What is a hexagon jungler?

132: I hope you will shine forever

"You didn't have to go on the road just now..."

Gu Xing waited for Shen Guanshan to control Qian Jue to return to the city, and chose a simple replay path, "Go and catch the blind jungler on the opposite side, but he has not yet reached level 6, and neither he nor Jian Ji has control skills, so he can't catch your family at all." barbarian king."

"You traveled a long distance to the top lane to make a clearance, and in the end the Ueno battle was just 1 for 1."

Shen Guanshan thought carefully.

The barbarian king who brought the sprint just now slid like a loach, and the opponent's Ueno's deceleration skills couldn't help him at all!

The barbarian king relied on the thick wall between the triangular grass and the line on the road, and played with the king of Qin to walk around the pillars, which was delayed for a long time.

If he hadn't signaled that he could stay and fight, the top laner teammates could have completely retreated.

"Using Qian Jue in the qualifying competition, the most important thing is your own development. If you don't get more benefits after delaying for too long, it is actually a loss..." Gu Xing explained to her.

At that time, the imprint of the sheep spirit on Shen Guanshan's body was cooling down, and he couldn't gain passive layers even if he killed the opponent.

The harvest is just a dry head economy.

Shen Guanshan nodded to indicate that he understood clearly.

She is very understanding.

Although Gu Xing did not teach some formulaic routines, Shen Guanshan was able to sum up a lot of details that could be widely applied to other games based on the strategy of play revealed sporadically in the opponent's words, which benefited him a lot.

Ding Ran watched the whole process.

There is not much difference in rank between him and Shen Guanshan, and his opponents are of a similar level, so the strengths and weaknesses of the two can be clearly compared.

Ding Ran found that Shen Guanshan's operation was really mediocre.

Hand speed is definitely considered slow in the Platinum segment, not as good as his own.

But the thinking is very clear, playing like a radar in the jungle, counting the opposing jungler position clearly, and constantly marking signals to remind teammates!

And I like the green jungle knife very much.

This is very rare in the Platinum tier.

In the lower ranks of the national server that emphasizes confrontation, except for blind monks who need to touch their eyes to increase their flexibility, everyone is generally blue or red. Winning a fight is the most important thing for them!

Shen Guanshan obviously knew that he couldn't operate well.

She used her green jungle knife to control the map with her brain, and controlled the imprint through Qianjue's passive mechanism, and harvested dragons by the way to build an advantage for the team.

For most of the laning period, Shen Guanshan spent most of his time in the jungle, taking the initiative to attack less frequently, relying on counter-wilding and controlling dragons to maintain the balance of the team.

It can be described as making a fortune with a muffled voice!

Relying on his keen sense of smell and the eye position provided by the green jungle knife, Shen Guanshan can often warn his teammates to be careful of Gank in advance, and it is difficult for the enemy jungler to get frequent kills and snowball.

During the team battle, the opponent will find that Qian Jue, who has a very high imprint layer and exaggerated equipment level, poses a great threat to them. With R [Lamb Spirit Breath], the team can't deal with it at all!

Shen Guanshan looked at the word Victory in the center of the monitor, and his body suddenly relaxed.

"Is my typing okay?" She turned to Gu Xing for encouragement, with a hint of joy in her tone.

"It's pretty good," Gu Xing said with a smile in his eyes, "Although there was a small mistake...but the flaws are not hidden."

A total of 100 ranked games have been played, and it is really rare to be able to achieve this level.

When he first reached level 30 in S3, he also ran to play more than 40 ranked games, and his winning rate of platinum five ranks was close to 70%.

It is similar to the current Shen Guanshan.

What surprised Gu Xing was that Shen Guanshan had a unique understanding of Qian Jue, focusing on controlling the map and playing games with his brain.

Especially imprint control, in this ability alone, she is even better than herself!

Gu Xing still had to go through it in his brain before he could determine his idea of ​​controlling the map.

Shen Guanshan is like a humanoid self-propelled calculator, the wild monster resources of the entire map are under her control, the thinking process is extremely short, and she does not make mistakes!

