What is a hexagon jungler?

157: Symbiosis with the Son! [1.15W big chapter summer finals end]

"Virtue went back to the city and directly took out a pair of attack speed shoes and real eyes. The factory manager didn't have enough money to buy Bambi's slag, so he could only make up with straw sandals and red crystals!"

Miller stared closely at the equipment gap between the two junglers, "Now there is a big gap in combat power between the two sides, it depends on how Clearlove will find his own rhythm!"

Ming Kai's brain is now a mess.

For EDG, this game is a game of life and death.

If he doesn't do anything, it's tantamount to giving the victory to VG!

But if you want to arrest people, where can you find opportunities?

The factory manager glanced at Shanglu, not wanting to run over to make fun of himself.

Bonnar certainly won't do much.

EDG's lineup relies on double Cs.

Ming Kai pondered for a moment, and finally came up with a good solution.

"Sout, prepare yourself..."

Gu Xing, on the other side of the player's seat, is still planning how he will use his equipment advantages to grab the mark next.

He has only one passive layer on him.

The next time the wolf spirit hunts, it will still target the upper and lower river crabs and EDG raptors.

Seems to be the possibility of three groups of camps.

But you can get rid of distractions!

Because the three groups of camps have all been wiped out now, they have not been reset and refreshed.

There is a difference in sequence.

Although VG did not do eyeballs in EDG's Raptor camp.

However, Gu Xing relied on the mechanism that the wild monster with the wolf spirit mark on his head would still remain for 15 seconds after being eaten by the opponent. He successfully pushed back and judged that the time when the factory chief ate the big raptor was exactly 4 minutes.

The subsequent three birds were not sure when they were eaten.

However, it can be roughly calculated that the refresh node of the next group of F4 will be around 5 minutes and 40 seconds!

The first crab to be eaten was at 2 minutes and 44 seconds. Gu Xing was also very clear about this information.

The current version of the scuttler has a reset time of 3 minutes.

Wait until 5 minutes and 44 seconds before the river crab reappears in the canyon!

The refresh time of the EDG Raptor is similar to that of the lower river crab. The upper river crab was eaten by the color of u before, and the time will be later.

The CD of Wolf Mark is 75 seconds.

After this group of F4 was eaten by the factory manager, the wolf spirit should come out to hunt in 5 minutes and 15 seconds.

However, none of the three groups of eligible camps were reset.

The wolf spirit could only wait until the first group of wild monsters that met the criteria were spawned, and immediately marked them as its prey.

In other words, its target will only be the crab or the EDG Raptor!

Both groups of monsters are located in the lower half of the zone, and are very close to each other.

Gu Xing made up his mind and was going to go to the opponent F4 first to check the spawning status of the wild monsters.

"Virtue moved forward flexibly in the wild area, he went straight to the bottom half of the map, trying to find the next set of marks!"

As soon as the baby's voice fell, the director cut the scene to the middle road.

Syndra, a junior, is pushing the line quickly.

Problems arose immediately.

He didn't return to the city for 5 minutes, and he never got the support of the factory manager's blue buff, so he didn't have enough mana.

On the other hand, the Hou Ye's Lissandra, the passive [Ice Bloodline] is regarded by many people as tasteless.

Now it is showing effect.

Can save blue.

Every 18 seconds, Ice Maiden's next skill will not consume any mana!

Almost every wave of soldiers can be used twice, and the battery life is very outstanding. For future plans, out didn't dare to use up all the remaining mana.

"The power of the middle road is gradually being controlled by Lord Hou, so the factory director simply came to the middle road to help!"

The appearance of Rek'Sai finally relieved the pressure on Sout.

Gu Xing chose to take the opportunity to cross the river and go straight to the lower half of EDG!

As usual, he didn't choose to go directly through the grass in the river, because there is a high probability that there will be an eye position arranged by the enemy at that position.

Instead, Xiaolongkeng used Q [Dance of Random Arrows] to break into the EDG wild area.

This trick Gu Xing tried repeatedly.

EDG has nothing to do.

In the early stage, Rek'sai couldn't produce a green jungle knife, and the auxiliary Thresh did not synthesize eye stones.

The team's eye position is quite scarce, and it is impossible to have extra vision to control the Longkeng pass.

"Virtue's path movement is very tricky," Wawa noticed Gu Xing's movements, "He once again bypassed the ward inserted by EDG, and went straight to F4 by detour!"

The factory manager shows up in the middle lane, and the EDG duo is still unable to support him in the bottom lane. No one can restrict him at present.

Gu Xing even made a big detour, passing through the EDG red zone, sticking to the narrow road close to the enemy's high ground, and crouched in the grass next to the Raptor camp.

In this way, unless EDG sets up vision in the grass where he is, it is impossible to find the trace of Kindred.

The time has come to 5 minutes and 38 seconds.

The crucial wave of artillery vehicles in the middle has arrived!

After clearing this wave of soldiers, the mid laners of both sides can be promoted to level 6!

Gu Xing saw that F4 hadn't been refreshed yet, and the central pawn line was about to be pushed to the side close to the VG defense tower.

If EDG is allowed to seize the initiative in the pawn line, the juniors will be able to move first and radiate their influence to the rivers in the wild!

He thought for a while, but did not go to the middle to help.

Instead, he stayed in place quietly.

"Sout was the first to rise to level 6, and the level difference instantly reversed the situation in the middle lane!"

