What is a hexagon jungler?

180: What about the sun? !

Seeing that her boyfriend had business to do temporarily, Shen Guanshan offered to end the call.

"I'm sorry, I thought I wasn't busy tonight, so I wanted to chat with you a few more times..." Gu Xing's tone was somewhat apologetic.

It was really unexpected that my younger sister was able to get a relationship with the entrepreneurial data team from a senior student, which disrupted Gu Xing's own intentions.

Shen Guanshan's smile was still clean and bright, and he didn't seem to care, "It's okay, there will be plenty of time in the future."

Turning off the phone, she saw Gu Pan kept looking at herself.

"What are you doing?" Shen Guanshan followed the surrounding crowd into Yannan Canteen, unable to understand his friend's reaction.

The cafeteria was crowded with people, Gu Pan had to raise the volume to let the other party hear clearly, "It's been a while since you two had a good chat, I don't think you reacted at all today, something's not right... Wasn't it boring when you were in Zhenhai, now Don't want to care about him at all?"

Before reporting to work in Beishang, the couple's way of getting along was in line with her impression of love that "the beginning is always wonderful every minute".

Now Shen Guanshan's attitude seems weird to Gu Pan.

"Why don't you want to," Shen Guanshan sighed, and took the catfish tofu pot, "but let's distinguish between primary and secondary."

"If I miss him too much every time I chat, he will definitely be distracted in training in the United States."

Shen Guanshan has poor empathy, but she is not without brains.

If Gu Xing had a few intimate words from time to time when he was pondering a difficult math problem, his emotional needs would certainly be satisfied, and he would hardly be able to solve the problem.

The reverse is certainly true as well.

Shen Guanshan knew that Gu Xing took a break from school to embark on the road of e-sports because he wanted to make a name for himself, and the annual world championship was the best opportunity for his boyfriend.

She can distinguish the priority of things.

"What's more..." She hesitated to speak, and glanced at Gu Pan.

The implication is obvious.

You are present every time we chat, and I have no chance to chat with Gu Xing.

Gu Pan laughed mischievously, "Okay, I guess after the National Day holiday is over, I won't be able to accompany you every day, so I can create some separate space for you two."

One month before the start of school, she basically stayed by her friend's side every day, not only because her elder brother entrusted her to help, Gu Pan was indeed worried about Shen Guanshan.

Worried that this straight-minded and curious friend for many years would not adapt to college life.

At present, it seems that Shen Guanshan is like a duck to water in the number of colleges. Except for class, eating and sleeping, he just spends time in the library and doesn't deal with strangers at all.

The vacation is over, college life is officially on the right track, and Gu Pan has to busy himself with his money-making business.

Gu Xing, who was far away on the other side of the ocean, threw off the quilt and ran outside.

Jack was drowsy and about to fall asleep, when he saw his roommate rushing out of the room like he was on a hot wheel.

"What happened?" Yu Wenbo was confused.

Gu Xing walked through the hotel corridor and entered the training room.

There are only their own coaches and team leaders, who are working intensively in front of the computer.

"Hongmi, I found a deputy who can help!" Gu Xing cut to the chase.

Jin Wen raised his head abruptly, "Really?"

He was about to be tortured insane.

The job content of the team leader was originally to deal with trivial matters in the team and take care of the daily life and schedule of the team members.

Kim Moon-hyuk is also in charge of the Korean translation and part of the business team.

One person holds multiple jobs, mainly because Ding Jun's price is really not low, which is about the same as Gu Xing's total salary before the contract price rose. It is definitely a high salary for non-player positions in the industry, so he naturally has no objection.

But now it doesn't matter how much Ding Jun adds money.

Jin Wenhe was depressed.

It's not that he doesn't want to make money, he really doesn't have the ability.

Yemei said that the team leader has to be able to analyze and organize data?

At this moment, seeing that Gu Xing had found someone to replace him, Jin Wenhe was immediately overjoyed, and babbled to translate for Hongmi.

After hearing what happened, Hme showed a surprised expression, "Is there such a thing?"

