What is a hexagon jungler?

168: An Unexpectedly Vicious Offensive!

The figure of Nidalee the leopard girl appeared in the VG hero selection box.

Gu Xing was overjoyed.

He didn't expect that there would actually be a team that would release Leopard Girl!

"Wuhu takes off!" Gu Xing was very excited, "Brothers, I am C in this game!"

Gu Shengbin was dumbfounded, "G2 is a pig nose, right? How dare you let Leopard Girl go?"

What makes Imp even more outrageous is that the opponent would rather release Nidalee than disable his policewoman!

Gu Xing laughed so hard on the contestant bench.

The director noticed his expression and cut the scene so that the global League of Legends audience could see this scene.

The chat channels of the live broadcast room in French, Russian, Spanish and other languages ​​are full of question marks and various emoticons.

"...As for laughing so happily?" Jatt didn't know why, "Thinking of something happy?"

Defiio obviously watched LPL a lot in private, and now he talked freely, "Leopard Girl is one of Virtue's signature heroes. In the first game of the summer semi-finals, he took the lead in using the patched Nidalee, and he showed great strength in the MLXG jungle. Vulgar power, highly proficient exaggeration!"

"And Leopard Girl's current version is very powerful. I don't understand why G2 released it in this game?" Defiio couldn't understand the thinking of the European double champion, "It's really unnecessary!"

Before the official start of the World Championship, he used various channels to inquire about the heroes who performed well in the training match, so as to do version analysis and do his commentary homework.

Players and coaches of various teams mentioned it repeatedly in interviews with e-sports media.

According to the current understanding, Leopard Girl and Blind Sin are the strongest heroes in the wild.

The latter at least has a solution and can carry out appropriate countermeasures.

But Nidalee is very difficult to deal with!

From this, Defiio believes that there is a problem with the understanding of the version before the G2 game.

Gu Xing hummed the nocturne, and his heart blossomed with joy.

Hongmi came over to remind him not to get carried away.

"There are only 6 rounds in the group stage. If we want to securely qualify, we must win at least half of them," Hme analyzed briefly. "Excluding the game against SKT, there are only 4 games left. There is no room for loss."

He was afraid that his jungler would get a leopard girl into the game and start messing around.

"Don't worry," Gu Xing knew what Hongmi was worried about, "I know what to do!"

He is confident in his own understanding of the hero.

I have seen through the essence of the changes in version 6.15 that seem to weaken Leopard Girl's duel damage, but actually improve the ability to clear the jungle.

Later, Nidalee became the overlord of the wild area with a high BP rate in each major competition area.

Riot did not modify it in the world version.

Nidalee can be regarded as one of the few heroes who was strong at the end of the summer split but did not get hit!

Coming to the global finals, Leopard Girl's intensity will only be higher!

Because the overall environment of the game has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Leopard Girl's team battles are weak in the middle and late stages, and there are two main reasons.

One is that the javelin either misses or is blocked by the opponent's front row.

As long as the magic resistance equipment of the tank is formed, it will not hurt to eat two javelins, and it can withstand it completely.

But now the front row has dropped sharply, and the number of tanks appearing in each round is very small!

It is difficult for the enemy's front row to cover all output positions.

At this time, Leopard Girl's javelin became the nightmare of all crispy skins.

If you get a skill, your health will be halved, or you will lose your combat ability!

The second is that the timing of Leopard Girl's entry is too harsh.

To play enough explosiveness, Nidalee must transform into a leopard form to jump in and bite.

The other party only needs to leave a control skill, Leopard Girl jumps in and holds it down for her to drop in seconds.

Now it doesn't work.

Nowadays, Rexai, Centaur and Wine Barrel have been weakened one after another, soft assistants are popular in the bottom lane, and the top laner is mainly in the era of Lambert Jess.

Most of the heroes with strong versions lack hard control!

The control chain can't keep up. As long as Leopard Girl has Zhongya, the fault tolerance rate will be quite high. Don't worry about being dropped in seconds when entering the arena!

Moreover, Nidalee is extremely efficient in clearing the jungle, has a strong ability to control the map, and has an exaggerated snowball ability.

The original shortcomings are covered up, and the advantages are infinitely magnified.

In Gu Xing's view, Leopard Girl is bound to dominate the jungle in this year's World Championship!

The G2 players on the other side didn't seem to be flustered either.

Both Defiio and the VG team feel that there is a problem with their version understanding.

G2 felt that they were right.

They know Leopard Girl is strong.

