What is a hexagon jungler?

139: Vision defects, perfect linkage!

"It really made Virtue fight back!" I remembered that I couldn't believe my eyes, "He predicted that Xiangguo would be caught, made a lot of money, and reconnected to this game by himself! "

The voices of the VG team were noisy and chaotic.

Brother Long was making up the knife steadily on the road, and witnessed the sudden change in the situation within five minutes. He couldn't help but praise his teammates loudly, "Xiao Gu, your sense of smell is too sensitive, right?!"

"It's a good fight!" Hou Ye even applauded when he returned to the city, "If you keep working hard, you will definitely win!"

The shy Duan seldom roared to express the pressure in his heart.

It is also mixed with Gu Shengbin's swear words that can be silenced even in the microphone program.

Gu Xing swept away the depression accumulated in the early stage, and now he is in high spirits.

After successfully back squatting, he was full of vigor, and his obsession to win swelled to the peak at this moment!

Gu Xing calmed down a little, and continued to direct his teammates, "Let's push the line in, and I'll go to the opposite field!"

When he was squatting back just now, he saw that Xiangguo's number of replenishment soldiers had increased by 4 knives compared to the last time he caught a small section.

In the current version that has not counted each group of camps as 4 knives, the possibility is the magic marsh frog + three wolves, or a single group of F4.

Based on the time when Leopard Girl appeared, Gu Xing could basically conclude that Xiangguo had spawned two groups of wild monsters.

Then the stone beetles and raptors in the opponent's lower half must exist!

"RNG's back-squatting this time is really hurting," Zeyuan summed up the loss, "The magic shoes that Xiangguo just bought haven't worked, and the remaining economy after the death is not enough for him to buy a green jungle knife! "

"There is no eye position supply, which is likely to be targeted by Virtue!"

He talked eloquently, "You must know that after Xiao Gu's anti-squatting is over, he will no longer be a lamb at the mercy of others. The blind monk who has grown closer is fully capable of anti-wild invasion!"

Remember to add, "Another point is Uzi. He specially made double long swords for fighting. He didn't get the kill reward, and the production process of Goddess Tears will be slowed down again!"

In the professional arena, Ezreal's recognized strong period is the node when he made ice fist + magic cut.

At that time, EZ will have the characteristics of slow pulling, damage consumption, short CD flexibility, etc., and its combat effectiveness is quite strong.

But the magic cut can't be done, EZ lacks damage, Q [secret shot] is no different from the water gun!

Uzi was very distressed.

If it is said that in the last game, it was because I miscalculated the linkage effect of the combination of Jhin + Troll, and was forced to extract it after being attacked into residual blood, which slowed down the synthesis time of Goddess Tears.

This round was a purely innocent disaster, and was brought into the pit by his teammates!

The double long sword was originally intended to enhance the output capability of small-scale team battles.

However, in the confrontation just now, it didn't have any effect.

There are too many minions, and it is difficult for EZ to play in such a situation-the most critical Q [Secret Shot] will be blocked by minions!

With basic attacks alone, Ezreal's combat power will be infinitely weakened!

If it's 3 vs 2, Uzi feels that even if the opponent has soldiers to help, nothing will go wrong.

But Gu Xing came forward and squatted back, instantly turning the situation around!

If it's just to slow down the pace of equipment formation, Uzi can accept it, after all, that's how the last game came about.

But the negative impact of this collision in the wild is more than that!

Because Xiangguo didn't make a green wild knife, the wild area was completely dark.

All the pawn lines were pushed into the lower tower of his own side, and Uzi was careful when eating pawns, for fear that a blind monk would come out of the grass behind the side of the defense tower!

For Uzi, who values ​​minions so much, this is simply torture!

Moreover, Jhin of Imp had just harvested a head, and now he must have completed the matchup economic overtake, which made it even more difficult for him to accept!

Uzi was distraught.

The RNG player bench fell into a brief silence.

Until the incense pot opened again, "My, my..."

He hastily apologized in his voice, "I was careless, I didn't expect the blind monk to be here."

Two sets of wild monsters earned at the beginning of the game, plus a kill.

Now it's been squandered!

Xiangguo was full of enthusiasm as if being poured head-on by a basin of cold water. After he calmed down, he knew that he had to bear the main responsibility.

"Steady a little bit, we are in balance now, and it's acceptable," Mata, who is used to strong winds and waves, is very calm, "Just wait for the mid-term to exert strength."