What bothered her about her score was mainly operational ability and common sense—Shen Guanshan had played too little, and his contact time was short, so he didn't even know the skills of some unpopular heroes.

Ding Ran sat there, Gu Xing and Shen Guanshan looked at each other and smiled.

Can't help but curl up into the sofa chair, trying to reduce the sense of existence.

He felt that it was a mistake for him to come to the Internet cafe to score points today!

After being hit by Shen Guanshan's subsection, he lost his mind and had to eat lemons!

Gu Xing finally realized that Ding Ran was still beside him, "Don't you want to play a game, let me see how you are doing now..."

At this time, Yi Wushuang, with teary eyes, went online and wanted to pull Gu Xing into a double row, but he mercilessly refused.

He himself does not intend to continue playing.

For Gu Xing, Ionia's drill one stage has no practice meaning, at best it is to maintain the feel.

It's better to chat with friends for a while.

If you don't compare it with Shen Guanshan, Ding Ran's progress is actually not particularly slow.

From the original bronze god of war to a level beyond the average rank of the league, he climbed steadily step by step.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Shen Guanshanhao won four consecutive victories and advanced to Platinum 2. Ding Ran alternately won and lost repeatedly, and won the last game with difficulty, adding 22 points in one afternoon.

The three of them saw that the time was about the same, and then they set off for the agreed place of the class reunion.

Summer is not over yet, the sun is working overtime, not giving up any chance to shine and heat the earth.

The orange light emitted by the setting sun in the sky is no longer as dazzling as in the afternoon, and the slanting reflection on the body will not make people feel too uncomfortable.

Ding Ran answered the phone call from his mother, and followed behind to reply from time to time.

Shen Guanshan and Gu Xing walked along the sidewalk side by side, still muttering about the harvest this afternoon in their mouths, their happiness visible to the naked eye.

She suddenly remembered something, and looked sideways at Gu Xing.

"Do you know what another name for a polar bear is?"

Gu Xing was stunned for a moment when he heard this question.

"White Bear?" He wasn't sure about the answer, so he had to guess the one that seemed most reliable.

Shen Guanshan shook his head repeatedly like a rattle, "Besides that, there is another nickname."

"There's another one?" Gu Xing frowned, not knowing the situation.

Looking at Shen Guanshan, he found that the other party couldn't hide the desire to share at all.

At this time, Ding Ran hung up the phone and joined the discussion between the two, "What's the other nickname?"

He also couldn't figure out what Shen Guanshan wanted to express.

Seeing that neither of them could guess, Shen Guanshan happily revealed the answer, "The other nickname is Polar Bear!"

The three of them were completely silent, and the chirping of cicadas on the tree could be heard clearly.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment.

Gu Xing thought for two seconds before he understood, and immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

The English name of the polar bear is Polar Bear, and the front Polar refers to the polar region in the geographical sense.

And if you put it in mathematics, it also means polar coordinates.

Connected with Bear, it is a polar bear.

But this stalk does feel a bit of a cold joke.

On a hot day, Ding Ran was covered in cold sweat and his hands and feet were cold, and he didn't know how to respond.

Gu Xing was also embarrassed at first, but when he saw Shen Guanshan raised his face and showed the expression of "how am I so powerful?", the corners of his mouth still turned up to show a smile from the bottom of his heart.

Ding Ran looked at his friend in horror.

Gu Xing's low point of laughter this time really surprised him.

Is it that funny?

At six o'clock in the evening, the three of them came to the agreed place.

Several classmates had already gathered at the entrance of the restaurant.

It is said to be a party, but in fact there are less than twenty people.

It was the beginning of August, and many high school students left Zhenhai to travel around after receiving the admission letter from their favorite university.

The original class reunion had already been held in mid-June, but at that time Gu Xing went to the Shanghai stock market to work professionally, so he didn't attend.

Due to the good popularity he has accumulated in the class for a long time, a few classmates who are close to him took the initiative to help Gu Xing to gather a table, saying that they must meet before the start of school.

Even the homeroom teacher who hadn't seen him for a long time showed up to greet Gu Xing.