But from G2's point of view, Nidalee has not reached the point where she can't handle it!

How about not trying?

"Jess+Jin, let's lock these two first," the head coach lured ngBuk to go behind the top laner Expet, "You have a lot of room to play, and there are no heroes available for the top laner!"

"Leave it to me," Expet pinched his fingers confidently, "the other side can't restrain me!"

Expet, like the jungler, is a Korean player.

Compared with T-day k, who was born in the wealthy CJ family with strong roots, Expet is obviously much more unknown.

He made his debut from an unknown team and moved around in the small leagues.

Until 2015, Expet joined 2144, an LSPL team.

That year's secondary league also had his opponent Zhu Xiaolong in this game.

The former opponents in the secondary league, they met again on the stage of the World Championship!

It can only be said that the e-sports circle is too small.

Fate is wonderful.

Expet met Zhu Xiaolong in the secondary league before, and was severely educated by the opponent's Rambo, which can be said to have suffered a big loss!

It was precisely because of his suggestion that the head coach sent Gundam Bobby to the ban position in this game.

Now Zhu Xiaolong doesn't have Rambo and Bobby, two proud heroes, and Jace is snatched by him again, and Shen is even cut to the point where he can't play!

What are you fighting with me?

"VG locks Zyra, which is obviously used to play the support position..." Jatt also learned about the trend of the World Championship version from the professional team, and he is not surprised by this.

"Now the bot lane is basically soft assistants that are good at output consumption. Hard assistants with the ability to start a team can't stand the line now, and they are easily suppressed to death!"

Duo pay attention to complement each other.

If you want to choose hard support to fight against each other, you must match it with a shooter with explosive ability to maximize the effect.

But now these ADCs that can provide high bursts are trembling under the sword of the designer!

Popular shooters are basically the type of blunt knives to cut flesh, a little bit of consumption torment people, so as to achieve a suppressive effect.

It is a bit forced to choose hard support, and the style does not match.

Moreover, the wage equipment [Holy Object Shield] of hard support has been weakened in the 6.18 World Championship version.

Reduced healing provided when killing minions from 20 to 15.

It doesn't look like much, just 5 points of HP doesn't have a big impact.

Even if the shield of the relic is a two-person treatment for the holder and the nearest teammate, it is only 10 health points.

But for the already declining hard-assisted living environment, it is simply worse!

"VG's third choice... Ike!" Defiio nodded repeatedly, "This is indeed one of the few top lane choices that can play Jayce."

Trolls are easy to kite, and Gnar's hand is shorter than Jace's, and he is not Jace's opponent.

In contrast, Ike, who has the ability to rush and stick to people, is the best choice.

Although the initial attack power was cut by 4 points before the World Championship, it can still be used, and the impact on strength is not that great.

"However, the VG lineup as a whole has too much magic damage," Jatt found the disadvantages, "They can't just have an ADC to provide physical output, can they?"

Although Ike mainly uses ice fists as meat clothes, his skills are all spell damage.

Including the combination of Leopard Girl and Zyra, the AP output ratio is really too high.

If you want to build a reasonable lineup, you must consider many aspects.

The consequence of too much spell damage is that the opponent may have a magic drinking knife, which greatly reduces the strength of VG!

The head coach of G2 lured ngBuk to obviously see the problems exposed by VG's top three picks.

He knew that a coach of Hongmi's level would not make low-level mistakes.

There is a high probability that VG will let the mid laner Lord Hou supplement a certain amount of physical output!

Lure ngBuk can get the AD mid laner first in three or four moves, squeezing VG's mid laner in disguise!

"Luka, how do you take the plane?" He asked Perkz, "As long as it is selected, the overall lineup of the opponent will be very poor!"

The current version of Missile Poppy's passive [Hex Technology Armament] converts basic attack damage into spell output at a rate of 50%.

At present, the aircraft is still a three-phase power-to-cannon endless crit genre, mainly relying on level A for output, which can make up for a lot of physical damage for the team.

In LungBuk's view, the airplane is the physical output role that Redmi wants to choose for Easyhoon!

The hero itself tends to develop steadily, which is very suitable for Li Zhixun's style.

What's more, the aircraft also ushered in a wave of enhancements in version 6.15, and the cooling time of the passive explosive pack was directly reduced from 300 seconds to 240 seconds!

No matter what you think, it is the best choice!

The only flaw is that before the plane makes a three-phase, there is a high probability that the middle lane will not be able to get the line right, and it will not be able to cover the jungler.

