What is a hexagon jungler?

142: Deadly Crouch!

This is already the second consecutive game that Gu Xing has fallen into a wild disadvantage at the beginning of the game.

He didn't say he was familiar with it, and he wouldn't be in a hurry.

At this moment, I can calm down and deal with it calmly.

Gu Xing feels that one of the differences between the regular season and the playoffs is that the strategic level of the first-level teams is completely different!

In the last game, RG pretended to invade, let him relax his vigilance, and at the same time emptied the eye positions under Xiaoduan, paving the way for Xiangguo's second-level counter-wildering.

In this round, RG didn't hide it at all, Baotuan rushed in and forced Gu Xing to change the field.

In the two-set confrontation, RG's initial arrangement can be called vigorous and resolute!

Compared with the regular season, the teams entering the playoffs are more rigorous and purposeful in terms of first-tier teams.

Gu Xing was dealt with twice in a row, and there was nothing he could do.

The fixed-point control of the last supplementary card on the opposite side made the team's control chain reach a terrifying level!

Although VG's first-level team ability is not bad, it has no initiative and can only defend and counterattack when it is fired.

The handling of Gu Xing and his teammates was still a little flawed, so naturally they couldn't get a bargain.

His countermeasures today look simple.

When brushing F4 on the opposite side, I deliberately left a bird, then put the jewelry eye in the camp, and then turned around and went back to eat my own Ueno area.

Although he ate less wild monsters, Gu Xing got a head in the first-level regiment, which was enough to make up for the missing bird experience!

The director immediately discovered the tricks of the male gun, and switched the camera to it.

"Xiao Gu successfully reached level 3..." I remember subconsciously glanced at the level, "Did he deliberately leave a bird untouched?"

After thinking about it for a while, Zeyuan figured out Gu Xing's idea, "It's because the matchup is a bit disadvantageous in the early stage. When the next group of wild monsters refreshes, Virte can't enter the RG jungle area. It's better to leave only the wild monsters to refresh in F4. time!"

If you don't go back to the second round of wild monsters, keeping the bird is the most suitable choice.

In this way, when Xiangguo returns to the upper half of the area again, the birds must be cleaned up, and the next group of razor-beaked birds must wait for another 100 seconds.

"The male gun's wild clearing progress is constantly catching up. Virte has never launched a G raid, and I have an extra pair of straw sandals!"

When Gu Xing finished fighting the first-level regiment, he became bloody. He only had 300 gold coins to return to the city. If he couldn't afford a long sword, he could only buy shoes to increase his speed.

On the other hand, Xiangguo, even though he got the 400 bounty for the first blood, the wild monsters were about to be born at that time, so he didn't return to the spring to replenish his equipment, and he is still the initial jungler.

Taking advantage of his speed, Gu Xing shortened his travel time between camps, and gradually pulled the two of them to the same starting line.

After clearing the upper river crab and the upper half of his home, Gu Xing successfully upgraded to level 4 and returned to the city to prepare for supplies.

During the period, he also cut the screen to observe the alignment situation of the three lanes.

The top laner, Long Ge, relied on Gnar's hand length advantage to keep kiting Lper's trolls.

This top lane laning is pure crushing.

Facing the short-handed Tyrannosaurus rex top laner, Gnar W is simply a magic skill. When the third ring is triggered, the movement speed will be increased, and a little pulling can torture the troll to death.

E keeps it and refuses to hand it in, Trundle has nothing to do with him!

In the middle, Xiaohu has the upper hand.

The grasshopper operated by Lord Hou seems to be very efficient in clearing troops, but the initial equipment and level limitations make it impossible to quickly push the pawn line with E.

With the help of the card master's short-cooling and area-of-area damage skills, Xiaohu can firmly control the line.

Not to mention getting off the road.

When Ip and the small section of anti-surpassing towers, they quickly cleared the line of artillery vehicles, and the minions of the two sides met again in the center, and Uzi began to use basic attacks and Q to start suppressing.

Gu Shengbin didn't even have the desire to consume blood.

The talent carried by zi is also the same. It can be stacked when moving or attacking, and the blood can be recovered with a single knife when the full layer is full. It is very suitable for fighting against the line or resisting pressure.

