What is a hexagon jungler?

115: Countless strategies!

"WE won the blue side, and sent Shen to the ban position first!"

It is still version 6.14, and support characters like Shen still dominate the top lane, and they can be called strong heroes.

The baby is still analyzing and judging when she sees this, "As we all know, 957's Shen proficiency is very high. Since WE is banned on the blue side, it proves that they don't want to single out their own team!"

"Facing VG, I think the jungle position is the most important thing," I remember trying to explain, with a slightly crooked accent, "You can't let Virtue get his favorite hero, otherwise WE will find it difficult to resist the pressure .”

"WE will either limit the ban position, or help Kandi get a strong role first, suppressing VG's wild area in disguise..."

While the two were talking, VG chose to block the card master.

In 6.14, a version that weakens teleportation and focuses on support, the priority of cards is not as high as Shen.

Because from the current point of view, the mid laner is going to cause damage.

Compared with other mid-lane heroes, cards naturally lack big moves in frontal team battles!

Even if the card is now popular with a set of equipment schemes that are biased towards damage, such as the abyss and the lich.

The output ability is still not as good as other strong mid laners.

However, the card has an advantage that other mid laners can't match-extremely stable control of small skills!

Yellow cards belong to the form of common attacks, and regular heroes cannot avoid them.

As long as it is within the range of the general attack, throwing out the yellow card can stun people!

You know, the stun duration of a full-level yellow card is only two seconds!

At the same time, the skill cooldown is short.

The fixed cooldown of W [Choice Card] is only 6 seconds, and the CD equipment produced by oneself can shorten the cooldown of this skill to about 4 seconds!

All these things made the yellow card worthy of such a terrifying evaluation, and also made the card master the leading functional mid laner in the league!

This means that once there are cards, the jungler's hero selection doesn't have to think too much about supplementary control.

As long as it hurts!

Because of this, the card can reach cooperation with the three wild core heroes of Male Gun, Leopard Girl and Qian Jue, and often enters and leaves the professional arena in pairs...

After all, wild core characters are born with a lack of control, and they are a perfect match for cards!

Redmi banned the card, and also had the idea of ​​​​blocking Kandi from using wild cores.

Besides, this is Xiye's unique hero in the first place, so it is necessary to give him some respect.

"WE blocked Lord Hou's signature vampire to prevent the opponent from getting a top mage who can support the later stage!"

Judging from the selection rate alone, vampires are not particularly powerful.

At the end of the summer split, he only played 46 games, ranking fourth among mid laners.

But another statistic is just too scary.

The number of games banned was 185, with an average of 2/3 of the games, vampires were banned!

This is equivalent to occupying a banned position in the LPL league for a whole summer, and buying a house for a Ban position is nothing more than that!

In the current 3ban mode, a ban rate of 66.7% is enough to show respect!

Especially in the face of V, Lord Hou's vampire strength is so frighteningly high that no one dares to release it.

"V chooses to ban Twain...they are targeting Xiye in this game," Waowa sighed, "plan to block the opponent's support mid laner!"

The last blocking position of WE made a choice simply and neatly.

ice girl.

If you don't let me play, then don't use it yourself!

Everyone take the brush and bind the spirit locally in the middle!

"VG finally chose to disable Zero's Bard..."

Bard is one of Zerodan's best characters, and in the current version, he is quite powerful, and can be called a T2-level support.

And because the built-in passive [Traveler's Call] can pick up harmony sounds all over the map to increase movement speed and mana, E [Magic Journey] can also open tunnels and pass through walls.

It can be said that this hero is born to play roaming.

I remember hissing lightly, seeing Redmi's plan, "All three bans will be given to roaming characters, VG wants to let the online characters of both sides develop honestly, and rely purely on the jungler to drive the rhythm!"

Disable the popular support characters in the current version, even for the strongest players, it is difficult to complete efficient roaming.

In this case, the importance of jungle becomes more and more prominent.

They shuttle in the wild area, which is the only key to breaking the stalemate in the line!

