What is a hexagon jungler?

123: Groundbreaking tactics!

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In the early hours of the morning, Gu Xing lay on the bed after washing, looking at the white ceiling.

He just took the chocolate out of the suitcase.

Now there are 4 small pieces left on D-Day.

In fact, Gu Xing did not have a clear plan for the goal of starting a virtual game.

Before starting his career, he successively absorbed the abilities of the factory manager and f in virtual games.

At that time, Gu Xing estimated that his strength could only pass the trial training.

From the current point of view, he really underestimated himself!

Coupled with his own hard work and Redmi's guidance, Gu Xing is now domineering in the LPL!

In the entire league, there may not be a jungler who can beat him with solid strength!

This made Gu Xing very embarrassed.

Seeing that the summer season is coming to an end, even if he uses his ability once on Peanut, he still has 3 pieces of black art left.

Can't run out!

If D-day is allowed to expire or be used up casually, Gu Xing is reluctant to bear it, and always feels that he is at a loss.

After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't find a solution.

Seeing that the time was getting later and later, Gu Xing quickly cleared his mind of distracting thoughts.

"Hurry up..."

He opened a package and stuffed the chocolate into his mouth.

The unique bitter taste spreads, and the familiar floral and fruity aroma immediately sweeps through the mouth.

The figure of Shen Guanshan appeared in his mind.

Gu Xing took two deep breaths, closed his eyes and calmed his mind, and adjusted his state.

When I felt that the time was almost up, I slowly opened my eyes.

The giant Summoner's Rift takes up the entire ceiling!

With my mind turning, the originally static canyon came alive!

The heroes and soldiers move in turn, and the battle between the two armies is about to start!

Gu Xing still watched the game between himself and RX from the perspective of God.

Tonight, Redmi explained to the players every detail of replaying the training match.

After all, for VG, the Tigers are the strongest opponents they can find, and every training game should be cherished, which has extremely high research value.

Gu Xing has watched the video of this game several times and is very familiar with everything.

When the canyon freezes at the node where he made a mistake, he can use the solution emphasized in the Redmi replay to easily make up for the mistake, enter the most critical virtual game link, and repeatedly hone his hard power.

But Gu Xing didn't do that right away.

He found another way and came up with a new method.

Substitute Peanut's perspective, and think about how he would win the game if he were a Pet, and how he would defeat "Gu Xing" in the training match at that time?

He had a great time playing, and it was a kind of fun for me to beat myself.

From this perspective, Gu Xing could discover the flaws that he exposed in the training match.

According to the loopholes, Gu Xing can think of many ways to break the situation and countermeasures!

And what Little Peanut used in the actual training match was just one of them!

This is the missing part of Redmi's replay. In most cases, the coach corrects the player's style of play based on the established facts that have already occurred.

For example, Gu Xing simulated himself hitting himself, repeatedly jumping horizontally to attack and defend, which consumed too much time, and the efficiency of laborious effort was quite low.

Basically, it will be judged that you are too full to eat, and you are looking for something to do when you have nothing to do.

But now Gu Xing doesn't care.

After opening the Summoner Canyon in his mind, his time passed relatively slowly, fully supporting himself to think slowly!

After finishing all this, Gu Xing, who felt full, solved the mistakes he made in the training game.

The perspective switched in an instant, and he returned to his first perspective, officially starting the virtual match!

As usual, Gu Xing lost a few games first, trying to analyze the key points of Peanut's style of play from the failures.

"The linkage speed on the opposite side is too outrageous!"

He frowned slightly, staring at the canyon on the ceiling lost in thought.

Gu Xing realized this problem during the training match in the afternoon.

There is no doubt that RX can reach the top of the L-League, which is full of vigor and competition.

The comprehensive strength shown by the Tigers is not just the superposition of the hard power of the players.

Stronger teams can combine the characteristics and styles of team members to form a joint force that is difficult for ordinary teams to match.

Redmi is very good at doing this, making 1+1+1+1+1\u003e5.

The way to achieve synergy is reflected in various linkages in the game.

RX is currently a team that has been running in for more than half a year, and its performance is better than VG.

