What is a hexagon jungler?

125: It changed the league!

When Gu Xing heard Hongmi's words, he immediately turned his chair around.

Others followed suit, turning their hunger for knowledge to their head coach.

Every time the version changes, Redmi will hold a meeting to discuss with the team members about tactics, hero strength and so on.

This has become a habit in the VG training department.

Redmi turned on the projector and the giant screen, and communicated with the team members with the help of Jin Wenhyuk.

"It stands to reason that the preview of the playoffs should be done after the regular season is completed, but since the ranking has been determined, the team's final battle is not so important."

"If we prepare early, we will have a better chance of winning the playoffs."

Redmi looked at several players again, "According to the information disclosed so far, it is confirmed that the version of the LPL playoffs is 6.15. You have also experienced it in the Korean server these days, how do you feel?"

The current version update speed of the Korean server is slightly faster than that of the national server.

The domestic version 6.15 will not be installed until August 2nd, which leads to two versions of the Ionia five-man team that everyone played in the afternoon and the Hanbok ranking in the evening, and the difference is extremely obvious!

"The rhythm is much faster," Gu Xing expressed his feelings. "Snowball speed is more important. I think this should be related to the change of the defensive tower?"

Teammates nodded in agreement.

Xiao Duan added, "The laning period is not as peaceful as it used to be. The frequency of fighting blood changes is higher, and the bloody level has increased linearly."

"That's right, let's skip hero enhancement and weakening, and talk about the core of version 6.15 first," Redmi called up the version update file, opened it and presented it on the screen, "defense tower."

Jin Wenhyuk listened to Hongmi's words, pondered for a moment and came up with a sincere and elegant translation, "It changed the League of Legends!"

Gu Xing took a sip of ice water.

He had browsed the content of the patch before when he played the Korean server, so he has a certain understanding of it...

As Redmi said, this is likely to be the most critical change in version 6.15.

Because the mechanism of the defense tower belongs to the map resource!

Patches for heroes will only affect one or several characters.

And changes in map resources will directly change the arena environment!

"Version 6.15, the defense tower has newly set a first-blood bounty, which provides 400 extra gold coins for the team that destroys it. Among them, the five players in the whole map each get 25 gold coins, and the remaining 275 gold coins are for the local economy. Allied role sharing..."

This is an extremely exaggerated change!

Before pushing down the outer defensive tower, the income is the local economy of 300 gold coins.

Now, simply pushing down a defensive outer tower, the shared local gold is reduced to 250.

However, a blood tower mechanism has been added!

Whoever demolishes the first defense tower first will get 400 more gold coins, which is equivalent to a first blood head!

On the other hand, the party who is behind in pushing the tower will not only not get the bounty of the first blood tower, but even if the defense tower is pushed down, the gold coins that can be obtained will be 50 less than before!

"This is the reason why the level of bloodshed in the laning phase has increased as mentioned by Xiaoduan just now."

Everyone wants to be the first to pull out the tower and withdraw money to earn extra first-blood tower rewards!

If a specific character can bulldoze the first defensive outer tower alone, he can get up to 250 gold coins (fixed income of each outer tower) + 25 gold coins for each person in the team for one blood tower + one blood tower 275 local bounty.

Added together, up to 550 gold coins!

If the core C position in the team successfully flattened the first blood tower alone, his own development would usher in a take-off in an instant!

If you want to push the tower, the core elements must have line rights.

There is a high probability of fighting for the line right, so it is reasonable and reasonable for the level of bloodshed to soar.

Redmi continued, "In addition to the mechanism of the first blood tower, the health of the outer defense tower has been increased by 200 points, but the duration of the fortification effect has been reduced from 7 minutes to 5 minutes..."

The fortification effect is actually very good, Miss Li.

It is to hang a layer of damage reduction shield on the outer tower in the early stage of the game to weaken the damage directly caused by the enemy to the defensive tower.

It was originally used to prevent the speed push system. At that time, many teams chose a bunch of shooters or concentrated personnel to advance together in groups to push the tower, which had a negative impact on the game's ecological environment.

So put a protective shield on the outer defensive tower, so that the hero cannot quickly push it down in the early stage of the game!