In the team battle that broke out in the lower jungle area of ​​VG at 3 minutes, the elementary school boy pushed the line normally and roamed.

But Hou Ye missed 4 soldiers and rushed to support them.

There is a certain experience gap between the two mid laners.

Although the factory manager came to share part of the army line, the elementary school boy was the first to reach the sixth level!

Ming Kai looked excited, "Come to the wild area and defend F4!"

Unlike Gu Xing, who was not sure who would respawn first, the EDG Raptor or the Lower River Crab, the factory manager kept track of the time when he cleared the jungle, knowing that his own F4 would be the first to appear in the canyon.

His plan is to come to the middle lane to untie the line, let the juniors advance to 6 first, and rely on the strong Syndra to cover him and accept the Raptor.

As long as it can destroy another layer of Qian Jue's imprint capture.

That would mean that Gu Xing's first three wolf spirit attacks failed!

However, when the factory manager was full of confidence and ready to return to the wild area, he saw the F4 refresh through the accessories he had placed in the Raptor camp before he came to the middle.

The next moment, Qian Jue's figure appeared within the field of vision of the camp's eye position!

The Eternal Hunting Twins shot the arrows in their hands to attack the wild monsters, and kept pulling F4 away from the middle!

Ming Kai first lamented Gu Xing's ability to circumnavigate his field of vision.

He wanted to understand Gu Xing's train of thought.

Since EDG's Raptor and Cannon lanes were refreshed almost at the same time, Qian Jue took advantage of his opportunity to help the juniors seize the middle lane, and sneaked a detour to the F4 camp to get the mark!

What Gu Xing caught was the gap of a few seconds, stealing the wild monsters in the cracks!

The factory manager also had to admire his boldness and carefulness.

But then the admiration was overshadowed by anger.

Came here to steal Big Bird, huh?

"Catch him, don't let Qian Jue go!" He dragged his elementary school boy to chase and intercept him, leaving Gu Xing in his wild area!

Standing in God's perspective, Miller can clearly and intuitively see the personnel transfer situation in the canyon.

Gu Xing's behavior of stealing birds can be said to affect the whole body.

Tian Ye, who was going down the road, also turned his head and went to the wild area, wanting to cooperate with his teammates to hunt down Qian Jue!

"Virtue's punishment fell, successfully stole the big bird, and retreated after getting the mark!" Waowa's tone was rapid and forceful, "Xiao Gu's movement speed is very fast, he left everyone in EDG behind!"

The flexibility of attack speed shoe Qian Jue is a must. When it left, it made an accessory eye near the red zone of EDG.

The eagle spirit of the drone shot from a distance, lighting up Gu Xing's figure!

At this moment, he has ridden Juechen and has come to the side door of the highland in the lower half of EDG. After turning on the wolf spirit frenzy, he can easily jump up with the help of Q [Dance of Arrows]!

"That's someone else's house!"

Amid the din that erupted from the stands, Miller yelled.

"Virtue Li Zaigan God and Demon?" The baby couldn't understand, "Run to the EDG base?!"

Gu Xing was very calm.

In the team voice, he urged his teammates to develop on their respective lanes, "Don't help me, I can run away by myself!"

Operate Qian Jue from below along the outer edge of the range of the highland tower in the EDG middle road, rushing to the highland side door in the upper half!

"Virtue is planning to go around the canyon, and then use the dance of arrows to pass through the side door of the high ground above, and escape through the upper half of EDG?" Miller guessed, "But the generals of EDG have already gone to surround it!"

Seeing that the opponent immediately retreated to the EDG highland and had no intention of sending the tower, the factory manager guessed that Gu Xing would use Qian Jue's own displacement skills to escape through the side door of the highland above.

He was originally moving to the high ground on the lower road, and immediately turned back, crossing the middle road and pursuing upwards!

To be on the safe side, Ming Kai continued to drag his elementary school brother along.

After all, Gu Xing is ahead in equipment. If there is an encounter, two layers of passive marks plus attack speed shoes, the factory manager thinks he can't get any cheap!

As for Meiko, he didn't want to travel long distances to the top half of the map. Seeing that his teammates didn't particularly need him, he simply went back to the bottom lane to accompany Deft to continue laning.

EDG Nakano pursued towards the upper half of the area, and even the top laner put down his pawn line and joined the team to encircle and suppress Gu Xing!

The three vowed to kill Gu Xing!

If it is other junglers, EDG will not spend so much manpower and material resources.

But in the eyes of the factory manager and others, Gu Xing's Qian Jue is worth doing.

Not to mention the terrifying performance of Virtue's previous Kindred after gaining the advantage.

He is also the absolute core of the VG team!

Killing him and breaking the rhythm is a sure-fire deal for EDG!

But the premise is that Gu Xing can be caught.

The factory manager activated the ground hearing technique in the state of burrowing to detect changes in the Ueno area.

The elementary school students are on the sidelines to assist in the observation with the naked eye.

Mou color came from the road.

The three players completely blocked all escape routes in the Ueno area.

But Qian Jue was still nowhere to be seen!

"What's the situation?" The elementary school boy used his mother tongue in a hurry, and then switched back to Chinese after stumbling, "Where's Qian Jue?"

"...I can't make it!" Ming Kai was also at a loss.

Within the coverage of the earth hearing technique, there was not even a single ripple in the Ueno district!

Gu Xing, you are not in the Ueno area at all.

Where did you go? !

The EDG generals suddenly heard a noisy sound that even the sound-isolating earphones could not completely block!