Their tacit cooperation is seamless, especially when the jungler Peanut invades, the rest of the Tigers often rush to the battlefield to support the first time the battle breaks out, without any hesitation!

Strong and stable laning ability is the key to RX's perfect linkage.

Gu Xing faced not only Peanut in the jungle, but also the other four teammates of the Tigers!

Looking at the RX players walking quickly in the virtual canyon, Gu Xing felt extremely tricky.

However, after losing several virtual games in a row, his understanding of the Tigers' style of play became more and more thorough.

Every time, Little Peanut acts as a spear, pokes hard into the VG wild area, and then shakes people to call teammates for small-scale team battles, thus rolling snowballs!

Suddenly, a word popped out of Gu Xing's mind.

"Wild core?"

he muttered to himself.

The wild core that Gu Xing refers to is not some heroes.

It's a tactical play.

The strongest single point of this RX team during the laning phase is the top lane eb and the jungler Peanut.

Although eb has tried various rry-type roles in this summer split.

However, due to the characteristics of the top laner, most of the time he has to rely on the line, it is difficult for him to actively lead the team rhythm.

Most of the time, RX's offensive point is Peanut!

The Tigers built a lot of play around Pet.

The most important part is the ultimate rapid support when encountering battles in the wild!

No matter when and where, the teammates on the three lines will always take Little Peanut as the priority protection target!

RX regards Pet as the tactical core of the team, and will give him all support including help.

This can't be said to be exactly the same as Yehe's thinking, it can only be said to be completely consistent!

The difference is that most teams will only fight around them when the jungler gets the male gun Qian Jue Leopard Girl.

Since such characters do not have strong control skills, it is difficult to retain the opponent and cause a fatal blow, so teammates are required to cooperate.

Gu Xing also did this before.

After carefully analyzing Peanut's play style against the Tigers, he found that no matter what hero the opponent chooses, they will use wild core thinking to play the game!

This shocked Gu Xing greatly.

The whole team is protecting Peanut, Pet's status is paramount!

"There is something..."

He couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

The wild nuclear tactics developed by RX for Peanut made Gu Xing feel an unparalleled impact.

It can't be blamed for his lack of knowledge.

You know, in all the games before 2016, the jungler was a pure tool man!

In many people's minds, the jungler in the professional arena is just a position to escort online heroes.

In the early stage, they will use G to create an advantage for the line. In the middle and late stages of the game, they have to give up a lot of resources in their wild area, let them make up for the development, and act as team start or protection tasks.

It wasn't until Qian Jue landed in the league, coupled with the rework of Leopard Girl and Male Spear, that the three heroes joined hands to introduce the concept of wild core to the professional arena!

Each team found that they could make tactical arrangements around specific jungle heroes, and use the resources in the jungle to raise an extra core.

In Gu Xing's opinion, Little Peanut is the first professional player to introduce the wild core style of play into his personal style and achieve impressive results!

No one has ever done this before!

It can be said that Pet's wild core gameplay is unique among the five major leagues in the world!

RX's move is definitely a groundbreaking tactic!

Gu Xing never thought that the jungler in the professional arena could ignore the shackles of hero selection and become the absolute core of the team!

Like the target factory director and f who he originally learned from the virtual game.

The former is recognized as a map-controlling jungler, that is, the most traditional jungler style. It doesn't need others to tilt resources towards him, it's purely for him to support his teammates.

The latter currently does not show any style other than bandit anti-wild at all.

f is a standard excellent rookie jungler, with strong strength, but his style of play is relatively single, easy to be figured out by his opponents, and he often makes mistakes because of his superiority.

In all fairness, Little Peanut is much stronger than F now, and the wild nuclear tactics are very personal.

And compared with the factory manager, Pet's style of play is slanted, fierce to the extreme!

"Did I find a treasure?"

Gu Xing was ecstatic in his heart, as if he had opened the door to a new world!

After he analyzed Peanut's style of play, he began to imitate it again and again in virtual games.

But this is not easy to achieve.

The wild core style of play not only requires its own strength, but also has high requirements for teammates.

With Gu Xing as the spearhead, the other four must follow.

