What is a hexagon jungler?

013: The ins and outs of dark chocolate (two in one)

Dad was taken aback by him, "You child, why are you so surprised."

Gu Xing forced himself to calm down, and asked his father about the cause and effect.

Father Gu put his son's coat on his forearm, "Many years ago, I was still working in the factory, and you were in primary school..."

Listening to his father's words, Gu Xing was brought back memories.

When I was young, life at home was good. My parents were technical secondary school students at the time. After graduation, they entered a factory. They were not very rich, but luckily their jobs were stable. The two even survived the wave of layoffs.

However, the financial crisis in 2008 crushed the factory, and the couple was laid off, so they opened a small shop outside the community.

Dad thought for a while, and organized the conversation, "The factory has business relations with Italy, and a colleague went to Turin for a business trip. I brought this with me when I came back. I heard it is very valuable."

He pointed to the chocolate in his hand, with nostalgia in his eyes, "Domori, someone was reading his name in the department at that time, and he was laughed at by his colleagues for not pronouncing it correctly."

"It's two dollars between me and your mother," Gu's father smiled gently, "I remember you won the prize in the Hua Luogeng Youth Math Competition that day, and we gave you one piece when we were happy, and the other piece went home and looked forward to it." Hope to share it."

"Now that you taste this chocolate, can you still remember the taste of that year?"

Gu Xing remembered it when he heard about the Hua Cup Award.

This is the reason why I always felt familiar with the brand logo of Heiqiao before.

He did get a piece of domori back then, but he hadn’t finished elementary school at that time, and Gu Xing, who was still young, didn’t know the brand and the pile of foreign letters at all, and the chocolate was kept in his hand for no more than one hour.

Xiao Gu Xing, who won the prize and a piece of foreign chocolate, was so excited that he hurried home from the factory.

He didn't know why he didn't wait for his parents, but chose to go home alone.

Thinking about it now, he probably got a piece of chocolate alone, and he felt the need to go back and show off to Gu Pan, declaring that he was more favored by his parents than his younger sister.

With short legs, he rushed all the way to the seventh floor.

But before he entered the house, little Gu Xing saw Shen Guanshan, who had better results in the Hua Cup than himself, sitting on the steps of the corridor, his eyes were as red as a rabbit from crying, and his nose was bubbling.

He could only recall sporadic things after that, and they were not specific.

It seems that Shen Guanshan’s grandfather passed away that day, her parents were busy with the funeral and comforting her grandma, no one cared about her showing off in school and class that day, just let her sit in the corridor so as not to get lost .

Gu Xing only remembered how he comforted her clumsily when he was still young, so he even gritted his teeth and sent out the foreign chocolates he just got, finally stopped Shen Guanshan's crying, and then he patted his buttocks and returned. Home.

When all the memories were connected, Gu Xing finally understood why Shen Guanshan gave this brand of chocolate yesterday, and he even didn't forget to look at himself when he handed it over.

He covered the emotions in his eyes, smiled and joked with his father, and took back the box of chocolates.

Gu Xing who sat down again fell into deep thought.

Could it be that only the box of chocolates Shen Guanshan gave him can open the Summoner Canyon in his mind?

This sounds too far-fetched.

If it were left in the past, he would definitely scoff at it.

But after what happened last night, Gu Xing felt that this trigger mode seemed to be the same, which was acceptable.

He glanced at the box again, and there were 344 days left in the shelf life.

There are only six small pieces in a box, and I ate one piece last night. The virtual game simulated the factory manager.

There are five yuan left, if this is really a trigger item, he must not eat it indiscriminately.

Gu Xing collected them all and put them in a drawer for safekeeping in case of emergencies.

Throughout the lunch break, he was consulting with the members of the Ionian Seven Wolves about youth training, and hooked up with Ming, and the two successfully became friends.

Ming worked as a starting support for the YM club in the domestic sub-league, and he was very experienced in this. It was not convenient for him to type while he was having a meal, so he just made a voice call directly.

Without hesitation, Gu Xing connected the earphones and decisively chose to connect.

"Hey, hey," Ming's voice was very loud, "Can you hear me?"

Gu Xing quickly responded.

"My real name is Shi Senming. You can call me Ming or Xiaoming." Sitting on the dining table, Shi Senming greeted with a smile, holding chopsticks in one hand and mobile phone in the other. "You should be older. I haven't passed my 18th birthday yet."

"Hello, hello." After introducing himself, Gu Xing exchanged some pleasantries before turning to the main topic. He was very curious about the field of youth training, which he had never touched before. "There are a few questions that I don't quite understand..."

After listening to Gu Xing's question, Shi Senming took two mouthfuls of rice, took this time to consider his sentence, and then answered, "Whether you can pass the trial training of the youth training mainly depends on these factors, the first is the score , as long as your ranking points are high enough, you can basically stay."