He knew that Peking University was one of the top universities in China, and if he had to make an analogy, it was similar to Seoul National University in the eyes of Koreans, and its gold content was not low.

If there is a data team inside that can support themselves, it can greatly reduce work pressure!

Hearing that there is a data team, Ding Jun, the boss who just took a shower, also came to join in the fun.

Gu Xing received the contact information sent by his sister, intending to let Redmi see if it meets the needs.

Add a few greetings from friends to connect to the video call.

On the other hand, Zhou Zheng, who is about twenty-five or sixteen years old, seems to be a bit of a talent.

Just a little nervous.

He saw a lot of people crowded in the camera, and they spoke tremblingly and cautiously, with their hands crossed and twisted together, making people feel quite introverted, "Hi everyone, my name is Xie Tunan, and this year's third year of research..."


When Gu Xing heard this name, his first reaction was whether the other party's family had a brother named Pei Feng.

"Don't be nervous, let's chat casually," Ding Jun said softly, "I heard that Gu Xing is Gu Pan's brother and said that you are an entrepreneurial team?"

Xie Tunan took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, "Yes, a few classmates and I saw that the domestic e-sports data is still a blue ocean with low competitiveness. It happens that both undergraduate and graduate students are studying in this field. Everyone is also very interested in e-sports events. We hit it off and wanted to start a business.”

He omits some of it.

In fact, in mid-September, Xie Tunan once had the idea of ​​testing the waters and starting to earn the first pot of gold in his life.

But one after another hit a wall.

Because at that point in time it was embarrassing.

Dota2's biggest event of the year, TI6, has been played in August, and the League of Legends LPL Summer Split has also been decided. Most teams have entered the offseason, and the remaining three teams rushed to the United States to participate in the S game.

Several major e-sports competitions are over, and the transfer period has not yet arrived, and domestic clubs have no plans to recruit people for cooperation.

Besides, Xie Tunan couldn't find a way out.

To put it bluntly, domestic e-sports are more dependent on relationships.

Many practitioners change jobs by relying on connections to form cliques.

The same is true for player transfers and joining, so there is a feeling that going around is full of circles and old acquaintances.

Xie Tunan had never really been in contact with the e-sports industry before, and he was not well-known at the start-up stage. The efficiency of crossing the river by feeling the stones is too low.

Moreover, most of the e-sports clubs are located around the Shanghai stock market, and it is difficult to get in touch with them who are far away in the capital.

VG released a recruitment announcement some time ago, but it stated that it was an analyst.

The inexperienced and introverted Xie Tunan thought that VG would not find a start-up data company to cooperate with.

Unexpectedly, Gu Pan suddenly sent a message at noon today, and everything turned around!

"Can you make a heat map?" Jin Wenhyuk couldn't wait to throw out this tricky thing that troubled him for half the night.

"Of course no problem, we are professionals," Xie Tunan was finally full of confidence when talking about the familiar field, "Everyone is usually a game lover, and I have also made part of the charts for this World Championship, you can take a look first. "

He packed and sent the documents he had just sorted out.

"For example, we integrated the eye position heat maps of 16 teams," Xie Tunan talked about the content in this area with a focused expression, "The first round of the group stage is almost over, and there are currently 18 games in total, with 4936 Guards are inserted in every corner of the canyon..."

"We first mark the position of each eye position, then set up a grid that is as large as the canyon map, plot the drop points one by one, then move the position of the guards to the small map, and finally proceed according to the overall distribution of the guards. After processing, a thermal map of eye positions will be formed."

He made a brief introduction, trying to make the VG members who may become the sponsors understandable.

"If some guards are gathered in a very concentrated area, the color will be darker in the thermal mini-map. In short, which area gives people a more 'hot' look, it means the denser the eye positions."

Gu Xing turned on the computer to receive the package sent by Xie Tunan, and opened the file marked with the heat map.

The team names of the 16 teams are listed in categories, which is very convenient to find.

I have to say, it is indeed clear at a glance!

According to Xie Tunan, there are bright green spots scattered here and there on the mini-map. The lighter the color, the less wards the team has arranged here, and the darker it is, it proves that this is the key point for ward placement. .