Redmi's move is to bring out the junglers of both sides to compete, whoever has the stronger rhythm ability will be able to establish an advantage for the team!

Only teams that are extremely confident in their jungler will choose this kind of BP.

Otherwise, once the jungler is exploded, the team will lose any ability to resist.

The other teammates couldn't choose a support role, so they could only hang up online and let the situation worsen.

Candy felt challenged.

Hongmi almost said that he was ordered as a dish!

Condi was outraged.

But although he was very upset in his heart, he couldn't find any reason to refute.

The last time the two teams met, Gu Xing was Qian Jue and a spider, making a mess in the jungle, no different from ordering food.

Old grievances welled up in his heart, and Kandi desperately wanted to get rid of the shame!

"WE chose Bron first..." Waffle didn't know why, "Is this giving Rek'Sai to the opponent?"

The current version of Rek'Sai is a well-deserved overlord jungler.

It is useful in the early stage, it can control the map or catch people, and it can serve as a qualified front row in the middle and late stages, and the use of ground hearing can also provide vision assistance for the team.

At the same time, it is very restrained from the enhanced blind monk of this version.

Moreover, in the current situation where all online wandering characters are banned, it is difficult for wild cores to play - they do not have stable control skills, and the success rate of launching raids on the line is not high.

If the characters in the team are developing from the line to the jungle, it is easy to be bullied by the opponent and finally be crushed into slag before the late stage.

Therefore, Rek'sai, a character with extremely fierce early Gank ability, will continue to be promoted in status!

In the eyes of the baby, if WE doesn't grab Rek'Sai now, it's simply throwing money!

"VG gets Frost Shooter, removes the Freljord combination that WE may choose, and then chooses Victor." The baby was very surprised, "They don't choose Rek'Sai either?"

He can be called the veteran commentator of LPL, his qualifications and background are here, and there are no newcomers who can threaten Doll's status, so he will inevitably start to dawdle.

He doesn't play much games, and doesn't carefully study the status quo of the professional arena version. In terms of simple game understanding, he has fallen far behind.

Both sides tacitly avoided the point of Rek'sai in the first selection, and there was naturally a reason.

As far as WE is concerned, if they grab Rek'Sai first, they must give VG all of Ice + Bron.

Combining the Freljord combination, slow speed and stun are both available, and the laning strength is extremely powerful. At the same time, the eagle spirit and the anti-theft door are both functional!

In addition, there is one most disgusting point.

Level 1 group strength!

Relying on the dizziness of his passive [Concussion Slam], Braum can be called the strongest first-level regiment support in the alliance.

Ice's passive [Frost Shot] makes her basic attack slow, and Ashe's shooting range is 50 yards longer than that of ordinary shooters, making it easier for her to keep her opponents.

W [Thousand Arrows] can also slow down multiple people at a long distance at the same time.

The combination of the two can be called the most disgusting combination of the first-level regiment!

However, Rek'Sai's first-level combat power is extremely weak, and the three small skills of QWE are basically useless when used independently without linkage.

If WE chooses the excavator by itself and puts the Freljord combination to VG, it can be expected that the initial wild area will be reversed and lose all initiative.

So they choose Braum first to ensure their level 1 strength.

At the same time, a BP trap was set for VG.

However, it was easily spotted by Hongmi.

On the surface, getting Bing Bing, a strong early shooter, can make up for Rek'Sai's weakness in the first-level group, allowing VG to choose Rek'Sai in the second hand.

But if Ashe + Rek'Sai really come out, they will fall into an ambush set by WE instead!

This involves the selection of the current unit.

In the current version, the middle lane is divided into two camps.

One is a wandering hero composed of cards, rock sparrows, and ice girls, who are mainly responsible for pushing lines for support.

The second is the traditional mages headed by Victor and Yellow Chicken, who focus on development, and wait for the equipment to be formed in the middle and late stages before coming out to save the battle.

Now the roaming heroes of the former have been banned completely.

In other words, both parties can only choose from traditional mages!

Under the premise that the vampire is sent to the ban position, the popular traditional mages are Victor and the yellow chicken.