However, the current Leopard Girl is not as dependent on the right to the middle lane as in the summer game.

Because apart from a few heroes, the current mid laners are generally heavy and heavy, relying on the lane for the whole process, the side that controls the lane is not fast to support, and there is no control skill when roaming.

In short, the jungle is now more often a 1v1 duel!

"After G2 has chosen the plane, add a second hand of Karma to support, and leave the counter position for the jungler!" Jatt is very curious about VG's hero selection. "Without physical output, how can they build a reasonable lineup?"

Seeing G2 locking the plane, Redmi raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

He deliberately dug a hole for his opponent.

G2 really dare to step on it!

The opponent doesn't think that in the current version, only the two physical outputs of the plane and Jess can go in the middle?

In the next moment, VG locks in seconds!

There were not many VG supporters at the scene, but the audience who accounted for a larger proportion still inevitably let out a burst of exclamation when they saw an unexpected hero.

"Verus?!" Jatt was surprised.

The Arrow of Retribution was not included in the training information he received before the game.

Since the end of the S5 season, fewer and fewer players have been selected for this hero, which can be called an unpopular choice!

Verus himself was not cut.

The appearance rate has declined one after another, mainly due to the limitation of the arena environment. In the 6 spring and summer games, either the top laner Sangenshen, or Nosuke's current row.

They are not only fleshy, but also have good means of starting a group.

The mid laner Verus routinely uses armor-piercing main Q to play consumption.

What are Poke (remote consumption) heroes afraid of?

Force it! 6. To choose Verus in the league stage, you will face a very embarrassing problem in the mid-term team battle. Before he draws his bow and shoots two arrows, the opponent becomes angry and starts a team battle!

Verus will be very weak in this situation, and basically can't do any damage.

However, when it comes to the World Championship version, the environment has changed.

Heroes with the ability to force open are basically hiding in the sewers.

Everyone uses Poke-type characters, which means that Verus is instantly resurrected with full blood!

He can use the ultra-long Q [Piercing Arrow] to consume it non-stop!

This is a new solution that Redmi found after thinking about it.

In the first game of the World Championship, take G2 first!

He deliberately selected 3AP before, just to trick the opponent, making G2 think that he was going to take the plane!

If the enemy really snatches the plane.

G2's key counter position on the red side cannot turn to the absolute core Perkz!

And taking the plane in the early stage of the middle lane is destined to lose the line right!

Even if the head coach of G2 realizes that Verus is still an AD option in the middle, Redmi is confident.

Because they dare not grab it.

If you get Verus, the G2 lineup will become a combination of Jess + Verus + Jhin. The Poke ability is powerful, but it is all physical damage.

Leopard Girl and Zyra, Nosuke, who has the most AP damage, has now been snatched by VG.

G2 can't expect to use a spider to supplement spell output for the team, can it?

At that time, Brother Long's Ike will make an ice fist blue shield, and it is estimated that he can ride on the opposite face and hit him!

Red rice is confident.

It seems that the team's first three moves are all AP, but Verus is destined to get it, and by the way, he can dig a hole for G2 and wait for the opponent to jump in!

"VG's fifth choice is Ice... Ashe has been weakened two versions in a row recently, should I still get it?" Defiio couldn't understand Redmi's thinking.

As far as he knows, the hottest shooters in the training match are Jhin, EZ and the policewoman.

Ashe's W [Thousand Arrows] cooldown has been greatly increased in the early stage, which still has a lot of impact on her online ability.

Defiio can only guess, "Probably VG wants the ADC to add some control methods. After all, the team currently lacks control, and Leopard Girl is not easy to play."

not only that.

Redmi also wants to use Ice E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] to provide a view of the G2 wild area and provide enough location information for Gu Xing.

"G2's last choice..."

"Blind monk! They want to improve the strength of the early wild area and the ability to start a team!"

The head coach lured ngbuk to frown.

When he saw that VG chose Verus, he knew he had been fooled.

Originally ecstatic, his mood was like riding a roller coaster, and he plunged into the trough.

But it's a done deal, and we can't clamor for a rematch.

"Play steadily, and try to roll the snowball in the early stage," lured ngbuk told his teammates, "Trik, remember to protect the jungle area, the opponent's jungler is very aggressive."

Trik solemnly nodded to show that he was clear.

Perkz took a sip of his drink from the paper cup.

He also realized that BP was overshadowed by the opponent.

VG seems to be a little stronger than imagined... At least the level of the coaching staff is indeed online!

Up to now, Perkz can only empty his mind of distracting thoughts and concentrate on the game.

