What is a hexagon jungler?

103: There is a tacit understanding, tacit cooperation!

Entering the canyon, Gu Xing manipulated the blind monk to quickly buy the equipment to leave the spring, and glanced at the lineup of both sides on the way.

On the blue side where he is, top laner Gnar, wild blind monk, middle lane clockwork, and bottom lane Lucian Bullhead.

The red side on the opposite side is the top laner Jian Ji, the jungler, the mid laner Syndra, and the bottom lane Bingbing Bron.

Gu Xing's brain turned rapidly, thinking about his general strategy.

Fer will definitely be suppressed in the early stage. Due to the problem of the hero mechanism, the clockwork laning phase has no ability to fight back against Syndra.

If there is too much difference in the operation level of the two sides, this kind of hero laning restraint relationship may be smoothed out, and even a counterpressure situation will appear.

However, Song Yijin's laning ability is definitely not bad, and he is also a proper first echelon in the world.

In addition, Syndra's proficiency in Japan is very exaggerated. Lee Sang Hyuk's comprehensive ability is indeed strong, but it is difficult to complete the turnaround regardless of the hero's characteristics.

However, this does not mean that he cannot help the middle lane!

Gu Xing first explained his thinking to the audience in the live broadcast room, "In this game, the stone beetle is normally played in the lower half of the game, and it's enough to brush all the way up, and the level will be raised first."

Before the wild monster was born, he cut the screen and went out to watch the barrage, and found that some netizens asked, "Why don't you open it from the top down?"

"The Freljord combination in the bottom lane on the opposite side seems to be able to push the line, but it's actually not easy to catch," Gu Xing explained to the audience, "Ice has e to explore the field of vision, maybe I will be found halfway through It's..."

"Even if we really catch the opportunity and succeed in bot lane g, two against three may not necessarily win."

"Our support chose a bull head. It is a pure melee soldier at level 1. It is useless at all. It is partnered with Lucian to face Ice Bron, and the control over the line of soldiers is almost zero," he gushed, " If I go to the bottom lane to catch people at the third level, I will definitely face a lot of minions."

The fighting power of the soldiers in the early stage is quite astonishing, and the concentrated fire damage of a wave of cannon soldiers is no lower than the output of heroes!

And carrying a large number of soldiers to launch g, the blind monk q Tianyinbo can easily be blocked by minions.

At that time, Gu Xing felt that he would be severely punished if he was left behind by the Freljord group!

What's more, he knew that Peanut was the support that filled the position, and his level would definitely not be particularly high. If there was a mistake in coordination during g, it would be a big trouble.

So after careful study, Gu Xing still opened the field as usual, starting from the stone beetle camp below.

Before the official start of the laning period, everyone's chat channel was very lively, and several players on the other side greeted Lee Sang Hyuk and Little Peanut one after another.

And ig Nakano also recognized Gu Xing, typing and interacting on the public screen.

Song Yijin also used a teasing tone to tell him to take it easy in this round.

Gu Xing simply responded with a few words. Seeing the birth of the stone beetle, he quickly withdrew his thoughts and punished the buff effect of the gift of heavy hand first, and then hammered the wild monster with the attack speed increased by the passive storm.

Their own bottom lane team is using basic attacks to help them throughout the whole process. They know that if they go online early, they will not be able to grab the right to return, so they might as well let their teammates increase the speed of clearing the jungle.

Gu Xing did not choose to drag the bloody wild monsters to the next group of camps.

Doing so will keep you away from the bottom lane, and if the duo teammates continue to help him, it will delay the return time, and may even miss the minion experience.

He simply stood still and let his teammates deal as much damage as possible.

Kill the stone beetle to upgrade to level 2, then cling to the top wall of the camp, and throw the q sky sound wave towards the red bff above!

The current version of Tiansonic Wave has a casting distance of only 1100 yards.

With Gu Xing's position, he kicked the red bff directly, and he almost missed the hit.

But in season 6, the red bff has two sons by his side.

Among them, a small monster on the lower right is relatively close to the stone beetle camp.

Gu Xing's Tian Yinbo kicked it!

The mark was successfully hung, and the second echo hit followed, allowing the blind monk to successfully come to the red bff camp!