If VG locks Ashe + Rek'Sai in the first and second hand, and WE grabs Victor with a backhand, it will completely complete the trap blockade.

Among the remaining strong brushes, there is only one yellow chicken left.

If Redmi is selected, Nakano will be Yellow Chicken + Rexai.

The fatal flaw is also that the ability of the first-level regiment is too weak!

At the first level, the yellow chicken can only summon sand soldiers. With the attack speed in the early stage, it can basically only poke someone, which is not painful or itchy, and there is no threat.

At that time, in the level 1 group, the VG wild area will still be crazily invaded because of the weak mid-field combination!

Hongmi guessed the other party's thoughts.

So do the opposite, and get Victor in the second choice—the three-handed level 1 regiment is much better than the yellow chicken, not to mention particularly powerful, at least it won't pull the hips.

He kicked the problem back to the opponent!

In the game between the two coaches, Redmi won again.

When he is on the field, his task is to help the team to win the lineup without a fight!

Redmi has the highest salary among the current LPL league coaches.

Ding Jun is rich on the one hand, and Redmi's own ability is also enough to match this contract.

It can only be said that expensive is expensive.

WE head coach HooN paced back and forth behind the player bench, frowning hard to cope.

There is no other way but to ask the players.

"If we lock Yellow Chicken and Rexai, do you feel the pressure?"

There weren't so many twists and turns in the past.

It's not like this pair of level 1 team waste wood Nakano has never appeared together in this year's LPL Summer Split.

But the professional team's understanding of the version is gradually improving.

At the beginning of the summer split, when everyone faced Rek'sai + Yellow Chicken, their countermeasures were not yet systematic.

But now, the selection rate of these two heroes in their respective positions remains high, and the major coaching staffs have begun to study them a lot, and have developed mature targeting strategies.

If you dare to choose this pair of middle and wild combination, you will definitely be held down and beaten by VG in the first level group!

There is another reason why HooN is troubled now.

The BP of Redmi in this round made it clear that it was to compare the hard power of the junglers of both sides.

If you choose Yellow Chicken + Rek'Sai, the early jungle will inevitably fall into a disadvantage, which will put Kandi at a disadvantage in this jungle battle!

"Why don't you choose the yellow chicken?" Xiye replied after thinking for a while, "Bring me a Syndra, how about a combination between the middle and the wild?"

Relying on Syndra's strength, she can keep the Rek'Sai wild area at level 1.

HooN thought for a moment, and agreed to the team members' suggestion, "Then Mystic will take Sivir, we have to keep a late game."

Since Rek'Sai was chosen as the jungler, the team battle output must be handed over to Shuang Lai.

Although Syndra relies on her passive [Extraordinary] to increase her combat power when the four skill points are full, she is not weak in the later stage.

But if you want to compare it with Victor, who VG has already shown, it must be quite inferior.

All the skills of the three hands can play a good role in team battles, and the range damage is extremely terrifying.

WE's late team battle output ability in the middle lane is not as good as Victor, so it is necessary to choose a strong role for ADC.

Sivir is a good choice.

"WE locked down Syndra and Rek'Sai's mid-jungle combination... while VG used trolls to ensure a single point of strength in the top lane, and then chose Thresh to provide protection for the team!"

The Bingbing, Victor, and Troll chosen by Redmi are all non-displacement heroes, and team battles can easily expose the disadvantages of short legs.

Use Thresh to advance, attack and retreat, and use lanterns to help them make up for the lack of displacement.

"WE got Sivir, and then gave 957 a hand of Poppy!"

I remember looking forward to the last hero selection box of VG, "Now let's see what character Virtue will use to deal with WE!"

Redmi gave Gu Xing enough trust and authority.

He knew that he had bet on Gu Xing's early tempo in this game.

There is no way to grab Rek'Sai, so he has to give Gu Xing the counter position, so that his jungler can play as comfortably as possible.

The director switched the camera to the VG players' seats at the right time.

Everyone found that Hongmi was holding the back of Gu Xing's gaming chair. The two were talking and laughing while communicating, and they seemed to have a very close relationship.