"I really didn't expect that one of the students would become famous in e-sports..." He looked relieved, and compared with when he was teaching at school, his expression was much gentler.

A familiar classmate hugged Gu Xing's shoulder, "Brother Xing, can you sign for me? Nicole is so popular now!"

In the past two years, the LPL fan circle is still dominated by pigs and dogs. Among them, the factory manager won the mid-season championship in 2015, and his momentum overwhelmed Uzi.

The rest are Optimistic Family, WE and IG.

This summer, VG has emerged as a new force. Relying on its excellent regular season results and low-key players with no black spots, the number of fans seems to be among the second echelon!

No matter what, Gu Xing and his teammates can also be called popular players in the league.

Several students in the class who played the league hurriedly clamored to take a photo with Gu Xing as a souvenir, maybe they could show it off in the future.

Gu Pan, who finished tutoring, also ran over to join in the fun.

Gu Xing learned from Shen Guanshan the root cause of the conflict between his sister and himself at noon today, and he still doesn't know how to communicate with her.

In the end, Gu Pan's face remained normal, he greeted him and sat next to his best friend.

This made Gu Xing heave a sigh of relief, and planned to treat Gu Pan as usual.

In this way, the brothers and sisters of the Gu family lined up on both sides of Shen Guanshan just like the protectors.

There are familiar friends on the left and right, which makes Shen Guanshan feel full of security.

But then she realized a new problem.

The brothers and sisters of the Gu family are cheerful and lively, with outstanding appearance and excellent grades, and have a good relationship with all the classmates.

This caused everyone to join Gu Xing and Gu Pan when they had nothing to do!

After chatting with the brothers and sisters of the Gu family, it was impossible for the students to neglect Shen Guanshan, and enthusiastically asked about the vacation and university arrangements.

It made her restless.

Fortunately, the two brothers and sisters are interesting enough, and they often make rescues to avoid embarrassment for Shen Guanshan.

Gu Xing took out his trump card and pulled the head teacher in, "Old Chen, tell me a few words!"

The head teacher knew that he would not be able to escape the speech if he came today.

He had no choice but to stand up and give a speech, encouraging the students to keep their minds and keep working hard.

"The previous 18 years of life in Zhenhai came to an end, but the real life has just begun. The outside world is very big, the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly. The teacher also hopes that you can remember the life in the town. During this time..."

Old Chen's face was full of red, and he almost had the four words "satisfied and satisfied" written on his face.

Although it had been two months since the college entrance examination ended, he still felt a surge of emotion when he recalled it.

According to the usual practice, the strongest class in Zhenhai Middle School is the innovation class.

Since the school's comprehensive grades took off in the past few years, all the innovation classes in the previous four years have won the first place in the provincial science college entrance examination.

At this time, the superiors have not yet issued a notice prohibiting the promotion of the number one student in the college entrance examination. This is obviously a gold-lettered signboard for the major high schools to prove the quality of teaching to the outside world.

With such brilliant previous achievements in the town, it is natural to feel a lot of pressure to take over the innovation class.

As we all know, being the number one scholar depends on luck, the top 30 or even the top 50 in the province may become the biggest winner in the college entrance examination!

Fortunately, the number of students and teachers in the town is one of the best. The students' hard work and stable performance, together with the joint efforts of the head teacher and teachers of various subjects, finally lived up to expectations and continued to allow the school to maintain its dominant position in the province's college entrance examination field.

The top 100 in the college entrance examination province, the innovation class alone can contribute 1/4, the proportion is extremely exaggerated!

"I know there is an old stalker on the Internet, called 'You are the worst class of students I have ever taught'." Old Chen no longer was strict before, and now he looks kindly, "But in my case, you are I have taught the best class of students, this sentence is sincere and innocent."

There was applause one after another in the private room.

"Gu Xing, before you leave, sign your autograph for me, so that I can get along with my new classmates when school starts in September," Old Chen teased, "I see your League of Legends is quite popular right now."

"At that time, when I have a class meeting, I will project your signature on the screen and tell the new students that if their level is higher than yours, then they can play casually, and they can support themselves by part-time jobs in the future; if their level is not as good as yours, then be careful. Do a good job of studying first..."

