What is a destructive midfielder?

Chapter 251: Wenger cannot defeat Mourinho's curse?

"Arsenal is in a bit of a tough situation."

"It looks like they are about to lose the city."

"Manchester United's suppression is very strong, the distance between players is not short, but the firepower is very dense."

"Suppression in terms of technical and tactical style."

The 28th minute of the game.

Pogba received the ball at the top of the penalty area, turned around to get rid of Xhaka, and fired a powerful long shot.

The audience was impressed by the physical flexibility of Mr. 100 million.

The football flew out of the stands with a whistle.

The home fans at Old Trafford gradually regained their confidence.

Mourinho let go of the mineral water bottle in his hand.

Ferguson stopped shaking and tore open the wrapper of a piece of chewing gum again.

The Arsenal formation was flattened.

Will Manchester United's goal be far away?

The Red Devils' attack is still going on.

The 35th minute of the game.

Blind rushed to the baseline and received Pogba's pass.

No need to adjust.

No need to stop the ball.

The Dutchman's high-altitude cross has reached perfection.


Before the football landed on the ground, it spun violently into the penalty area.

"One touch!"

"A sharp and flat cross!"

"Does Manchester United still have Van Persie?"

"Yes, Ibrahimovic!"

The 35-year-old Ibrahimovic stood in the penalty area, like a god descending from heaven.

The young Maguire and Mustafi, with a combined weight of 400 kilograms, could not interfere with the Swedish striker's kick!

It was a stretching and swinging leg movement similar to dancing.

It was strong and beautiful.


Ibrahimovic raised his heel high and hit the falling football!

Cech was so confused.

There was no way to predict the angle of the opponent's shot.

He jumped a step too late.

Fortunately, his arms were long enough.

He punched the ball out of the baseline.

"Just a little bit short!"

"Ibrahimovic is so strong, he almost created a magical goal at Old Trafford!"

"The volley shot with the back heel, the angle is perfect."

"But Cech will not feel any pressure facing this speed of the ball."


"Mustafi seems to have had a little dispute with Maguire."

"The two Arsenal central defenders just tripped each other."

"Looking back at Manchester United's offense during this period, no matter how the players run, their formation still maintains a three-line structure."

"It's just that in the offensive stage, the vertical spacing is more precise."

"These three lines are critical."

"It can strangle Arsenal's technical counterattack in a very layered way."

"These three lines."

Time passed by minute by minute.

Manchester United pressed Arsenal hard in the penalty area.

The two aura heroes with their own systems. The offensive launched by the joint efforts is too difficult to guess.

The entire Premier League coaching team is working overtime to study.

The scene is obvious: Mourinho's Manchester United is several levels stronger than Van Gaal's "Big Circle" Manchester United!

Old Trafford.

Manchester United fans have regained the initiative.

The momentum in the stands is getting louder and louder.

"Glory Glory Man United!"

Glory to Manchester United.

The passionate tune inspires the Red Devils on the field.

Mourinho is confident and confident.

The other side of the command area.

Wenger frowned and paced back and forth.

Manchester United's team song came into his ears, and his mind was hard to calm down.

It's still a bit difficult.

"Boss, our next suggestion is."

"Wait a little longer."

The first half is about to end.

If adjustments are made at this time, the benefits are too low.

Arsenal fans are a little nervous:

'It seems that they are leading by one goal, but in fact Manchester United may equalize the score at any time. Is Mourinho really so restrained as a professor? '

ESPN's audience is almost annoyed.

The commentator-He Hui kept repeating Manchester United's "three lines".

The camera suddenly turned to the goal of Manchester United.

Empty half

De Gea did not show the leisurely smile he had in the European Cup.

Instead, he was worried about something.

As if he was an Arsenal player.

Why was Wenger so badly beaten by Mourinho in the past?

Only won once in 16 encounters.

Is Arsenal poorer? Is the overall strength not as good as Chelsea?

This is only one factor with a small impact.

In essence, it is still a collision of technical and tactical styles of both sides.

Beautiful football VS utilitarian football?

In layman's terms, it is the sultry style VS the vulgar style.

Wenger is the sultry style.

He gave the players full offensive freedom, allowing them to fully display their talents, so that they could play a beautiful offensive with mercury pouring down in the dazzling cooperation, shorten the distance between the offensive players, and tear the space madly, with a style that is both chic and fierce.

There is no worry about not scoring goals in Arsenal's games.