Hearing the instructions from the core of the team, Xiangguo could only suppress the impatience in his heart.

"Virtue countered the two groups of wild monsters in the lower half of RNG, successfully tied the level, and returned to the city for supplies..."

I remember seeing Lee Sin buy a piece of equipment that is rarely seen in the professional arena recently.


"What's Xiao Gu doing?" Zeyuan yelled, not knowing why, "Blind monk fighting wild to come out of Tiamat?"

The VG supporters who just recovered from the excited state are also full of question marks.

As for the equipment with the lowest appearance rate in this summer, Tiamat is not ranked in the top three due to the existence of large items such as Banner of Command and Interference Crystal.

But it must be in the top ten!

Most of the players who produced this piece of equipment have their own skill mechanisms and are single-belt top laners who lack the ability to clear the line, such as trolls, sword girls, and Shen.

They urgently need Tiamat's basic attack range damage to increase the speed of pushing the line and speed up the pace of development.

Other than that, almost no one knows how to synthesize it.

Top laners like the Three Phantom Gods can clear the line with their skills, and Tiamat's attributes are not suitable for them.

In the summer version, the mid laners are all mages.

The jungler is mainly the front row of tanks or the core role of the output. Everyone has the ability to clear the jungle, and Tiamat has no effect on them.

In the unfavored version of Tiamat, Gu Xing chose to invest the economy he just got in it!

Both commentators couldn't understand the reason.

"I can only say that Xiao Gu has his own understanding..." I remembered that I felt that this explanation was weak, but he was helpless, and he was not a roundworm in the stomach of a contestant, so he couldn't figure out Gu Xing's thoughts at all!

Gu Xing bought it for a very simple and unpretentious reason.

Brush wild fast.

Among the jungle heroes in the league, the blind monk is not slow to clear the jungle, and he can probably be ranked at the middle level.

However, it is incomparable with Leopard Girl, who ranks at the top of the food chain in terms of clear field efficiency.

After exploring for a period of time, Gu Xing gradually found the key problem that troubled Xiao Huasheng's wild core play.

not enough time.

The refresh time of non-BUFF wild monsters is only 100 seconds, which is ridiculously short!

Many junglers will encounter the situation that they have just finished a round of wild monsters, and then the next round of camps will start to refresh again.

In order to farm money and levels, they can only wander between camps and clean them up.

But in this way, the jungler has less time at his disposal.

In order to ensure the growth of the jungle, it is difficult for them to frequently launch offensives on the line!

This is one of the reasons why the current version of the game is procrastinating.

As the early rhythm engine, the jungler plunged into the jungle and couldn't get out. It was difficult to break out enough battles to affect the balance of the game just by fighting online.

If there is a problem, there must be a team that wants to solve it.

Pure output core junglers such as male guns emerged as the times require. Anyway, there are a lot of resources in the jungle, and you can reap a lot of economic benefits just by clearing the jungle. The team will have a better chance of winning in the later stage!

In this environment, Leopard Girl is particularly powerful. She can quickly clear the wild monsters in the camp, and then do invasion and other operations to quickly roll the snowball!

Nidalee doesn't have the ability to control herself, and she doesn't seem to be able to drive the rhythm.

actually not.

She is one of the rare jungle heroes with both efficiency and rhythm ability.

The disadvantage is that it eats teammates very much.

With a reasonable lineup, she can lead her teammates to overwhelm the enemy in the opposite wilderness, using her flexible characteristics and efficient anti-wilderness to crush the enemy!

It was Leopard Girl who gave Gu Xing an idea.

The wild core style of play learned from Peanut, the key point is to use other heroes to play like a leopard girl!

Fight against the invasion in the wild area, let your teammates organize the attack around you!

In order to play out the essence of it, Gu Xing must be very fat, and at the same time must be able to drive the rhythm.

I want it all for short!

Except for Nidalee, other junglers either have mediocre speed or poor rhythm.

The blind monk belongs to the former!

His early rhythm ability is not inferior to Leopard Girl.

One of the important factors that constrains Li Qing to wantonly invade Gank is that his ability to clear the jungle is very average, only E-day Thunderbolt has an area damage skill, and the cooldown time is still very long.

There is not enough time to catch people or invade after brushing wild monsters.

Wild monsters go to trouble without spawning, it is easy to fall behind in development, and even be counter-invaded by opponents!

In the end, even if you can do something, you don’t make any money. If you fail to do something, you will face the dilemma of losing your wife and losing your army!