Like VG, the light spots in the upper and lower rivers near the middle lane are much darker in color.

Redmi has emphasized that the river is a buffer zone connecting the three lines and the wild areas of both sides, and it can be called a must-see for the layout of the field of vision.

As long as it is a balance of power situation, just insert the eye position into the river and it will be done, which can maximize the amount of information captured by the field of vision!

Redmi clicked on it and was very satisfied with it.

Since he has directly transformed from a professional player to a coach, he is proficient in tactical and strategic decision-making, but his professional ability in statistics is relatively average.

Like this kind of heat map, Redmi can also do it.

But very unskilled and takes too much time.

While managing the training, he couldn't spare enough energy to make an intuitive heat map!

Xie Tunan's mood was relieved by the satisfied expressions shown by the few people. While everyone in VG was watching the charts, he finished the draft, wanting to strike while the iron was hot, "In my opinion, data analysis in the e-sports industry is very important."

"Every time you make up the knife, every time you clear the wild, a piece of data will be formed."

"When a game is over, a huge amount of data is gathered together. As long as we can make enough subdivisions, we can discover the style characteristics of players, teams and competition areas..." Xie Tunan said.

"We have summarized the heat maps of the ward positions of the North American, wild card, and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan LMS teams, and found that they like to arrange ward positions near the Dalongkeng and the upper river. Maybe they prefer to work around Baron Nash ?”

He makes guesses.

After listening to Jin Wenhyuk's translation, Hongmi thought for a while, "I think data is data, and to some extent it can indeed reflect the situation on the field, but not all of it."

"Thinking about the ward heat map problem you mentioned, I guess the main reason is that the teams in these divisions are relatively weak and often fall into a disadvantage in the mid-term. In this case, Baron is their only effective way to come back. .”

"So near the upper river and the Dalongkeng, you should invest a lot of eye positions to compete for vision and get the opportunity to open the dragon." Hongmi's explanation is very reasonable.

After listening to Hongmi's answer, Xie Tunan nodded in agreement.

He is usually busy with his studies, his game level is not high, and his understanding of League of Legends is limited, but he is more interested in watching games.

"Another interesting point is the team data table we count," Xie Tunan took this opportunity to share and show the team's achievements, "In terms of the overall investment in ward positions, the average ward position of the well-known strong team SKT The number is not much, 3.59 per minute."

"This data ranks in the middle and lower reaches of the 16 teams, and it ranks at the bottom among the 8 representative teams in the three Asian divisions of the LPL, LCK and LMS!"

He then gave a table, "We also separately collected the average number of real eyes that have not been counted by external data websites, and found that SKT only has 0.69 real eyes per minute, ranking third from the bottom among all participating teams. ANX is higher than the European Snake and the Commonwealth of Independent States wild card.”

This is not in line with the Korean style of operation in everyone's impression. It is generally believed that the LCK division is good at using green jungle knives and eye stones to spread out eye positions, and obtain information gaps through vision competition, and then obtain resources in plundering and team battles. Advantage.

Gu Xing glanced at the chart and found that VG and Samsung performed similarly in these two statistics, ranking fourth or fifth.

Surprisingly, in the eye position investment data, the No. 1 seed in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan is Lightning Wolf!

But they haven't won their first victory so far, and it always feels a bit weird to think about it.

"However, in terms of average ward placement, SKT takes the lead, with a value as high as 1.87, which is 0.2 more wards per minute than the second place!"

Jin Wenhyuk was very enthusiastic, "I have seen this data from other websites before... SKT seems to be able to maximize the effectiveness of each ward, and the utilization of scanning is very efficient."

Gu Xing also thought so.

In today's match against SKT, he found that Bang doesn't like to wear real eyes.

It seems that the audience bought a real eye in total.

This statistic is considered low in qualifying!

But the advantage is that Bang can save the economy of buying real eyes, let his teammates bear the pressure of vision, and buy ready-made equipment as soon as possible to improve his combat effectiveness.