In this way, the duo helped him open the field to lower the blood volume of the stone beetle, and Gu Xing made another movement across the wall, saving a lot of time on the road.

With the cooperation of the two, Gu Xing's progress in clearing the jungle is quite fast!

For Gu Xing, the blind monk is one of the heroes he is best at, with all kinds of skills at his fingertips.

Eat the red bff, take advantage of the trend and continue to brush f4.

"When clearing the jungle, remember to observe the situation of other lanes," Gu Xing reminded the audience, "After clearing the wild and then looking at the situation of the three lines, you will miss many details and opportunities."

Use up all the skills, let the blind monk automatically attack and output the Raptor. At this time, he cuts the screen to watch the performance of the rest of his teammates.

As previously thought, both the middle and lower lines are suppressed.

And the road is full of gunpowder, and they are fighting fiercely!

Gnar fights Jian Ji, and it's pretty easy to fight in the laning phase.

Even if Mundo's wife is a disgrace among long-handed heroes, Little Gnar's range is only 400 yards, which is shorter than all d's.

But in the face of Jian Ji, no matter what, she also has a range advantage.

And after the level is increased, Gnar w hyperactivity has a movement speed bonus every time it is triggered, which can make it pull frequently.

The sword girl wants to resist, and the way is to fight against the strong level point.

Level 1 sword princess Fiona relies on q piercing the air and the passive opening mechanism, and her combat power is stronger than Gnar!

If you can force the opponent out of the experience zone, or forcibly lower the blood volume, Jian Ji's life in the laning phase will be more comfortable.

That's exactly what Jian Ji did.

She hides in the line grass closest to the enemy's defense tower, and when Gnar is online, she will fight out halfway, so as not to let the opponent easily get the minion experience, and fight to the end!

Mimi Dan's level of pulling when playing ranked is acceptable, and she didn't lose too much blood after going back and forth.

Now the HP of the two top laners has dropped below half!

Gu Xing was like a shark that smelled blood. He killed the Raptor and successfully upgraded to level 3. Then he quietly went up the road and prepared to launch the first wave of offensive.

"Sword Ji disappeared on the mini-map for three or four seconds just now," he made his own guess, "there is a high probability that she went to the river to set up a vision."

Theoretically speaking, in order to achieve the purpose of preventing g, it is best to make the eye position a little deeper, inserting it in the middle area between the blue bff and the magic marsh frog camp in the upper half of Gu Xing.

But if this is done, Jian Ji needs to stay away from the line for a long time.

In the early stage, she didn't take much advantage, and she didn't completely control the line power.

The minions were not completely pushed into Gnar's defense tower. If Jian Ji was offline for too long, she would lose a lot of experience and gold coins if the line of soldiers was depleted.

On this route, the most important thing in the early stage is the experience value.

Because the line is too long, it is a single-player battle.

Once the loss of experience leads to a poor level, you will be chased and beaten all the way.

Swordsman players obviously don't want to suffer, so they put their eyes on the river and quickly return to the lane to develop.

"We roughly guessed the opponent's field of vision information, so we don't need to use our eyesight to catch people," Gu Xing said calmly, "Just move along the non-vision area..."

He had no intention of going to the wild monsters in the upper half of the area at all, so he operated the blind monk to follow the line of soldiers and rush to the road!

Through this approach, the time to get on the road will of course be a little slower.

But the advantage is that it is safe enough, Jian Ji doesn't have his vision at all!

Tucked away in the shadows of the previous tower, everything is ready.

The two top laners are still at two levels and want to upgrade to 3. They have to wait until the line of gunners arrives at 2 minutes and 48 seconds to eat the first three melee soldiers.

And the line of soldiers was still in front of the tower on Gu Xing's side.

Gu Xing locked his eyes on Jian Ji, as if he regarded her as something in his pocket!

When the signal on the road came out, he asked his Gnar to cooperate a little.

Mimi Dan understood, and took two steps forward, pretending to replenish the blood of the long-range soldiers.

Jian Ji, who was so full of head-to-head fighting and exchanging blood, was really fooled, and q Po Kong Zhan wanted to pierce the flaw in front of Gnar.

Mimi Dan resolutely gave up on the pawns, and then hit the sword girl with a basic attack followed by a q throwing back mark!