In the virtual game, Gu Xing did not cooperate tacitly with his teammates in the simulated state, and it was obviously impossible to achieve this.

But he did not give up.

Gu Xing purely used this virtual game as a place to practice wild core gameplay.

Improve your own style of play first, wait until you exit the virtual game, and then go to the real training game to run in with your teammates.

He tried a few rounds, roughly figured out the routine, and then stopped to observe the route of the two small peanuts, so as to check for omissions and fill in the gaps.

After seeing through the essence of Pet's wild core gameplay, Gu Xing looked at the opponent's route plan again, and suddenly felt enlightened!

"So that's how it is," he understood in his heart, "it's very similar to f's bandit against the wild. The two have the same core, but the external manifestations are different."

The key point of Peanut's wild core style of play is that he can quickly find the opponent's jungle position, and then rely on the strength of the character and his own hard power to quickly invade and achieve the crushing of the opponent's combat power!

Gu Xing had suffered in this regard before.

As long as you are caught by Peanut, you will lose your skin if you don't die, and then lose control of the wild area!

As for how to lock the enemy jungler, we have to mention the f method.

The Vietnamese bandits started with clues, gradually narrowed down the opponent's range of activities, and finally determined the enemy's location.

Then f will choose to detour against the field.

And Peanut is going to invade!

That's why Gu Xing thinks that the core of the two styles of play is the same, both must have extremely strong wild area planning ability, but the follow-up decisions are different!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but his thoughts flew wildly.

"If that's the case, wouldn't f also be able to complete the transformation from purely anti-wild to wild-core?"

Just like myself, the Vietnamese bandits only need one opportunity to transform into wild nuclear players!

The basic skills of wild area planning and judgment are here, it is not difficult for Gu Xing and f to complete the transformation!

In the same way, it is not too difficult for Little Peanut to switch to the current mode of stealing at the time node, as long as he changes his thinking in a timely manner.

President Gu breathed a sigh of relief, concentrated his attention and continued to experiment repeatedly.

He repeated hundreds of rounds in the virtual game, and finally dissected Peanut's style of play, and integrated it into his own use.

At this moment, if Gu Xing wanted to break away from the virtual game, he only needed to defeat Peanut once.

Having gradually adapted to this wild-core style of play, he knows where his weaknesses lie.

Little Peanut, a hot-tempered wild core, has an extremely powerful and even unique ability to snowball.

As long as the opponent falls into a disadvantage, not only can't get rid of wild monsters, but even enter the wild area with fear!

But the disadvantages are equally obvious.

As long as you can take the lead in breaking the first round of offense, gain a certain advantage in advance, and make the wild core players into the disadvantaged side, half of this style of play will be useless Self-defeating.

At that time, the party using the wild core will speed up the progress of the game and lose the game in advance.

In short, the solution is to act first!

Gu Xing followed suit, and the effect was quite remarkable.

After making two mistakes, Gu Xing successfully broke through the virtual game!

The Summoner's Rift on the ceiling disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Gu Xing's tense muscles relaxed.

The noisy cicadas outside the window flooded into my ears again.

The bright moonlight spills into the house from the cracks of the thick curtains, occupying a corner on the balcony.

Gu Xing's brain was dizzy and his eyelids became extremely heavy.

After starting three virtual games, he also noticed that he would become extremely tired after the side effects ended, and needed a lot of sleep to recover his energy.

Fortunately, the team rests tomorrow, so training will not be delayed...

Gu Xing didn't have time to think about anything, so he fell into a deep sleep.


The VG training room in the afternoon of the next day.

"Wild core?" Hongmi was stunned for a moment when he heard his jungler's words.

With the help of team leader Jin Wenhyuk, Gu Xing expressed his thoughts.

After listening to the team members' detailed analysis, Hongmi fell into deep thought.

"Pet's style of play..."

He held his chin, and held a black signature pen that kept turning between his index finger and middle finger.

As a top coach, Redmi has rich experience and clear thinking, and it didn't take long to figure out the so-called wild nuclear tactics.

Realizing that this style of play is different, his eyes immediately brightened.

"You mean, we can imitate the thinking of the Tigers to construct a new system?"