Everyone laughed in a low voice.

Gu Xing didn't feel embarrassed, but his smile became brighter, "Then I have to thank Lao Chen, this can be regarded as helping me expand my popularity!"

Shen Guanshan glanced sideways at him, his eyes smiling into two crescent moons.

It was nine o'clock in the evening when the dinner party ended.

"Brother Xing, are you going back to the base tomorrow afternoon?" Ding Ran received Gu Xing's affirmative reply, and continued, "Then I'll go there with you, and I just got tired of staying at home."

The Ding couple, who usually travel all over the place, realize that they have too little time to accompany Ding Ran when their child is about to leave Zhenhai University.

However, when we get along every day, friction will inevitably arise.

Ding Ran thinks his parents are too lenient, and he can't even get up at what time he wants every day.

Parents blamed their son for being too lazy.

Now Ding Ran, who originally blamed his parents for only making money, finally found a chance to get rid of them.

Go to Ding Jun's VG base to live for a few days, and Fudan is about to start school, then he will usher in freedom!

The head teacher organized the students to leave in pairs, and asked them to stay safe in the class after returning home, before looking at the brothers and sisters of the Gu family and Shen Guanshan.

He knew that the three of them were neighbors, and before leaving, he warned, "Be careful too, it's getting late, don't wander around on the road."

"Don't worry, I'm familiar with the surrounding area," Gu Xing agreed, "It's only one kilometer away from home, and I walked back for a quarter of an hour..."

Old Chen responded, and finally patted Gu Xing on the shoulder vigorously, "If you have time, come back often."

The three of them smiled and bid farewell to the homeroom teacher. She originally planned to walk forward holding Shen Guanshan's forearm as usual.

But she glanced at her brother, recalling the earnest conversation with her mother yesterday afternoon, she did not do this after thinking about it, but walked side by side with the two.

"You guys went to the Internet cafe this afternoon." Gu Pan's tone was flat, and he made a conclusion directly.

Shen Guanshan was very puzzled, "How do you know that the two of us went to an Internet cafe?"

"Tch," Gu Pan said triumphantly, "Sitting next to you during the meal just now, I could smell the smell of the Internet cafe!"

Gu Xing often went to Internet cafes to share points when he was an adult, and even if he was sitting in a non-smoking area, Gu Pan could smell a strange smell every time he went home.

Over time, she has gotten used to it.

And Shen Guanshan didn't have the habit of spraying perfume, usually there was only a faint scent of laundry detergent on his clothes, mixed with the smell of Internet cafes, Gu Pan could easily distinguish it.

Gu Xingze changed the topic calmly, "Ding Ran did it too...he's with us."

Gu Pan ignored him, and continued to ask Shen Guanshan, "Is it fun? I haven't been there yet, what does it look like inside?"

"It's okay," Shen Guanshan replied, "It's just that the mouse, keyboard and monitor are not very suitable, other than that, there is nothing special, just rows of computers..."

She thought for a while and added, "But that Internet cafe only sells Pepsi."

Hearing this, Gu Pan's eyes lit up immediately, "Is there such a good thing? I'll go back and have a look!"

"Are you going shopping?" Gu Xing couldn't help complaining, "You don't know how to play games, so why go to an Internet cafe?"

Gu Pan replied subconsciously, "My League of Legends is also level 30, okay? Don't look down on people!"

In the past two months, when she had nothing to do at night, she would occasionally use the computer at home to play two games.

Although it is definitely not possible to connect with Tietong and Tietong, it is still no problem to call a personal computer.

Gu Pan went smoothly all the way, reaching level 30 with a super high winning rate of 100%!

"Go home and get a new computer, I'm not necessarily slower than you in scoring!" She is full of confidence.

"Where did you get your confidence?" Gu Xing sarcastically mercilessly, "I heard from Guan Shan that you asked her a question..."

He squeezed his voice and imitated his sister's words, "Guan Shan Guan Shan, why is there an advantage if you are ahead in the economy?"