In the end, Hongmi squeezed Gu Xing's shoulder and gave him a first-hand massage service.

"Spider Queen!"

The doll gasped and made an outstanding contribution to global warming, "Again?!"

Indistinct discussions sounded from the audience.

Candy's heart was beating violently.

The last time he faced VG in the regular season, the opponent used a spider to hit Rek'Sai, and his superb Gank completely broke his rhythm!

Now that Gu Xing chose the spider again, it instantly recalled Kandy's painful past experience.

He gritted his teeth, his heart was full of anger, and he wanted to avenge his shame and prove his strength to his opponent.

"You should do your best to Renjie in this round!" Xiye muttered in the team's voice.

He made sacrifices in BP, just to ensure the strength of the jungler.

Xiye hoped that Kandi would not let her down.

Kandi, who was called by his real name, immediately assured his teammates, "Don't worry, we will definitely win!"

The two sides exchanged heroes, and the final split was determined.

Blue side WE: top laner Poppy, jungler Excavator, mid laner Syndra, bottom laner Sivir + Bron.

Red Fang VG: top laner troll, jungler spider, mid laner Victor, bottom lane Ice + Thresh.

"From the lineup point of view, both the top and bottom lanes are dominated by VG," I remember still analyzing, "In terms of the linkage between the middle and the wild, WE has a slight advantage..."

"If you only analyze the jungler, I think Kandi has the upper hand in hero selection," he said eloquently, "Rek'Sai's jungle dominance in the current version is real, and Spider can only play excavators. , It’s really not easy to take advantage of the game.”

Wawa answered in a timely manner, "Although the spider is not low in strength, it can also be ranked in the second echelon among the current jungle heroes, but there are not many players who can play it well!"

"The more famous one is Little Peanut from the LCK Tigers. His spider is very powerful, and he can be carried if you take it out." Remember to sing with him, "It's as strong as Virtue, and it will only be used once this summer!"

Peanut's Spider Queen does have a say.

He frequently used this recognized T2 jungler, and he was stunned to kill the Quartet in this year's LCK league!

Peanut has selected a total of 11 spider games this summer, and the winning rate is as high as 90% with 10 wins and 1 loss!

"The reason why the spider's selection rate is not hot is mainly because Elise is too fast in the early stage. In terms of wild clearing speed, the whole alliance is only quite satisfactory. If the first few raids fail to obtain benefits, then this hero will be useless. Halfway through!"

If you can't catch it, and you can't win by brushing it, the situation of the spider will be very embarrassing.

"It depends on Virtue's performance in this round," Waowa joked with a smile, "As long as you can suppress Kandi, half the game is won!" "

Talking and laughing, Summoner's Canyon appeared on the big screen.

The sound of cheering and cheering in the venue came one after another!

The WE fans who came to watch the game are waiting for today's revenge battle.

A few days ago, the water ghost LGD dragged RNG into the water, allowing them to rekindle their hope of second place in the sprint group.

As long as this game can be eaten down, although it will not fundamentally change the final ranking of WE.

But the small points obtained may come in handy in the final battle!

"The two sides stand in a long line of snakes along the river, and have no intention of invading the other side's wild area!"

WE made concessions in the intensity of team battles in the later stage, in exchange for a balanced first-level team ability after getting Rek'Sai, so as to prevent the wild area from being forcibly reversed in the early stage, and naturally had no idea to reverse the invasion.

As for VG, the idea is simpler.

If you choose Ice and have E [Eagle Strikes the Sky], there is no need to go to the opposite wild area to set up a ward, anyway, you can see Kandi's opening route.

Jack and Xiao Duan planned to start the game wild, so Gu Xing simply went to the upper half of the area, brushing from the stone beetle all the way down.

"Should I learn E at the second level?" Yu Wenbo asked Gu Xing in the team to see if he had any needs.

Gu Xing thought carefully, "You save a skill point for the second level. If you can fight in the bottom lane, learn Q, and if you can't fight, click E. When the time comes, I will draw the eagle spirit route for you."