Gu Xing walked out at the very beginning of the duel, and the moment Gnar's pullback hit Jian Ji, he appeared within the opponent's field of vision!

In order to ensure the strength of the duel, the second-level swordswoman ordered w Laurent's mind-eye knife. At first, she wanted to use w to block the extra damage of Gnar's third-level w excitement.

It turned out that a blind monk emerged from behind Gnar!

The Sword Fairy player panicked and ran back quickly.

The slowing effect of Knar's pull back made Jian Ji not move fast, and Gu Xingw's golden bell was attached to Mimidan's body.

E Tianleipao slammed down on the floor while following the flash!

The unpretentious e flash hits damage, and by the way, is close to the opponent!

Jian Ji was forced to have no choice but to turn around and block.

Gu Xing took his time and adjusted his position to avoid the skill range of W Laurent's mind-eye knife.

Wait until the blocking state is over, and then trigger the second stage of E to destroy tendons and bones to apply a slowing effect!

Jian Ji hadn't given up on the idea of ​​surviving, so she flashed back to distance herself.

"Is it necessary to pay this flash..." Gu Xing almost laughed out loud.

He has already sentenced him to death.

Even if the child wanders over, Jian Ji will die in this wave!

With the help of the slow speed imposed by the broken tendons and bones to shorten the distance, Gu Xing didn't make a Q.

When Jian Ji's next q piercing slash was better and she moved backwards to escape, he just threw out the q sky sound wave!

Jian Ji's piercing slash is similar to Lucian's sliding step, and the displacement distance can be long or short.

It seems to be flexible and comfortable, but it is awkward in some situations.

If you cast a short q, the casting speed is really fast, but the displacement distance is not long, it is no different from walking, and there is no escape effect at all.

If you cast a long q, the displacement will indeed be far, but the casting process will be longer.

Gu Xing's Tianyinbo kick hit precisely in the middle of Jianji's piercing slash!

The opponent can't even move and turn around!

Echo Shot followed, and the last basic attack emptied Jian Ji's blood bar!

Mimi Dan still wanted to come over to get some blood, but seeing that Gu Xing had killed him, she could only turn around resentfully to deal with the little soldier.

"This head can't be given away," Gu Xing explained to the audience, "I handed it over, and I wasted a lot of time squatting on people during the period, so I need to make up some money."

"The centaur is probably still clearing the wild at this time," he marked the opponent's red bff camp. "Generally speaking, Hecarim's fast four has strong combat effectiveness..."

Netizens got excited when they heard this.

Ah yes yes yes, vg is playing the second round of i today, may I ask whose team doesn't have fast four?

Not only is there no fast four, but he even sprints to grab blue!

But even if the children's troops come to save Jian Ji, it's useless, Ueno 2v2, the third-level troops can't beat the blind monk at all

Gu Xing ran to clear the field and ignored the live broadcast room.

Go back to the city to make green jungle knives, long swords and real eyes, and come out to continue to develop.

On the way, he cut the screen and glanced at Zhonglu.

It can be seen that fer is more serious about ranking in this round than before. He is stable in the lane and uses clockwork puppets to constantly put pressure on Song Yijin.

However, Syndra in Japan is not a vegetarian, and he will cast q Dark Orb when fer wants to use basic attacks to replenish soldiers.

In this way, if Lee Sang Hyuk wants to make up troops, he has to eat the magic ball!

The clockwork monster's q has a long cooldown in the first few levels, and the w command: noise is very mana-consuming. It is impossible for Lee Sang-hyuk to use skills to replenish troops every time.

After a while, his blood volume inevitably couldn't hold up.

After clearing the short line that reached the middle road at 5 minutes and 08 seconds, Lee Sang Hyuk planned to return to the city to replenish the wave.

Broiler doesn't have a lot of mana, so he's going to push the next wave of gunners and go back to buy equipment.

In this way, fer can lose a little minions, he can eat more waves of soldiers, and the combat power of the supplementary equipment is also stronger!

Gu Xing saw the situation of the small soldiers in the middle, and immediately signaled that he would come to help.

Seeing this, Lee Sang Hyuk returned to the city with peace of mind.

Gu Xing came to the middle lane in time after the broiler quickly pushed the line with more than ten seconds to consume his blue energy.