Ten players from both sides exchanged heroes, and the lineup was officially determined.

Blue side VG: top laner Ike, jungler Leopard Girl, mid laner Verus, bottom lane Ice + Zyra.

Red side G2: top laner Jess, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Airplane, bottom lane Jhin + Karma.

It was already eight o'clock in the morning domestic time, and the number of viewers in the live broadcast rooms of major events had increased significantly.

Although most netizens are not optimistic about the trip to the World Championship in the LPL division.

But when it was really the turn of the summer champion VG, many spectators still flocked in to join in the fun.

The moment I saw the lineup, the barrage density in the live broadcast room had increased visible to the naked eye!

[Crooked sun, mid laner Verus? Yes, I haven’t seen it for a while]

[Then you have to ask the world's No. 1 Virus Gao Dewei how he feels]

【The Lord Hou won’t pay tribute with a reverse Q in this round, will he? 】

[If you want to pay tribute, you have to pay tribute to Gao Dewei's blind vision flashing Q dead stateless]

[Why do I feel that the lineups on both sides are very average, why did Zyra come out after not watching the game for a month? 】

【Que, I have a weird feeling that I can't describe】

There is nothing wrong with the audience's feelings.

Both teams have poor team-starting abilities and lack tank frontlines.

Considering the lineup with normal thinking, it will look deformed.

But in the S6 World Championship, it seems very reasonable!

This is the generally accepted understanding of the 16 teams after nearly two weeks of training!

Gu Xing adjusted his sitting posture, trying to make himself more comfortable.

"Don't take it lightly, and don't put too much pressure on yourself," Hongmi told the players before leaving, "Play normally, show your strength in the training match, and I will wait for news of your victory in the background."

Xiao Duan rubbed his hands together nervously.

Hou Ye still had that calm expression.

Verus has not been used in the main match for a long time, and he only practiced a few sets in the training match.

However, the hero is very suitable for his positioning. Gou makes a fortune in the back, and suddenly uses cold arrows to attack the enemy.

Gu Xing was communicating with Brother Long to discuss the opening arrangement later.

During the period, the referee behind the player's booth came forward with a folder, asking them to confirm that the hero selection and rune talents were correct.

These cannot be adjusted in the event of a rematch.

Gu Xing gave a thumbs up to indicate that there is no problem.

The white noise filling the sound-isolating headphones is interrupted by the sound effects of loading into the canyon!

When Summoner's Canyon appeared on the big screen in the municipal auditorium, the few G2 and VG fans in the venue did their best to cheer for the players on the field!

Gu Xing bought the equipment, and the signal marks were along the river.

"It's good to stand on the defensive position, this fight won't work." He was very determined.

Both sides have no reliable control at level 1.

Even if it collides, it will be a small friction, and it will definitely not cause death.

"Wohe Pinduan went to the bottom lane to grab the line ahead of time," Gu Shengbin explained the situation to Gu Xing in advance, "You can see if the opposite side has an eye on the line."

As the game's ecological environment changes, the opening strategy also changes.

The most obvious is the bottom lane duo.

The entire summer split, unless the BUFF scenario of invading the jungle is triggered.

Otherwise, the duo will have to eat wild monsters at the beginning to help the ADC advance to level 2 first.

Now it doesn't work.

One is because the auxiliary body is not as strong as the summer game, and even weaker than the shooter.

If you start the game by eating wild monsters, you will lose a lot of blood.

Second, it is because of the need to grab the line.

Consumable soft assistants like Zyra and Karma, it is too exaggerated to grab the second-level promotion first!

In order to compete for the advantage in laning, the current duo of professional teams basically give up the opening and go wild, and go directly to the bottom lane to grab the lane, and try to rise to the second level as quickly as possible.

The only thing that remains the same is that they will not help the jungler open the jungle just like the summer split!

At 1 minute and 20 seconds, the duos of the two teams showed up in the bottom lane at the same time.

Everyone knows each other's plans.

In a short time, I saw Karma on the opposite side inserting an ornament eye in the line of grass in the middle.

This is pretty standard opening ward position.

The side that wants to grab the second support will inevitably come to the middle of the line of grass to squat when the pawn line is in a state of balance, and use the poor vision of the grass to frequently enter and exit for consumption.

Arranging this eye position can not only provide information, but also prevent them from falling into a passive situation when they grab the second.

But it was precisely because of this eye position that Duan Deliang immediately learned another piece of information.