"The damage reduction provided by the fortification effect to the defense tower has been increased from 35% to 50%..." Hong Mi paused, pointing to the last change of the defense tower, "At the same time, the defense effect of the bottom tower will no longer exist. "

Even though everyone has been exposed to version updates before, when Redmi mentioned this change, it still caused waves among VG players.

The fortification effect is canceled, making the next tower the weakest defensive tower.

The most significant change is to highlight the importance of the bottom lane!

In the first five minutes, the upper and middle outer towers still suffered from damage reduction, while the bottom lane was directly undefended!

The heroes in the middle and top lanes are not easy to touch the defense tower. Most of the top laners are small and short players. The middle lane is because the line is too short to hoard enough minions. In addition, most mid laners have good line clearing ability , will not give the opponent too many opportunities to wear down the turret HP.

Down the road is different.

The 2v2 matchup can easily break the balance, but if any player's blood volume is lowered, it is possible for the opponent to hoard the line and approach the defense tower.

Moreover, due to its own characteristics, the shooter itself is also the main force in pushing towers.

It can be said that after the 6.15 update, the next tower will be the easiest defense tower on the map!

With the change of the fortification mechanism and the first-blood mechanism of the defensive tower, the status of the bottom lane will rise immediately!

As long as you can help the bottom lane gain an advantage, you can easily flatten the first blood tower, and then use the bounty to expand the economic snowball, which will affect the overall situation of the battle!

"There is another very important point," Redmi further explained, "The line-changing tactics have disappeared!"

Changing lanes, in layman's terms, means swapping heroes on and off the lane.

The duo goes to the top lane to advance, and the top laner runs to the bottom lane to resist pressure, or follow the jungler to make up for level development.

A lot of times the side that picks the underdog will do this.

Flatten the defense towers, seize the economy in advance by replacing resources, and let the disadvantaged characters survive the most difficult period!

But this kind of line-changing style of play will make the game lose confrontation in the early stage, and it will not be enjoyable at all.

In the mid-season version of this year, the designer tried to increase the cost of changing lanes by reducing the experience gained by heroes following the jungler.

However, there is no extinction-changing tactic, and there are still sporadic teams who will choose to sacrifice the top order to save the bottom lane.

After all, in the eyes of many LPL teams, the status of the top laner is low, and it is enough to eat some leftovers and barely survive.

Now the one-blood tower mechanism and the change of the fortification effect will completely force the line-changing tactics to withdraw from the stage of history!

Because if you want to change lanes now, the consequences you need to bear are too heavy.

The duo switched lanes to the top lane. Due to the improved defense effect of the last tower, it is impossible to flatten the defense tower in the first 5 minutes even if there is no obstacle.

And the opponent's bottom lane duo can easily destroy the undefended bottom lane tower, get a blood tower bounty, and then switch to the top lane.

At that time, the economic gap between the two sides will be directly widened!

Gu Xing understood what Hongmi meant, and he sighed for a moment.

The line-changing tactics used in the professional arena for several years finally fell under the sanctions of this version patch.

"In all fairness, this is good news," Hongmi said frankly, "LPL suffered too much last year."

Hearing this, Gu Shengbin clenched his palms tightly, and blue veins emerged faintly through his chubby flesh.

He recalled the painful memories of last year.

5. The LPL encountered Waterloo in the global finals. In addition to the unclear understanding of the strong characters in the version, the BP head is hard to put the iron man, and the unscientific line change is also the key incentive.

At that time, the line-changing tactics were popular, and almost every game would appear.

LPL line change is simply to supplement the development of ADC.

From Smile to Uzi, the two ADCs were the core of the team's resources back then, and both achieved good results.

This has caused many LPL teams to form the habit of raising ADC big brothers.

At the S5 World Championship, everyone still did the same.

As a result, he was severely educated by other teams!

Especially SKT, their understanding of the version is leading the world, and they know that the heavy equipment fighter is the father in the world championship.

Therefore, SKT's line change will give Manin as much money as possible.

And Ma Run's sense of smell is very sensitive in the development.

Often after the line change is over, Manin can rely on his team and his own abilities to establish his own advantage without any confrontation!

In the entire S5 Global Finals, in the first 10 minutes, Ma Run's average matchup economy was 310 ahead, and his average matchup experience was 353!

This kind of data can only be described as terrifying.

