The weather is clear, the breeze is gusting, the pedestrians on the street are rushing in twos and threes, and the breath of the city is warmly wrapped around, driving away the excessive cold on the body.

"Let's go? Go home."

Qiao Yu turned to the direction of the male voice, took a deep look at his face? Daddy Qiao, who was excited and pleased, nodded.

She sat in the back seat of the car, and her mother thoughtfully covered her with a blanket. She refused to let her do any small things. The water glass was filled with warm water at the right temperature and was brought to Qiao Yu’s lips.

Qiao Yu felt cramped and wanted to laugh. He didn't know what to say about his treatment like a severely ill patient. After thanking him, he took a sip from the water glass and felt his body instantly warmed up.

The noise of people outside the car window seemed remote and unreal. Qiao Yu watched the colorful window scene dragged by the car as the car speeded up, unconsciously.

Suddenly, there is a feeling of being buried alive for a long time, and now that he can see the sky again.

"I want to ask too many things."

After a long absence, finally returning to a familiar place, Qiao Yu walked into his own room and sat down at the desk in relief. The first thing was to talk to the system.

"First?-Satisfaction, now? How much? I want to see."

She remembered this for a long time, but after waking up in the hospital, she was always under the care of nurses and parents. She couldn't find the time to talk with the system. There was also her part. Time physical condition is really bad? The reason is? The time of lethargy is more than the time of waking.

The system seemed to be "welcoming her home", and he rivetted the familiar light screen in front of her face. Qiao Yu looked at the ball that was the most terrible ever: the value display was 13.

"...It's pretty tall."

Although I heard the system report before, I can only feel relieved after seeing it with my own eyes. Qiao Yu felt a little lighter on his chest, and let out a sigh of foul breath.

"Yes! The host just reached 1 on the day he came back, and it went up again during the period of recuperating? A lot!"

The system's voice was comforting and proud, like an old father who saw his daughter's success.

"I think if we can resume regular updates, we will definitely continue to rise!"


Qiao Yu's eyes flickered, and he flipped through the article information, and found that the channel had been changed to Baihe, and the first twenty chapters had also been deleted. Although this makes the beginning of the story a little bit abrupt, it is still more nondescript than the previous half-romantic half-lily? It is much better.

"Yes? Mi Yi... helped me, right."

With gratitude in her heart, she asked faintly about the system that didn't dare to squeak for a while.

"Can I meet her? Here? There should be? Your participation? Right?"

"About this matter, in the part that can be said? I want to hear it."


The system's voice went down with a guilty conscience, thinking that since the matter of pitting the host before has been exposed, it is okay to break the tank, so he told the matter.

To put it simply, it is the fact that "Da? Miyi can go to exile in the world. Qiao Yu's system tried his best to do it. There is nothing about Miyi's system in this."

"I pour the medicine in charge of her? The unreliable system colleague!"


I don't understand what the system is? What's the matter? The medicine fell, Qiao Yu remained silent, listening to it and continued.

"Because it is totally unwilling to help me! Obviously the host, you too? You were killed by it-of course, I am considered an accomplice in that matter... But I have already reformed and renewed now! Atonement!"

"I was thinking about this article. If you don’t change the channel, it’s too difficult to increase your satisfaction, so I want to go to the original author and ask her to help the host... This is only after the host is exiled. I can do it, otherwise I can only work in this world."

"But it's like signing a contract. I can't make decisions for the host on behalf of me. You two have to meet up for talks. I can only temporarily take the place of her system. Think of a way to send her consciousness to the host while she sleeps."

"To be honest, when is this? Is there any way? It really depends on God's will. After all, I can't get in touch with the host at all. If the host is there? If you are discouraged at that time and wait for death, then it is true. It’s over, because where? All? There are places where the world lines intersect. If the host does not move around, you will definitely not meet other people on the world lines."

"But? Fortunately... I knew my host was not? Such a weak person!"