According to the regulations of the competition, there is a 5-second delay 15 minutes before the competition in order to prevent screen reporting and facilitate the director to cut the screen.

The content of the game that the audience sees is actually what happened in the player's seat 5 seconds ago.

When Ming Kai heard the irresistible deafening cheers, an idea inevitably came to his mind.

What happened 5 seconds ago?

Doubts are fleeting, and he is destined to learn the truth only after the game.

The factory manager immediately focused all his attention on the field, and continued to look for Gu Xing in the field.

And the Haier brothers who stood at the perspective of God took the lead in exclaiming!

"Xiao Gu's way of escaping is perfect!" the baby opened her mouth and yelled in a signature way.

"He actually stood at the narrow gate between the upper and middle roads of EDG without moving, and pressed the return button on the spot!"

Under the gaze of all the people, Qian Jue made a move to return to the city.

The ferocious wolf spirit surrounding the body wraps the body inside, cuddling with the sheep spirit.

The director switched to the EDG perspective.

The high ground that belongs to them seems to be so bright that it does not contain the slightest fog of war, and everything cannot escape the eyes of EDG.

But Qian Jue's figure just disappeared!

When returning to the perspective of God, the audience can only see the eternal hunting twins at the narrow gate!

"My God... this is a blind spot!" Miller showed a surprised expression of 'I've seen you for a long time', "EDG went in the wrong direction, they were just searching in the Ueno area, and they didn't expect Xiao Gu to come back here. city!"

All kinds of shouts at the scene suddenly swelled, filling everyone's ears!

In the area where Shen Guanshan and the others were, there were relatives and friends of members of the VG competition training department, who were identified as pure VG fans at a glance.

They were so excited that they kept tapping the light sticks in their hands!

"It shouldn't be," Gu Pan frowned, "It's clearly bright here, why can't EDG see..."

Playing too few games, she can basically be described as having nothing but hand speed.

Naturally, he couldn't figure out why Gu Xing was hiding on someone else's high ground and hadn't been discovered yet.

From Gu Pan's point of view, this is simply unbelievable!

But it didn't stop her from cheering for Gu Xing together with Shen Guanshan beside her!

Backstage EDG lounge.

The head coach quickly broke out in Korean in a hurry, "Go and see the highland!"

Abu's familiar high-pitched voice was not to be outdone, "Ming Kai, what are you doing?! Take a look!"

Not only the two of them, but the boss Ed Zhu was even more anxious, eager to go up and fight for the players.

But the five contestants on the stage were destined not to hear their call.

"EDG hasn't reacted yet, Xiao Gu finished reading the article, and fled back into the spring water!"

The amount of barrage in the live broadcast room of the event surged instantly, even causing the live broadcast to freeze!

[Is this Virtue's escape route? 】

[I'm so good, Xiao Gu is called LPL running man, isn't this escape idea better than the factory director? 】

[Virtue still needs to learn to escape? I think it’s almost the same for him to teach the factory manager two tricks]

[EDG's upper middle and wild are the same as the clown, and they are still turning around in the wild]

[Why can't EDG Highland see Qian Jue? Use BUG, ​​right? It's not fair. Replay! 】

Little Peanut, who was watching the LPL English stream, glanced at his live broadcast room.

It was found that Korean netizens were very curious about Gu Xing's escape method, question marks and praise from representatives filled the chat channel!

Peanut raised his eyebrows, stuffed the last squid peanut ball in the bag into his mouth, and explained to the audience vaguely.

"It's like this. The narrow gates in the upper and lower half of the highland area have false vision. You feel that you can see the nearby area. In fact, it is completely impossible to rely on the defense tower. The area between the two highland towers is the blind spot."

He spoke quickly, "We have to wait until the small soldiers pass the high ground, and use the widening sight of the pawn line to see the whole picture near the narrow gate... It's a pity that Virtue player is dead, and he waited for a wave of pawn lines to leave the high ground before returning to the city by the countdown. "

"In this way, before the next round of pawn line comes, EDG has no idea what happened to Virtue's position!"

As the top jungler in the world, Peanut has a strong ability to control such details.

He explained the reasons in simple terms to the audience.

Then he praised again and again, "Virtue can think of this way of escape in an emergency, really strong...?? (Dafa)!"

Peanut saw that there was no battle broke out in the canyon, so he went to watch the chat channel again.

"Doesn't anyone in EDG know the details of this fake vision?" He read the question word by word, and then answered, "I must know, you let them watch the replay from the perspective of God, and the EDG players also know the problem Where is it?"

"But the mentality on the court is completely different from usual, and I understand everything..."

Little Peanut talked eloquently, "They didn't have the energy to pay attention to whether there was a line of soldiers passing through the high ground at that time. They just subconsciously thought that Virtue entered the Ueno area through the narrow gate, so they fell into a misunderstanding and missed the correct answer."

"It can only be said that Virtue played too well, and EDG's reaction is justifiable in my opinion."

He threw the snack package into the trash can, turned around and found that the situation had changed, and muttered, "But there is always a price to pay..."

EDG player seats.

The factory manager searched around the Ueno district, but did not find any trace of Gu Xing.

Ming Kai, who still doesn't know exactly how Qian Jue escaped, heard the bot duo calling for help.

"Teammates, teammates, save me!" Tian Ye was very aggrieved.

He was taking Deft back down the tower.

And Hou Ye's Ice Girl just cleared the middle lane, and took the opportunity to swim down the lane!