The solution to the blind monk's dilemma is simple.

As long as the blind monk's jungle clearing speed is increased, Li Qing can calmly clear his own jungle area, and then use the remaining time to drive the rhythm!

From this, Gu Xing thought of Tiamat.

The current version of Tiamat costs only 1200 gold coins, and the synthesis curve is very smooth.

Two long swords + Vitality Orb + 350 gold coins are enough, no need to use pickaxe card economy like before.

Judging from the panel alone, Tiamat's 20 attack power is worth 700 gold coins.

In other words, the blind monk produced Tiamat. In terms of attributes alone, he exchanged 500 gold coins for the passive splash damage of the general attack and the cast effect of an active skill.

Gu Xing believes that blind monks can buy as long as they are not particularly disadvantaged in the early stage.

And the sooner the better.

The time and rhythm benefits earned are enough to make up for the 500 gold coins!

After purchasing Tiamat, Gu Xing went back to refresh his own camp.

Seeing the Raptor beak shivering under the range of splash damage, he felt extremely comfortable.

Operate the blind monk to only beat the big bird, and the remaining damage depends on the damage of Tiamat and E [Sky Thunderbolt], which is enough to clean up the other three small birds!

"Brother Long, can you watch me later?" Gu Xing began to seek help from his teammates, "I'm going to the opposite half!"

Zhu Xiaolong quickly responded, "I can push the line, but Looper can't stop me, just go!"

Shen undoubtedly had the upper hand when facing Poppy.

The frankness and exchange ability that the hammer-shaped cannon is proud of are not enough in the face of Shen's passive shield and the percentage damage of Q soul blade!

"Brother Duan, you can come too this time," Gu Xing shook his head to the end, even the support, "I feel that Mata will come to support."

Mata chose Leona in this game, and Uzi played Ezreal again. He made it clear that he planned to stock ADC and let the support roam around to accompany Xiangguo to establish an advantage.

Gu Xing has just brought back the disadvantage in the wild area now, and there is no lead in the matchup yet.

He must invade while ensuring that his teammates can support him!

"No problem," Duan Deliang was in a good mood now, "about 7 minutes, right?"

After a rough thought, Gu Xing finally confirmed, "Yes, I should have a big move at that time..."

Just now he reversed the opponent's F4 at 5 minutes and 32 seconds, which means that at 7 minutes and 12 seconds, RNG's Raptor will be reset again!

Gu Xing was sure that Spicy Hot Pot would come to eat wild, because the RNG wild area was completely wiped out by him, and it was unreasonable for a hero like Leopard Girl who desperately needed development to leave F4 alone.

In exactly 7 minutes, Gu Xing cleared the last group of camps in his wild area, the magic marsh frog, and successfully rose to level 6 by relying on his previous experience of fighting against the wild and rubbing off the road!

He quickly crossed the river to the RNG lower field!

During the period, there is also a true vision effect on the top of the head.

This is the benefit Gu Xing obtained with punishment when he defeated the RNG Raptor last time.

The duration on the panel is 90 seconds.

However, because of the [Run Energy Affinity] talent, the buff time has been extended by 15%, which is actually 103.5 seconds, which is longer than the reset time of F4!

Now that RNG's Raptor has not been refreshed, the true vision effect above Gu Xing's head has not yet expired.

Moreover, after punishing F4 at that time, he directly set his sights on going back to the city to become Tiamat, and the follow-up brushes were all his own wild monsters, and he did not detect RNG's vision.

Therefore the true seeing effect is never triggered.

Gu Xing went all the way, and when he reached the vicinity of Xiaolong Pit, he suddenly changed his mind.

He recalled that he had seen Leopard Girl in the eye position he had placed in the RNG Raptor camp.

At that time, the other party was running down the river, which made Lord Hou nervous for a while, thinking that RNG Nakano was going to catch him.

However, Leopard Girl had no intention of Gank in the middle lane at that time, and it didn't take long to walk back from the lower river, passing by the F4 camp and moving to the upper field.

Gu Xing guessed that the incense pot might have gone to the bushes in the lower river to set up eye positions to prevent intrusion!

If he enters RNG's Raptor camp directly from the river, there is a high probability that he will be discovered by the opponent!

Gu Xing chose to find another way.

He walked into Xiaolong Pit, touched the wall and entered the RNG red zone!