Taking a step forward, he used the body of the blind monk to block a large wave of artillery vehicles from the range of the defense tower!

It's okay to press the keyboard key twice to stay in place, or hit the cannon soldier with your fist twice.

"Learn to be a jungler," Gu Xing chatted with the audience with a relaxed expression. "As long as there is fer in the middle lane, if there is nothing to do, I will help you to block the pawn line. You waste a little time, but the development of your thighs will be very good."

Not long after Song Yijin was promoted to level six, he wanted to go home, but when he saw that Gu Xing came over and got stuck, he wanted to stop him.

However, the amount of mana on him is only enough to release one skill, so he can't pose a threat to the blind monk at all!

But if Gu Xing is allowed to get stuck in the line at will, Broiler knows that he will not be able to calmly return to the city to resupply!

When fer returns to the middle lane again, and the next wave of pawns continues to come up, Lee Sang Hyuk can make the pawn handover position stuck in front of the tower for a long time!

This wave of soldiers with cannon carts is extremely powerful and will deal a fatal blow to the short-term of Fer's side!

In other words, if the pawn line was stuck in front of the fer tower by Gu Xing like this, Song Yi would have to lose the pawns when he went back to the city.

If he doesn't return to the city, he won't be able to line up with Lee Sang Hyuk who is fully equipped after supplies!

Cheap or not?

Song Yijin, who was in the ig base of Shimao Binjiang Garden, was impatient.

He shook people face to face, "id, come and help me!"

"Here we come!" The child Youshen promised.

Esports Yuan Shao has also been paying attention to the middle lane just now.

Seeing Gu Xing coming over, his physical body stuck in the line, wanting to embarrass and disgust Song Yijin, the child's wandering spirit instinctively ran to the middle!

But the two of them had nothing to do with Gu Xing's blind monk.

The child's horse has not yet reached level 6, and it is completely impossible to cooperate with Syndra, who can only cast one skill, to kill the blind monk in front of the enemy tower!

id finally decided to use the e-destroy charge acceleration to push the blind monk into the tower.

As long as Gu Xing can't physically get the little soldiers out of the defense tower, that's fine!

For him, Song Yijin's comfortable playing is more important than anything else!

The horseshoe was kicked in, but id also resisted the turret hatred.

Gu Xing didn't say anything else, Q Tianyinbo kicked the horse and the horse, and the thunder broke through and smashed the child's tendons and bones to keep the child!

At first, id wanted to save his skills, but when he saw a clockwork monster that started sprinting at the edge of his field of vision, he gritted his teeth and used sprinting.

Gu Xing waited for the opponent to leave the range of the defensive tower, and followed the echo strike to the side of the centaur.

And the distance between children and broilers is not too far!

He used his id as a springboard, approached with his eyes, and successfully came to Song Yijin!

At this moment, Song Yijin's Syndra hadn't returned to the city yet, he saw Gu Xing approaching, and hurriedly told the weak to retreat to persuade the opponent to retreat.

But without the help of the dark magic ball, he just pushed the blind monk away without applying additional stun control!

At this moment, Lee Sang Hyuk has rushed over!

Fer had just seen the child wandering over to interrupt Gu Xingka's line, and realized that there might be a fight.

He surrendered his sprint and rushed to the battlefield one step ahead of schedule!

It is precisely because of this sprint that ig Nakano made a wrong prediction of Lee Sang Hyuk's position, and his escape was one step too late!

Fer handed in q command: Attack first to clear the cannon carriage under the tower, but the damage was not enough, so it failed to kill it.

He quickly clicked a signal.

On the bright side, I can't see what Lee Sang Hyuk wants to express.

But Gu Xing seemed to have a tacit understanding with him, so he decisively turned around and punished him!

When the line was stuck earlier, Gu Xing was attacking the cannon.

Just now he was kicked into the tower by the child Youshen, and the cannon cart entered the range of the turret boldly, becoming the target of the defense tower's bombardment.

The cannon cart that had already resisted the tower was punished by him, and its blood volume bottomed out in an instant!

The last shell fell and the gun carriage was killed.

Lee Sang-hyuk originally had all the experience of all 8 waves of soldiers before 5 minutes and 08 seconds.

For a single line to increase to 6, you need a small soldier from the first 8 waves and the 9th wave!