Lissandra's crampons extended to the bottom of the tower, and a thick white shield appeared on the blood bar above her head!

R from Shen [Mystery! Compassion saves the soul]!

In the operation of siege to participate in the encirclement and suppression of Gu Xing in the Ueno District, Zhu Xiaolong, who was on the road, successfully ate up all the soldiers, promoted to level 6, found a safe position and handed over his big move!

Together with the duo, VG's upper middle team launched a tower jump attack against the enemy's bottom lane!

"EDG's upper middle and wild are all in the upper half, and they will pay a heavy price for their plan to find Qian Jue!" Miller has already sentenced Han Bing and Thresh to death in his heart.

Four packs and two packs in the bottom lane, Deft hasn't flashed yet, how can I live like this?

"The Ice Maiden hand in W [Ring of Frost] first, and Deft hand over the purification control that has just been transformed!"

Brother Long's taunt after landing was also interrupted by Meiko's E [Pendulum of Misfortune].

The EDG duo did everything they could.

Too bad it didn't work.

Lord Hou’s Q [Ice Fragment] slows down Kim Hyuk-kyu, the small section of Niutou’s WQ second company catches up with the blow, and Gu Sung-bin surrenders W [Deadly Brilliance] from a long distance!

The serial control made the EDG duo complain endlessly!

The two couldn't move, and finally both died under the tower!

Baby's voice was loud and clear, "VG made a mistake, Xiao Gu's strange escape route attracted the energy of EDG's upper middle field, creating opportunities for teammates to attack in a wrong position!"

In just one minute.

Gu Xing accepted the mark and escaped successfully.

EDG's bottom lane duo lost their lives.

The balance of the situation, which was tilted towards VG, has completely lost its balance!

As soon as Gu Xing returned to the spring, he breathed a sigh of relief, when he saw his teammates tear open the gap in EDG's bottom lane!

He smiled and applauded the performance of himself and his teammates.

"How long did the opposite party delay in the upper half?" Gu Xing almost couldn't control the arc of his mouth, "Sent out a division of troops to catch me, but let me run away?"

When Zhu Xiaolong returned to the city, he slapped his thigh happily, his cheeks were flushed with excitement, "I really didn't expect Xiao Gu to be able to run like this, you are a fucking genius!"

Hou Ye, who has always been a master of expression control, is stuck in Bengbu, "How much hatred does EDG have with Xiao Gu, and it will take a lot of trouble to find you?"

Seeing that the team has gained a big advantage, Gu Shengbin also started to frantically make faces in his voice.

"Oh, why do they want to catch you? Isn't this free?" Imp's face burst into a smile, "We can use up half of the next tower's HP!"

The next tower doesn't have any defenses.

If the four of them insisted on advancing, they would be able to flatten it now.

In Goo Sung Bin's view, this tower can be pushed, but it's not necessary.

It is not good news for Gu Xing to enter the transition period too early.

Keep the three lanes in line, so that Qian Jue can reasonably invade and eat the passive mark!

Besides, if the 400 bounty of the first blood tower is distributed to the other four people in VG, it would be a bit wasteful.

After going through the sinking of S3, Gu Shengbin corrected the aggressive style that put too much emphasis on laning suppression and let the team play around him. At his peak, he was known as the ultimate form of ADC, and his style of play was flexible.

He can recognize his position in this game.

It was to make a wedding dress for Gu Xing.

All arrangements are to make their own junglers more comfortable.

Gu Shengbin wished to give up all the economy of this one-blood tower to Gu Xing!

"Be steady," Gu Xing vented out the backlog of emotions, and then completely regained his composure, "We can win if we keep going!"

He was thinking about what to do next in his mind.

The mark of the wolf spirit will be refreshed soon.

This time the goal will only be up and down.

Gu Xing was not sure which one it would be.

He simply decided to arrest people.

EDG's bot lane is currently a breakthrough, so I have no reason not to come!

"Have you seen the eye in the red zone opposite, Lord Hou?" Gu Xing made two signals on the eye position he had set up when he turned against the wilderness to steal the mark, "Later, after pushing the pawn line in the middle, find a position Pass this eye directly."

"Let's continue down the road with four packs and two packs!"

Easyhoon responded and made himself clear.

The elementary school boy failed to catch Gu Xing, and went to the middle road to eat all the soldiers who hadn't been dealt with cleanly before returning to the city to replenish equipment.

Since Hou Ye just went down the road and only cared about killing people and didn't take other resources, so it didn't waste much time.

He repaired his equipment one step ahead of Sout and returned to the middle lane.

With the ice girl whose level and equipment have been fully improved, it doesn't take much time to clean up the non-cannon troop line, and it can be done in three times, five times, and two times!

"Easyhoon moves up first, hides near the VG Raptor camp, and hand over the teleportation on his body!" Miller's voice was excited, "It landed in the red zone of EDG!"

Gu Xing walked through the lower river channel and caught a glimpse of the lower river crab that had been captured by the wolf spirit. He didn't rush to eat the mark, but rushed to the lower road.

Together with the other three teammates, they surrounded the EDG duo in the form of two sides!

"The factory manager is also in the lower half of the map, but he was driven out by VG and cannot help the next road!"

Ming Kai had no solution.

Hou Ye's posture of jumping the tower and killing the bottom lane was extremely tough, making it clear that he didn't take him seriously.

The factory manager didn't dare to go up to obstruct it.