"Hey..." Ze Yuan stood in the perspective of God, and clearly saw Gu Xing dodging the eye position of Xiao Guan inserted in the grass in the lower river, and immediately raised his voice, "Virtue is very spiritual, he guessed Xiangguo's eyes Location!"

"Xiangguo just finished brushing his second set of red buffs, and is moving up to get F4!"

In the Summoner Canyon on the big screen at the scene, the blind monk seemed to be playing tailgating, following behind the vigorous Leopard Girl!

Neither found any trace of the other.

But Gu Xing obviously figured out the route of Leopard Girl, and she trailed far behind.

On the other hand, Xiangguo didn't realize that the blind monk was behind him!

The noisy sound of the scene magnified in an instant!

"Xiangguo waited for his family's F4 to be born, threw a javelin and placed clips, and directly jumped on it..." I remember that my heart was hanging.

Gu Xing is still waiting.

One is to wait for your W skill to improve. Touching the wall will not reduce the cooldown. The CD of the first-level golden bell cover has a full 14 seconds, and it has not improved yet.

The second is to wait for teammates to settle down.

Cut the screen to observe the road.

Brother Long is pushing the line quickly.

During the period, he was still rubbing against Bobby for a blood exchange, creating an atmosphere of 'I'll be there in the jungle, you kid has the ability to stay under the tower' atmosphere.

It has to be said that as a social person, Brother Long has a sophistication and can be called a veteran.

Looper really fell for it.

The disadvantage of Xiangguo having no money to buy a green wild knife is revealed at this moment.

The RNG map is pitch black, and they don't even know where Gu Xing is!

Therefore, the information that Looper reported to Xiangguo immediately was that Gu Xing might come and kill him.

Generally speaking, it is very difficult for Popego to die under the tower. With his big move, passive round shield and E wall dong, he can even complete the anti-kill!

But Looper has not returned to the city to resupply for 7 minutes.

He didn't have much health left, and he only had a Doran shield in his equipment.

Originally, he wanted to finish the 7 minutes and 18 seconds of the artillery line and return to the city, but Looper saw what Brother Long meant, and he clearly didn't want to let himself do what he wanted!

If the blind monk really wants to go on the road and hit RQQ's beheading damage, he has absolutely no chance of surviving!

"Stay back, I'll wait until I can go up..." Xiangguo also had to grow wild.

Besides, even if he goes to the road, it is impossible for him to win Shen + blind monk in 2v2.

Looper was forced to swallow his anger and prepared to send the teleportation online after returning to the city.

Brother Long wanted this effect, so he immediately reported it to Gu Xing.

"Get ready, Xiao Gu, just do what you say!"

At the same time, Duan also responded, "I'm right behind, Leona is going home, one step behind me!"

There was a confrontation just now.

Compete for the control of a wave of soldiers before the artillery tank soldiers at 6 minutes and 48 seconds.

Both sides want to clear the line of troops quickly, and free the support to roam before the cannon cart is pushed back under the tower.

If there is a disagreement, start posting, and you must fight to the death!

In terms of combat power, Imp's Jhin is much stronger.

The combination of sawtooth dagger + long sword + Dolan sword is extremely exaggerated!

The result was that the auxiliary blood volume of both sides was reduced, and the shooter's healing skills were all used up.

Mata was forced to go back to the spring for refills, while Xiaoduan had 1/4 of his HP remaining, and pretended to return to the city in the bottom lane.

After Imp finished pushing the minions and confirmed that RNG lost his vision, Xiaoduan canceled the return to the city and rushed to the wild area to help!

"Xiao Duan relies on himself as a Morgana, and the blood volume is low, so he will take the lead in the wild area!"

Remember to discover this detail.

Morgana roams the wild area, because of the existence of the blind monk, she doesn't need to charge in the front, anyway, she hasn't been promoted to level 6, just throw a set of Q shields in the back.

Mata's Leona is completely different.

The Sunshine Girl must be at the forefront to undertake the task of starting and controlling the team. If the blood volume is too low, there is a risk of sudden death.

"Brother Long, give R, give R!" Gu Xing's voice became high-pitched and clear.

Zhu Xiaolong didn't say anything else, he was returning to the city in the grass, and he directly activated his big move!

Mercy saves souls!

The director gave Shanglu Long a close-up shot.

Shen, who had ninja marks in his hands, had a special effect of a bright purple beam of light emerging from his body!

And Gu Xing was still silently counting down the countdown in his heart.

"three two……"

Standing inside the RNG red BUFF camp, he slammed in the direction of F4, and he jumped out!

