What is a hexagon jungler?

015: Trial Invitation 2/7

Dong Xiaosa turned off the settlement page and scoring system at the speed of light.

At the end of the game, his record stayed at 0/8/2.

Just in time to unlock the super ghost achievement.

On the opposite side, the Spider Queen took 11 kills, 0 deaths and 9 assists, wreaking havoc on the audience.

The first episode aired today, and I was beaten up like this, which made me feel a bit bad.

Fortunately, Dong Xiaosa has been live broadcasting for many years, and his thick skin has really been cultivated.

He faced the questioning and ridicule of the bullet screen, "You may think that I am playing wild vegetables when you watch my live broadcast, but you can ask the tiger god opposite, he must be saying that the spider is invincible...do you still believe it?"

Tiger God and him were on the same platform, and Dong Xiaosa went to check the room directly and opened the other party's live broadcast room.

Just in time, I saw Hushen looking silly at the settlement interface, "1/4/3 records can also win, brothers, our jungler and bot lane are really ruthless!"

The black and white Riwen on the opposite side had a better record than him, but he had no choice but to lie down and lose.

Due to the limitations of the canyon map, the top lane is almost isolated from the world. Unless there is an exaggerated matchup gap, the qualifying will basically have to mess up the situation.

Relying on the 26 points added by winning this game, Tiger God has successfully entered the 1000-point mark, and is getting closer and closer to the current No. 1 dopa in the national server.

Maybe in two days, he will be able to try to reach the summit.

Thinking of this, Tiger God blushed, "Let's add a friend of the Spider Brothers first... Let me tell you something, he made me feel stupid when he squatted back in the early stage. At first, he called me to help fight the stone beetle. I thought it was a rookie. How can a spider be so wild?"

"Whoever wants to compare dishes is actually me, it's my fault that I don't know Taishan!" He was delighted.

After Dong Xiaosa heard this, he immediately gained confidence and shouted at the audience in his live broadcast room, "Did you hear that? From the approval of the top ten tiger gods in the national server, I will say that this spider is ridiculously strong, you will not really Think I'm good at it?"

Lin Weixiang also hurriedly stood up for himself, "That's right, he can even beat the factory manager, so it wouldn't be shameful to lose to him!"

Dong Xiaosa didn't know about this at all, he was at a loss, "What hit the factory director?"

At the beginning of the game, Liu Qingsong just said that the opponent's jungler was very strong and asked him to pay attention, but didn't say anything else.

"Just yesterday there was a qualifying match..." Liu Qingsong finally explained.

Dong Xiaosa is considered a top anchor, and many of his audience have also watched the confrontation between the factory manager and Gu Xing yesterday, and they were deeply impressed by it, and they praised it in the barrage.

Listening to Liu Qingsong's words, Dong Xiaosa noticed the reaction of the barrage, and immediately became curious about Gu Xing.

Although he is sometimes stubborn, Dong Xiaosa knows that he is not particularly strong now, and sometimes he has to let the gluttonous team members lead the way.

It's nothing to beat him, but to be able to defeat the factory director, one of the three major legs of the national server, is indeed two brushes.

"You two know the spider on the opposite side?" He suddenly thought, "I think he greeted you when the game was about to end."

"Yes," Liu Qingsong replied, "We are in a small group."

"How old is this brother?" Dong Xiaosa continued to ask, while still thinking about it.

Lin Weixiang thought for a while, "18, I seem to have heard him say it before."

When Dong Xiaosa heard about this age, he no longer hesitated, and added Gu Xing's friend backhandedly.

This time Gu Xing didn't get off the plane immediately after finishing the game.

He was still chatting with two of Lianmai's friends.

JakeyLove is becoming more and more enthusiastic towards Gu Xing now, "Old Gu, we will often play together in the future!"

He knew that Gu Xing was very strong, otherwise he wouldn't have drawn him into the group of the Ionian seven wolves.

In the few games that we played together before, Gu Xing's operations repeatedly surprised him.

It is simply a proper operation.

But this disc gave JakeyLove a completely different feeling.

Gu Xing's back-squatting around three minutes ago completely penetrated the opponent's psychology.

When you need him most, he will appear in the most suitable position!

The operation monster started playing the art of war strategy, is that okay?

More importantly, JakeyLove played this game very well.