And there is a numerical correlation with the damage. If the female policeman pinches the passive headshot, and waits for the bloodthirsty layers to stack up before taking a shot, it can restore a very high life value!

In contrast, the cooldown of W in the early stage of ice lasted for more than ten seconds. It is simply a fantasy to wear down the policewoman's blood volume!

Gu Xing bought a green jungle knife in the spring, and then took a look at the situation of the bottom line, and made a judgment.

Uzi made it clear that he still had to stock up on the line, and wait for the line of gunners in 4 minutes and 18 seconds to push the minions into the VG down the tower.

But this time he obviously learned the previous lesson and didn't want to give VG a chance to quickly deal with the pawn line in the bottom lane!

Pulling t together to put pressure on the VG duo, taking advantage of the double long-range advantages of the policewoman + Morgana, so that Ip can't click on the minions at will.

In this way, the number of soldiers will be even larger, which is not something that Han Bing and Tahm can quickly clean up!

"But the laning is a bit rusty..."

Gu Xing watched the operation of the RG duo, and a thought came to his mind.

The opponent's bot lane team obviously doesn't have much experience in pushing and suppressing, and the details are not handled very well.

Even he, a jungler who is not the main player in the bottom lane, can see it!

Occasionally, Xiao Duan forced him to take a step back when he was out of position, so Gu Shengbin took the opportunity to move forward and steal two small soldiers.

If it weren't for the high intensity of the laning period of the policewoman + Morgana, the RG duo would not be able to achieve this kind of line-hunting suppression effect!

As Redmi said, RG is now at the end of its rope, and can only forcibly save the road with an immature system!

Gu Xing's self-confidence, which had already been ignited ragingly, swelled again at this moment.

The more panicked and helpless the opponent is, the greater his chances of winning!

"Brother Duan, you should be able to push out the pawn line later..." Gu Xing said his plan in the team's voice, "Don't stop it, just act a little bit."

RG hoarded troops from the bottom lane and came in, obviously not because he wanted to cooperate with Xiangguo to try to jump over the tower again.

When Uzi finishes pushing the cannon car line, the time will be around 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

Since the two sides switched wilds to start the game in the early stage, VG's wild monsters are refreshed from bottom to top, while RG is from top to bottom.

It happened to be the opposite, and the trajectories of the junglers of the two sides were perfectly staggered!

It was already 3 minutes and 55 seconds, and Gu Xing hadn't left the high ground yet, so Xiangguo thought it would be the same.

After four and a half minutes, Gu Xing will be in the bottom half of the field, and the opponent will be in the top half!

RG does not have the ability to forcibly jump down the tower to kill!

From Gu Xing's point of view, Uzi hoarded troops into the tower, one was to take the opportunity to wear down the HP of the VG bottom lane hero or the defensive tower, and the other was to create a wave of pushback.

Ip can't deal with the minions under the tower in time. When the next wave of soldiers arrives, the transfer point will be in the next tower of VG.

The turret assists minions to clean up the RG line.

The posture of the minions on both sides will be tilted, and the extra VG minions will push back towards the RG side.

According to the caregiver's experience, the pawn line will push through the central position in about 5 minutes. In order to make up the knife, the VG duo must follow the pawns and leave the shelter of the defense tower!

At that time, Gu Xing brushed all the way up to the upper half area.

The incense pot will appear at the bottom of the map, hit Gu Xing in a misplaced position, and cooperate with the RG duo to catch Ip and Xiaoduan!

As long as they can be caught or forced to return to the city, Uzi's policewoman will be able to hit the VG bottom defense tower with half blood, which will initially drive the rhythm of tower pushing!

Gu Xing naturally wouldn't let RG do what he wanted.

"Understood..." Xiao Duan looked a little relaxed after the team got the match point, "Puff and I don't need to play, this pawn line can't be cleared at all!"

Relic Shield recharge time is currently 40 seconds.

Duan Deliang can immediately have two layers of effects in his hand, but even so, it is not worth mentioning in front of the vast line of soldiers deliberately hoarded by the opponent!

As long as you let nature take its course, the line of soldiers will definitely push back!