Like the team battle in Dalongkeng today, if Bang hadn’t removed the two-piece magic cut ice fist and had a vampire scepter, there might not be much HP left after defeating Dalong, and he couldn’t support his extreme operation to save SKT from the disadvantage. !

Gu Xing was thinking, when he heard Xie Tunan throw another sentence.

"Like Virtue players, I found that you don't like to farm three wolves."

He was stunned for a moment, "Huh?"

"A few of my companions and I like to watch VG games, so the research is more detailed." Xie Tunan raised the corners of his mouth, and this was the first time he smiled during this conversation. The Shadow Wolves had a total of 22 groups, four or five groups less than the other three groups of camps of the same level."

You even have to record this thing?

Gu Xing slandered a few words, and did not forget to explain, "The main reason is that the position of the three wolves is not up or down. It is embarrassing."

"Let's go up, F4 is a group of wild monsters like it, with more experience and more gold coins; go down, the number of wild monsters in the camp of the stone beetle and the magic marsh frog is small, and the picture is a fast one that can quickly do things. .”

"Three wolves are relatively moderate in all aspects, there is no need to wipe them out, and the rewards for punishing the shadow wolves are only to monitor the wandering spirits in their own wild areas, and it is of little use if it is not necessary."

During this period of time, Hongmi browsed through the document package sent by Xie Tunan, and nodded to the boss with a look of expectation.

All he needs is an assistant who can provide accurate data on the court.

As long as there is data support, Redmi can maximize its ability!

At present, the level of Xie Tunan's team is much better than that of the previous applicants who did not even understand Matlab.

Ding Jun knew it in his heart.

"Let's talk about the next job responsibilities. Your team is responsible for statistical analysis of the data requirements of Coach Redmi..." He explained the division of labor in an orderly manner. "If the performance during this World Championship is good enough, VG Club also has Many branches can continue to cooperate."

Xie Tunan heard what Ding Jun meant, and immediately beamed with joy.

VG, as the current top club in the domestic e-sports circle, can definitely be called a giant. The start-up team can climb this big tree, share a little bit of cake, and eat a lot of it!

Ding Jun asked the domestic VG headquarters to draft a contract, and the World Championships will be tested for a month.

Seeing that the two sides had reached an agreement, Gu Xing took out his mobile phone and sent a red envelope to his sister.

She replied quickly, 【Is it done? 】

On the way back to his room, Gu Xing quickly typed, [Yes, I will give you some bonus, I should just thank you for this unexpected surprise]

Gu Pan with the head portrait of SpongeBob SquarePants is quite open-minded, 【There is no need for red envelopes, if you can negotiate, it will be rewarding for me】

Gu Xing pondered for a moment, and almost laughed out loud.

It's quite organized.

Have a good night's sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, he was suddenly pulled out of the bed while he was still asleep.

"No, what are you going to do?" Gu Xing looked at the team members and asked in horror.

"Look at the sun!" Gu Chengbin's pronunciation was still not standard, but he couldn't hide the active expectation in his tone, "Didn't you watch the group before going to bed? We all made an appointment to get up early today and go to the beach to watch the sun rise!"

Last night, Gu Xing was only thinking about Xie Tunan's data analysis team, fell asleep after chatting with Gu Pan, and didn't even watch the group chat of the training department.

He turned his gaze to Jack in the next bed.

Yu Wenbo squinted his eyes while hugging the quilt, and there was still a bunch of dull hair standing on top of his head.

"Don't ask me, it's none of my business, I went to bed early last night..." Jack yawned indistinctly.

Zhu Xiaolong is worthy of being the old top laner. At this moment, he showed his pulling skills in the physical sense. He pulled Gu Xing's pajamas and pulled him out of bed. Time to rest."

Gu Xing was lost in the lake and lake, his brain almost stopped functioning, he washed up mechanically, changed into a suit of normal clothes, and left the hotel with Jack and his team members.

The hotel is next to the Municipal Auditorium, not far from the famous landmark of San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, within walking distance.

It was the place where the contestants discussed the sunrise last night. There are a lot of greenery and parks nearby, which is an excellent place for leisure.

