What is a hexagon jungler?

121: Ace commentator!

"VG was clean and tidy, and defeated WE with a 2-0 sweep!"

The spotlights on the dome flickered, and the giant team logo of VG was displayed on the big screen!

The noise and boiling in the audience was deafening!

Remember the loud voice, "With 12 consecutive victories in the big game, VG continues to break the LPL winning streak record!"

The baby focused on Gu Xing.

"Virtue has undoubtedly become the winner of today's jungle duel. In both games, he suppressed Kandi in the jungle and played extremely well," he made a very high evaluation. "This makes people have to look forward to VG The upcoming playoff trip!"

"With VG already creating the best record in team history, whether we can go further is inseparable from Virtue's state!"

Compared with the regular season, the playoffs are the top priority.

That will directly determine the final ranking of each team in the summer split, as well as the tickets for the global finals!

Although Gu Xing performed well in the regular season.

But no one dares to guarantee that he will be able to continue this fiery state to the playoffs!

As we all know, League of Legends wave 3 and wave 5 are completely two games.

Entering the playoffs, tactics, games and other content are much more complicated than the regular season.

And the players themselves have to face tremendous pressure.

There are 16 games in the regular season, and it doesn't hurt to lose one game.

The playoffs are a game of life and death.

Losing means you are out!

Many players have poor psychological quality, and they are prone to mental imbalance and deformation when facing high pressure.

Yuan Shao in e-sports is the most classic example. Scoring in qualifying is like drinking water, and when it comes to key games, his hands shake and he can't get feedback.

However, this does not affect VG supporters' high hopes for Gu Xing.

In less than two months this summer, Gu Xing had already brought them too many surprises.

The rising star directly helped VG reach the top of the regular season, allowing fans to see infinite possibilities from him!

The VG people under the lens of the camera simply celebrated, and their expressions were not overly excited.

After all, the team has secured the first place in the group in advance.

For VG, this victory can only prove that they are maintaining a good state, but there is no substantial improvement in their performance. Naturally, they are not very happy.

The director seemed to feel that the reactions of the VG players were unremarkable, so he turned the screen to the WE players on the other side of the stage.

Kandi stared blankly at the monitor, still immersed in the blow of defeat and unable to extricate himself.

Before the match, he was full of confidence and wanted to seek revenge from Gu Xing.

As a result, he was beaten violently by the backhand for two rounds, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back!

For Candy, this was really hard to accept.

In the Spring Split, he fought fiercely with the champion RNG with the team in five rounds before losing. In one round, he grabbed 3 dragons and completely spread his nickname of "Son of the Dragon"!

It's not a bad result to win the third place with the team.

You know, that was only Kandi's first season joining WE from M3!

The proud Kandi is inevitably arrogant. If he wants to show his talents in the summer competition, it is best to enter the world competition. He can be considered famous!

It's a pity that I ran into Gu Xing.

Kandi admitted that he was to blame for losing to VG in two waves of 3 in one summer.

For a rookie to be beaten up so embarrassingly, he felt ashamed.

The other players of WE also looked worried.

Unlike VG, they locked in the first place in the group early, and the end of the season is the intense stage of the team's battle for points.

Being beaten by VG for two consecutive rounds had a great impact on the morale of the players!

Xiye puffed her bun face, her expression was very unhappy.

Originally wanted to prove Syndra's proficiency, but he still had no achievements in this round!

Compared with the last round, my biggest improvement was not being single-killed by Gu Xing!

"WE must make adjustments as soon as possible," Waowa urged and reminded again, "the team still has the last regular season game left."

"Although this game was swept by VG, they still retain the hope of advancing to the playoffs as the second place in the group!"

I remembered to hold the headset and received the current ranking point information from the background director.

"Now if WE wants to get the second place in the group, it must beat RNG 2-0 in the final match..."

There is another duel between VG and RNG.

However, in various senses, that game will not have much impact on the final ranking point form.

After being swept by VG, the small score that WE had originally caught up to fell down again.