Kim Moon-hyuk acted as a microphone and conscientiously translated.

Gu Xing nodded again and again, "That's right, I feel that since the Tigers have proved the strength of their wild nuclear tactics, we can definitely learn from them!"

RX currently ranks first in L, which is inseparable from this unique style of play, which is enough to prove the upper limit of the wild core!

After careful consideration, Redmi decided that it was feasible, so she readily agreed.

For a professional team, the more tactics the better, it is difficult for the opponent to study thoroughly!

Redmi decided to implement this idea and come up with a whole set of plans.

"If it works, I'll give you a big credit!" Hongmi made no secret of her admiration for Gu Xing's savvy and understanding.

Originally, he took out the tactics, disassembled them bit by bit and fed them to the players.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xing could analyze Xiao Peanut's style of play!

This surprised Redmi very much.

Gu Xing, in line with the idea of ​​"specializing in art", left the rest of the work to professionals.

He returned to his seat and prepared to play two rounds of ranking first.

Before that, Gu Xing clicked on the computer QQ to browse through the unread information first, so as not to miss any important things.

Swiping from top to bottom, he only saw a few 99+ message prompts in group chats.

During this period of time, as he became famous and the number of fans expanded rapidly, VG staff helped him create 4 group chats, which are now overcrowded.

When there are too many people in the group, each one will be highlighted to chat with each other, and when the game time comes, the speed of swiping the screen is frighteningly fast!

Gu Xing has always maintained the good habit of bubbling occasionally, and he has also memorized the IDs of several Tiantianshui groups.

After notifying that he was going to start the live broadcast, the four group chats became lively in an instant.

[The hard-working boy Virte is online? 】

[Xiao Gu, I'm your fan, but can I call Jack, he hasn't broadcast live for several weeks]

[Compared to Yu Wenbo, Xiao Gu is simply a model worker, and the frequency of live broadcasts is too high]

[Speaking of which, has the anchor studied the opponents of the playoffs? 】

Gu Xing didn't reply, and cut out to find the Ionian seven wolves.

Compared with the large number of fan groups, the number of members in the group of seven wolves is not very large, and there will be a message every three to five days.

At this moment, Jack was discussing the dinner party with Mala Xiangguo and others.

I have to say that it is very difficult to organize a dinner party when everyone is separated.

They discussed this topic many times, but in the end they didn't put it into action.

The main reason is that everyone's holiday time basically does not overlap.

And the bases are far apart.

Although there are e-sports clubs such as WE.F and LGD around Longhu Haowang Mountain where VG is located.

But the group chats are basically players from Greedy Sa, Y and RG.

The addresses of the three clubs are not even in the same district!

If they all get together on Lingshi Road like I, EDG, and Snake Team, it will be easier to solve it, and they can get together for supper when they go out.

However, when they were scattered, they had no car or driver's license, so they had to pick a suitable time to come out for a meal.

Jack first suggested, [I think we can come out tonight and have a barbecue, who is for and who is against? 】

Mala Xiangguo immediately sent a question mark.

[Don't be disgusting, we still have to fight WE for life and death. Now that we don't even have a holiday, you still want to drag me out for dinner? 】

Gluttony and Sa also raised objections first.

They've also been busy lately.

However, compared to rg, who is determined to keep the second place in the group, the situation of Gluttony Sa is more miserable.

Their grades are really bad.

In the LPL regular season that has ended, they ranked last and can only participate in the relegation match!

If they fail to relegation, they will leave the secondary league, and they will also be restricted from participating in TG in the spring of 2017!

For Greedy Sa, the next relegation match is crucial.

It even concerns the jobs of the players!

For this reason, everyone must work hard to keep their seats in the secondary league!

Jack responded immediately.

[Of course I know that you are very busy recently, just to show off on purpose, nothing else]

VG doesn't have any regular season performance pressure now, and Redmi has been holding back to prepare for the big work recently, and the atmosphere of the whole team is relaxed and harmonious.

On the other hand, Gluttony Sa and RG are still in dire straits, fighting to the death for relegation and ranking.

Yu Wenbo has always been able to hold hatred, and with one sentence, everyone in the seven wolves condemned his cup-filling behavior.