Xiangguo is thinking about what method he should use next to gain an advantage.

I saw a blind monk rushing out from behind!

There is also a thick white shield on the blood bar!

It's over.

The incense pot is like falling into an ice cave.

"Virtue's limit-distance sky thunder breaks and hits, and Leopard Girl's movement speed instantly slows down!" Ze Yuan sped up his speech, "Shen landed and taunted to keep up!"

The non-flashing incense pot does not have any means of escape, and can only watch Shen come to his face!

The whole process was quite short. When everyone in RNG came to their senses, Leopard Girl's blood volume dropped by half!

Gu Xingmo counted down the countdown, and it was Kashen's ultimate move.

The guiding time for Mercy Soul Fall is 3 seconds, he waits for Brother Long to hit the ground before attacking, without giving the opponent any reaction time!

"The leopard girl doesn't have much health, so she was put on Tianyinbo by the blind monk!"

Looper, who had just returned to the city and was about to send the tower fill knife on the road, saw that the situation was not good, so he quickly sent to support his teammates!

Xiaohu, who was facing the lane in the middle, also abandoned his pawns and wandered towards the wild area.

"However, Lord Hou was well prepared, started sprinting to catch up, and successfully stopped Xiaohu!"

The director's lens focused on the RNG Raptor bird camp.

The short Morgana followed up with Q [Dark Imprisonment], and by the way, spread another layer of waste oil to brush some damage.

Gu Xing used Tiamat and the basic attack, and finally triggered the echo strike, successfully killing the leopard girl!

Nidalee couldn't move, and was connected to death by VG Kamisuke's control!

"Bobby's teleportation guide is less than halfway through, and Looper is forced to choose to cancel halfway!"

Seeing that Xiangguo had been killed in battle, Xiaohu also gave up his plan to rescue the wild area, and calmly withdrew to the tower.

But Gu Xing didn't intend to stop there.

He called all his teammates over and only took Leopard Girl's head, which was too bad.

"Come and kill Uzi, he is alone under the tower!"

Gu Xing pointed the finger at Uzi!

"Leona may be here," Xiao Duan gave a message prompt, "I will keep the black shield, just pay attention!"

Remember to pay attention to the movements of VG Uenosuke and perceive their intentions.

"Uzi is now alone under the tower, he is in a very dangerous situation!"

Mata found that the incense pot was killed, and immediately reminded Uzi to retreat quickly.

Yet it was too late.

Uzi has no shoes, and the little yellow hair's basic movement speed is inherently slow. It is simply unrealistic to quickly withdraw to the tower!

Imp raised his gun and used the dance grenade to make up for the two bins.

An upgrade radiance appeared on his body!

"Jin Liu is waiting!" I remember being excited and calling him Wan Wan.

Originally, the bottom lane duo was promoted to sixth, and it took 7 minutes and 18 seconds to finish the wave of cannon cars.

However, Gu Shengbin ate the magic marsh frog at the beginning, and later received the experience of the head.

Therefore, before this wave of cannon soldiers is finished, they will be promoted to level six in advance!

The ultra-long range of the sniper rifle appeared, completely including the Uzi!

Under the magnificent background music, Jhin fired the first super bullet!

"Uzi still wants to hide by moving, but Imp's aim is very accurate!"

Gu Shengbin has been training hard during this period, and one of the heroes who focuses on training is Jhin.

With all his concentration, he guided his shot with precision and applied a huge amount of slowing to Ezreal!

The armor-piercing damage hitting Uzi is extremely painful!

"Mata's Leona still wants to come for reinforcements, but Xiao Gu is one step ahead and has already completed the outflanking of Uzi!"

Seeing that Imp used a big move, Gu Xing deliberately saved his skills.

Use the slow effect of E to keep it close!

"Uzi saw that handing over the arcane leap shift and adjusting the angle to escape...but it's useless!"

Jhin's second shot hit precisely, reducing EZ's HP again!

Mata's Zenith Blade pointed up, Xiao Duan immediately put a black shield on Gu Xing!

Leona's control skills have absolutely no effect on Gu Xing!

"Virtue's precise sky sound wave, combined with Jhin's bullet, instantly killed Uzi!"

The remaining one, Mata, was rough-skinned and thick-skinned. He was beaten up by Gu Xing and others, and returned to the tower with dingy blood.

"0 for 2!" Zeyuan was extremely excited, "This wave of offensive launched by Virtue has given VG control of the situation!"