"OKOK" Jack agreed.

He ate wild monsters, so he had to do something in return.

Brother Long manipulated the troll to come to the stone beetle camp, and helped Gu Xing hammer the wild monsters before the line of soldiers connected.

"Don't use skills, so as not to expose your position." Gu Xing reminded.

The troll has to consume mana when using Q [Sharp Teeth Bite]. Going back to the top lane will definitely expose this point, and it will make WE guess his movements.

Brother Long agreed, and only used basic attacks to help reduce the blood volume of the stone beetle father and son throughout the whole process.

Before the wild monsters were finished, Bobby of 957 appeared on the road, standing in the area close to the VG defense tower, and using his body to attract the hatred of the enemy minions one step ahead.

After eating a round of attacks from the minions, he hid in the grass to transfer the hatred of the minions.

Remember to follow the director's lens to see this scene.

"957 went online ahead of schedule, creating a wave of pushback..."

Due to 957's physical seduction, the VG soldiers set fire to him in advance before reaching the middle line of the road.

During this period of time, the line of soldiers did not move, and the WE minions were unimpeded.

The minions of both sides meet in front of the VG tower.

It means that when the next wave of soldiers arrives, the VG soldiers will definitely join the battle group one step earlier and change the situation of the soldiers.

Moreover, 957 was the first to withstand a round of attacks, and the VG line switched from a straight line to a three-near and three-far combat form.

Originally, there were no heroes to interfere artificially, and the minions on both sides would rain and dew evenly and spread the output on the enemy's melee soldiers.

But 957 used his physical body to let the VG pawn line complete the form switch first, while the WE pawns still rushed to the battlefield in a straight line.

In this way, the VG soldiers will naturally focus on the melee soldier at the head of WE. It will not take long for the first wave of VG soldiers to be 6 dozen

5. Have a quantitative advantage!

Combining the two factors, as long as 957 no longer deliberately clears the pawn line, the pawn handover position will definitely advance in the direction of WE!

Gu Xing noticed 957's actions.

His brain was spinning rapidly, simulating and thinking about various possibilities.

If the opponent insists on hiding the opening movement, Poppy, who is operated by 957, is really not helpful.

Poppy in hammer form has a passive buckler. Once it is triggered by a general attack in the field, it will be exposed when it goes online. If it uses skills, it costs mana, and it will also be seen.

It is impossible to determine the campsite and location of Kandi just from the step of pulling the soldiers from 957 in advance.

Gu Xing knocked down the stone beetle, went down to finish eating the red buff, and at the same time commanded his teammates.

"Jack, wait another 5 seconds, shoot an Eagle Spirit in the opposite field, and the F4 camp must be lit!"

Not long after Yu Wenbo was promoted to level 2, he kept pinching the skill points in his hands. Hearing Gu Xing's words, the mental calculation time was almost up, so he learned E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] and shot towards the WE wild area!

The director's camera followed the whole process, giving Ying Ling a lot of face-to-face.

All the audience witnessed the eagle spirit piercing the sky, passing by the safe and sound Raptor family of four, and continued to fly into the distance, and caught sight of Rek'Sai who was brushing the three wolves!

"Beautiful, lock the position directly!" Doll praised, "JackeyLove's hands are icy!"

Gu Xing pressed the data panel.

Judging from Rek'Sai's last hits, he judged that the opponent was brushing from top to bottom, which was the same as his own.

Deliberately lighting up the Raptor camp is mainly because they are at a disadvantage in the middle lane.

Lord Hou's Victor is facing Xiye's Syndra, there is a gap in hero laning strength. Before the three hands have not upgraded E [Death Ray], the line of soldiers will not even try to push through!

With the loss of the right of line, Lord Hou couldn't go to the opposite F4 camp to set up an eye position.

Gu Xing needs to use the short-term vision near F4 to determine whether Kandi has cleared this group of camps.

Raptor is very close to the middle lane.

If Kandi has just brushed off F4, it is very likely to catch a wave of Easyhoon!