"How much is high?" Gu Xing hoped to get a clearer number, "1000 points for the king?"

"No need, six or seven hundred is definitely enough. Many clubs like to raise seedlings. Of course, if you can reach a thousand points, or even reach the top of the server, then you can choose the youth training of various clubs, not The youth training will pick you."

Gu Xing realized that the points were equivalent to his scarcity.

There are not many young players with high scores, and every club wants them; if there are a lot of young players with low scores, the team's demand is not so high.

In a sense, it leads to the imbalance of supply and demand, which has evolved into the difference between the seller's market and the buyer's market.

Shi Senming continued, "The second is the training match, which is a 5v5 customization, because there is a big gap between the daily ranking and the real match, and many things cannot be seen, while the training match is more suitable for the arena. Youth training The coach will look at your communication skills, your match with the team, etc..."

"To put it simply, it is to use the training game to see if you are suitable for playing professionally." He spoke quickly and said like a cannonball, "As long as you don't be too autistic or play too uniquely, you will be fine if you play normally. .”

Shi Senming added a sentence at this point, "However, it is not impossible to play alone, as long as your teammates can stand it, you can win."

"As for the salary, let me tell you the truth. There is no official competition in the youth training, and the price given by the first-tier clubs is basically a few thousand. If you can play in the secondary league, you can basically get about 10,000 a month, and then go up. Top league..."

Shi Senming said enviously, "I didn't type it up, and I don't know the details."

Gu Xing probably had some idea of ​​the salary scale.

In his opinion, this salary is not low. There are not many young people working in Zhenhai with a monthly salary of more than 10,000.

A mature thought popped into his mind.

"Thank you, Xiao Ming." Gu Xing thanked him sincerely.

Gu Xing was naturally grateful because he was not related to him, but because he was in the same group, he helped him answer a lot of questions.

"It's okay, you added 25 points to me in the blind monk game yesterday." Shi Senming was still smiling, "If you go to EDG for trial training, you can also come to YM to have a look. We also lack junglers here. If you are better, you can start the game... The team owner is PDD, you know PDD, right?"

When Gu Xing heard this name, the S3 All-Star Game came to mind.

That was the first time he watched a live broadcast of a League of Legends game.

In addition to the Rambo barbecue, PDD also has the famous scene of Zach being shot by Shy.

Even if Shy was educated in the follow-up games, it was useless. When most of the audience mentioned PDD, they would always think of Zach.

Gu Xing agreed before hanging up the voice call.

He took out a notebook and recorded the key information on it.

Gu Xing planned to go to the Shanghai stock market to experience the life of a professional athlete after the college entrance examination.

Now that the opportunities are in front of me, anyway, I have nothing to do during the summer vacation, and I still get money for playing games. After two months of playing games, I will go to classes after the Fudan school starts, and the money I save can be used as living expenses.

The goal is now clear.

In addition to stabilizing your grades, try your best to get the score on the Dianyi server.

The king's ranking is his future bargaining power, how much money he can make during the summer vacation depends on it.

Gu Xing has always said to do what he says, he concentrates on listening to the lectures in the afternoon, trying to improve his learning efficiency to a higher level, and runs to the Internet cafe after school.

Ding Ran also followed, and he planned to officially become an alchemy cultivator this week—a Golden Five.

The Happy Hour Internet Cafe is only seven or eight hundred meters away from the town. The two of them walked quickly and arrived at the door in a short time. Before entering, they did not forget to take off the school badge.

There are no school uniforms in the town, as long as the school badge is removed, others will not know that they are students.

"You can play a game, and you will have to study at night when you go back later." Ding Ran asked for a bottle of Pepsi, "Do you want to drink?"

Gu Xing waved his hands and refused, "It's a game if you can play one game, so little makes a lot."

There are more people surfing the Internet during the evening peak hours. Today, there are two network administrators working at the same time in the Internet cafe, and one of them is the young brother from yesterday.

Gu Xing still has an impression of him, and he never forgets to fish and watch the EDG mid-season video when he goes to work. It is true that he is making money.

"Good evening." When swiping his ID card, the young network administrator greeted him with a smile on his face.

When Gu Xing and Ding Ran walked into the Internet cafe, he murmured to his colleagues next to him, "Brother, this is the electric king I told you about, and he was assigned as the factory manager yesterday afternoon."

The veteran webmaster raised his eyes and glanced, "That impression is too deep."

"During the Chinese New Year, he stayed here to use Chaoshen and Pentakill every day to earn Internet fees. The boss originally thought he was deliberately finding fault. When he went over, he found that the row was full of electric drills and masters."

"Wow... No wonder I was able to snatch the dragon from the factory manager." The young brother was very envious.

He also plays alliances, but his level is relatively average, and he can't get out of the silver pit.

Gu Xing ran to the idle No. 77 machine again and pressed the power button.