Based on the relationship between victory and defeat and small points, they only have one way to sweep RNG to rank second in the group.

Remember to make a fair evaluation, "This is indeed quite difficult for WE, it depends on whether the team's state can return to the peak!"

Although RNG lost to LGD before and was dragged off the boat by the water ghost, the team exposed many hidden dangers.

But just looking at the strength on paper, RNG is undoubtedly among the best in the LPL league!

Many WE fans are ready to enter the playoffs with the third place in the group.

WE can't even win a small field in VG now.

Can't even drag the game to 30 minutes.

Still counting on sweeping RNG?

Very blue!

It's just that if WE really enters the playoffs with the third place in the group...

Even if they beat the No. 2 Snakes in Group A, they will meet VG in the semifinals!

In the regular season, WE faced VG with 0 wins and 4 losses in the small game, and the game was torn apart by Gu Xing in the wild.

Even if they collide again in the playoffs, how much chance does the team have?

In the eyes of many viewers, WE's playoff prospects are dark!

Once you can't get a decent result, you can only play the cruel bubbling match!

While the two commentators were chatting, the VG players had already come to the WE player bench and shook hands with each other as a gesture of courtesy.

When bowing in the center of the stage, Gu Xing saw his supporters in the front row of the audience holding up aid items, and smiled and waved to thank them.

He just returned to his seat and began to pack his peripherals. He listened to Jack on the side discussing with Duan what to eat when he went back tonight, adding ideas to the topic from time to time.

The atmosphere is extremely cheerful.

There is no performance pressure on the team at present, and everyone is very relaxed.

The topic drifted off unknowingly, Xiao Duan was still introducing the special food of his hometown Jining to his teammates.

"Have you ever heard of 甏肉? It's the kind of big pork belly, stewed slowly," Duan Deliang tried hard to describe in words, "It melts in the mouth, and the color is red and bright."

"Aren't you tired?" Brother Long was very curious.

"It's not greasy when it's cooked well," Xiao Duan said seriously, "and pour some broth from stewed meat cubes on the rice..."

Jack could imagine this scene, and couldn't help talking.

"Stop, stop," he quickly interrupted the short paragraph, "If you keep talking like this, I will make two more bowls of rice tonight."

Yu Wenbo has come to VG for a summer, and his body size has grown a lot!

Originally, when he was renting a house for live broadcast, he didn’t pay much attention to diet. He and a few anchor friends worked together to fill his stomach, as long as he could eat enough.

At the club, there are special breeders to ensure that the food is delicious, and they have to order a midnight snack in the early morning.

In addition, after entering the professional team, the amount of exercise decreased greatly, which caused Jack to gain weight gradually.

Especially during the period when Yu Wenbo officially became a team player, the whole day of training matches and replays added to his pressure.

The way he relieved his mood was to eat more.

The formerly skinny Jack has turned into a normal weight, and it doesn't look like it's going to stop!

Jack patted his belly through the team uniform, "I have to control it..."

He looked at Gu Xing again, "Old Gu, why do I think you haven't gained weight since joining the team?"

Just as Gu Xing wanted to explain, he received a notification from the staff.

I thought it was as usual and let myself go to the post-match interview.

But the other party's answer was beyond his expectation.

"Ace commentator?" Gu Xing couldn't understand, "What do you mean?"

He was very confused and asked the staff member nicknamed Wen Sen, but he didn't know.

Gu Xing could only turn his attention to his own single who was invited together with him, "Master Hou, do you know what this is about?"

Easyhoon shook his head blankly.

He has been working in LPL for more than half a year, and this is the first time he has heard of this stuff.

Gu Xinghuai was full of confusion, and followed Wen Sen all the way to a remote room in the backstage.

Pushing the door open, you will see a black background board with the logos of this year's LPL sponsors Sprite and Doritos printed on it.

In front of the background board is a long table covered with black cloth, and a computer monitor is placed on it.

Across the table is the camera, where several men with work IDs hanging around their necks are chatting.

Seeing Gu Xing and Lord Hou walk into the room, one of the more well-dressed managers took the initiative to shake hands with them.