In other words, fer was only a little short of experience points from being promoted to level six!

Even though Gu Xing and him share the experience of this cannon car equally, it is enough for him to upgrade and learn the ultimate move!

This is the benefit of cutting the screen before Gu Xing.

He often cuts to stare at the middle lane, knowing in his heart that Lee Sang Hyuk has not missed the experience of the little soldiers.

As for the key points of the online hero's promotion to sixth, Gu Xing heard Redmi emphasize it before, and he took the world girl to experiment in the custom game, repeated training to ensure that he was familiar with it.

This is also an important part of line-field linkage.

To help your teammates, you have to count the level of the hero on the line, which is a compulsory course in Gu Xing's view.


Seeing that Gu Xing used punishment to help him level up, Li Sang Hyuk's eyes lit up immediately, and he muttered praise in a low voice.

He marks the kill signal above Syndra's head.

The target is directly at Song Yijin!

The child resisted the tower twice and suffered a set of injuries from Gu Xing, so his blood volume was low at the moment.

He was running sideways at a sprint, and saw that he was about to escape.

But seeing that Song Yijin was in danger, he gritted his teeth and came back to help out!

However, Gu Xing didn't care about the children wandering around.

Lee Sang Hyuk put the clockwork puppet on himself, and gave the w command: the acceleration effect of the noise, he killed the broiler chicken!

Song Yijin had already sprinted out, calculating the cooldown time of Gu Xing's skills in his mind, and tried to turn around to avoid the blind monk's next sky sound wave.

Gu Xing raised his hand to cast a skill, forcing the broiler to move sideways and dodge.

At this moment, Lee Sang Hyuk stepped on the W noise electric pulse acceleration array he used just now, and gained a speed increase again.

What's more, he bought a pair of straw sandals when he returned to the city, and his movement speed was faster than that of a broiler!

"Look at me!" The child Youshen saw Gu Xing and Li Xianghe and went to kill chickens, feeling anxious to death.

He, who had already used e Destroy Charge, hadn't reached the sixth level, and he didn't have any control on his body, so he could only drive w Dread Spirit to circle around.

Seeing that the distance was almost the same, Lee Sang-hyuk stepped forward and gave q, and the puppet passed Song Yijin's body, blocking Syndra's way back to the tower!

If the broiler continues to retreat, Fer waits for his w or Gu Xinge to improve, and hangs up slowly to keep Syndra.

But Song Yi couldn't go back to the tower, and there was nowhere else to go!

Sun e bit the bullet and retreated, planning to use flash to avoid the clockwork ult.

However, Lee Sang Hyuk is very stable.

He's very pinched, and he doesn't use r easily at all.

Gu Xing was delighted with Fer's calm handling, "Old Song, take your life!"

His blue bff has not disappeared due to the existence of the gifted runic affinity.

The reduction of the d attribute made Gu Xing's skills better in advance.

Once again, the thunder broke through and broke the bones, leaving the broiler slowly at the limit distance!

It was too late for Song Yijin to flash.

Fer flashes to keep up, qr command: shock wave!

The space was instantly distorted, and the burst of energy brought Syndra back!

Gu Xing didn't eat the head either, and let Lee Sang Hyuk take it away!

Fortunately, the child Youshen saw that he really couldn't save Song Yijin, so he ran away with his horse's hooves.

Even though it's just killing Syndra once.

But it was rewarding.

Gu Xing cooperated with fer to eat the soldiers under the tower, and pushed a lot of short-term.

Without a thick-skinned cannon to resist the defense tower, these six soldiers would be swallowed up by the turret!

Fer is satisfied and then goes home to replenish, ready to replenish a wave of equipment.

It is rare for Lee Sang Hyuk to praise players other than T players in the chat channel.

Gu Xing also returned to the city at the same time. When he saw this chat message, he immediately flirted with the barrage, "Did you see it? Do you understand the gold content of being praised by fer?"

"In this wave, Xianghe and I cooperated tacitly. I don't need to say that I know he wants to upgrade, and a punishment will solve the problem instantly... How about it, should I hang it?"

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also taken aback by Gu Xing and Fer's cooperation.

666, What a harsh punishment!