On the way, Gu Chengbin hummed a ditty with a relaxed expression.

As a professional player with a black and white routine, Imp can't remember how long it has been since he watched a sunrise.

Presumably the sunrise on this side of the Pacific Ocean is equally beautiful...


Gu Chengbin frowned in thought.

Something seems wrong?

"Where's the sun?" Jack stared wide-eyed, looking along the Golden Gate Bridge to the Pacific Ocean in the distance.

Gu Chengbin was very innocent, "I won't make it!"

Gu Xing finally woke up after being made so loud by them.

He looked back and forth.

"I'm really crying to death... Which ghost wants to watch the sunrise? My San Francisco is on the west coast of the United States. The sun sets from here, okay?!" Gu Xing was unable to complain.

"Pfft, have you been hanging out with Gao Dewei for too long, and you can reverse it even when you watch the sunrise?" The world girl said surprisingly.

The atmosphere of the seven-member team suddenly fell into an awkward silence.

Gu Chengbin finally knew where the problem was.

When I was in the Shanghai stock market before, the direction of the sea was the same as the rising sun. Over time, I developed the illusion that getting up early and going to the beach was equivalent to watching the sunrise.

Imp touched the back of his head, and replied brazenly, "It seems to be like this, but why didn't you say it before you left the hotel, and now start talking about it later?"

Li Zhixun was also there, just like Gu Xing, he was still asleep, and his brain didn't react.

Only now came back to his senses, and patted Gu Chengbin on the shoulder helplessly, "You can thank the League of Legends for giving me a bowl of rice, otherwise..."

"Then what should we do now?" Jack wanted to cry but had no tears.

It's not easy for a top lazy dog ​​like him to get up early to watch the sunrise with his teammates.

In the end, it ran in the opposite direction!

"It's all here," Xiao Duan was rarely optimistic, "Let's stroll around for a while before going back."

Even if there is no sunrise on the sea, the nearby scenery is quite good.

Gu Xing watched the continuous flow of the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance, and took a few photos with his mobile phone as a souvenir.

After half an hour, everyone was ready to go back to the hotel.

On the way, I went to McDonald's to buy a bunch of breakfast.

When the full score of the wheat was released, Gu Xing ran to the anti-bar to surf the Internet again.

After a whole day of fermenting in the country, various public opinions have long been arguing.

[Win the first round, everyone said that VG entered the death team by mistake, I didn't expect them to be the gods of death, really laughing! 】

There is a picture in the post.

The god of death holding a sickle in Tuli knocked on the door and prepared to harvest his life.

In the version circulated on the Internet before the opening of the group stage, the P on Reaper's clothes is the SKT team logo, and the profile picture is Lee Sang Hyuk.

The signs of G2, C9 and VG are pasted on the three doors in turn.

Now domestic friends have made a new version of the boat.

The Grim Reaper was replaced by VG with Gu Xing's head on his head, and SKT became the target of knocking on the door.

There is also a comparison picture of Xiaohei released by the landlord.

The smug smile when the Leopard Girl was selected, and the mournful expression after the game, seem to have a program effect.

In addition to the whole picture, there are also the most classic forum posts on the Internet.

VG defeated SKT, and the well-known Korean forum I 女EN naturally became the focus of a large number of relocation hosts.

[Sibba son, can Blank fight? If it's not possible, can you lift Bengi up? 】

[One thing to say, it’s really better to change the gender, Bengi’s ability is obvious to all, at least the tacit understanding with Xiang Hyuk is there, how could he be blown up by VG Nakano like this round? 】

[That’s all for now. Continuing to play on Blank in the next round is equivalent to qualifying for the second place in the SKT group, and there is a possibility of LCK civil war in the quarterfinals]

[SKT is really an LCK bug. Samsung and ROX are trying so hard to win the top spot in the group, and in the end they will face the fate of being eliminated by their brothers in the same competition area]

[Shut up, Sang Hyuk said in the interview after the game that he will definitely win VG in the second round, just wait and see if you don't believe me! 】

As powerful as the LCK, the fan base within the league is not monolithic.