Gu Xing felt that Jack was more suitable to play Uenosuke from his off-court words and deeds to his on-court style of play.

Sometimes it can make people itch with hatred, and when an opponent meets him, he can't wait to beat him to death.

Seeing a group of contestants start crowdfunding tickets, they planned to run to the gate of the VG base in their free time and have a touch offline.

Jack immediately fought back, saying that when they reached Good Hope Mountain, he would close the door himself, and the group of Xiangguo would never get in!

Gu Xing interjected at the right time, 【Why don't we come out for a gathering before the LPL playoffs start? 】

At that time, the gluttonous relegation match will be over, no matter whether it is life or death, the burden in my heart must be put down.

Everyone unanimously agreed, and Shi Senming also planned to come over to join in the fun.

Seeing that they were still in the water group, Gu Xing had no intention of getting involved, so he simply started the live broadcast.

Due to the advance notice, a large group of viewers flooded in the moment the live broadcast room was just opened.

"Good afternoon, everyone!"

Gu Xing greeted the audience, tapped the keyboard like flying fingers, and entered the account password to log in to the Hanbok client.

"Today is a good day to score..."

"Let's try to make it to the top five of the Hanbok and see how many points are left?"

Gu Xing opened the leaderboard.

He now has 1114 win points, ranking seventh in Hanbok.

"Is Little Peanut still number one?" Gu Xing turned his head and asked Gu Shengbin, "Puff, you can't do it, how long have you been sprinting, and you haven't reached the top yet?"

"Don't yell, don't yell, the key here," Ip was concentrating on the operation, whispering, "Now the big advantage, if you win it, you will be the first!"

He is full of confidence.

Gu Xing continued to scan down the list.

"Facts have proved that it is quite difficult for D to get a higher score..."

Among the top 50 king players, there are only 3 Ip, Jack and Bg who mainly play D.

The rest of the positions are mostly occupied by junglers and mid laners. Although there are not many top laners and supporters, there are five or six players, who are better than shooters.

After a little thought, it is not difficult to understand this problem.

D is famous for eating teammates.

For most of the shooters in the professional team, it is easy to reach the top or 70% or 80%, but it is very difficult to go up.

Because it is difficult for them to have an impact on the situation in the early and mid-term.

In contrast, it will be much easier to score points in the jungle, he can control the situation by himself!

Ku Sung-bin has been training hard recently, forcing his score to go up.

Bg has always maintained a high-intensity R volume, playing 7 games a day.

Including the training match, the working hours are at least 14 hours!

Being so tireless every day, Gu Xing wondered if bg was a robot.

Jack is a top-level talent, and his points in qualifying are like drinking water. At his peak, he can have three accounts in the top ten of the national server.

If it weren't for the early release of the title of the three legs of the national service, Yu Wenbo designated as the fourth leg.

It is really not difficult for him to score points.

Just take Delevingne.

This is one of the few D characters who can have a fundamental impact on the battle situation!

If everyone hadn't regarded qualifying as a place to practice heroes, Yu Wenbo had been using Draven, and it would not be difficult to reach the first place in Hanbok.

"Our team score is not bad..." Gu Xing found Hou Ye in the 77th place in the Hanbok.

Brother Long and Xiao Duan are also relatively high in the rankings.

Counting the world girls, all 7 VG players are kings!

Although the qualifying level often cannot directly reflect the competitive state.

However, in most cases, players with high qualifying points are in good form.

"Today let's try to score 1200 points!"

Gu Xing was eager to try.

Ready to show his skills, he just entered the bp interface and wanted to lock the hero, but found that the interface did not respond!

"What's the situation?" Gu Xing panicked, and immediately cut out to watch his live broadcast room, but found that the bullet screen was still passing by.

He immediately realized the crux of the problem.

The Hanbok accelerator is broken.

Before he could react, a loud bang was heard.

"I knock!" Gu Shengbin slapped the table hard, successfully reducing the table's HP by a little, his face flushed, "I can't accept it!"

-----Off Topic-----

TE don't miss Victor...

Big chapter tomorrow. ptere

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