Speaking of excitement, it still wailed a few times. Qiao Yu remembered that experience, smiled silently, and calmed it down by calming the system.

"But? But?, then the host and the original author? I have exchanged identities, I am? I think it doesn't matter, but? My? The system colleague is so dying. When I woke up and felt something was wrong, I went straight to complain to the superior. NS!"

"...I always feel that your workplace environment is no different from ours?"

It sounded almost like the story of a workplace drama on TV. Qiao Yu's expression was hard to say, and listening to the voice of the system became more and more indignant.

"I hate the system that can make small reports! But? There is no way because I am indeed? Doing things that are not in compliance with the rules and regulations..."

"I can only race against the clock to let the original author? Change the full length of the article channel, and finally send her in? Go? When reporting the message to the host, it didn't take long for the superior to come and cut the line... …I also received a little punishment, **** it."

"...Thank you for your hard work."

Qiao Yu sincerely bowed her head to thank the system. She was able to come back this time and most of the credit should be counted on the system that kept running around, but the other party refused her thanks.

"Originally? Our problem will tear the host into the water-I must have been? I was blindfolded by this? Black-hearted enterprise. Now?

Say yes? Knowing when you get lost, in fact, the more direct reason is probably? I was caught the virus before... Qiao Yu thought and laughed, the system smirked a few times, and then cautiously said after a long while.

"...That?, about these? The world--"

"If this is something I shouldn't know, then don't tell me."

Qiao Yu's tone was firm and his expression was calm.

"I have something more important to ask... well."

The last voice was muffled? Qiao Yu lowered his eyes and put this question behind his head.

"After I left this? What happened in the world, I just want to know this?."

"Do you really want to start directly from the third year of high school? When I met you, I didn't finish my second year in high school, or else? -"

"It's okay, after doing the final exam papers for the second year of high school, there are no results? Very bad."

Qiao Yu glanced at the report card, and the grade was barely considered medium. If this was placed before she was exiled, it was considered a very poor result on the test, but today, when she can only go to the test after a week of review, Qiao Yu is optimistic that she is already very good.

"I can't waste any more time."

She murmured and nodded to the worried father Qiao.

The host who returned from exile is still the first one, even the system? I don’t know how the world will come back in this situation. After all, when she was exiled, the memories that should be erased by the guys disappear? It's almost there, at most it will leave a little unnoticeable residue because of being too hasty.

Judging from the current situation, in Qiao's father and Qiao's mother's place, their memory is that Qiao Yu was seriously ill during his sophomore year in high school and has been unconscious until he woke up a while ago.

The two of them were so excited that they were crying. During this period of time, they took care of Qiao Yu in every possible way. Except for school, she was not allowed to go out alone. Even at home, she had to go every other day. Knock Look at her at her door, for fear that there will be another baby girl? What's wrong. And Qiao Yu can't tell them directly that her satisfaction has risen? There will be no problems, and she can only comfort them as much as possible in her relationship, so as to expand her space for solitude.

As for the one that Qiao Yu missed the most?

"...Not even the contact information? No?"

Qiao Yu flipped the phone in a complicated mood, and the address book inside was empty. Of course, this was a new phone.

"No, no way, the host's parents also said that the original one can't be found..."

Did the system speak very much? Enough, what? So, both of them? Knowing that this must be? Exile caused the sequelae, so I can only look at the phone and sigh.

"They? Should they be? They have forgotten me... Then I now? Should..."

Perceiving the host's distress, and feeling that it's time for her to perform meritorious service again, the system is enthusiastically advising her.

"Go? Find her!"

"I know! I know where Lin Qing went? University? School!"

Yes, more than two years have passed since the day of her exile. Lin Qing and the others have already left Yaohua and become university students.

The time that Qiao Yu felt personally may be longer than this-what the system said? It is said that the time in the space is independent, and in order to better punish the host, the flow of time will only be slow but not fast.

Speaking of this, the system felt distressed for the host's lonely time, and said in a very guilty tone.