Easyhoon didn't make a big move when he got off the road last time, if he got offended by Lord Hou, he would use it on himself first, Ming Kai didn't know if there was any Gu Xing behind him.

At that time, this Rek'Sai who didn't flash will be a dead end!

He was forced to have no choice but to let the VG Nakano cooperate with the field and go to the bottom lane to kill his teammates!

Jin Hekui and Tian Ye were ashamed.

The transmission carried by the top order has not yet improved.

The elementary school boy in the middle road is still dealing with the pawn line. In order to prevent being purged by the VG control chain in seconds, he has to rely on two legs to support him.

It is estimated that by the time Sout arrives, the bodies of the EDG duo will be completely cold!

The VG players on the other side saw the success of Yue Xia's plan, and had already begun to divide the spoils ahead of schedule.

"Give me the head, I'm a bit slow in the early stage of this game!" Gu Xing made a reasonable request.

His record seems to be 1 kill, 1 death and 2 assists, but the number of make-ups is not too many, and his economy can only be called average.

The main reason is that when Gu Xing rebelled against the imprint of the factory director Raptor, he went through a long escape.

Although he was not killed in battle, it was delayed for a long time, which directly affected his wild clearing.

"I said it," Gu Shengbin didn't need to say it, and wanted to give him the money, "Your time!"

Three teammates overwhelmed the blood volume of the EDG duo.

Gu Xing AQA accepts two heads!


The VG lounge suddenly boiled!

Hongmi clenched her fist and waved it twice in the air.

Boss Ding Jun got up, stared at the TV screen, and asked the staff, "Are you going to win?"

Manager Lu Wenjun nodded vigorously, his face was full of joy, "EDG is about to be defeated by us!"

"VG's bot lane attack has succeeded again!" Miller looked at the data panel and couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "Deft and Meiko's development has been cut off. The game is less than 7 minutes, and the two have died 5 times together!"

Wa Wa raised her voice, "Xiao Gu not only earned two kills in this wave, but his teammates also gave him a blood tower in the bottom lane!"

The blood volume of the next tower of EDG was reduced to residual blood, the duo retreated back to the city to replenish, and Hou Ye set off to rush back to the middle road to replenish troops and develop.

Gu Xing was left alone on the road.

He can have exclusive access to the One Blood Tower!

Gu Xing didn't eat the EDG soldiers under the tower, but just watched the defense tower devour his own line of soldiers.

He waited until almost all of his soldiers were swallowed, and then he launched a general attack to destroy the Yi-Blood Tower!

"550 gold coins have been credited, plus the two heads he got, Virtue has grabbed 1,000 gold coins in one wave!"

Miller was shocked by the speed of economic growth.

"When Virtue hit the road earlier, in order to make a splash, he put the mark of the sheep spirit on Deft. I didn't expect to be able to get passive layers from him!"

Gu Xing killed Jin Hekui, stacked to 3 layers of passive.

Logically speaking, after Qian Jue has three layers of passives, the hunting range of the wolf spirit is the four groups of wild monsters in the non-BUFF camps in the EDG wild area.

But before Gu Xing made a move on Xialu, Xiahe Crab had already been marked by the wolf spirit.

The mark will not disappear until the wild monster is brushed.

Gu Xing successfully accepted the swift crab, bringing the number of layers of [Qian Jue's Seal] to 4 layers!

"There are still a lot of wild monsters to farm at home, and this wave has made a lot of money!"

Eight minutes into the game, Gu Xing finally cleaned up the field camp and returned to the city to replenish equipment.

Miller is very concerned about his development, and pays special attention to Kindred's equipment column.

"Synthesized the blood blade wild knife and the attack speed dagger..." Miller hissed lightly, "Eight minutes of four-layer imprint, Qian Jue took off!"

Each layer of Qian Jue's mark provides an additional physical damage equal to 1.25% of the enemy's current HP for basic attacks.

4 layers of imprint is 5% extra output.

Cooperating with Qian Jue's attack speed equipment, the combat power is getting stronger and stronger!

The VG supporters in the stands obviously also saw how exaggerated Gu Xing's current development is, they waved their flags and shouted from their seats, and the momentum was loud!

"The factory manager doesn't even have a slag hunting knife now. The situation he faces will become more and more difficult when the line change period begins!"

The upper and lower sides are interchanged.

At this time, the advantages of the VG lineup are revealed.

The three lines have stability control, Gu Xing can go wherever he wants, and he can do whatever he wants to arrest people!

Still, his focus is mostly around duos.

After all, there are still defensive towers on the road that have not been pushed, so Gu Xing can further expand his advantage.

He even blatantly hung the imprint of the sheep spirit on Thresh's body, threatening death to the Warden of Soul Lock.

"The factory manager didn't dare to enter the upper half of the area, so he could only leave the wild area to Xiao Gu!"

Ming Kai also wants to recover from the disadvantage as soon as possible, but he is not a headless chicken, and now walking to the upper half is looking for death.

Not to mention whether the VG duo will come to interfere.

Even in a 1v1 in the wild, Rek'sai can't get any bargains when facing Qian Jue with this equipment!

As long as a set of skills can't lose Qian Jue in seconds, what greets Ming Kai is unlimited kite flying, and the excavator will no longer have the means to stick to his face!

To be on the safe side, the factory manager simply shrank in the lower half.

But then, he faced a very real problem.

Do you want to brush the camp in the lower wild area of ​​EDG?