"Are you looking for faults, right?!" Gu Pan went up to pat him, his movements very much like Udyr's bear form.

Shen Guanshan watched the siblings fight with each other, his eyes filled with smiles.

Walking all the way to the door of his own store in Guxi Community, Gu Pan finally calmed down.

With excitement, she took two express packages from her father.

"Dongzi is so fast..." Gu Xing was filled with emotion.

I placed an order yesterday and it was delivered today. The efficiency is amazing.

Gu Pan held the package as if he had found a treasure, wishing he could fly home and open the box.

"Hurry up and take a shower, I'll go up later!" Gu Xing planned to help his father tidy up the store shelves first.

There is only one bathroom at home, even if he goes up with Gu Pan, he still has to wait.

Seeing this, Shen Guanshan made an excuse, "I'll take two boxes of Oreos and buy a box of breakfast milk, otherwise there won't be enough food at home... Gu Pan, you should go home first."

Gu Pan could tell at a glance that his best friend wanted to wait for Gu Xing on purpose.

After a little thought in my heart, I still walked into the community alone with the package in my arms.

Gu Xing tidied up the products on the shelves, and found a box of breakfast milk with a relatively late production date.

The father noticed the delicate relationship between the two, and deliberately helped to create a space, let the son go first, and closed the door after checking the account by himself.

Gu Xing carried the milk box and stood beside Shen Guanshan.

"I'll take it..." Shen Guanshan wanted to take the breakfast milk, but Gu Xing flatly refused.

"My mobile phone is out of battery, and the corridor is dark, just go ahead and turn on the flashlight for me later."

Shen Guanshan responded slowly, and Qingqi's brain circuit immediately turned to another topic.

"You have a semi-final on the 14th, so I might not be able to watch it," she regretted. "Subject three will be tested that day."

Gu Xing thought about it.

"It's fine not to go."

If they win the semi-finals, VG will immediately prepare for the next finals.

If they lose the game, VG has to study the opponents in the bubbling match in advance.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses, it is very difficult for Gu Xing to find time to accompany Shen Guanshan.

"Then I wish you success in the playoffs," Shen Guanshan sent his blessings, "I'll see you in the finals in Guangzhou!"

Her tone is cheerful.

Gu Xing looked at her profile.

The two of them had already arrived at the downstairs of the resident, without the overhead wire, the bright moonlight poured down, reflecting on Shen Guanshan's jade-like face.

The generous and dignified facial features became a little brighter under the moonlight, and the sharp eyebrows and eyes softened a lot.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xing felt as if Pai Daxing gave him a hard push in his heart.

He blurted it out.

"Do you think I should take a break from school and continue working professionally, or go to Fudan to study step by step?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Xing regretted it.

In terms of emotion and reason, you should not ask the other party.

Shen Guanshan stopped and looked at him seriously after careful consideration.

"Gu Xing, I have neither the ability nor the qualification to make decisions for you..."

"But no matter which path you choose, I will always believe in you."

Shen Guanshan's eyes were crystal clear, "I only hope that you can always shine like the sun."

Gu Xing looked at her.

Once again, he saw his own reflection in the other person's eyes.

This time, Pai Daxing from the bottom of his heart hit Gu Xing hard twice.

He took a deep breath.

The warm wind blows down the nostrils on a summer night, scalding the heart.

"I will," Gu Xing nodded solemnly, "I will."


When Gu Xing opened the door to go home, Gu Pan had already finished taking a shower.

She wrapped her hair with a towel, made it like an Arab woman, and sat on the sofa to unbox.

She took out the brand new laptop lightly.

Gu Pan couldn't put it down, he stroked it up, down, left, and right, and then decided to buy some protective films and stickers online to cherish his first computer.

"Gu Xing," she asked without raising her head, "What gift do you want? I can buy it for you."

Gu Pan felt that the wording was inappropriate, so he omitted some restrictions, and hurriedly added, "I declare in advance that the price can only be about the same as the computer and mobile phone you gave me. If it is more expensive, I have no money!"

She had saved less than 30,000 yuan in total.