Then Lord Hou would be very dangerous - he didn't bring purification.

In the WE five-person group, the only controls that can be removed by purification are Syndra's weak retreat, Poppy's wall dong, and Bron's passive concussion and slam.

Basically, it will not threaten Lord Hou.

It is impossible for Easyhoon to carry purification for these three skills.

The advantage of having a barrier is that it has a stronger ability to eat damage in team battles, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to be killed by Gank.

Once WE and Nakano team up to forcefully capture Lord Hou, it will be difficult for him to survive, especially when the middle lane has not been upgraded to level 3, the yellow chicken lacks the displacement of E [Quicksand Shifting], and there is almost no possibility of survival!

Gu Xing saw that Kandi was still eating the three wolves, and was sure that Master Hou was still safe, so he relaxed and ate his own F4.

"Xiye pushed the line across the river, set up an eye position for VG's Raptor camp through the wall, and saw Virtuel's position!"

The advantage of the middle lane was brought into play by Xiye.

He successfully captured Gu Xing's movements!

This made the WE fans in the audience breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as the spider's most powerful level 3 node is dodged by the team, WE can continue to match up smoothly!

Gu Xing knew that it would be difficult for him to launch the Gank, so he had no choice but to continue to swipe down.

But before eating the lower half of his house, he went down the river to eat the swift crab.

With the help of Brother Long to open the jungle, and the red BUFF that can burn wild monsters, Gu Xing's progress in clearing the jungle in the early stage is slightly better than that of Kandi.

He rushed to the river one step ahead.

Xiye guessed that Gu Xing would go to eat river crabs. He had just reached level 3 and had W in his hand to catch wild monsters and disgusting people.

But after careful study, I still decided not to go.

Xiye was alone in the past, and Kandi probably slowed down by four or five seconds. The key is that Jack saw this information with the Eagle Spirit.

It means that all members of VG have mastered the position of Condi!

He entered the river alone, maybe Gu Xing would crouch down to him.

Whether it is losing flash or losing blood volume, it is not acceptable to him.

"Virtue finished brushing the river crabs, and went back to continue brushing the three groups of wild monsters in his lower jungle area..."

Gu Xing hung the spider silk from the wall and entered the Three Wolf camp to speed up his speed of clearing the wild.

Eat the shadow wolf and the blue buff in turn.

He read the article back to the city directly.

When you are about to return to the spring, insert the jewelry eye between your blue BUFF and the Frog Princess camp.

"Huh?" I remember being quite surprised, "Didn't Virtue wait for his magic swamp frog to refresh?"

Generally speaking, let my duo eat a group of wild monsters, and I deliberately brush from top to bottom. Obviously, I can open six groups of wild monsters, brush to level four and then return to the city.

But Gu Xing did not do this!

"But the economy in his backpack is enough to make a green jungle knife, but he can't buy other items."

Seeing that Gu Xing went back to the city to buy a wild knife, replaced the jewelry eye with a scan, left the high ground and went straight to the upper half of the area.

The doll is equally puzzled.

He originally thought that Gu Xing would go directly to the VG stone beetle that was about to be born.

But the Spider Queen moved forward all the way, making it clear that she wanted to cross the upper river!

"Is this going to go against the wild?" I remember finally guessing Gu Xing's intention, and immediately raised his voice, "His goal is WE Demon Swamp Frog!"

Gu Xing calculated very accurately.

The bottom lane of the two teams started with eating wild monsters and killing their respective wild monsters in about 1 minute and 53 seconds.

It is almost the same time as the time when the junglers of both sides ate the first group of wild monsters in the first half of the area from punishment!

Calculated based on the 100-second reset time of the wild monsters in the current version, it means that everyone's stone beetle and magic marsh frog camp will be refreshed in 3 minutes and 33 seconds!

Gu Xing knew that there was a high probability that Kandy would have to wait for WE's stone beetle camp to be refreshed again, upgrade to level four, and then return to the city for supplies.

Because Condi didn't eat crabs!

If Kandi, based on the principle of not losing money, went to eat river crabs after finishing the first half of the area, it would take a long time to go back and forth.