If he eats it, Gu Xing can ensure that the wolf spirit mark will be refreshed in the upper half of the area as long as he doesn't eat the wild monsters in the upper wild area of ​​EDG.

If you don't eat wild monsters...

What is the grade of Mingkai Lai Lai's economical Lai Lai?

After careful consideration, the factory manager still decided to eat wild monsters to grow first, and then wait for opportunities to find opportunities.

Relying on his flash of improvement, he did gain benefits, successfully killing Zhu Xiaolong in the bottom lane.

However, VG set off a more rapid counterattack.

"Virtue went through the jungle to the EDG top lane between the first and second towers, and surrounded Deft and Meiko from behind!"

Gu Shengbin's Jhin opened R [Perfect Curtain Call] in the distance, and the old-fashioned sniper rifle included all the EDG duo!

The super bullet roared out, piercing through the air and hitting the enemy, and the fiery air wave that was set off seemed to be transmitted to the stands through the sound effect, causing bursts of screams!

"Ice shoots a magic crystal arrow, trying to follow the starting point of the perfect curtain call to stun Jhin to interrupt the big move... But Xiao Duan stood up and used his body to help block the giant arrow shot by Ashe!"

The thick-skinned tauren let out a roar, and R [Firm Will] was turned on, and the WQ anti-tower flashed forward as soon as the dizzy state was lifted!

Although Alistar's first-level ultimate move is not very meaty.

But for now this situation is definitely enough!

The EDG duo didn't hurt at all!

"Meiko is trying his best to protect his own shooter, but he is just a supporting Thresh, unable to counter the opponent effectively!"

He cast R [Ghost Prison] and tried to slow down VG's pace of jumping the tower, trying to replace an enemy with a huge slowing effect.

However, Gu Xing's 4-arrow general attack and the output of the fearful will kill Ashe.

The only output point was killed, and the small section of Niutou relied on his big move to reduce damage until he left the range of the defensive tower and did not die!

"There is only Thresh left, and it can only be turned into nourishment for Qian Jue, providing it with gold coins and a passive layer!"

Brush another EDG magic marsh frog marked by wolf spirit.

At 12 minutes, Gu Xing was holding 6 layers of marks!

Putting it on the professional arena, this kind of developed Qian Jue can only be described as terrifying!

"VG is in full swing, flattening EDG to go to the first tower, and then changing lanes to the middle lane, preparing to gather an army to flatten the first tower!"

All the dolls can feel the hotter atmosphere in the Guangzhou International Performing Arts Center.

Even he was affected, and the loud and clear voice echoed in the venue, "Xiao Duan's bull head stands forward, and the dual shooters of Jhin and Qian Jue will wear down the health of the defensive tower without fear!"

"The factory manager's Rexai didn't flash, so he didn't dare to go in and force open..."

Ming Kai tried to enter the arena, and he didn't want to let go of the most important defensive gate on the map.

As a result, he accidentally ate two arrows from Gu Xing, and his blood volume dropped a lot in an instant!

As a last resort, he had to retreat temporarily.

EDG's other remaining team start point, Gnar, is still single-leading with Zhu Xiaolong in the bottom lane.

Although there are certain advantages, the snowball has not been able to roll and cannot provide much help to the team.

After finally waiting for Mou color's anger to accumulate and turn into a giant Gnar, VG retreated to the rear in unison!

The director didn't miss this detail. When everyone on the VG frontal battlefield retreated, he cut the screen and gave Lunar a shot.

The rigorous command details made Miller's eyes shine.

"VG Commander has something," he praised sincerely, "After gaining the advantage, he didn't rush forward, and worked steadily to expand the advantage little by little!"

Gu Xing shook the mouse, kept checking Gnar's anger status, and then pressed space to switch back to the frontal battlefield where he was.

"More than half of the anger is left..." He spoke clearly and gave clear instructions, "Let's take two steps forward, Gnar's position can't be handed over to teleportation!"

Gu Xing saw it clearly.

Brother Long is now close to playing stickers with Mou Se, and his figure is very close.

Even if there is a fight in the middle, Gnar's first teleportation will only be interrupted by Shen's taunt.

Only then did he decide to move forward with his teammates.

At 14 minutes and 38 seconds, a wave of artillery tanks in the middle met.

"Protecting the gunners, we can grind the middle tower on the opposite side to the blood..." Gu Xing arranged in an orderly manner, "Master Hou, can you go to the side near F4, and I will help you insert a real eye to protect you."

He put down the real eye through the wall to the raptor camp of EDG, and found that there was a fake eye that the opponent had placed earlier, and quickly raised the longbow in his hand to expel it.

Easyhoon obediently obeyed Gu Xing's arrangement, stood in the enemy's F4 camp, and put pressure on the middle tower of EDG from the side.

Meiko found that the side was covered by thick fog of war, and initially wanted to take his teammates back to seize it.

But the artillery line has been pushed to a tower in EDG!

To grab the side vision, it is definitely not enough to rely on assistance alone.

But Dora walked alone, and there were only two people left in the middle of the team, so it was easy to be seized and forced to open!

It was useless for Tian Ye to keep an eye on the camp.

Lord Hou immediately demolished it!

EDG saw VG approaching the middle tower in a group, forcibly defending and fearing that Lord Hou would suddenly jump out from the side and force open.

They had no choice but to give up!

Gu Xing destroyed the EDG middle tower with one arrow!

