What If My Sister Wants To Attack Me

Chapter 88: Do you think I will accept it?

   Early the next morning, Li Ran got up and opened the quilt to reveal the colored glaze in the quilt.

   She is still in the form of a cat, holding the angel Li Ran's hand to do it, the cat's head is attached to the hand to do it, and she rubs the cat's face twice from time to time.

   "Call me when breakfast is done, and I will sleep a little longer."

   Li Ran put the quilt on her again, went downstairs to wash, and then made breakfast.

   After breakfast, a group of people went out in a mighty manner.

   Li Ran, Li Xiaoke, Liuli, Lin Yingjie, Ling Lu, Xin.

   Li Ran brother and sister walked in the forefront, but Li Xiaoke was one step away from him, facing the other side, deliberately not looking at him.

   Li Ran wears the white shirt Lin Yingjie gave him. His face is white, and he has sharp short hair. He looks very energetic.

   It happened that Li Xiaoke was also wearing a white round neck top, a pair of light blue jeans, and a white canvas baseball cap, full of youth and vitality.

   The two walked in front, very eye-catching.

   Liuli and Lin Yingjie followed the two, with Ling Lu and Xin at the end.

   Lin Yingjie looked at Li Ran's back and saw that he was wearing the clothes she bought for him, she was filled with joy and a smile on her face.

   Liuli looked at the back of the two, with enviable gazes in his eyes. Seeing that Li Xiaoke was far away from Li Ran, curled his lips, walked between the two, and took Li Ran's right arm.

   "What are you squeezing, smelly cat." Li Xiaoke frowned.

   "It's so wide in the middle, can't I walk?"

   "Hmph, whatever you want." Li Xiaoke turned his head away, keeping his eyes out.

   Lin Yingjie saw Liuli holding Li Ran's arm, and said in her heart that she was too cunning, bit her lower lip, walked quickly to Li Ran's left, and hugged his left arm into her arms.

   Li Ran immediately took a deep breath. The gap between the rich and the poor is really big.

   "Four people walking in a row, it's too much in the way, it's better not to block the pedestrians." Li Ran said.

   In fact, he cares more about the eyes of passers-by who look at him than that. He is about to be pierced by those eyes.

   "You let it go first." Liuli poked her head from Li Ran's shoulder and said to Lin Yingjie on the other side.

   "No, you let it go first." Lin Yingjie was unwilling to show weakness.

   "You let me go."

   "If you don't let it go, I won't let it go."

   Li Ran: "……"

   Ling Zhao, who was walking behind, looked at Lin Yingjie on Li Ran's left, then tilted her head to look at Liuli on the right. She also rushed over, who liked to join in the fun.


   leaped suddenly on Li Ran's back, grabbed Li Ran's chin with a pair of flawless hands, and shook it happily.

  Since entering Li Ran's house, Li Ran was worried that she would **** the blood of passers-by when she went out, so she wouldn't let her go out. Later, she became obsessed with playing games and stayed at home.

   Except for the last time Li Ran’s mother came back, she went out once. This was the first time she went out to play, so she was very excited.

   At this time, there is only one heart left, following behind alone, looking at the few people huddled in front, a little disappointed in his eyes.

   has no place for her.

   Li Xiao can see the four people on the left who are joking and huddling together. Finally, he can't stand it. He stomped his foot and walked to the front in three or two steps.

   "Hey, Xiao Ke, wait for me."

   Li Ran pulled out his hands, put down Ling Yu, and quickly chased him up.

   Disneyland, the largest city in B and the largest amusement park in S province, covers an area of ​​nearly one million square meters, or about one hundred hectares.

   One day, I can’t finish shopping at all, it’s definitely enough to have fun for a whole day.

   is on Saturday, there are many people coming to play, and you can see a dense crowd just standing at the gate.

   Ling Ling's eyes beamed, looking at the crowd in front of him: "Many people."

   Li Ran finished taking the ticket and held her head.

   "No assault is allowed, have you heard."

   Ling Liao's nose twitched slightly, and said, "It's stinky, so I won't drink it." Li Ran's appetite has been raised by Li Ran.

   "Be careful not to get lost, let's go in."

