In front of the Gate of Good Fortune, the majestic voice of Emperor Good Fortune came from the chaos.

   "How is the plan of Zhenglong, the innate spiritual root seizure, going on?"

Xianjun Zhenglong's heart trembled. He had received the news from his deity in his dream. Not only did the mission fail, but the deity was also imprinted by the immortal emperor in the soul. As long as the eternal emperor had a thought, he could make The deity's primordial spirit dissipated.

   If the primordial spirit of the deity dissipates, the clone will die with it.

   "Emperor Immortal Immortal's reincarnation is protected by a strong person. His own strength cannot be underestimated, and his vigilance is very high. I haven't found a chance to start yet." Immortal King Zhenglong bowed his head.

   "Oh? Who is around him?"

   "As far as his subordinates currently know, there is a monster and two alien species around him. Whether there are other tyrannical creatures in his family is currently unknown."

   "From this point of view, your pressure is not small."

   "The subordinates will do their best."

   "Well, very good, if there is progress, come see me again."


   Li Ran's house, Ling Yu's room.

   Ling Ling, dressed in cool clothes, sat on the computer chair. After she woke up from the freezing state, she had forgotten what happened last night. She opened her eyes and returned to her room. She sat in front of the computer as usual and started playing games.

On the computer screen, a row of pea shooters spit out small beans, shooting at the zombie coming from the right side of the screen, defending the sunflowers in the back row, and plants such as melons and high nuts in the front row, blocking the zombie’s progress. .

   Yes, this zombie is playing Plants vs. Zombies.

   During the long queue time of Super League of Legends, Ling Zhu was playing this classic game. Because Doudizhu was really not suitable for her, she asked the audience through the barrage a few minutes ago:

  Waiting time what game to play?

   The popularity of her live studio has already broken one million, and immediately there are dense barrage floating by.

   "Digging to survive."

   "Let's play Lanyue, so my brothers come to kill me."

   "If it's a man, stick to it for 5 seconds."

   "I keep taking a shower, where is the greasy sister..."


   Then Ling Lu randomly copied a game name from the barrage, searched and downloaded it, and just selected Plants vs. Zombies.

   The little white hand supported his chin, Ling Zhu looked at the slow-moving zombie on the screen, and grinned.

   "What an ugly zombie~"

   Li Ran pushed the door in, and saw the game she was playing, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

  He walked to Ling Lu's side, and Ling Lu lovingly wrapped his waist and rubbed his face against his stomach.

   "I'll come to see you play the game, you will continue to play." Li Ran touched her head and said.


   Ling Lu let go of his hands and continued to play, while Li Ran sat on the bed and watched.

   After solving a few waves of zombies, the screen prompts:

   A wave of zombies is coming.

   Lingyi opened his eyes wide, very curious, ready to see what kind of zombie is like, is there a big vampire at home?

   After the dense zombies came out from the right side of the screen, she curled her lips.

   "Hey, it's not the big wave of zombies I thought."

   Li Ran couldn't help but glanced at her chest when he heard the words. Under the flimsy cloth, it was what Ling Yao was looking forward to seeing from the computer.

   Although it is not as good as Lin Yingjie, she is also quite excellent. If she has to be ranked, she will definitely occupy the second place in the family.

   When the big wave of zombies was knocked down by the half, the screen of the game matching success popped up. After Ling Zhu clicked to confirm, he quickly switched back to the screen, and then went on to fight the big wave of zombies.

   After entering the game, she did not turn off Plants vs. Zombies or paused. Instead, she lined up with the Dr. Octopus on the opposite side while cutting the screen to beat the zombies.

   The speed of cutting the screen back and forth was so fast that Li Ran had some fireworks. He used his mobile phone to check the barrage in the live broadcast room.

   "Ahhh, I'm going to be blind, the anchor cut slowly."

   "Did not eat? Cut so slowly, hurry up."

   "Anchor, please don't humiliate opponents in this way, take the line seriously, and use all your strength to crush the opponent, okay?"

   "Is the anchor human? I suggest slicing research."


   Li Ran looked at it for a while and lost interest.

   rubbed her head and left the room, ready to go out to buy groceries in the nearby supermarket.

When    went downstairs, Xin was wearing an apron and was cleaning the living room carefully.

   Seeing him coming down the stairs, he asked softly: "Mr. Landlord is going out?"

   "Yes, go to the supermarket to buy groceries, will you go with me?"

   "Okay," Xin lowered his head, "wait for me a little bit."

   took off his apron, put it back in his room, and went out to the supermarket with Li Ran.

On Sunday afternoon, there are a lot of people visiting the supermarket. There are popular pop music in the supermarket, and the heart follows Li Ran. He seems a little cautious. Occasionally, when he sees the right ingredients, he picks it up carefully and throws it into the shopping cart that Li Ran is pushing. inside.

   Li Ran is in a good mood. He likes the atmosphere of the supermarket. It is peaceful, lively and full of life.

   Such a peaceful day is really great.

   "Huh? That kid..."

   When passing by the beverage area, he saw a little boy with sweat standing between two rows of shelves. His blue T-shirt was also darkened by sweat.

   The little boy stared straight at the drinks on the shelf, no adults around.

   The little boy stood on tiptoe, took a bottle of soda drink from the third row of shelves, wanted to unscrew it, but blushed and did not unscrew the bottle cap.

   Heart saw this scene and whispered to Li Ran, "That kid, do you want to drink supermarket drinks secretly?"

   Li Ran looked at the kid sweating profusely, and said, "Maybe I'm too thirsty. I don't want to line up."

   Pushing the shopping cart, he came to the and stretched out his hand.

   "Children, let me help you."

   The little boy turned his head to look at him, handed over the drink bottle, Li Ran took it, and twisted it twice.

   The bottle cap is very tightly sealed. No wonder this child can't unscrew it. I am afraid that even a less powerful adult can't unscrew it.

   But for him, it's not a problem. How can a dignified cultivator be unable to unscrew the bottle cap.

   snorted, Li Ran unscrewed the bottle cap and returned it to the child.


   The child took the bottle, raised his head and took a big sip, and then let out a sigh of satisfaction.

   "My kid, how old are you?"

"8 year-old."

   "Where to go to school?"

   "The third experimental elementary school."

Li Ran looked at him sweating profusely, and said in as gentle a tone as possible: "For the drinks in the supermarket, it is best to pay the bill before drinking. It may be troublesome to pay the bill after drinking. I will be my brother this time. You drink it, you must remember it next time."

   The child rolled his eyes, drank the bottle dry, and threw the empty bottle into Li Ran's shopping cart.

   The corner of Li Ran's mouth twitched, this kid...why does it seem so awkward?

At this time the child said: "Nosy big brother, because you helped me unscrew the cap, I will remind you. You'd better go home as soon as possible. I have trouble finding you. ."


   Li Ran was shocked, the child turned around and ran away.

   What a strange child.

   At this time, Xin glanced at the bottle cap in Li Ran's hand, and gave a soft sound.

"What's wrong?"

   "It seems to be printed on the bottle cap..."

   Li Ran picked up the cap of the bottle and looked at it. Four words were printed inside.

one more bottle.


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