"Little Gu, there should be no more eyes in the lower jungle area." He informed Gu Xing.

Under normal circumstances, the opening of the bottom lane will not throw out both eyes.

After all, in the first three minutes, everyone only had one accessory eye.

If used, there is no way to prevent Gank.

Auxiliary wards are used as wards in the grass, and the ADC must keep the accessory wards in their hands to ensure the safety of the bot lane!

G2's jungler is still a blind monk, and the early ward position is also very precious, and the ward position is basically not released at the beginning.

In the lower half of the opposite side, Perkz is left alone with extra accessories. Since the plane must have no line rights in the early stage, he is not worried that the uncontrolled mid-field combination of Verus + Leopard will jump the tower in the early stage.

The ward can be used freely, and it is very likely to defend T-day k.

However, this eye will not be placed in the G2 wild area.

If you do that, by the time G2 captures Gu Xing's information, it may be too late!

Gu Xing guessed that the other party would put his eyes on the Xiaolongkeng pass in the center of the lower river.

This is also a regular defensive eye to prevent the second-level invasion of strong junglers like Leopard Girl.

Gu Xing's brain turned rapidly.

The wild monsters refreshed at 1 minute and 40 seconds, and he poked a javelin at the red BUFF from a long distance.

The bot lane duo grabbed the line at the beginning, and the Leopard women's single was red, the speed was slow and hurt.

Gu Xing insisted on not paying the punishment, and chose to knock off the reusable potion to maintain blood volume.

"Virtue took away the red BUFF and came to level 2. It took nearly two minutes. He moved down and passed through the triangular grass below..." Jatt subconsciously raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean, Virtue wants to invade?"

The director shot was given to the bottom lane.

The fierce battle between the duo on both sides is in full swing.

The first wave of troops was handed over in just over ten seconds, but the balance has already tilted.

Goo Sung Bin and Xiao Duan have the upper hand!

Although the G2 duo has tried to hide behind the pawn line as much as possible, Imp still used his skillful skills to hit a residual blood pawn first, and immediately consume Karma with W [Thousand Arrows].

Duan Deliang was even more ruthless.

Thanks to the existence of the passive [Queen of Thorns], he prepared in advance in the bottom lane before the handover of the pawn line, and saved three plant seeds around him.

Q [Deadly Bloom] While attacking enemy minions, activate the seeds to transform them into thorn sprayers, spraying and attacking minions non-stop!

Zyra's strengths can be seen at a glance!

With the help of plants, the VG duo is like a tiger with wings added, and the line of troops has been set at seven or eight, and it is still approaching.

As long as the G2 duo dares to A soldiers, they have to bear the consumption of two long-handed heroes!

As a last resort, G2 had no choice but to retreat to his own tower.

During the delay, they basically withdrew from the competition for second place.

"But in this way, the G2 duo who returned to the tower will not be able to go down the river to spy on Leopard Girl's movements!" Defiio's eyes lit up, and he wanted to understand VG's plan, "Virtue is going to use the bottom lane to push the lane Advantage, go around G2's field of vision and invade!"

It was the same as what Gu Xing had thought before.

Perkz placed the initial trinket eye in the middle of the lower river.

But Gu Xing jumped off the Xiaolong Pit before finishing the red buff, and took the shortest path to invade.

He made a circle through the triangular grass below!

When you come to the grass where the bottom road connects with the bottom river, Nidalee in leopard form uses W [Swoop] to jump over the wall and flip to the outside area of ​​the grass behind the side of the next tower in G2.

The whole process was not discovered by G2!

The director deliberately switched to the perspective of G2, and the accessory eyes in the center of the lower river channel worked hard to provide the team with surrounding vision.

But at this moment, they are paralyzed!

"Trik started from the bottom half of the field. He finished eating the magic marsh frog, and now he is still getting blue BUFF, and he doesn't even realize it!" Jatt's heart was hanging in his throat, "It really made Virtue go backwards. !"

There was rustling in the auditorium.

Gu Xing saw that the effect of the second stage W [Iron Cloth Shirt] brought by the level 2 blind monk had not disappeared, so he made a decisive decision and poked it with a javelin!

Trik was taken aback by the elusive Leopard girl.

He didn't expect that the other party would perfectly bypass his field of vision and come to trouble him at level 2!

He dodged the javelin with his instinctive reaction, but the blue BUFF was poked into blood!

Now T-day k is in a dilemma.

Due to the previous versions of the blind monk, the shield strength and the second-stage blood-sucking effect of the W skill have been enhanced.