Although his style of play is not so wild, the pleasure of being fattened and three-knife a child is really wonderful.

If it weren't for the ADC's need for support, JakeyLove would have abandoned Shi Senming and made Gu Xing his duo partner.

"Why did you become Old Gu again..." Gu Xing never expected that within half an hour, his address in his mouth would change from Brother Xing to Gu Xing, and finally Old Gu again.

"It doesn't matter what the name is. Shall we continue to line up?" Shi Senming felt that today's omen is good, and if he is lucky, he may also enter the thousand-point field.

"No, no, I have evening self-study later." Gu Xing refused.

This answer really choked JakeyLove and Shi Senming.

If Gu Xing hadn't said this, the two of them would have almost forgotten that he was still a senior in high school.

After hanging up the voice, Gu Xing just wanted to leave the game, and went to get Chaoshen's Internet fee first, but found a bunch of friend requests appeared in the upper right corner of the client.

In addition to the familiar movie sellers and the melon-eaters who came from the live broadcast rooms of various anchors, there are also Tiger God and 'Greedy Sa, Dong Dao', two players who lined up together in the previous game.

Gu Xing didn't think too much about it, since they were lined up together, there was no deep hatred, so adding a friend was fine too.

He passed the application and turned his head to look at Ding Ran's screen.

I have to say that this segment was really fun to play.

Ding Ran's top lane teammate actually chose a nanny.

The situation is quite unfavorable now, the heads and defense towers are all behind, Ding Ran concentrates on manipulating the blind monk to do wards in the dark wild area.

Soon, a group of burly men came out from the grass, and killed him three times and five times.

Misfortunes never come singly, and the top order nanny was also sprinted by the opposing Nuo Shou.

The game collapsed in an instant, and the opponent went straight to the Dragon Pit!

"Really, help you..." Ding Ran gritted his teeth and marked the nurse's body twice.

His side began to vote to admit defeat, and before he could react, four votes passed in an instant. At this time, it would be useless to vote against it. Surrender was already an impossible fact to change.

Ding Ran let out a long sigh, and could only watch his own crystal explode.

Gu Xing was very confused when he heard the phrase "Help you not C", "Why are you helping the nanny?"

Ding Ran explained to his friend, "Nurse and Nuo fought when they were on the line, and the blood volume of both sides remained very low. I just came to the road to help take kills. The success rate is very high. I succeeded several times in the early stage. .”

Gu Xing glanced at Ding Ran's settlement panel.

"Your bot lane is a policewoman + Thresh, and you chose Victor in the middle lane, so you must fight around the bot lane, and by the way, ensure that the development of the middle lane doesn't collapse." He passed on his experience, "What's the use of catching it? If you can't fight in a team, rely on the blind monk and nurse Carry?"

The hero blind monk becomes more and more embarrassing in the later stages. Although there is a possibility of whitewashing, the lower limit is also quite low, and it is easy to enter the arena and be violently killed.

There are quite a few blind monk players who can understand how to fight team battles, but they will definitely not stay in this position.

"No matter how much you help the nanny, when the Nuo hand is equipped, she still can't beat her, but raising a female policewoman can lead the team to win... Sometimes it's not just looking for a head and running there to get it, you still have to consider it comprehensively ,Right?"

After Gu Xing finished speaking, he saw Ding Ran running to the bathroom thoughtfully, so he ignored him, turned his head to look at his screen, and found that someone had sent a chat message in the client.

After Tiger God passed his friend, he took the initiative to say hello and wanted to invite him to the duo.

Gu Xing praised Tiger God's actions when he helped open the field at the beginning of the game, which made the opponent feel proud again in the live broadcast room, and at the same time declined to double row.

The next one is from Greedy Sa, Director Dong, [Hello, I’m Dong Xiaosa, can I take two minutes of your time to chat? 】

Gu Xing hadn't watched the other party's live broadcast, but JakeyLove mentioned something to him when he was connected to the mic just now, so he wasn't surprised at the moment.

After typing a line, he just hit the Enter key when he saw another message from Dong Xiaosa.

[Do you want to play professionally? I have a team under me, if it is convenient, you can come to try out]

Another invitation to tryout?

Gu Xing felt that if he continued to fight, he might be able to collect all 7 trial training invitations to summon Shenlong.