Zeyuan stood on the commentary platform, staring at the small map intently, "Xiangguo has not discovered that his raptors have not been wiped out so far!"

RG didn't realize this at all.

They are currently focusing on how to help the bottom lane establish a tower push advantage.

And Gu Xing also knew that when he left this message, he placed a trinket eye in RG's Raptor camp.

From the point of view of time, it is impossible for this eye position to survive to find the figure of Xiangguo brushing wild monsters from top to bottom for the second round.

But it can let Gu Xing know whether the little raptor has been noticed by RG!

Before the trinket eye disappeared, no one of the RG players was seen.

Zeyuan said just now that Gu Xing deliberately kept the bird in order to delay the refresh time of F4 and slow down the development of Xiangguo.

This statement is only half true.

Gu Xing's thoughts were not that simple.

The other half is the wild monster buff he calculated!

You know, Xiangguo started from the lower field of VG and wiped out a group of Raptors.

Even with the talent, the true vision effect it provides is only 103.5 seconds, and it has long since disappeared!

Gu Xing deliberately kept a small bird, which meant that Xiangguo would not be able to get a big raptor in the second round of the wild game.

Naturally, punishment cannot be used to reap the true vision of Hawkeye's BFF!

In the current version, the scanning of red accessories is very difficult to use before level 9, and the fixed eye area is very small, and the radius is only about 500 yards.

No more Hawkeye BFFs.

When Xiangguo clears the wild in the second round, he will lose the eye position detection ability in the wild!

This is what Gu Xing wants.

"Virte ran to the bottom lane after brushing the stone beetle, and seemed to want to relieve the pressure of his duo..."

Just as Gu Xing thought before.

At 4 minutes and 39 seconds, RG pushed the hoarded artillery line to the next tower of VG.

This timing is delicate.

In a few seconds, the next wave of short-term will come to the tower!

Uzi is determined not to let the VG duo clean up the pawn line under the tower in time!

This wave of pushing back the line, he is bound to win!

"T finished pushing the line just now, went to the lower road to make a vision of the triangular grass, detected Xiao Gu's movement in advance, and led Uzi back!"

Just back off a little bit.

Did not withdraw more.

Caitlin, who was holding a sniper rifle, was still swaying back and forth within Gu Xing's field of vision.

Very good too, Ms. Li.

VG Xiajun is a combination of Ice + Tahm + Male Gun. Before Ashe reaches level 6, he does not have any ability to start a group fight first.

Uzi has nothing to fear!

"Xiao Gu stood by the side to cover, lest the RG duo threaten their defense tower..."

The line of soldiers was eaten up, so Gu Xing passed through the triangular grass, turned his head and walked up.

Suddenly, the director switched perspectives.

The fog of war shrouded most of the canyon.

This is the perspective of RG side!

t is placed in the eye position of the triangular grass, clearly seeing Gu Xing moving upwards.

Trinket eyes have a field of vision of 900 yards.

The rest of the area was pitch black.

At the moment when Gu Xing stepped across the boundary between light and dark in RG's field of vision, and came into the fog of war.

The director switched back to God's perspective.

"Xiao Gu quickly drew his gun and slid down the Dragon Pit!" I remember raising my voice because of the sudden incident, "He crossed the river to go to the enemy's jungle area, but RG didn't notice it!"

Before making the eye stone, even the recognized vision master T couldn't control enough vision.

He doesn't have any extra eye space to invest in the river, and Gu Xing's movements are completely hidden!

Remember at first thinking there was going to be some more violent collision.

However, Xiangguo is still in the upper half at the moment, and it is impossible for the two junglers to meet.

Moreover, the wild monsters in the lower jungle area of ​​RG have not yet been refreshed, and Gu Xing will not gain anything if he invades them.

In the end, the male gun just set up an eye position between RG's blue BFF and the camp of the magic marsh frog, then turned his head and left.

"Xiangguo has already found the small birds left in the camp of the Raptors. He was stunned for a moment and cleaned them up!"

Mala Xiangguo is now preoccupied with helping Uzi start the rhythm of tower pushing.

When he saw this scene, he thought the same as Ze Yuan.

He just thought that Gu Xing wanted to disgust people and delay his development.

So I didn't take it to heart.