I remember echoing, "As we mentioned before, Xiangguo didn't make a green jungle knife, and the jungle area is basically black. Xiao Gu took the opportunity to complete the sneak attack!"

"Xiang Guo was killed twice in a row, and now the rhythm is completely broken!"

The cheers from the VG supporters lingered in the venue!

Fans in the live broadcast room also started to fight back.

[What about the person who said before that he could take VG away to watch the fourth game? Come out and get beaten! 】

[What's wrong with learning, open champagne like others? 】

[Facts have proved that the gold content of the top of the MVP list is still high]

[Virtue, it's him again! 】

"Not only that, Looper is also very uncomfortable. He just had a wave of soldiers under the tower, but he chose to teleport to protect his teammates. In the end, his teammates failed to protect him. When the teleportation was interrupted, he walked back to the road, and he had to miss a lot of minions!"

Zeyuan focused on another point.

"The node where Uzi was killed this time is very embarrassing!"

The director details the economic situation of the players on both sides.

After Uzi was revived, there were only 700 gold coins in his backpack.

Can't buy goddess tears!

"He sold Dolan's sword and forcibly synthesized the Tears of the Goddess. Otherwise, Uzi won't be able to make a magic cut if it drags on!"

Selling Dolan Sword was a very difficult decision for EZ.

The laning period is not over yet.

The abandonment of Dolan's sword, which is a laning god's outfit, affects the strength of EZ itself!

"It can be said that this wave of supplies for Uzi not only did not enhance the combat effectiveness, but weakened himself!"

Tears of the Goddess has basically zero effect on fighting for blood.

Uzi's sale of Dolan's sword is basically equivalent to declaring the failure of the laning!

"VG went to the field to accept the first fire dragon, and the 8% attack power bonus is a big improvement for Jhin!"

Gu Xing went back to the city to replenish the equipment.

This time it was another head plus an assist, plus wild monsters and automatic money jumping economy, and took out Caulfield's warhammer.

"Brother Duan, don't go down the road, let Pupu play alone, come with me to the upper half!"

Gu Xing marked the blue BUFF camp in the upper half of RNG.

He concluded that the incense pot was coming, and there was more than one person.

The mid laner Syndra is currently the only character in RNG who can control the line.

In order to maintain the line advantage, Syndra must have a blue BUFF!

In other words, Xiangguo and Xiaohu will come to the Blue BUFF camp at the same time!

Gu Xing intends to completely kill all the opponent's hope of victory!

Xiao Duan naturally has no objections.

Goo Sung Bin has a great advantage now, there is no problem hanging up by himself.

"Virtue went straight to the Ueno area of ​​RNG with a small section, and he still has to find a confrontation!"

Xiangguo finally bought a green wild knife.

But he didn't have time to make an eye, but went to give Syndra a blue BUFF first.

Xiaohu is almost unable to suppress Lord Hou. As the vampire level increases, the cooldown of the Q skill is shortened, but the amount of recovery continues to increase.

If Syndra didn't have blue BUFF, he wouldn't be able to consume him at all!

For this reason, Xiangguo chose to help Xiaohu collect wild monsters as soon as Lan BUFF was born.

Just halfway through the fight, Gu Xing appeared.

"Xiaohu grabbed the blue BUFF, for fear of being snatched by Xiao Gu... Then he quickly used QR to pour damage on the blind monk, and then launched E [Weak Retreat] to try to stun the two of them!"

The little black shield was pinched very tightly, and he put it on Gu Xing after seeing Syndra's weak hand retreating.

The skill damage shattered the black shield, but failed to stun the blind monk!

The big move that Gu Xing saved last time came in handy now.

He moved forward resolutely, the raptor swung its tail and kicked Syndra to the wall, followed by a basic attack on the way!

There were endless cheers at the scene, and Gu Xing's Tian Yinbo successfully hit Syndra!

"Xiangguo gave Xiaohu a mouthful of milk...but it didn't help!"

Gu Xing slapped the floor to pick up Tiamat, basic attack and two-stage Q, and the echo shot instantly killed Syndra, who was already dissatisfied with blood, on the spot!

These two days are full... Another one makes the second chase the third.

Big chapter tomorrow.

PS: The playoffs will be written in a little more detail, and the rhythm will seem a bit procrastinated.

The main reason is that it involves a lot of points related to the following plot, so it must be explained clearly.

I try my best to make the reading experience better.

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