"Let's make the vision of the lower half area," Xiao Duan marked the key area below EDG, indicating that these positions should be well positioned, "Let's push down the second tower first, Gnar can't get bigger in a short time !"

It didn't take long for the anger of touching u to disappear, and now he is still in the form of Little Gnar, which looks easier to bully.

Gu Xing also thought so.

"Master Hou, go to the top lane to make up the line first, Xiaoduan, you and Pupu try to grab the center line in your hands, pay attention to leaning down, we don't have many eye positions in the upper half, and there is no guarantee of vision." He fought three games in a row, and now his train of thought is gone. Caton was still very clear, "I occupy the lower half of the opposite area, Gnar will die if he dares to come out!"

I really dare to come out when I touch u.

The main reason is that he has played in EDG for a whole summer, but he has never seen such a formation.

At that time, it was agreed that I would go to the team to play the top laner, and I could win when I played the big tree lying down.

Now the four thighs are pulling hips one by one, and in the end he has to stand up and carry the game!

Is it in the river?

Mou Se, who had never played a serious split push before, saw that the field of view in the lower half was pitch black, and he was able to leave the second tower with the pawn line!

Gu Xing was stunned for a moment at first.

He thought that EDG had some conspiracy and released Gnar to fish.

But the other four teammates of the opponent were exposed to the VG's vision one after another, and obviously they had no plan to use color as bait.

Only then did Gu Xing make up his mind to catch Gnar.

"Brother Long, wait a moment, I'll give you a mark first..." He urged Yang Ling to hang the Thousand Jue Seal on Gnar.

Feeling u, he saw Qian Jue's imprint appearing on the top of his head, and realized that something was wrong, so he quickly retreated to the rear.

But before reaching the bottom of the tower, Gu Xing rushed out halfway!

He saw the boomerang thrown by Gnar, first jumped to the side to avoid the skill, and used the slow speed of E [Born Fear] with his backhand.

Now it takes about four or five seconds for VG Ueno to kill Gnar.

Only the big ice hammer's touch is puffiness, and it can be called the younger brother in front of Gu Xing's percentage damage!

But he didn't kill Gnar after beating him to residual blood, but stuck around him, preventing him from returning to the tower!

After the 8 seconds were over, the imprint of the sheep spirit that had been hung just now finally took effect, and Gu Xing then shot a crossbow arrow, taking the head and getting his 7th floor passive!

"Nie!" Zhu Xiaolong was very excited, "Xiao Gu, we pushed the second tower opposite!"

He could feel that he was close to victory in the final!

Even the palm of the hand holding the mouse trembled slightly with excitement, and the heart beat violently, as if it was about to jump out of the chest cavity.

"Keep your eyes on the ground before moving forward," Hou Ye said quickly, "Don't make any mistakes!"

The voice in the VG team became chaotic and disorderly.

Gu Shengbin muttered something that others could not understand.

Short speeches were cut into fragments.

Everyone's voices were mixed together at the same time, making it impossible to tell what everyone wanted to express.

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Gu Xing tried to draw everyone's attention back, but seeing little effect, he simply raised the volume to overwhelm them, "Don't make any noise, just listen to me and Brother Duan, will it work?"

Double C was the first to shut up, and after a while Brother Long also stopped talking.

The two South Korean aids have both won world championships. Although Zhu Xiaolong's resume is still young, he has worked in the society and is not a kid.

They are overly excited now, and the root cause is that they haven't touched the champion for too long.

Hou Ye, the S5 world champion, didn't play in the finals at all, and his experience was extremely poor, not much better than Ding Ran in the backstage of VG.

It is true that he joined the team to make money, but he also wanted to prove his hard power.

The champion is the best fight back!

Imp's most recent championship is the S5 Summer Split.

Subsequent experiences include iron man beating his head, fire man smelting iron, drinking and sinking, and the peaks and troughs after the transfer. Now he has finally climbed up from the abyss, and his desire for victory has reached its peak!

As for Zhu Xiaolong...his best performance since he played professionally has never touched the top four of the top league, let alone the championship.

Seeing that victory is within easy reach, the three of them are naturally extremely excited!

Gu Xing is not a saint, as a newcomer to this point, he is also full of emotion and impassioned.

But he knows that the game is not over yet, and he cannot be paralyzed.

"I'll finish pushing the second tower in the bottom lane before going up," Gu Xing forced himself to calm down, "Master Hou, wait until I'm in position before pushing the lane, the jungler on the opposite side is likely to be at the top, so don't get out of the tower! "

As stable as Easyhoon, you know what your teammates mean, and you can eat it directly under the tower.

Imp and Xiaoduan firmly controlled the middle lane, and continued to create pressure on EDG's line.

Gu Xing went back to make Luanna's hurricane, and ran to the road to help Lord Hou deal with the troops.

In this way, Zhongshang has all the cable rights, and the entire Shanghe River has been reduced to VG's control!

Tian Ye repeatedly tried to break through the defense line and set up vision in the river.

As a result, the eye position was not made, but his own life was put in it!

After Dalong was born, under the command of Nosuke, VG frequently used Baron Nash to seduce EDG to come to investigate the field of vision, and then send the opponent back to the spring!

The kill comparison between the two sides is constantly refreshed.

Until 25 minutes into the game, the head-to-head ratio was 18:5, and the economic difference was as high as 1.1W!

Rao is a die-hard supporter of EDG. Faced with such an exaggerated gap, he has to admit that the home team is gone!

After killing EDG Nosuke, Gu Xing finally thought that he could safely accept Dalong.

