What If My Sister Wants To Attack Me

Chapter 92: Brando Mansion


   At the exit of the haunted house, Old Liu said in amazement.

   He has been staring at the surveillance in the surveillance room, where Qian Zhengyou's head appeared in the first two places are under surveillance. He saw the scene where the first two escaped.

   In the revolving corridor area, there are too many blind spots. Cameras are only available every section of the road. Qian is in the position where he appears for the third time, which happens to be a section without a camera.

   "Where is that head?"

   "It's gone and won't show up again. If you don't believe me, you can pay me a reward in a week to see if he will show up again." Ma Xiaoling said.

  Lao Liu just barely believed it.

   After they left the haunted house, they walked slowly in the crowded road.

   "Thank you for helping me this time, I really can't catch him alone." Ma Xiaoling thanked him.

   "You are welcome, you have helped me many times before, and I am very happy to be able to help you once."

   "You, didn't you come alone?"

   "No, with my sister, but she doesn't know where she went."

   Ma Xiaoling looked at his face and smiled: "It's not just your sister, right?"

   "Uh," Li Ran scratched his face, "and they..."

   "That zombie won't attack others, right?"

   "No, she is quite obedient."

   And she should have been unable to accept other people's blood, as if she was used to eating the delicacies of mountains and seas, she couldn't eat chaffy vegetables.

  Ma Xiaoling put his hands on his back: "To be honest, I've always been curious, there is a zombie in your family, and a vampire, what do you feed them. They shouldn't be able to not drink blood for a long time?"

   "This...actually what they drink is my blood."

   Ma Xiaoling blinked his eyes, looked at Li Ran seriously, and scanned his neck, trying to find some bite marks.

   But Li Ran's neck is very smooth and there are no scars at all.

   "You weren't sucked dry?"

   Li Ran thought to himself that he had been sucked up twice.

   "Haha, in fact, my hematopoietic ability is relatively strong, and I will be able to recover soon."

   "That's it." Ma Xiaoling stopped.

   The two have reached the fork in the road, and to the left is the direction of the exit.

   "I'm going back, goodbye."

   Ma Xiaoling waved his hand and walked to the left.


   Li Ran stopped her.

   "What?" Ma Xiaoling turned her head, her heroic profile is especially beautiful in the sun.

   "Come to my house to eat cake tonight, for my birthday tonight."

   Ma Xiaoling tilted his head slightly for a moment, pursed his lips, and waved.

   "Happy birthday to you, I have homework tonight, so I won't go."

   Then he turned around and left.

   Li Ran looked at her shaggy back and felt a little regretful. After Ma Xiaoling's figure disappeared in the crowd, he shook his head and walked to the other side, intending to continue looking for Lin Yingjie and others.

   There are a lot of people on the road, and there are even more people in front of the popular attractions.

   Li Ran stood at the back of the crowd, standing on tiptoes and looking inside, when someone pulled the corner of his clothes from behind.

   "Student Li Ran, I finally found you."

   Looking back, Lin Yingjie has a bright smile on her face, as pure and dazzling as the white shirt on her upper body.

   The shirt she wore was bought together with the one on Li Ran. They are men and women.

  The pure white shirt is particularly dazzling in the sun. If it is worn by a person with a darker skin, it will look very dark, but Lin Yingjie will bring out the whiteness of the skin under the reflection of the clothes.

   White skin is self-willed. On the other hand, Li Ran, although he is not black, he also looks a little dark in a white shirt.

   "Where are they?" Li Ran asked, seeing Lin Yingjie alone.

"I don't know, we were still together, but after playing a few places, we gradually separated. After walking away with them, I thought you and Xiao Ke should have come down, so I came to you. Xiao Ke Well, why didn't you see her?"

   "She went to play by herself."

   Lin Yingjie was overjoyed.

   "Then let's go play."

   "Well, good." Li Ran naturally took her soft little hand, "Is there any place I want to play?"

   Lin Yingjie's face was reddened, and she nodded, pulling Li Ran towards the direction where there were few pedestrians.


   The two went through a forest and found a Gothic castle behind a lake.

  The ancient fort was built on a hillside with a strange shape, like a sword and axe. The two tallest minarets are like a pair of fangs, pointing straight to the sky. Although it is broad daylight, it feels gloomy and isolated here.

   "What a beautiful castle." Li Ran said.

   Lin Yingjie agreed, and nodded: "Yeah, it is said that this place was built in an imitation of an ancient castle somewhere in the West. It is called the Duke Brando Experience Hall. The theme is vampires. I want to go in and have a look, but..."

   Li Ran smiled, she looked like he had seen her the last time he saw a zombie movie in a movie theater.

   "Are you scared, right?"

  Obviously he is a blood clan, so he would be afraid of the Vampire Experience Hall, which is quite funny.

   "Anyway, we'll be over soon."

   Lin Yingjie said embarrassedly, and pulled Li Ran around from the wooden plank road by the lake to the old castle.

   may be because of the remoteness of the place, or it may not be very popular, and there are not many tourists nearby.

   In front of the tall iron gate, only the young lady who was in charge of receiving tourists stood there wearing a black dress, with sickly white makeup on her face and dark eyeliner.

   "The two of you are here to experience Brando Mansion, please show me the receipt." The young lady said in a shrill voice.

   The two took out tickets to the amusement park, and then entered the mansion.

   "I wish you all have fun, hee hee." The young lady said from behind.

Passing through the deserted courtyard ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two formally entered the mansion. The wide lobby was very dim without any lighting equipment. Only a few beams of light were thrown in from the high windows, shining smoothly like a mirror. on the ground.

   The reliefs on the wall seem to tell a certain myth. The corridors on both sides are designed with repetitive structures, as if there is no end, spreading into the deep darkness.

   "Which way to go?"


   The two stepped into the corridor on the left. It was daytime, but the atmosphere in the corridor was very gloomy.

   Lin Yingjie nervously hugged Li Ran's arm, and the fullness of the pure white shirt pressed against his arm, which made him feel the temperature of the world again.

   The two walked in the dim corridor, and there was silence before and after, only the slight footsteps of the two echoed.

   "How come there is no one alone." Lin Yingjie pressed close to Li Ran's shoulder, and said in a low voice.

Seeing her scared and cute look, Li Ran's heart shook, and he lowered his head and said in her ear: "This is like a place where vampires live, dark, gloomy, and lonely... If the bustling and hustle and bustle are full of people, what would it be like? I. Think Duke Brando doesn't want to be disturbed by so many people."

   The heat of Li Ran's speech hit her ears, and the crystal earlobes immediately turned pink.

   "Well, that's right..."

   Li Ran saw that there was no one on the left and right, and the person in front of him was charming and charming, he immediately got bad thoughts, pressed her against the wall of the corridor, and pressed her wrists with both hands.

   "Hmm, what are you doing?"

   Lin Yingjie hum.

   On the wall next to the two of them, there is a relief carved with a scene of the Duke of Vampire lingering with a young woman.

   The young Duke was lying on the woman's slender neck. The woman raised her head and wrapped her hands around the Duke's neck. Her face was enchanted and vivid.


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