However, the cooldown of E [Tianleipo] has not been changed, and now Li Qing's first two levels are QW points.

Not only can it guarantee the speed of clearing wilds, but it can also maintain a healthy blood volume.

But now it has become a shackle!

Not to mention that the admiralty has not turned around, and T-day k can't touch his eyes to his face.

Even if W can be used, what can he do to get closer?

He only has the gift of poisonous fungus obtained from punishment, and he didn't point out E [Tian Lei Po], so he couldn't keep the leopard girl, but was easily pulled by the opponent with the red BUFF!

Not to mention that both the middle and lower lanes of VG are in the advantage of pushing the line, and dragging it down is not good for T-day k!

"The blind monk guessed that the leopard girl held the punishment, so he chose to give up the blue BUFF fight!" Defiio said excitedly, "Tday k is working for nothing, and now it is very uncomfortable!"

After Gu Xing's javelin hit the blue buff, it triggered the extra movement speed bonus of passive hunting.

He hit the blind monk twice with a basic attack with a red BUFF burning damage.

Seeing that the other party backed away, Gu Xing didn't pursue him too deeply, and turned around to eat the blue BUFF.

If G2 is in a hurry, the opponent's middle and bottom lanes may have to come to the wild to support when they are hard to lose. At that time, he will face a difficult situation.

Gu Xing is well aware of the principle of accepting when you see a deal in the early stage.

"The leopard girl returned to her wild area to brush the raptors, but the blind monk didn't brush the three wolves, and went directly to the upper half of the area to eat wild..."

Trik knew that his blue BUFF was reversed, and he had no chance to finish the first round of wild monsters and rise to level four.

He simply took the quick three-way route and ignored the Shadow Wolf camp.

Jatt suddenly noticed that Gu Xing's movements were not right, and his English was mixed with an accent, "Li Zaigan?"

The director pointed the camera at Nidalee in Summoner's Rift.

Leopard girl relies on frequent W [swoop], relying on area damage to quickly eat the Raptor family.

Since he didn't get the opponent's blue BUFF mobs, he didn't advance to the third level, and he was still at the second level with full experience.

Jump out of the camp to the middle lane.

Lord Hou relied on Verus's passive [Desire for Revenge] to kill minions to increase the attack speed effect, and the fast A-pawns have pushed the pawn line to the front of the G2 tower!

Even if Gu Xing sticks to the vertical wall and crosses the middle lane, he won't be noticed by Perkz!

The game has not yet progressed to 3 minutes, Perkz's second accessory eye has not improved, and it is impossible to arrange the line eye.

Gu Xing swaggered through the middle lane and headed to the Ueno area of ​​G2!

When he was about to leave the middle lane, he specially pressed the S key to stop his steps.

Hou Ye happened to kill a G2 minion.

Gu Xing, who was stuck on the edge of the 1500-yard experience acquisition range, shared the benefits of the minions and successfully reached the third level!

The director switched angles again.

Guxing card distance has always been possible.

Common minions have a vision range of 1200 yards.

He deliberately got stuck in a shadow corner with a difference of 300 yards to share experience!

"Excellent handling of details based on experience..." Defiio's voice was loud and clear, "Virtue has reached the third level and will fight wild!"

He has gotten used to the procrastinated operation rhythm of Europe, America and LCK. The aggressive junglers like Gu Xing and Peanut are really impressive!

T-day k is also playing operations.

European league play is generally procrastinated.

Before the game, he analyzed the data of the coaching staff and knew that Gu Xing played very aggressively.

Even so, he was still caught off guard!

Just after the blue BUFF was reversed, he ate his own F4 and was hitting the red BUFF, when he saw Leopard Girl rushing in again!

"The blind monk only has two levels, and he doesn't have any ability to resist!" Jatt shouted loudly, "and the wild area is narrow, the distance between the two is quite close!"

Gu Xing used basic attacks to pierce the opponent.

Wait until the blind monk has nowhere to go before he throws the javelin!

T Rik could only touch his eyes and leave, and once again let the wild area to Gu Xing.

"This blind monk has collapsed!" Defiio was heartbroken.

-----Off Topic-----

This can also be a rematch, it really belongs to you.

PS: This is the first game of the S6 World Championship.

I will talk about the version trend at that time through BP, so as not to take too long and everyone will forget some details.

BP will not talk so much in the following group stage.

The EDG champion skin is online, and the lottery should be in these two days, and 49 sets of unsigned versions will be drawn in the group.

7300 words, 10.85W/27W.

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