So why do you say he is the sultry style?

Because he is more Michels than Cruyff, or more Reynolds.

That's right.

The professor inherited the "defense" of all-out attack and defense.

If Arsenal is attacking in the frontcourt, the overall formation will not be too forward like Barcelona. The apparent reason is to give space for "passing and cutting", but in fact it still serves his defensive strategy.

When losing the ball, Cruyff's school will counter-grab on the spot in the frontcourt, while Arsenal will retreat.

For example:

In a strong dialogue.

There was a young man who pursued a girl passionately every day, trying to break through her defenses, but when the girl became a little bit aroused and took the initiative, the young man would shy away.

He would also have wild thoughts and deliberately be indifferent on the surface.


If it were Cruyff, he would have kissed her boldly, stolen the ball, and took advantage of the chaos in the girl's defense to drive straight in and break through in one fell swoop.

Wenger attaches great importance to defense.

Arsenal plays low defense.

The moment the ball is lost, the overall defensive center of gravity will move backwards crazily.

The problem is here.

In the transition between offense and defense, if there is no strong back-type midfielder, they will be beaten badly.

The girl scolded them.

If they resisted the opponent's attack.

What is Arsenal's shyness?

Transition attack.

Wenger's first-hand attack layout is among the top five in football history.

But he is not good at transition attack.

Arsenal can play a powerful technical counterattack in the game of bullying.

But in the match against the giants, the players cannot guarantee the stability of the dense passing in the counterattack.

The counterattack turned into a positional battle.


Back to the beginning: the handsome Arsenal is trying to break through the heart of a girl and repeat this cycle.

This kind of sultry style is not weak, it is very strong and annoying.

Not suitable for cup games.

Not suitable for playing Mourinho.

The same low defense.

The defensive center of gravity moves backward.

The sultry girl is always the nemesis of the sultry boy.

In the strong dialogue.

Mourinho is not good at taking the initiative to suppress, but is better at switching offense.

His counterattack layout can be regarded as the top five in the history of football.

If a Chelsea girl is shown love by an Arsenal boy, she will not give the other party a chance to be shy. Want to complete the position defense? Two sides. Two blue braids swung fiercely, and then Drogba's black tongue licked a few times, and finally completed the fatal blow.

After completing the clearance again.

Li Kang's thoughts were scattered by various chaotic emotions.

The conditions for solving the problem are fully mastered.

But the answer is not how to cut off the connection between Pogba and Ibrahimovic.

What is the current situation?

The role positioning of Wenger and Mourinho is reversed.

Chelsea. It was after Manchester United had Pogba and Ibrahimovic that Mourinho's first-hand attack defect was made up.

After Arsenal had himself, Wenger's transition attack defect was made up.

Dead ball stage.

He gradually figured it out and could no longer be obsessed with how to disrupt Manchester United's offense.

Time does not allow.

There are many ways to win.

The best solution: tear up the "three lines" maintained by Manchester United on the offensive end, and then defeat Mourinho in Mourinho's way.

When the game was suspended.

Ibrahimovic's eyes were inseparable from Li Kang.

He often shows an ambiguous smile on his face.

This kid doesn't look like Ronaldo at all, but he is equally likable.

Look, the internationally accepted basic gestures he and his teammates make will also remind people of the Meazza in Milan.

Manchester United assistant coach Faria has been with Mourinho for many years.

From Porto to Stamford Bridge, Meazza and Bernabeu. Then to the Theatre of Dreams.

He has always been the person Mourinho trusts the most.


"Call Boss!"

"Boss, Li's basic gestures seem to want to imitate us in the past"

Mourinho stretched his neck with a serious expression.

He quickly interrupted: "It doesn't make any sense. The middle and lower teams in Europe are imitating us. Did they win the championship?"

Are the characteristics of Arsenal's opponents in line with this tactic?

Obviously not.


A bunch of little sissies.

Che Yiqi and Mourinho's Inter Milan are the most classic bus textbooks, simple, practical and easy to use.

Back then, the Barcelona Universe and the Bayern Munich would be worn out by them.

On the other side.

Boulder said frustratedly: "Boss, Li's adjustment is very simple. The purpose may be to let us maintain the leading score until the halftime break."

No reply was received.

The Arsenal coach was stunned and lost in thought.

The Gunners teammates understood.

Although they could not fully understand Li Kang's intention, they still knew how to "squat in the toilet".