When brushing up to the three wolves, Xiangguo saw Gu Xing appearing in the middle.

"Virte slid forward, forced Xiaohu back and helped clear the line!"

Gu Xing is not the kind of person with dirty lines.

He used a Q to help lower the blood volume of all the soldiers.

In this way, Hou Ye's E can easily infect and eat up a wave of soldiers!

Then Gu Xing ran up with a shotgun in front of Zhonglu Xiaohu.

Xiangguo glanced at the screen, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He wiped off the B three wolves and then went to trouble the frog concubine. When the bottom lane pawn line was pushed back, he was ready to go to the bottom lane to catch people.

The male gun who moves upwards and continues to clear the wild is bound to be unable to stop himself!

Gu Xing plunged into the upper river through the grass above the middle road, and saw the position of the blind monk just now from the eye position in the lower wild area of ​​RG!

Unlike Xiangguo, his raptor was intact.

Previously, Gu Xing also used punishment to obtain the true vision effect. He made sure that he was not spotted by RG's eye position, so he circled around a lot, and turned back down through his own wild area!

At the same time, the incense pot that punished Concubine Frog was also moving down the road!

"Hiss..." Zeyuan noticed that the whereabouts of the male gun were different, and immediately connected the clues together, "The eye set by Xiao Gu saw the position of the incense pot. Get ready!"

The shouts of the VG supporters at the scene were endless.

"Virte has a pair of straw sandals on him, and his movement speed is not slow. He is about to settle down, and RG still doesn't know anything about it!"

On the road, Lper was constantly suppressed by Long Ge's Gnar in the lane, and he couldn't spare time to go to the VG Ueno area to do eyeballs.

Gu Xing just helped Master Hou push the line, and also restricted Xiaohu to the middle lane.

The whole RG team thought he ran to the upper half to clear the field.

Gu Xing's anti-squatting around the canyon deceived all opponents!

He had received the information provided by Xiaoduan before, and knew that there was a high probability that T had placed his eyes in the triangular grass.

Coming down the road this time, Gu Xing deliberately avoided the triangular grass and chose to go directly to the next tower from his own stone beetle camp.

But he didn't move on.

Gu Xing didn't know if the RG duo had placed a ward on the line when they pushed the line before, and he was afraid that if they went forward for a while, they would make a fool of themselves!

Anyway, RG will take the initiative to initiate the attack, and he thinks it's okay to wait for the battle to break out before walking over.

"The bottom line of soldiers continues to push forward, and Ip Qing's soldiers are extremely impatient... Isn't this acting too realistic?" Ze Yuan yelled.

From the perspective of God, he knew that there was someone behind Gu Sung Bin.

In this case, Zeyuan felt that Ip's performance was decent, which proved that there were almost no flaws.

"Morgana is about to freeze her hands!"

T approached to move, put a layer of black shield on himself, immune to ice slow speed, and threw out Q!

At this time, there is still a bloody soldier between him and Xiao Duan!

During the flight of the prison of darkness, Uzi raised his gun and killed the remaining blood soldiers standing in the middle!

"Morgana's Q is no longer hindered, successfully hitting Tam!"

The incense pot hidden in the back showed its head, W first helped and went to the side of t, and Tianyinbo hung firmly on Xiao Duan's body!

"The policewoman placed traps under Tam, ready to cooperate with her teammates to complete the kill!"

Because the Ip is still behind with the purification position, the small section without self-protection and displacement ability is regarded as a breakthrough.

From Xiangguo's point of view, this human head is already in his pocket!

The remaining question that needs to be resolved is whether to let the head go.

But the low shouts of the RG supporters gathered into a wave of voices and swept the audience!

Graves, the godfather of gangsters in a windbreaker, appeared with a cigar in his mouth, and the smoke bomb hit Caitlin on the head and face!

"Uzi can't come out!"

Zeyuan's voice was as loud as ever.

The policewoman who was hit by the smoke bomb lost her vision of the outside world.

Even if Tamm, who was imprisoned in place, must have stepped on the trap, Uzi couldn't fire the shot!

He wanted to get out of range of the smoke grenades before firing.

But Ip's ice has been slowing him down with basic attacks!