If you look at the whole game, Man's average matchup economic lead will be as high as 3311!

The data of the LPL top laners is too miserable.

Imp's teammate last year, Princess Flame, who was replaced in the second round, is the only top laner in the LPL who can get a matchup economic lead. The value is +269. The proficiency of heavy tank fighters is good. This is how he can change from the bench the key to success.

Optimist's other top laner, Aorn, is behind 2429 gold per game on average.

IG's posture is 821 behind, and EDG's Koro1 is 2597 behind!

5 The LPL top laner in the World Championship was completely sieved!

It is undeniable that there is a factor of personal strength in this.

But it is also inseparable from the stocking of the team!

Several teams in the LPL will not tilt their resources to the top lane at all!

The line change is over, and the top laners of the two sides face off again. The LPL players are one level behind on average and have an economy of one head. How can they fight hand-to-hand with the enemy's top laner?

Isn't this courting death?

That's why Redmi believes that the demise of the line-changing tactic is a major benefit to LPL.

At least the fiasco of the S5 Global Finals is hard to repeat.

"The designer obviously doesn't want everyone to develop slowly and steadily," Hongmi concluded. "The disappearance of lane-changing tactics and the emergence of one-blood towers are all measures to increase the confrontation in the early stage."

"The bottom lane is especially important," he reminded his own bottom laners, "You must enhance your laning ability, and the follow-up tactics will come in handy."

The ADC of the disadvantaged side cannot make up for its own development by changing lanes.

In any case, you have to be on the line if you bite the bullet.

The sun is fierce and everything is visible, and players with poor laning skills can't stand on the line at all, and are destined to be gradually eliminated!

"Understood..." Jack and the others responded one after another.

"Xiao Gu, you should also pay attention," Hongmi looked at Gu Xing, "Our main tactical strategy for the playoffs must be to focus on the lower half."

After all, the bottom road is the easiest line to tear down the Yiblood Tower.

There is no reason not to go.

Brother Long is almost used to it, "Didn't we play like this before? There is no difference!"

VG replaced Imp in the summer game, and it was clear that they wanted to find a reliable big brother.

Gu Xing executed this very well, often feeding Gu Shengbin well.

Even if Jack was replaced in the next few games, the catching strategy did not change much. Playing LGD against Ma Run was a special situation.

"Yes," Redmi reassured the team first, "This playoff version is still very suitable for us."

The one-blood tower mechanism is obviously more focused on the bottom lane, which is really a good thing for VG.

It is in line with the VG grabbing style of play throughout the summer regular season, which means that they can get started as quickly as possible and adapt to the intensity of the playoffs!

"I have formulated a few sets of tactics, everyone will follow along and take a look. If you have any comments, please feel free to ask..."


Redmi's tone was very gentle.

He has to thank this group of players.

It is inseparable from the excellent performance of several players to be able to ignore the last regular season game and study the opponents in the playoffs in advance.

When the playoff version comes out, Redmi is very optimistic about the prospects of VG.

Before the start of the summer split, the goal set by the competition and training department to enter the world championship is likely to be achieved!

Then it was time for everyone to express their opinions.

Although the overall strategy of the tactical system is formulated by Redmi, it is the players who actually play the game.

They can come up with their own understanding in terms of both priority and feasibility.

The playoff meeting, which started at zero, lasted until two o'clock, and everyone clarified the tone of the next direction.

"Brother Long, continue to practice Rambo," Hongmi told her top laner, "There are also a few specific heroes, not to mention they are particularly strong, but they must be able to be taken when they are released."

Zhu Xiaolong signaled that he was fine, "Just look at it, I'll go back to my old job, it's not too difficult!"

When he played in LSPL, he was the big brother in the team, and he used all the carry-type top laners. After he came to LPL, he became a meat tank.

With his special career experience, Brother Long knows a lot about various types of heroes.

In the past two years of version heroes, only the captain can't understand the first half of Long Ge's career. He used the captain for three games in total, and the winning rate was as high as 0%. It's a pure disaster for teammates!

Fortunately, after the rework of S5, the captain has been stabbed many times, and the current strength is at the edge of T2 in the top laner echelon, and the priority is not high.

"One last thing," Hongmi said finally, "Xiao Gu is very interested in Peanut's style of play, and from it he analyzed a pretty good wild nuclear tactical idea... After listening to it, I think it's very creative and powerful. high."