Can the experience of level 6 be counted, or should it be so outrageous

The cooperation is so good, I suggest vg to buy fer next season, let's aim at 7!

I suspect that the boss of vg may have really intended it, but fer is unwilling to come...

Little Peanut can only watch d-ups as a support, which is probably quite boring. Just now, when he saw a conflict in the middle lane, he immediately cut the screen and went to be a reporter.

Seeing that Gu Xing used punishment to help Lee Sang Hyuk level up, he was really surprised.

An exclamation point is added at the end of the sentence.

D, who was on the road, didn't see the whole process, but since Fer and Peanut both sent compliments, he also joined in the gregarious words of support.

Gu Xing took the opportunity to reap the friend slots.

Seeing that several teammates all agreed, buy equipment and continue to grow in the wild, and then rush to the middle road.

At 7 minutes and 15 seconds, Gu Xing relied on his insight talent to turn his flash one step ahead of schedule.

Immediately touch the eyes in the middle to receive r dodge roundabout kick!

Despite being stunned by Song Euijin's eweak backscatter, Syndra has been sent to Lee Sang Hyuk's clockwork face!

There is no suspense, the two set up and the injury smoothly takes it away!

The child's wandering spirit has been hovering near the middle road.

But Gu Xing's combo was so fast that he didn't have time to save the broiler!

"My, mine," id's tone was full of remorse, "You said I'm free to use f4, you won't die if you live in the middle lane!"

Song Yijin rubbed his forehead, exhausted both physically and mentally by the blind monk.

However, Gu Xing's performance was not over yet.

At 9 minutes, he came to the middle again, stuck in the gap between Song Yijin's flash and not getting better, and had a wonderful cooperation with Lee Sang Hyuk!

The broiler Syndra first used the weak to retreat to stun the blind monk.

Fer operated the clockwork to put the puppet on Li Qing's body, Gu Xing immediately moved his eyes forward, and the q sky sound wave shot g precisely hit Syndra who was in a dead corner and had nowhere to escape!

In the mid-air of the second-stage echo strike flight, Lee Sang-hyuk activated the r command: Shockwave!

When Gu Xing kicked Song Yijin, the damage from the clockwork big move happened to explode!

Syndra is just a little squishy, ​​and in this situation, she has no power to fight back, and was forced to death by two people with hard damage!

The child's wandering spirit came a step late again, looking at Syndra's body, leaving only two helpless sighs.

Broiler feels that Fer and Gu Xing, who are not in the same team, have a tacit understanding when pairing up better than themselves and the child Youshen!

He really couldn't bear it this time, and directly typed on the screen to let Gu Xing stop.

"Old Song, your ability to resist pressure is not good!" Gu Xingle was overwhelmed. .

Jack watched from behind, seeing the excitement was no big deal, "Kill Lao Song twice more, if you can kill him to 0/5, I'll treat you to McDonald's tomorrow!"

Gu Xing did what he said, and even brought Little Peanut with him.

A group of bodyguards protected fer and helped him clear all obstacles on his way forward!

Song Yijin was tortured to death, as long as he left the defense tower and cleared the soldiers, two big men would suddenly appear in the shadow vision, and he would be sent away with a set of damage!

In addition to the advantage in the bottom lane in this round, the middle and upper field have completely exploded.

They struggled for a wave of team battles, and in the end they just played 2 for 5!

Song Yijin finally poured out r energy and wanted to clear Gu Xing's blood.

But the other party opened the w golden bell cover, and the last trace of blood remained and did not die in battle!

"Vansion saved my life!" Gu Xing couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief as he narrowly escaped death.

In version 6.14, the 80-point shield value increased by the blind monk's full-level golden bell cover, allowing him to survive with residual blood!

Seeing that Gu Xing was not killed, the other party knew that there would be no chance in the future, so they could only choose to vote and surrender in the end!

Seeing that he had gained 25 victory points, Gu Xing was quite happy, and asked the other three people in the same team except Lee Sang Hyuk to come to make friends one by one.

"The anchor deserves some free fish balls for you, right?" He showed off to the live broadcast room, "Do you understand the gold content of a thousand-point king in Hanbok..."

Time passed quickly, and it was July 20 in a blink of an eye.

The regular season is drawing to a close.

The battle between vg and lgd will also begin today!


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