At first glance, this hairstyle looks like a strong man pushes the middle and keeps the sides flat, which reminds Gu Xing of one of his teachers.

"Hello, I'm the person in charge of the ace commentator column, just call me Zuo Yi..."

Zuo Yi obviously saw the doubts in the hearts of the two players, and introduced to them the origin of the ace commentator.

At present, there is only one hero microphone in the official program of the LPL league.

However, due to the vigorous development of e-sports events in the past two years, it is obvious that only relying on the slow update of the microphone cannot satisfy netizens.

The official also wants to take this opportunity to create a new program.

The ace commentator came into being.

The creative idea of ​​the program has just passed the review of the upper management a few days ago, and it has really been implemented.

VG Nakano is the first guest invited by the program group.

They want to do a pilot, and then improve and optimize based on the response.

"If the number of hits and comments can meet the standards, next season we plan to make this show permanent."

Gu Xing nodded to show that he understood, and put the topic on the right track, "Then what exactly do we need to do?"

"Ace commentator, as the name suggests, the format of the program is commentary, but the participants have become professional players like the two." Zuo Yi explained to them.

Gu Xing and Hou Ye frowned when they heard this.

Zuo Yi knew what the two were worried about, so he added, "The object of the commentary is the match between the players' teams."

He assured the two, "You just need to explain from the perspective of your own team, and don't need to consider other factors."

Gu Xing was relieved after hearing the words.

Unlike ordinary commentators, professional players have to make a living in the circle after all.

It's not particularly appropriate to comment and judge other teams' games casually.

Unless you are very close to the players of those teams, or your own status is very high, a few comments will not have much impact.

Unfortunately, Gu Xing did not meet the two conditions.

But if the commentary is limited to your own team, you don't have to worry so much, and it's normal for teammates to have a few words.

Gu Xing immediately wanted to understand the effect of the ace commentator's program and see how professional players evaluate his teammates and his own operations.

Today, audiences don’t know much about professional teams and players. Similar program formats are relatively new within the LPL, and they can also allow netizens to see professional players outside the arena.

Here comes the selling point!

Gu Xing thinks that if the ace commentator works well, it is likely to become a resident program next season.

He and Lord Hou sat in front of the background board, facing the monitor.

And the employees began to call up the clips of the previous match between LGD and VG.

"You can take it easy, don't be too rigid," Zuo Yi reminded them, "We will edit later."

He has been working in LPL for a while and has also contacted many players.

Zuo Yi knows that many professional players are relatively introverted. Even if the host of the interview takes the initiative to hand over the topic after the game, they may be left alone.

Not to mention asking them to sit down and chat and joke in front of the camera after the game.

This is also the reason why many internal staff are not optimistic about the ace commentator.

It's unreliable to let professional players sit here and chat in a daze!

It would be better if the player was born as an anchor, since he has experience.

But the entire league can't pick a few.

You can't catch these wool and squeeze it hard, can you?

Hou Ye received the reminder from Zuo Yi, and glanced at Gu Xing who was beside him. He was already getting close to the camera brother, and successfully ordered a pack of Doritos, and sat on a chair to eat.

After getting along with his jungler for two months, Lord Hou felt that the word restraint had never been reflected in Gu Xing.

"Eat it?" Gu Xing pushed the snack bag towards Easyhoon's eyes, "Corn flakes, the taste is okay."

Lord Hou gave the sponsor a lot of face, so he picked up a piece and tried it.

Seeing that his jungler grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth, his cheeks puffed up like a hamster, he pondered for a moment before saying, "This brand is owned by Pepsi..."

Gu Xing coughed twice, thanks to Zuo Yi who was next to him handing over a bottle of water, and managed to swallow the food in his mouth.

The game video officially starts playing.

The staff also deliberately skipped the BP link.

After all, although the understanding of professional players is strong, they cannot be allowed to carefully analyze the lineup selection.

If it becomes a colander and exposes the team's BP strategy and tactics, it might turn into an accident!