Ding Ran was sitting next to him rubbing his fists, as if he wanted to warm up in this way.

The familiar announcement sounded again.

"The player who is surfing the Internet on machine 76 is the unyielding silver from Ionia..."

"Crooked day, don't report!" Even though Ding Ran often comes to play, he is often made a little ashamed, "Can you set the rank above gold and then report the rank, this boss doesn't want to do business, right?"

The next notification sounded, and many players around without headphones looked over.

Most of them are Gu Xing who went to see the No. 77 aircraft.

But Ding Ran was sitting next to him, he couldn't stand being looked at, so he quickly lowered his head and acted like an ostrich.

The two of them all logged into the E-1 server. Gu Xing was used to solo queuing, but now he wants to find a friend to increase his score to ensure the efficiency of scoring.

But after contacting around, I found that JackeyLove played the trumpet "Rhythm and Tenderness" and was in the duo with Ming. It is said that he had waited for a quarter of an hour and no one was in line.

Rhythm and tenderness: [Hurry up and line up, maybe the ninth class is the first one, and you are the only one missing]

Since the system needs to balance the hidden points, try to ensure that the two sides of the game are at the same level, and the number of people in the high-segment is small, resulting in quite unstable queuing time.

Gu Xing listened to the words and clicked on the ranking system. After two seconds, he really entered the ranking BP interface!

"Are you really the king?" Ding Ran was stunned, "Quicker than me in the gold promotion competition?"

"It's just a coincidence..." Gu Xing replied, looking across the team chat channel, trying to find acquaintances.

Sure enough, the other four teammates looked familiar.

In addition to JackeyLove and Ming, the other two players are also considered high-scoring anchors: Huya Live, Hushen and New Torn Heaven.

MGB, Ming: [Brother Xing and we lined up again? Ape dung, ape dung! 】

New Torn Paradise: [Good evening everyone]

Rhythm and tenderness: [I really only know how to play wild, watch the group]

Gu Xing logged into QQ, and found that JackeyLove had sent a room number in YY voice in the group of seven wolves, asking him to come up and call.

He looked at the computer in the Internet cafe, and after confirming that there was YY voice, he entered JackeyLove's channel.

Gu Xing connected his earphone cable to the main unit, and when he put it on, he heard the noisy voice on the voice channel, as well as the sound of wheezing.

Shi Senming was also there, and he scolded loudly, "Yu Wenbo, you are going to die, don't leave here and gasp at the mic, okay?"

"It's none of your business," JackeyLove said to him, and then asked Gu Xing, "What do you call my buddies?"

Shi Senming knew him well, "Gu Xing, just call him Brother Xing."

JackeyLove really called Brother Xing.

"Don't don't don't, don't dare to do it," Gu Xing hurriedly replied, "Just call me by my name."

Like Xiangxiang and Chitanda's feedback, JackeyLove's voice sounded like someone in his 20s and 30s, and he couldn't afford to say that.

"This game is fine. You don't need to compete for positions. Everyone will do their job." Shi Senming was very happy.

He and JackeyLove went to the bottom lane, Tear Heaven played the mid laner, Tiger God went to the top lane, and Gu Xing played the jungler.

Five people all play their positions.

Today, when the pre-selection mode has not yet been implemented, it can be regarded as a very comfortable and harmonious round of ranking.

"I chose Zed in the middle lane, so I have to make up for some magic damage..." Gu Xing saw his lineup, "Do you think it is the barrel or the spider?"

"You can play whichever is convenient, don't worry about us." JackeyLove is very confident. He and Shi Senming got Draven + Thresh, and they will kill randomly in Dianyi.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Xing still locked the spider, trying to open up the situation in the early stage.

The final lineup is locked down.

The red side where Gu Xing is: top laner Jax, jungler Spider, mid laner Jie, bottom laner Draven + Thresh.

The blue side on the opposite side: top laner Riven, jungler blind monk, mid laner Lissandra, bottom laner Lucian + Bron.

Gu Xing squeezed his fingers, ready to test his own strength.

After last night's virtual match training, he felt that he had become a lot stronger, but he was not sure what level it was.

Entering the game loading screen, they saw the IDs of the five people on the opposite side.

"Hey, they are all old acquaintances!" Shi Senming sighed with emotion.

On the opposite side, Shan Ruiwen is black and white, with a high level of proficiency, and is well-known in the national server.

The jungler's ID is "Greedy Sa, Dong Dao", the mid laner Ice Girl is Taiyuan Ma Chao, and the bottom lane duo is good brothers in the group.

Shoushō and Chitanda.

"Kill, kill, I'm sure about Xiangxiang's share today! Jesus can't keep him, I told you!" JackeyLove yelled in the voice.

Gu Xing is also full of fighting spirit, waiting for the arrival of Summoner's Canyon!

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