When Uzi gets out of the range of the smoke bomb, it is estimated that the headshot time provided by the clip is over!

If Zi wants to hit headshot damage, there are only two ways left.

Flash or E rope net for displacement.

Is the question forward or backward?

Gu Xing's anti-squat was unexpected, and the voices in the RG team were noisy!

Uzi knew his thinking time was fleeting.

Before he had time to hesitate, he decisively flashed forward, left the range of the smoke bomb, raised his hand and shot at Tam!

"Xiaoduan's blood volume is extremely low, so he quickly opened the thick skin and transformed the gray shield into a white shield, blocking the burst damage!"

Xiangguo was taken aback by Gu Xing's squatting back.

He originally wanted to withdraw.

After all, there is no loss for one's own side, and Uzi can continue to replenish troops.

But Xiangguo saw Uzi flashing forward, and knew that there was no turning back when he opened the bow.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the recklessness in his heart also came up, triggering the echo shock and rushing forward!

"Xiao Duan doesn't have a lot of HP. Last time Xiangguo returned to the city, he converted his first-blood economy into equipment. In addition to the green jungle knife, he also has a long sword!"

In terms of equipment alone, Gu Xing's straw sandals will not provide any combat power, and they are definitely inferior to the incense pot.

But he has soldiers.

VG soldiers push forward, occupying an absolute advantage in numbers!

"Virte adjusts the angle, QE hits high range damage!"

The desperate gunpowder bomb hit Morgana and the policewoman.

Although the rebound damage was avoided by Uzi's rope net displacement, it was enough!

"Ip connects to Q immediately after the basic attack, pouring damage on Uzi!"

Xiao Duan also put the weakness on Uzi to minimize the damage he suffered.

"Uzi finished Tamm with a headshot provided by a net hit, but he couldn't escape himself!"

Gu Shengbin took it away, and Gu Xing targeted T again.

"Kill him, this man didn't flash!"

Morgana's black shield has disappeared at this moment.

Ip is very courageous and flashes forward directly!

"Thousands of arrows fired to keep T, he has no ability to move and escape, his skills are all cooling down, and he can't fight back at all!"

Xiang Guotou retreated without looking back.

His Q hasn't improved yet, and he doesn't have much combat power.

Not only can't turn around to save t, but also put myself in it!

"Change goose!" I remember getting emotional, "Xiao Gu's back squat is very spiritual!"

"Same as the last game, Virte's protection for the bottom lane is extremely good. It is also an anti-squat, but the process is completely different!"

The VG supporters off the court raised their arms and shouted.

The number of barrage in the live room exploded instantly!

"Xiao Gu and Ip will push this big wave of soldiers, and Uzi will lose a lot of soldiers after his resurrection!"

Seeing the large number of minions under the RG tower, Zeyuan couldn't help but feel sad for Uzi.

"Although zi took away a human head, he missed the experience of the minions once he was killed in battle, and his advancing rhythm will definitely slow down!"

Remember to glance at the equipment bar, "The only good news is that Uzi can make a storm sword!"

At present, the female policemen always use the storm sword to supplement the attack power, and then come out to increase the attack speed and damage.

After all, this version of Hurricane Arrow can also superimpose the passive headshot of the policewoman, which is very suitable for Caitlyn, and it must be released as soon as possible.

If the big sword is slow, Uzi either chooses the 875 pickaxe, or has to make attack speed shoes.

The effect is definitely not as good as Storm Sword, and it will also delay his tower pushing progress.

"But Ip took two heads in this wave, and the pawn line basically didn't leak. When he returned to the city, his equipment was more luxurious than Uzi's!"

Zeyuan saw hidden dangers, "In the next bot lane matchup, VG may have to switch from defense to offense!"

RG team voice.

Xiangguo regretted, "My question, why is this hanger so disgusting?"

Gu Xing's various counter-squatting tricks in these two rounds made Xiangguo so disgusted.

In all fairness, Mala Xiangguo is not the kind of player who is good at plotting tricks.

Although most junglers have deep thoughts due to frequent games in the wild.

But the incense pot is an exception.

He believes in the concept of breaking all laws with one force, and maximizes the level of aggression and blood.