At the beginning of the video, the coaches of the two sides shook hands, and then fast forwarded to the first collision between LGD and VG in the first game.

Gu Xing felt quite new about this.

After every official game, Redmi will conduct a replay regardless of whether it wins or loses.

But this game goes back a week.

Many details have been forgotten, only some key nodes are remembered.

Gu Xing realized it after seeing the video clip, "I was squatted back by Dandy here. Brother Duan sold himself, and Jack and I retreated safely."

Hou Ye added, "You seemed to be in a panic at that time."

"Que," Gu Xing generously admitted, "Dandy guessed my early thinking, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation."

He changed the subject, "But I'm calling back this wave..."

In the video, Gu Xing crouched in the LGD wild area in advance, and with Master Hou's subtle cooperation, he successfully killed Dandy!

"I directed this wave!" Gu Xingle blossomed, "How can I be strong?"

He is eager to ask for credit to create the effect of the program.

Hou Ye has always been supportive, and at this moment he is still applauding Gu Xing's decision, "I still remember that when Redmi resumed, you uttered your own thoughts, and everyone was stunned at that time!"

"That's it," Gu Xing boasted, "I've always been good at this level!"

He asked Lord Hou again, "Who is stronger, me or Dandy?"

Zuo Yi, who was observing behind the camera, had his eyes lit up.

He didn't expect Gu Xing to be quite good at playing, so he just dropped the topic!

Lord Hou was momentarily at a loss for words.

This is a matter of death.

No matter which side you lean towards, there will be disputes in the end.

Easyhoon is familiar with "Emotional Intelligence", and after a brief moment of stupefaction, he realized, "You two have very different styles..."

He also deliberately used an idiom.

"I think both are very strong, but Xiao Gu, you are more suitable for me."

This is Hou Ye's sincere words.

Having partnered with Dandy for a spring, he was quite uncomfortable.

The opponent's style of play is obviously different from his own.

In VG Nakano at that time, outsiders could see a strong sense of separation.

Replaced by Gu Xing, Easyhoon had a great time.

He spends most of his time developing online, and with occasional wandering support, he can also guarantee his own benefits.

Lord Hou can obviously feel that his influence on the situation is stronger than before!

And the current record of VG advantage is enough to prove that everyone's running-in is much stronger than before!

Gu Xing was very satisfied with his teammates' answers.

Only then did he focus on the video again.

However, Lord Hou felt that he had been set aside by Gu Xing, and he immediately retaliated.

He pointed to Gu Xing who was helping VG to build an advantage in the bot lane on the monitor and asked, "Xiao Gu, who do you think is more suitable, Jack or Sung Bin?"

Hou Ye also buried a big hole.

Gu Xing reacted quickly without frowning.

"Jack's style of play is more conservative. He is too steady, and he can compete with the electric baton..."

Gu Xing began to talk nonsense and irony.

Hou Ye was stunned for a moment, "Who is the electric baton?"

"OTTO, SAT's mid laner." Gu Xing explained.

Easyhoon suddenly realized.

Before he came to LPL, he didn't have much contact with domestic e-sports information, he only knew the player's ID.

Gu Xing's next sentence stunned Master Hou, "When the electric baton was playing in SKT before, it was very stable."

"Ah?" Hou Ye, who was not careful, was played around by him.

Easyhoon thought about it carefully, and then pointed out a common sense mistake, "There is no foreign aid in SKT..."

"Why not?" Gu Xing's face was not red and his heart was not beating, his face was as usual, "Faker has given the electric baton a very high evaluation."

He cleared his throat, "Faker's original words are like this, 'The electric baton is the most stable player I have ever seen, and his stability scares me'."

"Master Hou, you still know too little," Gu Xing waved his hand, "Everyone knows about this..."

He turned his gaze to the staff present, "Right?"

Zuo Yi looked at the bewildered Lord Hou, and felt that he was about to live in Bengbu.

He quickly controlled the muscles on his face and tried hard not to laugh out loud, while nodding his head quickly.