   Li Ran nodded, and then naturally took the hand of Xiao Ke standing aside and walked to the ticket gate. He had already booked the ticket in advance.

   Li Xiaoke was caught off guard. Li Ran took a small hand and walked into the crowd. A panic flashed across his face and annoyed: "What are you doing? Let me go."

   "There are so many people, I'm afraid you will be lost." Li Ran turned his head and said seriously.

   "You treat me like a three-year-old kid, let go."

   "Don't let go, you will look good!"

   "Chopped your dog's paws."

   "Let go."

   "Throw your paw to feed the dog, no, throw it into the sewer!"


   Li Xiaoke yelled and cursed, and Li Ran had been led to the ticket gate, and Li Ran let her go. Li Xiaoke shook his left hand and stared at him fiercely.

   Liuli snickered while watching from behind, and whispered to Lin Yingjie: "Look, Tsundere."

   "What is Tsundere?" Lin Yingjie has been a good student since she was a child, and she doesn't understand the terms that are not in the textbook.

   "It means that you can break free, but you can't break free, and you call very fierce while being held by someone. That's the kind of person."

   sounds cheap, Lin Yingjie thought so in her heart.

   Seems to hear the two muttering, Li Xiaoke turned around and glared at Liuli.

   "Smelly cat, what are you talking about?"

   "Ahaha, it's nothing." Liuli grinned and went over in confusion.

   After checking the ticket, six people entered the park one by one.

   After playing a few projects together, the emotions of several people were mobilized, especially Ling Zhu, with a lot of excitement.

   Everyone strolled under a ferris wheel.

   This Ferris wheel is built by the lake. It is 150 meters high from the introduction. It looks very magnificent when standing underneath.

   The name of the project is called Two-person World, which means that there can only be two people sitting, and it is an extra fee item, and you need to buy a ticket separately.

   It may be because only two people can sit, so the ticket price is higher than that of 300 tickets. Two people share one ticket, which is equivalent to one class of cabin.

   Li Ran saw Xiao Ke staring at the Ferris wheel and looked interested, so he bought a ticket and said, "Go up and have a look."

   "Don't go."

   Li Ran grabbed her wrist directly, and in her exclamation, pulled her over and started to line up.

Lin Yingjie stood behind and looked at them enviously. She really wanted to sit here with Li Ran, but she felt relieved when she thought that today is the birthday of the brothers and sisters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Come with Li Ran next time .

   "Do you want to sit together?" Liuli suddenly leaned over to her.

   "Don't sit with you, next time I will come and sit with Li Ran."

   "Hmm, think beautifully, next time it's mine."

   "I won't let you succeed, it must be me next time."

   "Everyone depends on their ability, just wait and see."

   At this time, Li Ran turned around and said to Lin Yingjie and others: "You can go to other places to play first, and we will come to you later."

   After Lin Yingjie and others dispersed, he looked at Xiao Ke who was beside him. Xiao Ke had broken away from his hand and stood aside with his back facing him.

   Ten minutes later, the two checked in and entered the cabin. The huge Ferris wheel slowly turned, and the cabin kept rising.

   The cabin was cleaned very clean, soft music was playing, and the two sat opposite each other. Li Ran had a smile on his face. Even if he dreamed, he had never dreamed of such a scene.

   Li Xiaoke sat opposite him in silence, looking at the lake outside the window and the city horizon beyond, his eyes flickering.

   "Xiao Ke..."

   "Don't be noisy."

   Li Xiaoke didn't turn his head back, so he interrupted Li Ran's singing directly, and Li Ran had to swallow the sensational words in his stomach.

   He wanted to take advantage of this good opportunity to completely reconcile with Xiao Ke.

   In silence, the cabin where the two are located is about to rise to the highest point, reaching the position closest to the sky. Li Ran put his hand in his pocket and found out the gift he had prepared.

   A small blue jewelry box.

   He opened the lid, and on the pure black sponge base was a drop-shaped diamond pendant, strung with a thin silver chain. The sunlight shone on the 57 tiny cut surfaces of the pendant, reflecting the bright light.

   Li Xiaoke looked at the pendant, gritted his teeth and said: "Do you think I will accept it?"


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