Gu Xing did not engage in confrontation during the balance of power period, but used all kinds of insidious and vicious tricks, which made Xiangguo tired of coping.

He couldn't figure out Gu Xing's actions at all!

"Wait for me to level six..."

Xiaohu was very calm, "I'm one step faster than the grasshopper, and I'll come down the road to catch a wave."

Li Yuanhao is not stupid.

Gu Xing came to the middle lane to help clear the line before. There were no dirty soldiers, but he had a lot of experience.

Xiaohu knew that he would be promoted to the sixth level one step earlier than Lord Hou.

You can use the key big move of the card to drive the rhythm of the team!

"Vrte went back to brush his own upper half area, and Xiangguo defended the line under the lower tower..."

There is a large wave of minions, and Xiangguo can't just watch them being emptied by the shelling of the defense tower. It doesn't matter if you help with a tail knife, which can just make up for your own development.

Gu Xing keenly sensed the gap.

Since Xiangguo is eating soldiers at the lower tower, he simply went to the Ueno area against RG!

The blind monk has been delayed for such a long time, it must be too late to return to the defense in the upper half!

"Virte made the best use of the movement speed of the straw sandals bought after the first-level team fight!"

I remember being full of praise for this, "In this way, Xiao Gu's development will catch up and even overtake without knowing it!"

The stone beetle in the Ueno area of ​​RG has been reset, and Gu Xing cleaned it up with ease.

"Ip also shoots an eagle into the sky to help his jungler lock the position of the incense pot, so that Xiao Gu can fight wildly without any restraint!"

Lper was aware of it, but he couldn't help it.

The troll can only rely on icicles to keep people.

Gu Xing can retreat safely by keeping E!

After defeating the wild monsters, Gu Xing just crossed the river and returned to his wild area to continue growing.

At 5 minutes and 45 seconds into the game, Xiaohu successfully rose to level 6!

He quickly pushed down the artillery line in the middle, and at the same time looked for an opportunity to support the bottom lane!

In the end, Li Yuanhao really found it.

"After pushing the line of soldiers, Xiaohu starts sprint and R, and is ready to fly to the bottom lane!"

Xiaohu got a yellow card when he landed, and successfully stunned Tam!

"Morgana's Q is paired with the female police clip, and the control chain of the three is enough to kill Tam!"

Opening the thick skin in a small section is not very effective, and it is still inevitable to die in the end.

The head was still taken by Uzi!

"Master Hou didn't have time to rush over, so he could only push the middle line of soldiers over!"

Gu Xing also came to the middle lane to help clear the line, and threatened RG's Zhongyi tower by the way!

"Xiangguo ran to the middle lane to defend the line after clearing the wild monsters..."

The first tower of the card master is very important.

The vision and protection provided determine the protection range of the card's ultimate move.

If it is pushed away prematurely, the early rhythm of the card will be very uncomfortable.

Xiangguo felt that he was in no danger under the tower.

But Gu Xing didn't want to let him go.

"R blind monk R blind monk, let's kill as we please!"

Gu Xing's command made Hou Ye make up his mind.

Looking at the blind monk who was still making up his sword under the tower, Ey flashed forward decisively, and R suppressed him in place!

Gu Xing happened to be empty, and EQ moved forward to cancel Q's hand-raising action!

The smoke bomb connected with the basic attack instantly crushed the blind monk into residual blood!

"The incense pot is in the smoke bomb, and I can't leave without touching my eyes. I can only hand over the flash and use W to escape!"

But Master Hou was not hesitant, and chased forward with the acceleration effect of sprinting, and the damage from E and the void swarm took away the incense pot!

"VG quickly responded in the middle lane!"

Remember to shout excitedly, "Xiaohu has not rushed back to the line, and the blood volume of the first tower will be reduced by half!"

In version 6.15, the damage reduction effect of the defensive tower disappeared after 5 minutes of the game.

Although the efficiency of Gu Xing and Hou Ye's tower pushing is not as good as that of Uzi's policewoman, it is definitely not bad!

When Li Yuanhao came back, he would face a defense tower with unhealthy HP!

The balance of victory has not been fully tipped.

Gu Xing went back to the city to make Caulfield's war hammer, and decided to add a weight to completely tilt the situation in his favor!

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