This time without waiting for him to reply, Dong Xiaosa continued to type, [Xiangxiang and Chitanda are in the same group as you, they are both members of the team, and the former top laner of the Snake Team, Holy Gun, is also in Huangde Yaoshi I’ve been there, the team’s reputation isn’t too bad]

Not only that, even the origin of the nickname Brother Holy Gun is related to Dong Xiaosa.

Gu Xing thought for a moment.

In his opinion, the priority of Dong Xiaosa's team is definitely not as high as that of a well-known club like EDG.

However, he didn't refuse, and he had prepared many ways to retreat, and planned to take a turn together when he went back to the Shanghai stock market for trial training.

After stating that he would think about it, but he will be busy with the college entrance examination in the near future and won't go to the trial training, Dong Xiaosa is also very refreshing.

[It's okay, our base is in Ningbo, you can tell me when the time comes, I can pick you up at the station or the airport]

At that time, Gu Xing was stunned.

I really only know how to play wild: [Ningbo? 】

Zhenhai where he is located is a district below Ningbo.

Gu Xing always thought that the e-sports clubs were all in the Shanghai stock market, but he didn't expect that there were teams beside him.

Now he was in high spirits, and had frequent typing exchanges with Dong Xiaosa.

The other party obviously didn't expect that the seedling they were looking for was actually in this city, and immediately shouted excitedly in the live broadcast room, and they didn't forget to hide the chat box so that other viewers could not see Gu Xing's information.

The two communicated for a while, and Gu Xing learned that the gluttonous Sa team was in Haishu District near the center of the city.

Dong Xiaosa tried to send out the invitation again, 【Zhenhai is not far from our base, only about 20 kilometers away, and it takes about half an hour to get there. You can come and visit anytime, or I can pick you up by car】

Gu Xing was really moved.

The main reason is that the distance is very short. If you go in the morning, you may be able to go home in the afternoon or evening without delaying anything.

[I will discuss with my parents to see if we can fix the date]

When Dong Xiaosa saw this reply, he was overjoyed. After saying goodbye with enthusiasm, he calmed down and started the live broadcast. "Today, I have a bad start. Let me use the trumpet to control a few waves of thunder and lightning, and then change to the big one to fight for the king..."

Gu Xing turned off the computer, walked out together with Ding Ran who had rushed back from the toilet, passed by the front desk of the Internet cafe, and did not forget to recharge the Internet fee obtained by Shangpan Chaoshen.

"Your level is really exaggerated. The masters and kings are killing each other." Ding Ran was very envious, he dreamed of having such a talent.

"If you want to score higher, you must either operate better than others, or use your brain more," Gu Xing taught earnestly, "You have a very smart brain. Now that your rank is low, it's just that you play less, and you may be enlightened at some point."

"But you don't play many games," Ding Ran muttered, "Every year you play a hundred rounds and you can win a championship."

The two rushed to the school all the way, and there was still some time before the evening self-study started, and it was completely in time.

Ding Ran lost a promotion match, and wanted to turn his grief and anger into appetite, and went to the nearby Gulou KFC to buy something for dinner.

It's not far from the town, and there are many student parties who don't want to eat in the cafeteria.

When passing by, Gu Xing suddenly found an acquaintance sitting by the window.

Shen Guanshan was filling his mouth with warm egg tarts when he raised his eyes to see Gu Xing and Ding Ran standing outside the window waving to him.

She had already eaten all the food on her dinner plate, so she simply wiped her hands with a paper towel, and walked out as soon as the plate was put away.

"Hello, Mr. Shen!" Ding Ran was very respectful. He had seen Shen Guanshan's prowess during the school's math competition training before, and he called him from the bottom of his heart.

Shen Guanshan didn't want to be called that, hurriedly swallowed the egg tart in his mouth, and opened his mouth to correct him, but was accidentally choked, and when she finally recovered, Ding Ran had already rushed into KFC.

There was no other way, Shen Guanshan could only focus on Gu Xing, "You didn't eat tonight?"

"Well, I went out to play..." Ever since Gu Xing knew the cause and effect of dark chocolate, he didn't know what attitude to use to face her.

After chatting for a few words, the two suddenly fell into an embarrassment.

This kind of situation rarely happened after Gu Xing was sensible. He was always able to liven up the atmosphere, and his social skills were quite good among his peers.

Fortunately, Ding Ran came out in time to save the situation. And at night. Slowly getting on track

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