Apart from paying tuition fees, Gu Pan doesn't even plan to ask his parents for college living expenses.

If the gift Gu Xing wants is too expensive, she has to be extra frugal before the new year.

"...I don't know either," Gu Xing thought for a while, and found that he didn't seem to be short of anything, "I've already placed an order for a mobile phone, so you don't need to buy it for me."

Gu Pan made a mistake this time.

The mobile phone and computer that my brother gave me totaled more than 10,000 yuan, so she couldn't give her a gift that was too cheap.

Until Gu Xing was about to leave the next day, she didn't think about what would be the right gift.

"Call me and your dad when you arrive at the base..." Mother Gu chattered to check Gu Xing's backpack again.

"Don't be so frugal when you go out. Spend the money you need to spend. Don't feel bad. As the old saying goes, a poor family is rich, and the family has enough money. You can keep the wages you earn."

Gu Xing dressed neatly, put his bag on his back, and stepped forward to hug his parents.

Then it was Gu Pan's turn, he hesitated for a moment, and just patted his sister's head.

It was rare for Gu Pan not to fight back this time.

"Go back and prepare well, don't disappoint me and my parents' expectations..."

She wondered if she cared too much about Gu Xing, so she turned her head and muttered, "I'm still waiting to travel to Guangzhou."

Gu Xing was accustomed to Gu Pan's harsh words, and after saying goodbye to his family, he turned and left the community, took a taxi and went to the train station to meet Ding Ran.

After wandering around for more than four hours, Gu Xing finally returned to the VG base.

As soon as I entered the training room, I saw WE on Jack's computer beating RNG violently!

"Shen from 957 appeared from a side shadow corner, E flash taunted Uzi!"

In the impassioned commentary, Uzi was accused of exporting towards 957 on the spot.

And Kandi's Blind Monk's Tianyinbo kick easily hit him, and he flew up and kicked Uzi, who couldn't move, into his team!

In the blink of an eye, Uzi is melted!

"RNG's main output was killed, so we had to retreat to distance ourselves...but WE didn't want to let them go!"

Yu Wenbo took a bite of a sauce-flavored cake, "I'm a bitch, can WE really explode?"

From God's point of view, the score between the two sides is already WE leading 1-0, and this game still has a big advantage, seeing that the victory is within easy reach!

"Old Gu, do you want egg tarts? I bought too much and didn't finish them." Jack handed over the paper bag.

Gu Xing didn't eat at night, and now he was hungry, so he was not polite to his teammates, took out the egg tart and shared it with Ding Ran.

"Then our playoff matchup is officially out?" He saw that RNG was losing ground in the matchup, and he knew that the royal family had no chance of turning around.

Jin Wenhyuk opened the game interface and quickly sorted out the divisional situation of the playoffs.

In the last wave of team battles, it didn't help that Uzi's output was full.

The economic gap between the two sides is difficult to make up!

Brother-in-law's ice completely dominated the game!

"Two to zero!"

The commentator Su Xiaoyan was very excited, "Congratulations WE!"

"Swept RNG, successfully won the second place in Group B, and rewritten my own destiny in the playoffs at the same time!"

In this final battle of the summer regular season, the ancient giants WE exploded to their full potential, stunned to gnaw the tough bone of RNG, and sent their opponent to the third place in the group with their own hands!

"The division situation is like this. I posted it in the group..." Jin Wenhe pressed the Enter key, "You guys remember to take a look, we have to resume normal training tomorrow after taking leave."

After receiving the news, Gu Xing turned on the phone and took a look.

The order of the upper half will be challenged from bottom to top, namely IM (fourth in Group B), GT (third in Group A), WE (second in Group B), and EDG (first in Group A).

In the lower half are IG (4th in Group A), RNG (3rd in Group B), Snake (2nd in Group A), VG (1st in Group B)!

The two halves will each produce a winning team for the final through a wave of 5 single-elimination matches.

The end of the final battle also marks the beginning of the more bloody and cruel playoffs!

Thank you for the 10,000 starting coin reward of "Hold your head and say your stomach hurts", and thank you for the 5,000 starting coin reward for "Hehehe kid".

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