"I'm afraid that the host will not be able to stand it. It took a lot of effort to send the comments in. Although some people may not be very pleasant to say...but I think the host can hear the real-time Comment, and then have a little hope? The most important thing!"

"Is that so? Are you here? Help me."

By now, even if it was at the beginning that the system did something to harm her, but now that it has inherited a lot of things, Qiao Yu can already forgive it-not to mention that it has really been since it was infected with the virus? The more likable he is, he can be said to be a reliable partner.

Qiao Yu sat in the classroom of Yew Wah Senior High School. The tip of the pen stayed on the exercise book for a while, and soon there was ink marks on the paper. She looked at the dot in a daze, and slowly lifted the pen.

"Can't you help me with your studies?"

"No? The host, please work hard to catch up with Lin Qing's footsteps?."

"……that's true."

With a wry smile and shook his head, Qiao Yu turned his head and looked out the window. Uncertain flowing clouds were embossed on the light blue sky. It was pleasing to the eye, and it was better than that. I don’t know how much better a place filled with gray and black mist. .

The scenery is beautiful, but the people around are gone.

Those people are all walking forward, only Qiao Yu is forced to stay in the same place. Now she has to spend a lot of effort to move forward, chase, can she keep up? Or? ? Unknown.

"...Does the host think it would be better to leave Lin Qing's memory at that time?"

"would not."

Even if it is a very difficult thing to start from scratch, when the system asks this question, Qiao Yu can still shake his head without hesitation.

To this day, she still has no regrets about her choice that day.

In the days of exile, Qiao Yu had a dream. In her dream, Qiao Yu saw Lin Qing in a daze, thinner, more polite and more distant than she remembered. Sometimes she was surrounded by people, sometimes alone, with a smile on her face. Never reach the bottom of the eye.

Like watching a silent mime, Qiao Yu stood outside the screen, watching Lin Qing on the screen gradually becoming alone.

Walking out of the subway station at dusk alone, passing by couples, students, and playing children, stopped for a while in front of "Wild Cat Noodles", walked into the "convenience store", bought some food for it, and left without touching it.

Only one movie ticket, the lonely footprints on the first snow days, I ordered a cup of coffee without sugar or milk at the coffee shop, and picked it up when the temperature gradually lost. It was just right when the coffee was cold. Finish drinking.

Qiao Yu suddenly realized that Lin Qing had been waiting for her, just like waiting for someone to travel far away, waiting for many springs and winters.

Then she woke up from the dream, sweating coldly, enduring the tingling in her head, and making a gasp like a trapped animal.

This is by no means? The dream she wanted.

Two years is not short after all.

After a day of study, Qiao Yu, who was in the adjustment period, felt a little sluggish in his head, and was eating dinner with a frown.

Lin Qing was admitted to the university, but she was so famous, is she really okay...

"Yuyu, this? A banquet to celebrate your better health is about to be held this weekend. I have invited those restaurants as you said-what else do you want?"

Dad Qiao's words attracted her attention. Qiao Yu raised her head suddenly, thanked him with bright eyes, and immediately began to figure it out in her heart.

After she found out that she had lost her contact information, didn’t she? Nothing? Nothing, first of all? Find a way to get him through the business relationship between Dad Qiao and Cong’s mom. I added a friend, but judging from the fact that the other party and myself never come back after a few chats, Cong Ye is afraid that he has forgotten her quite cleanly.

Seeing that the battle to find out Lin Qing's contact information from him was about to fail, Qiao Yu decided to attack face-to-face and chose this originally planned celebration banquet as an opportunity to meet him.

It's a pity that I can't name Lin Qing from home, or it would be too deliberate...but this might be fine.


Qiao Yuyou sighed anxiously, the distress in his chest was almost uncontrollable.

How should I get there? To Lin Qing who had forgotten her, Qiao Yu suddenly felt as if she hadn't yet? Be prepared for this.

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