Xiao Duan was very puzzled, "Wild core? Men with guns, leopards and women?"

"No," Gu Xing explained, "No matter what hero you take, you should fight as a wild core..."

He explained Little Peanut's style of play in detail and listened to a short paragraph.

Duan Deliang was very interested in this, "I think it's feasible, Xiao Gu, you are so strong, using this kind of wild core style of play should work well!"

The rest of the teammates also nodded in agreement with Xiao Duan.

Gu Xing's performance throughout the summer split is obvious to all.

Although he has only joined the team for two months, he has won the trust of everyone in the training department by virtue of his top strength and humble and kind attitude.

Xiao Duan thinks that Gu Xing is very reliable, and if he is given resources, the income he will get must not be low.

"The problem is that I analyzed it carefully," Hongmi pondered for two seconds. "This wild-core style of play requires the jungler to gain command."

It is impossible for him and Gu Xing to overhear ROX's key team voice. Although LCK also has programs similar to hero microphones, they are also strictly reviewed and will not let the outside world know any information about tactics.

Redmi can only explore on its own, learn from the ROX game video, and improve the wild core play a little bit.

He believes that if the wild core wants to play well, it must let the jungler have the right to speak in the team.

Whether it's fighting against the jungle, invading and fighting, or controlling neutral resources, the jungler under the wild-core style of play is the talker!

As the absolute core of the team, wild core players stand on their own perspective, and can think about what to do according to the situation, and how to maximize his benefits!

And you can think about the matchup game in the wild all the time, and quickly find the enemy's loopholes.

It is difficult for other players to truly understand what he needs. Many times, teammates who don't have the energy to play the three lanes have to face each other, and naturally focus more on the lane.

Redmi feels that when playing wild core, it will be more advantageous for Gu Xing to do things.

But VG's usual main conductor is Xiao Duan.

His command is pretty good, he can't just give Xiao Duan down with a single sentence, can he?

But after hearing what Hongmi said, Duan Deliang noticed what his head coach was worried about, and responded after a little thought, "It's ok, Xiao Gu, are you okay?"

Gu Xing didn't expect that Hongmi would have a small command right when he came up, and he was stunned at the time.

Seeing Xiao Duan kicking the ball towards him, he looked at Xiao Duan steadily.

Duan Deliang has a relatively introverted personality outside of games. Apart from playing games, he basically has no other hobbies, and he doesn't talk around the bush.

Almost immediately, Gu Xing was sure that the other party really wanted to give him the command under the wild nuclear tactics.

"What are you thinking about?" Xiao Duan saw that he hadn't replied yet, so he punched Gu Xing on the shoulder, and laughed and teased, "I'm not someone who holds on to the command and doesn't let go, so I can do whatever is beneficial to the team."

If it was other newcomers, Xiao Duan might not be at ease.

But after Gu Xing joined VG, he would often participate in decision-making, and proved that he was good at commanding.

There is no need to fight for Xiaoduan.

The speed at which the problem was solved was beyond Redmi's expectations.

"Then tomorrow we will try running and running tactics, and strive to understand the version as soon as possible, and we will be able to play the game after returning from the holiday."

Looking at the vigorous and hardworking VG players, Redmi felt very relieved.

"By the way, Redmi," Jack asked while queuing up, "When we play RNG the day after tomorrow, who will play between me and Pupu?"

Hme thought for a moment, "Go up and try, Sungbin probably won't give up if he doesn't become the number one in Hanbok."

Imp was repeatedly engaged in several waves, and almost reached the top of Hanbok each time.

This feeling of missing a move completely aroused Gu Shengbin's desire to win.

He must be number one in Hanbok!

If Imp was allowed to play training games in the past two days and take up the time to climb to the top, Hongmi probably would be complained by him.

"Wuhu!" Jack beamed with joy, "I'm going to play Uzi!"

Before he played professionally, his favorite was Imp.

But it would be unrealistic to say that Uzi had no influence on him at all.

Although Uzi's status has declined this year and he was beaten by Deft, his current position as the number one ADC in China is still stable.

Those who can wrestle with him are Korean shooters.

Jack was eager to go up and fight Uzi for 300 rounds, to test the strength of himself and the opponent.