His passive layers have reached 10 layers!

Every basic attack has an additional physical damage of 12.5% ​​of the current health!

The remaining three players of EDG didn't even dare to come to Longkeng to take a look. Only Deft relied on E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] for long-distance detection.

When Baron Nash's desperate roar echoed in the canyon, Ming Kai's face completely deteriorated.

Under such a disadvantage, EDG is undoubtedly facing a dead end!

"Let's push up to the high ground in the middle later. Master Hou, you can just start the team directly. I will have no problem with the output in the back." Gu Xing took out the big drinking magic knife. His attack speed is enough now without lack of damage. As long as he can survive, EDG has no chance of winning!

The four of VG aggressively advanced all the way along the middle lane, while Long Ge's Shen continued to solo in the bottom lane.

The middle and lower lanes rushed to the EDG high ground with an unstoppable momentum!

At the moment when Gnar, who was groping for u in the bottom lane, became smaller again, Hou Ye's crampons stretched forward played the prelude to the team battle!

Shen's R [Compassionate Soul Fall] fell on the ice girl.

The two generals in VG's top and middle attracted the attention of EDG.

And Gu Shengbin's Jhin activates Youmeng, converts the attack speed into attack power, and activates the big move in the distance, the super bullet roars to hit the enemy's defense line heavily!

Gu Xing turned on the wolf frenzy, and used Q [Dance of Arrows] to link up with the basic attack to output wildly from the rear!

The factory director at the front couldn't resist the beating at all, and his blood was completely melted in just two seconds!

Gu Xing took the first head, and the wolf spirit let out a bloodthirsty neigh of joy.

Operate Qian Jue to jump forward, Luanna's hurricane disperses the arrows, and smoothly splashes the exaggerated passive damage of the eternal hunting twins to everyone in the EDG formation!

Syndra of the elementary school brother also used QR to cooperate with E [weak retreat and scatter] to play a burst and lose Gu Xing in seconds.

It's a pity that he planned ahead, knowing that there are very few heroes in the EDG team who can threaten him, and Syndra is one of them.

The Great Drinking Magic Knife that Gu Xing bought before leaving the house came in handy!

Resisting Syndra's set of damage, his blood volume is still healthy.

Everyone else in EDG was left behind by the control chain in VG Zhongshang, and no one could accompany the junior to attack Gu Xing.

Only Deft's ice throws magic crystal arrows.

But Xiao Duan resisted with his body again, and used R [Firm Will] to release the control, and WQ Erlian rushed forward to keep up with the control chain!

Miller stared at the battlefield intently, not letting go of any detail.

"Virtue's output is unstoppable, and Meiko's Thresh fell under the arrows!"

"Qian Jue's War Passion talent is fully stacked, and the attack power provided is not a small number!"

Right in front of the battlefield, Lord Hou wrapped himself with R [Frozen Mausoleum], creating a range of slow speed.

Brother Long's Shen E Shan went straight to the back row!

The two joined forces to delay EDG's retreat!

"Virtue kills Syndra again, and accepts the triple kill!"

Accompanied by the surging wave of cheers in the arena, Doll shouted loudly, "Will there be Pentakill?!"

The remaining ice of EDG and Gnar were all kept by VG and it was difficult to escape!

Gu Xing flashed forward without hesitation, and took Han Bing's life with two arrows.

The wolf spirit devoured the lives of the four heroes, and then turned its scarlet eyes on Gnar!

"Five kills, five kills!" Brother Long reminded his teammates in the voice, "Stop and give it to Xiao Gu!"

He was afraid that someone would steal his jungler's pentakill, so he reminded loudly.

Imp didn't shoot the last shot, he stopped abruptly, went to push the tower by himself, and gave the head to Gu Xing.

"Virtue's dance of random arrows jumps over, three arrows take away Gnar!"


The ruthless system announcement echoed endlessly in the canyon!

"The group is destroyed! VG is about to defeat the opponent!"

In 27 minutes, the EDG base scattered with fireworks!

-----Off Topic-----

Let me talk about the rhythm of yesterday's chapter.

The author's failure to keep his promise must be my own problem.

At that time, I overestimated my hand speed and plotting ability, which caused the final plot to be delayed for a day before it ended.

I'm sure of that.

As for the "plot irrigation" comments, there is no need.

If I really want water, I will go to the video site to find some highlights of the strongest group, and just copy it again. I don’t need to think about it at all, just watch the video twice, and 10,000 words a day is a basic operation.

This book, including the previous one, has very few operations on the highlights.

Except for some famous scenes, from the operation idea to the operation, I conceived and wrote it myself.

There are not many readers of the original version. If I write a large chapter on the collection of free video sites and let readers spend money to watch it, my conscience will not let it go.

In order to prevent himself from continuing to spend money, the author took some punitive measures.

Starting tomorrow, the chapters will be released uniformly from 10:00 pm to 10:15 pm.

It was not sent out after the time limit, and the author sent a 100 yuan red envelope in the group, and also returned blood to everyone to make up for it.

Those who are interested in grabbing red envelopes to supervise the author's fungus can join the group, there are many people in it, and the competition is very lively.

When the EDG skin is online, I will also draw a lottery in the group.

Set a small goal in May, and add 27W words, with an average of 9K a day.

I will record after each chapter is published.

If it is not completed, 1000 red envelopes will be sent in the group.

1.15W words were updated on 5.2, totaling 2.17W/27W.

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