian Mian's arm was grabbed by him, easily twisted off, tore off from the shoulder, and blood gushed out instantly.


Qianmian screamed and backed away, and the faces of other people on his body showed pain.

The lunatic did not retreat, but stabbed Song Shi in the heart with a dagger magic weapon.


Song Shi's skin was broken, he looked down and said, "Congratulations for hurting me."

Everyone was dumbfounded, how strong this physical body is, Huashen took a magic weapon and broke a little skin with a full blow, it was too shocking.

"how so……"

The lunatic muttered to himself, his expression crazy: "It must be a hallucination, haha, it must be fake!"

"What about dreaming?"

Song Shi slapped him out, snapped off the lunatic's head, turned it around his neck several times, and finally faced Song Shi again.

"This man is a devil, he can't be killed or touched, I won't eat it!"

Seeing this, the broken-armed Qianmian cried out, then turned his head and said, "Master, let's run."

He turned his head and saw only a place of coke, the most powerful leader had fallen, and was burned to death by the real fire of the sun compressed by Song Shi.

This time, the Feathered Demon Lord is completely gone, and there is no clone to let him survive.

Seeing this, Qianmian was completely flustered, and hurriedly sped up and fled. A sun fell from the sky and expanded instantly.


The boundless flames engulfed him, and he was blown into ashes.

Seeing the death of the two companions, the lunatic chuckled, knowing that he couldn't run away, the swelling on his body suddenly swelled, and he blew himself up, releasing a tyrannical demonic energy.


With a loud noise, Song Shi was engulfed by the explosion, a large hole was blown out on the ground, and the nearby buildings were directly wiped out.

A circle of golden light emerged in the center of the explosion, twisting continuously under the shock wave, and it looked like it would break open at any time, but after the appearance of Fudo Myoko, there was another layer of defense, and it was intact in the explosion.

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