When Kandi swiped all the way to the red BUFF, the time was almost 3 minutes and 33 seconds, and the stone beetle reset. Facing the temptation of the approaching wild monsters, he had no reason not to swip!

If Kandi gave up the first round of river crabs and swiped all the way down, he would not return to the city after eating the red BUFF.

Gu Xing just happened to make a green jungle knife by relying on the economy of an extra group of river crabs.

Kandi only brushed the five groups of camps in his own wild area, no matter what, he couldn't get 650 gold coins to go back and upgrade his jungle knife, and he had to wait for the stone beetle to refresh.

Based on the current jungle rhythm, under normal circumstances, almost no jungler will take the initiative to return to the city to replenish when the money is not enough to buy a second-level jungler.

in other words.

Regardless of whether Kandi brushes the river crab or not, he will eat the stone beetle in the lower half at 3:33!

And at 3 minutes and 33 seconds, not only stone beetles, but also frog princesses are refreshed in the WE wild area!

When Gu Xing was brushing his own wild monsters for the first round, he had already calculated quickly in his brain, and listed all Kandi's options.

After judging and screening in turn, the final conclusion is that I can definitely defeat WE's magic marsh frog!

Gu Xing crossed the triangular grass on the road to the river.

Since 957's Bobby started the line control to the front of WE's tower, it was impossible to look at the triangular grass, and he walked through it without any pressure.

When entering the upper river channel, the opponent's river crab altar confirmed his judgment even more!

Walking close to the wall, the Shanghe Crab Altar could not block the view from the top road. Gu Xing avoided the enemy's detection and successfully broke into the WE Ueno area!

"Kandi is about to run out of stone beetles, he doesn't know anything about Virtuel's anti-jungle move!"

Remember the urgent tone, echoing inside the venue.

"WE has no vision in the entire upper half!"

All the WE players thought that Gu Xing was brushing VG's Demon Swamp Frog in the lower half of the area at the moment.

They have no plans to go to the Ueno area to do eyeballs at all!

"Successful in stealing the chicken! Doll is very happy," Virtue countered Kandi's group of magic marsh frogs for no reason! "

Gu Xing's plan is not over yet.

After eating Frog Concubine, she rushed to the middle road non-stop!

He aimed his spearhead at Xiye!

Seeing that the Spider Queen was getting closer and closer to the middle lane, the WE supporters finally couldn't hold back their worries and screamed in the audience.

"Xiye was unprepared, and even his position was very close to the top!"

Thinking from Xiye's point of view, Kandi just finished eating the stone beetle and went back to the city for supplies.

Then Gu Xing correspondingly only finished eating the magic marsh frog in the lower half of VG!

If the opponent launches a surprise attack on himself, he must also attack from below.

So there is no problem for him to move up.

Xiye planned to wait for Gu Xing to return to the city to replenish supplies and rush to the upper half area again, and then adjust his position down.

However, it was a misjudgment of thinking that caused him to reveal his flaws!

"Master Hou manipulated the yellow chicken and stabbed Syndra with Q [Kuangsha Strike], the spider came from above and blocked Xiye's retreat!"

The moment he saw the Spider Queen, Xiye was stunned for a moment, instinctively wanting to move backwards.

However, Elise relied on the [Run Energy Affinity] talent to extend the buff duration by 15%, and the red buff on her body has not disappeared yet.

The basic attack in human form successfully hits with the burning effect of the red BUFF!

"In order to suppress Master Hou, Xiye pushed the line too far forward, and this position can no longer escape!"

WE supporters sighed helplessly.

Gu Xing flashed forward and stuck it to Xiye's face, first to frighten his opponent.

While throwing out the self-explosive spider, Xiye was also frightened into a flash.

At this moment, Gu Xing only handed over E [cocooning]!

Syndra, who was slowed down, couldn't dodge at all, and could only watch herself being held in place by the spider web!

The Spider Queen changed her form, bit it off with one bite, and took Syndra's life away with the output of the yellow chicken!

First blood was born!

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