Low defense line, a little lower.

Defensive center of gravity, move back a little.

The game resumed.

Blind stood in the corner flag area and raised his right hand.

Two steps to run.


It was not the familiar high-altitude cross.

The ball rolled to the feet of Lingard at the edge of the penalty area.

Walcott quickly rushed to grab it.

That's right.

Even if it is a bus, there will be an oppressor at the edge of the defense line.


"Fried meatballs!"

"Lingard has passed!"

"Arsenal's penalty area is full of feet, let's see how to deal with it."

"Oh, Arsenal's defense is too far back, giving Manchester United a chance to shoot from a distance, too risky!"

"Pogba is in a good position."

"Another volley!"

The long legs of the French black egg volleyed in the air.

The football set off a graceful arc and went to the upper right corner of the Arsenal goal.


Maguire, who was squatting to the extreme, happened to stand on the goal line.

This guy's ability to defend high balls can rank among the top three in the Premier League.


He headed the ball to the 30-meter area.

‘Li said, try to head the ball forward! ’

Old Trafford.

There was no exciting shouting in the Gunners’ stands.

This scene was repeated several times in the first half.

The results were similar.

Manchester United has the magic of temporarily reconstructing the “three lines of defense”, which can stifle Arsenal’s technical counterattack.

What a passing and cutting.

If there is no sufficient space for positional warfare, it is difficult to score in a counterattack at once, and it is difficult to ensure the stability of the ball in intensive passing.

“Cazorla stopped the ball.”

“A large-scale transfer to Walcott on the other side.”

“Too complicated.”

“Manchester United has sufficient positioning. It’s time to construct the defense line.”


“When did Li Kang rush up? Oh, he didn’t participate in the defense during this period to disrupt Manchester United’s offensive system.”

“He is in a very sensitive position now.”

The test paper has been done once.

Li Kang can recite the definitions of Mourinho’s three lines of defense.

He was between Herrera and Carrick at this time.

The second line of defense.

The definition is: space tearing.

Leverkusen's No. 10 needs to guide his teammates to cooperate in lateral passing to tear through.

What about Arsenal's No. 10?

Using his body and explosive speed is enough.

Although Walcott knew his task.

But when he saw Li Kang's gesture at this time, he still felt a little suspenseful.

'Li wants a bit more lead time! '

He didn't think much.

After Arsenal's little tiger took a few steps with the ball, he sent a straight pass!

"This ball is too casual!"

"Closer to Herrera!"


Old Trafford gradually resumed its hustle and bustle.

The audience realized: the passionate collision on the green field is coming again!

Li Kang's figure and Carrick crossed each other.

No one touched each other.

Manchester United's old waist can withstand Drogba's impact.

Herrera was about to stop the ball. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

Inexplicably, I felt a sense of familiarity.

Is it a billboard?

Is it a caddy wearing a hat?

What is it?

It is the night sky of Manchester!

The football was poked by Arsenal's No. 10 boots.


The close-up sound equipment emitted a blood-spurting sound.

Poor Basque teenager Herrera, felt a more terrifying impact after a year!

The moment he fell to the ground.

A warm palm protected the back of his head.

"Atkinson can't run anymore, he indicated that there was no foul."

"Arsenal's counterattack continues."

"Why did it stop?"

What Li Kang wanted was a pause.

The football was not poked far away.

Manchester United's third line of defense began to loosen.

Bailly lost his position and prepared to fight for the ball.

Where is Morata?

This guy has already run to the position and can crush Smalling at any time!

Herrera looked up at Li Kang's chin and was a little moved.

‘Li actually gave up a precious counterattack opportunity to protect himself.’

‘You are worthy of our Iberia.’


The Manchester United youngster still fell to the ground.

He watched Li Kang’s crotch pass over his head.

The originally stagnant game was re-ignited with the sprint of Arsenal’s No. 10.

Old Trafford.

This dream theater always bursts out the most passionate shouts during the vacuum period of ball possession!

On the side of the court.

Mourinho looked at Bailey’s struggling figure and angrily crushed the mineral water bottle.

He has a tactical principle that he has adhered to for many years.

Even if he can’t destroy the opponent’s attack.

The last line of defense must maintain a defensive position.


He was fooled.

On the other side.

Bould scratched his bald head, looking puzzled and confused.

The Arsenal coaching staff members leaned out and surrounded Wenger.


“It seems that we are going to score again.”

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