What If I Can’t Die?

Chapter 368 Today, I kill people with my eyes closed

Their choice was very wise. Song Shi's divine sword was like a shooting star, which shrank rapidly while blooming light. After killing most of the Huantong, only phantoms remained, and the power of the primordial spirit was exhausted.

"It almost made you break the Hundred Tree Illusory Formation. It seems that you would rather die than surrender, so I will fulfill you."

Chiba Vortex launched an attack, easily defeating Song Shi's primordial spirit, and scattered his soul.

In the outside world, 70% of the eyes of many elders were bleeding, all of them were injured by Song Shi's counterattack, and they looked at Song Shi with a deep heart.

Chiba Vortex came back to his senses and let out a sigh of relief: "Finally kill it."

At this time, the patriarch also mobilized the power of the formation, condensing a dark green edge, ready to cut off Song Shi's head.

"Wait, this person has a strong physical body, don't destroy it, it can be used to refine puppets,"

Chiba Vortex hastily stopped.

Patriarch Chiba stopped attacking, and the green edge gradually shrank.

At this moment, Song Shi's physical body disappeared out of thin air.

"not good!"

Qianye Vortex appeared at Song Shi's original body position in a flash, and was furious: "This person still has means, he didn't completely kill him just now, it will become a future trouble!"

"He must be still nearby, find a way to catch up!"

The patriarch who just withdrew his killing power said in a deep voice, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he actually let this person run away, and it would be embarrassing to spread it out.


An elder's neck was broken, and Song Shi appeared behind him: "Don't chase, I'm still here."

The location he was in happened to be the place where he stayed when he first came. After he was resurrected, he saw an elder pointing the back of his head to him.

These demons are very interesting and have strong combat power, but instead of cultivating the Nascent Soul, they cultivate the physical body. The price is that once the physical body is fatally injured, it will be a dead end. Basically, one must be in the realm of transforming the gods to abandon the physical body.

Seeing the elders of the clan dying beside him like this, Chiba Vortex suppressed his anger: "You are distracted, but you have ignored the life-saving means of you lower realm monks."

In his opinion, Song Shi avoided their siege by relying on distraction.

"You can think whatever you want, now you take me to the forbidden place you said, and I can spare your life."

When Song Shi got the space channel information, he naturally had to go to Shisu immediately, and at the same time use the other party's manpower to do things conveniently.

"It's ridiculous, since you are only distracted, your strength must not be as good as before, and you still want to kill me?"

Qianye Guodang Song Shi's expression was stern, without hesitation, his child's hole was shining brightly, and he was ready to use the power of the magic child to trap and kill this person again.

"When I didn't learn a lot of wisdom? Still want to use this trick?"

Song Shi closed his eyes directly, his thoughts condensed into one body, like a sword, unstoppable.

He is indeed not very good at dealing with this kind of child force attack, but his defense is absolutely fine.

Tong Li from all directions collided with his sword intent, forming circles of ripples around.


There was a faint echo of the sound of the sword, and the power of the phantom child was directly broken. Song Shi walked towards Chiba Vortex: "Today, I will kill with my eyes closed."

Chiba Vortex's Tongli couldn't invade, so he could only choose to fight hard. Seeing that Song Shi still wanted to kill him, he looked confident: "Still so arrogant, this is my Chiba family, we are born invincible, and we can't tolerate it." You are presumptuous!"

"It's a little bit worse."

Song Shidigu, this Qianye family is indeed quite strong, especially but it is not far from suppressing him.

With fists in hand, brilliant light shines in all directions, and the vision of the six realms of reincarnation emerges. Song Shi steps into it, controlling the power of the six realms, like a god.

"What kind of supernatural power is this, there is such a vision."

"He is a creature from the lower world, how could he control such..."

When Chiba Vortex and the demons were shocked, Song Shi punched down, the void trembled, and all the demons were enveloped by the power of the fist.

"Suppressing demons!"

Many demons emerged in the fist power, as if they had become part of the fist power, turned into light and sacred, suppressing the evil spirits in the world.


All the demons including Chiba Vortex were suppressed by a punch, and the force of the punch passed through everyone and fell to the ground, making a big hole, and the surrounding vegetation burned under the scorching sun.

The entire Chiba City shook, and many demons were startled out. They became panicked when they saw the flames billowing out of the city gate.

"Who actually killed our Chiba City?"

"It seems to be coming fiercely. The patriarch and ancestors have all gone."

"This is the core of our family, and we will definitely be able to take down the enemy."

Under the watchful eyes of more people, Chiba Vortex and other mainstays were under pressure one by one, staring solemnly at Song Shi who was still imposing.

"You are in such good condition, could it be that you were distracted just now?"

Chiba Vortex tentatively said, secretly sensing Song Shi's state, and there was indeed no sign of weakness.

He and other demons have never seen Song Shi's ability, so naturally he can't imagine that there are people who can't be killed in this world.

Where did Song Shi not notice that this guy was deliberately delaying time to study the flaws, he made a seal with one hand, his whole body was burning with energy and blood, and the Heavenly Demon Corpse Dissection Dafa was activated,

This desperate method is now quickly becoming his most powerful method, and he can make full use of his immortality to gain more powerful power.

Between breaths, his aura soared a lot, and he forcibly broke through the formation formed by the elders of the Qianye family. His fingers were like sharp swords, and he instantly pierced a demon's eyebrows, killing him in full view.

"Stop trying to be fierce!"

Chiba Vortex had no choice but to stand up, her eyes erupted with beams of light, containing an astonishing force of impact, blocking Song Shi. This power seemed to be real, trying to freeze Song Shi.

The next moment, the flaming sword energy erupted from Song Shi's body, shattering Tong Li in front of Zongheng, and went straight to Chiba Vortex.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

As long as this sea-fixing needle is broken off, the entire Chiba clan will be nothing to worry about.

He turned into a flaming long sword with blood-colored light, stabbing out unstoppably.

"Thousand rounds!"

In the Chiba vortex seal, circles of wooden solid growth rings emerged, forming layers of defense, as if there were thousands of layers.


In the case of incarnation of sword energy, Song Shi's single-body destructive power increased to a terrifying level.

Each layer of the defense released by Chiba Vortex can resist the damage of the spirit weapon, but now holes appear layer by layer at an extremely fast speed, making his face tremble involuntarily.


Released with the impact force brought by the body-incarnation sword, the hole pierced by the sword energy continued to expand. Song Shi broke through the wooden defense composed of thousands of years of rounds in one breath, and the sword energy on his body was also exhausted.

Before Chiba Uzumaki heaved a sigh of relief, the light of Liudao Zhenmo Fist made everything lose color again,


At this time, the patriarch of the Qianye tribe re-mobilized the power of the formation, and a sharp edge fell from the sky, aiming at the back of Song Shi's head.

Song Shi didn't seem to see the attack behind him, and he still punched regardless.

Boom boom boom!

Two loud noises appeared at the same time, and Qianye Vortex was punched by Song Shi so that he vomited blood and fell back.

Song Shi's head was also torn open, and the shock waves from the two collisions spread wildly after contact in the blink of an eye, shocking all the others back.

Qianye Vortex was caught by a big tree, vomited blood, but looked at where Song Shi was, wondering why this person wanted to fight him desperately.

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