"As for being so excited?" Imp was jealous, "I think I played Uzi back then..."

"A hero doesn't mention his bravery back then!" Yu Wenbo immediately refuted.

Gu Xing listened to the two of them bickering with a smile on his face, while he put on his earphones and followed Redmi's instructions to practice the version of strong heroes.

When VG calmed down and prepared for the playoffs, the regular season situation of LPL has not completely stabilized.

At present, the battle for the second and third places in Group B between WE and RNG is still uncertain.

Group A is more chaotic.

Except for the top two ranked EDG and Snakes, and the bottom one SAT, the results of the other three teams are almost the same!

GT and IG barely took the lead, relying on Jin Gong and Song Yijin, the two principals, they were able to drag the team forward.

NB really can't help it. There are no particularly hip-pull players in the team, but there are no particularly strong players either.

In terms of competing for tickets to the playoffs, the dean-level players still have a lot of experience, and have accumulated a lot of experience in leading teammates to lie down and win!

Gu Xing has been working with the team on new tactics for the past two days, and at the same time, he is testing wild-core tactics.

His command was not very efficient at first.

Mainly because I don't get used to it.

Usually, Gu Xing is not a talkative person in competitions. He has been playing professionally for two months, and he is almost used to short-term commanding.

Gu Xing was at a loss for what to do when he suddenly became himself arranging and ordering his teammates.

On the way to Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Center, Xiao Duan was still teaching Gu Xing skills.

"You must remember to talk more," he whispered, "Sometimes the team's voice is silent, and it doesn't feel like a team."

"My mine," Gu Xing scratched his head, "it's always easy to forget."

His style of play is still the same as before.

Conducting is not accomplished overnight, and it is difficult to achieve it in one step.

Several players in the team, except for Jack who has a loud voice, the rest are not lively.

If the chief conductor Gu Xing did not speak, it would be easy for the team to fall into silence.

"You do this first, don't think about other things," Xiao Duan carefully instructed, "Talk more during the laning phase, keep talking, even if you report useless and repetitive information, don't stop talking!"

Duan Deliang also went from a newcomer to a conductor step by step, and he is very experienced in this.

"Practice and practice to ensure that you can communicate with your teammates continuously, and then omit those redundant information little by little to determine the efficiency of the command."

Gu Xing nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

This is the experience of others, and it is not easy to teach yourself.

"Thank you, Brother Duan!" He thanked him sincerely.

"It's okay." Xiao Duan was very free and easy, "Your strength is here, you can't just be a thug, you have to be the brain of the team."

He was optimistic about Gu Xing, and believed that the other party could achieve something.

Gu Xing followed the topic and asked, "What should I do if the command influence interferes with my operation?"

Conducting is exhausting and distracting. Gu Xing has encountered this situation more than once.

Occasionally he even makes operational mistakes.

"There is no shortcut," Xiao Duan shrugged, "I can only try my best to overcome it and let myself do two things at once."

Gu Xing frowned, feeling distressed by this.

This expression of bitterness and deep hatred was maintained until he came on stage to prepare for a decisive battle with RNG.

The director noticed that Gu Xing's expression was not quite right, so he cut the screen and gave a close-up shot.

The explanation is unclear, so, "Virtue doesn't seem to be in a good mood today..."

The audience, Monk Zhang Er, was puzzled.

There was endless debate in the live broadcast room.

[What's the situation with this expression? 】

[Isn't there a conflict within the team? 】

[Nonsense, which team wins in a row and can still have conflicts, it is only when they lose the game that they break up]

【I see that Jack is very happy, and he is not nervous when he hits an Uzi? 】

[Why is the second half of the league full of jakeylove, where did Imp go]

[The final game is not going to be played. VG will spend a lot of money to raise a backup ADC. If it can’t be done, how about giving it to IG? We can get a foreign aid in the next lane]

The RNG people on the other side also had solemn expressions.

They lost to VG in the first round of the round robin, and now they want revenge in their hearts!

They have been preparing for this for a long time.

Before Uzi started the game, beads of sweat had already begun to drip on his forehead, and his expression was extremely serious.

Against Jack, he was under pressure.

If you lose to a rookie, where will you put your face?

The final match of VG's regular season started in this strange atmosphere.

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