Even though SKT has gained the most fans by relying on the two World Championships.

But there are not a few supporters of the four teams of CJ, Samsung, KT and ROX.

The popularity of Korean fan culture has caused the supporters of various teams to be at odds with each other!

The fan groups of several other companies wished for SKT's collapse. Seeing that the double crown champion who was bragging before the game was cut off by the unknown VG, they almost sipped champagne in the forum and shouted to die.

Gu Xing browsed and found a few posts praising VG.

[Why did you say that VG is weak before the game? I think they are not at a disadvantage when playing against SKT. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that every line is not strong, but they can withstand the pressure. They are definitely above the average player in the world championship. The jungler is even more invincible. powerful! 】

[Imp and Easyhoon are really old men, and they can play such a performance at this age, which can be regarded as a role model for professional players]

[Can you limit Virtue? Why is this guy able to overwhelm the opponent playing any hero? Is it only Peanut who can sanction him? 】

"Look, there are still people who boast that you are no worse than Bang!" Gu Xing deliberately moved the phone to Gu Chengbin who was showing off his hamburger.

Imp took a look, and immediately flew into a rage.

"What the hell, I'm no worse than Bang? Labor and management easily beat him up, just a basket!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he began to gesticulate against his own jungler again, "Take care of your knowledge, Bang and I fought 5 times, and we never lost a single match."

Gu Xing:?

It turns out that this classic quotation can not only be used against Uzi, but also Bang?

The face of Easyhoon on the side was half black.

He is also a victim.

At that time, I and Bang were in the S team under SKT, and were teammates with Ma Rin and Wolves.

Those beaten by Samsung in vain have no power to fight back!

Gu Xing filled his stomach and ordered another cup of hot drink. He went back to the hotel and planned to have another sleep.

Walking straight along the corridor, when approaching the residence, the door on the opposite side suddenly opened, and a tall, long-legged white man walked out.

The two met each other.

The other party rubbed his messy blond hair, looked like he hadn't woken up, and greeted in English with an accent, "Good morning, Virtue, why did you get up so early when you didn't have a game today?"

"Morning, Jankos," Gu Ying said, but he still didn't say the stupid thing about running to the west coast to watch the sunrise with his teammates. He was afraid that Jankos would not be sleepy after listening to it, so he made up an answer directly on the spot, "Yesterday We took half a day off after the game and went to bed too early so I can't sleep now."

Jankos rubbed his eyes and finally woke up, "I see, you played well yesterday!"

He went back to the hotel to watch the live broadcast, and was extremely shocked by the subtle linkage between Li Zhixun and Gu Xing in the team battle that finally turned the tables.

Gu Xing turned sideways to let Jack go back first, while he stood at the door and had a chat with Jankos.

"What about you? It's still a few hours away from the normal training time, and you got up pretty early."

Jankos was very aggrieved, "I'm going to practice more, I was overturned by SSG yesterday, and the qualifying situation became unstable in an instant."

Although the overall strength of Group C where H2K is in is not as good as that of Group A, they also played very anxiously.

The emergence of ANX, a foreign card of the Commonwealth of Independent States, has stirred up the entire group into a mess!

From the current point of view, this may be the strongest wild card team in the history of the World Championship.

The laning ability is not weak, and even relying on black technology and nerve knife convulsion style of play, he has repeatedly created miracles in team battles!

The main competitors in the H2K group are ANX and Samsung, and their current rankings are not stable.

Jankos can be Sister Li even if he is preoccupied.

"Relax, you performed pretty well, and qualifying should not be a problem." Gu Xing comforted and encouraged.

Foreign media generally praised TSM and the Korean team before the game.

As a result, it was only at the beginning of the World Championship that they realized that they had missed too many outstanding players.

The two are examples of this.

Foreign audiences who don't pay attention to LPL only have the impression of Lord Hou and Imp in VG.

After seeing H2K, I only know Yue Lun. After all, this is also one of the top mid laners in the world, and the other is Outu.

Who are Virtue and Jankos?

I'm so unfamiliar.