Seeing the people around him nodding their heads in recognition of Gu Xing's words, Lord Hou's eyebrows almost knit together.

Could it be that I remembered it wrong?

OTTO really played in SKT, but he didn't know it?

its not right……

Master Hou was bluffed by Gu Xing and the people around him, so he was not sure about his inner judgment.

He plans to go back and ask Sang Hyuk, he has been with SKT since 2013, so he must know about these things!

Wait, what did I want to ask just now?

Hou Ye realized that he was completely distracted by Gu Xing!

Gu Xing couldn't help but secretly rejoice when he saw a crack in Master Hou's originally gentle expression.

Gu Pan and I have been playing this trick for ten years, and the technique of changing the subject has long been perfected!

He struck while the iron was hot and directly switched the topic to the video.

"Brother Long doesn't have much presence in this round, but in the second round, he will be able to prove himself in front of Ma Run."

Hou Ye nodded in a daze.

Zuo Yi bit his lip to hold back his laughter, and watched Gu Xing unilaterally torture Lord Hou.

He felt as if he had found a treasure.

Originally, Gu Xing was relatively open-minded during the live broadcast and interviews, so he invited him to be the first guest of the column.

Whoever imagined it, the effect far exceeded expectations!

"Oh, Jack, why are you answering Q again?" Seeing Yu Wenbo being beaten there, Gu Xing patted his thigh anxiously.

Hou Ye finally regained his composure, and added, "He's always been able to pick up Q, but sometimes it's not like Jack picking up Q, it's Q looking for him."

Gu Xing nodded, deeply appreciating this, "If there is a Q-catching competition, I can guarantee that Jack will definitely win the championship!"

The two of them had a casual chat.

As long as you don't talk about tactical secrets, you can talk about other information.

Anyway, Zuo Yi also wanted to edit.

Just let the program team decide the final content.

As soon as the video of the second round of wave 3 was played, Gu Xing discovered Huadian.

"See?" He pointed to the coaches of both sides on the screen, "Isn't Hongmi's handshake too perfunctory?"

Hou Ye took a closer look, and then recalled the video of the first round just now.

It seems that it does.

When Hongmi shook hands in the first game, he bowed slightly to the opponent's coach Heart.

In this round, he directly raised his head and chest, and the palm of his hand touched the opponent immediately.

"It's because we won the first game, and he gave the opponent a face!" Gu Xing joked with a smile on his face.

"It's really the big brother of VG, the leader of the team, grabbing Jack's sauce pancakes every day."

He and Hongmi have become very close friends, and the two sides occasionally make some innocuous jokes.

Master Hou managed to suppress his smile, and tried to excuse his head coach, "Brother Cheng Rong is in a hurry to pee, he is in a hurry to go backstage to go to the toilet..."

The two arranged the red rice.

In the second half of the video, Ma Run Rambo was killed in battle.

"Uh..." Hou Ye was shocked by Rambo's death from the mech again and again.

During continuous playback, the screams of Rambo's death echoed in the closed room.

"Rambo is loud," he said dryly.

Gu Xing asked with great interest, "Will the LCK catch Rambo like this?"

Hou Ye thought for a while before responding, "It definitely will, but it's not like this..."

He originally wanted to say that he was insane.

However, thinking that the instigator of Ma Runlanbo's super ghost was Gu Xing, Lord Hou changed his mind.

"There is no such targeting, because the teammates will protect Rambo, and the players in several other lines will also use the pawn line to put pressure on the opponent, so that the enemy cannot catch Rambo without cost."

LPL does have a hand in catching Rambo.

However, its own operational strength is not strong is also part of the reason.

A lot of teams don't understand how to play Rumble.

This hero is not difficult.

The main thing is the system.

How to stop losses when Rambo is caught is a science.

Hearing what Lord Hou said, Gu Xing knew it well.

After watching for another quarter of an hour, Gu Xing and Hou Ye bid farewell to the camera at Zuo Yi's request after all the videos were played.

"Perfect!" Zuo Yi was very satisfied.

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