When the two junglers who were not well-known before the game showed their sharp fangs, the media and netizens really paid attention to them.

Gu Xing won three battles and three victories, and won the MVP of two rounds.

Jankos implemented the title of the first blood king to the world stage. H2K's average economic lead in the first 15 minutes was as high as 1581!

You know, H2K didn't win all the way smoothly, they lost to SSG!

When Gu Xing saw this data from the document given by Xie Tunan yesterday, he was really shocked.

As the engine of the team, Jankos contributed a lot to the advantage of the first 15 minutes of the laning period!

"Damn it, I, Olaf, played so well yesterday that I lost in the end..." Jankos was upset when he thought of this.

If he can also win, he will be the second MVP in the World Championship just like Gu Xing, and he will be considered a small achievement against the LCK team.

It's a pity that Victor, the single crown player in SSG, was too ruthless, and the laser swept the entire canyon!

"If you can meet Samsung in the knockout round, remember to avenge us!" Jankos wanted Gu Xing to share his hatred with him.

He has little confidence in winning against SSG in the second round.

In the last game, I established such a big advantage for the team in the early stage, and I was almost on the face of the head of An, and I was still held back in the middle stage.

Jankos can't guarantee that he can maintain such a good state next time he meets Samsung.

"Success..." Gu Xing held back his laughter.

If you really encounter SSG, Imp and Redmi, the two former members of the three-star system, are expected to be ruthless.

After saying goodbye, Gu Xing went back to the room and slept until dark.

When I woke up again, I felt refreshed and energetic.

The fatigue at the end of the first round of the group stage was swept away.

After washing his face, he went straight to the training room, only to find Jack and World Girl staring at the computer monitor.

"Turtle, EDG Li Zaigan?" Yu Wenbo's voice was very loud.

Gu Xing put on hand cream and stepped forward to join in the fun.

Take a closer look.

It is TSM vs. EDG that is being broadcast live.

VG's Group A finished the first round of matches three days ago, but the other groups took a day off in between, and today's six games will officially end the first round of the group stage.

The current situation of EDG is not optimistic.

They fell behind by 7:15 in terms of kill ratio, and the economic gap was as high as 7K!

EDG's mid-term lineup is facing such a big disadvantage at this time, and the game has basically been declared to end early.

Unless TSM suddenly fell ill and died suddenly, it is impossible to lose!

The North American audience at the scene was obviously aware of this. Many stood up and cheered for TSM, and they kept shouting the names of their own teams.

As the TSM wave filled the municipal auditorium, the faces of the EDG players under the camera became more and more gloomy.

"This is really amazing..." Gu Chengbin came in with a can of Red Bull, and was amazed when he saw this scene, "Why can't Kim Hyuk-gyu even win against Doublelift?"

Doublelift, nicknamed the big brother, is known as the top player in North America.

This is indeed true. In the one-third acre of land in North America, it is really difficult to find an ADC that can cure the big brother.

But if Doublelift is put in the world championship to touch other players, it will not be enough.

The big brother himself has only won the semi-finals of the S game once in the S1 wild season, and the rest of the time he was eliminated by the top 16 groups.

It stands to reason that Deft and Meiko, a duo that can be domineering in the LPL, would not be unable to win even TSM's bottom lane.

But it just happened.

"Too superstitious about EZ?" Gu Xingdu muttered, "I didn't get the version right, how can I win!"

In the pre-match ratings, Yin Zerui was rated as T0 by the major teams and the media.

Because the shooters such as Han Bing and Jue have been weakened miserably.

Taking out a hero like Sivir is tantamount to self-destructing all the way, and giving up the blood tower by default.

The little yellow-haired EZ is undoubtedly the darling of the version. It has been strengthened itself, and the supporting assistants Zyra, Nami, and Karma who can cooperate have also returned to the rivers and lakes.

However, after the first round, many teams, including VG, saw the truth clearly.

They judged the wrong direction.

Yin Zerui is a master who pretends to be powerful.

He needs support that can help push the line.

It is an advantage and a disadvantage.

Once you get a supporting role with a fast line pushing speed, EZ can indeed exert a good line-up suppression.

But what if you can't get it?

Then EZ is pure waste!

And not only the party who chooses EZ can get consumable soft aids, but the opponent can also get it!

Although Hanbing Hejin has been weakened, but in terms of laning strength and pushing speed, I don't know how much higher than Yin Zerui!

This caused both sides to use soft aids with the same line-clearing efficiency. If EZ is used to fight against Ice, they will naturally fall into the disadvantage of pushing the line.

If the soldiers can't go out, EZ is useless at all!

Now that Redmi has lowered the priority of EZ by several levels, taking it out means that the bottom lane is ready to develop steadily until the middle stage. It is basically unrealistic to rely on Yin Zerui to drive the rhythm of tower pushing in the early stage.

But EDG still treats EZ as a baby!

When they first came to San Francisco, they stuck to the summer version in the training match. During the period when everyone gradually figured out the World Championship patch, EDG had a winning streak all the way in the appointment battle. It was really hard to win.

Now is the time to pay off the debt.

At 35 minutes into the game, Bilson's clockwork monster put the puppet on the top laner Gnar, and while Mundo's wife jumped in, he cast a shock wave, instantly knocking EDG into the air!

Cooperating with Gnar's ultimate move, the opponent lost two generals at the beginning of the team battle!

Gu Xing didn't need to look at the follow-up, EDG was defeated, the factory manager shrank in the spring, and was kicked out by TSM jungler Blind Monk Moyan R Flash to kill!

"Aww..." World Girl wailed, "What a miserable Clearlove!"

Gu Xing didn't answer.

He feels that his substitute jungler always has a bit of white-cutting and black attributes, and his appearance is very delicate, similar to that of Little Peanut.

In fact, she makes trouble at every turn, and you don't know if World Girl did it on purpose.

"Okay, okay," Hongmi closed the door of the training room, and signaled the players to sit down quickly with a relaxed face, "Let me tell you, the team has found a data analysis team, and my work pressure will be relatively low in the next few days... ..."

Among the team members, only Gu Xing, who served as the introducer, knew the news in advance, and the others only knew it now.

Gu Chengbin was so excited that he wanted to applaud and cheer, but before he opened his voice, he was suppressed by Hongmi's eyes.

"Review the game against SKT yesterday," Hongmi turned on the projector proficiently, "We didn't have a big problem in the early stage, the main reason is that SKT's middle and wild opponents came to the bottom lane with a wave of four packs and two, and the rhythm of killing and pulling towers was relatively poor. awful."

"Xiaoduan, if you encounter this kind of situation in the future, it is best to go to the next river to insert a hole in the wall to help fill in the vacancy of Xiao Gu's vision after leaving. Even if you can't prevent SKT Nakano from demolishing the blood tower in the bottom lane, you and Cheng Bin will also I can run away quickly."

"One less death, the opposite EZ may not be formed so quickly."

Duan Deliang quickly agreed.

"Then there is Bang. His style of play with SKT is really strong, but there are certain loopholes. We can try to seize this loophole..." Hongmi took out the data sheet given by Xie Tunan and distributed it to everyone.

With a reliable data analysis team, Redmi feels a lot lighter.

He can free up the time he originally spent on sorting out data to analyze the game and the opponent's style of play.

Now he is very confident in the second round of the group stage!

After the adjustment, the VG players are also devoting themselves to hard training, hoping to continue to consolidate their leadership position.

Time flies, and October 7th arrives quietly.

The knockout round of Group A is about to begin!

-----Off Topic-----

The author has sorted out some of the data of the S6 World Championship and put it in the corresponding chapter.

Most of those are not mentioned by data websites such as Wanjia events and Saigao Sore.

There is one thing to say, the data given on their website is indeed too superficial, and there is no tactical value, not even the most basic 15-minute economic difference.

PentaQ has a think tank, and the data it has should be more in-depth, but unfortunately the website is not open.

After thinking about it like this, I might as well do it myself.

The data in this chapter is only part of the author's collation, and more meaningful things will be released in subsequent World Championship chapters.

9300 words, 21.38W/27W

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