"Two to zero!" Remembering that he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, his voice was passionate and powerful, "VG will make another victory and win the second round of this knockout match!"

His breath became hot, "Three match points, VG is only one step away from the top four!"

Zeyuan felt a little disappointed, but at this time, he could distinguish between the primary and the secondary. He calmed down and raised his voice, "After a year, the LPL team is about to step into the semi-finals of the World Championship!"

"And the opponent to be defeated is from the LCK division!" Remember to add immediately.

Ze Yuan stopped talking.

The sea of ​​joy in the LPL live broadcast room has already boiled.

[This year, stepping on the head of the LCK to climb up, it's cool to think about it! 】

[If VG can win 3-0 against SSG and reach the semi-finals, can they be exempted from spraying for one year? 】

[Even if you reach the semi-finals, you are successful, and of course you can be exempted from spraying until VG loses the next game]

[Xiao Gu is really handsome for grabbing the dragon, Lu Zhuan is a fan! 】

[Among the top 20 contestants this time, An Bixin is actually ranked higher than Xiao Gu, and now he is slapping the dragon face to face]

In contrast, the LCK commentary booth next door seemed dead silent.

Seeing the slumped expressions of the three-star players under the camera of the director, plar hesitated for a while before saying, "It is a pity to lose a good game because of the dragon being robbed, but there is not much time left for SSG to adjust It's..."

"Standing on the edge of the cliff now, if you make a wrong move, you will bid farewell to this World Championship. You must cheer up!" The SG player couldn't hear what the South Korean commentator was saying.

Even if they could hear it, the five of them didn't have the time to think about it.

Head An took the paper cup and left the table, pouring a cold drink into his mouth mechanically with his eyes blank, as if he wanted to use this method to clear his mind.

He is still like this as a team leader.

Not to mention the other four younger brothers.

Crown's fingers pinching the paper cup were slightly white, appearing to be very hard, with an expression of resignation but a little confusion.

Ruler was even more distraught.

Even viewers who don't know much about League of Legends events, seeing the appearance of the three-star generals, know that the morale of this team is now completely low! SG had some flaws in the early stage of this game, but after the formation of the double C equipment, their sideline operation and split push processing were perfect. With Easyhoon involved, they created a good situation in the upper half where both lanes pushed together.

Corejj also used insidious tricks to arrange seeds at the pass of the dragon pit outside VG's field of vision, providing a solid boost for the team's milk sh dragon.

In the end, Gu Xing rushed into the Dragon Pit with sprint + big move, and snatched Baron Nash!

No one can experience the pain of such a sudden turnaround, sudden sudden death and final tragic defeat better than them.

Samsung's head coach Edgar greeted the players out of the lounge. Seeing that the proud disciples were out of balance, he didn't do much to comfort them. He just patted the shoulders of the players one by one and gave encouragement with his broad and heavy palms.

Backstage at a Chicago theater is crowded.

On both sides of the corridor are the team lounges of VG and SSG. There are so many people now that there is no end in sight.

But this did not prevent Edgar from hearing the shouts in Chinese from there, his tone full of joy.

There are also a few excited Korean sentences from Imp and Hongmi.

Edgar paused before entering his lounge. The door was closed, and the Samsung Galaxy shield hanging on it was the same as the White Team logo from two years ago.

"One more win and we're off to New York!"

The world girl is beaming.

He conscientiously performed his duties as the goalkeeper of the drinking fountains, helping to refill the paper cups of the five players.

Imp thanked him and slumped in his chair, looking sideways at the TV screen in the room.

It shows the damage list of the current game.

He is a policewoman, and his output is about the same as that of the tit Yin Zerui, which is enough to explain a lot of things.

From pushing down the first blood tower to the explosion damage in the subsequent team battles, this set of his forehand and backhand teaching can be regarded as a success.

"Do you want Jie Kuo to play the next game?" Gu Chengbin asked suddenly.

All eyes turned to Imp.

He yawned, "It's two to zero anyway, it doesn't hurt that Jie Kuo goes up to play..."

Gu Chengbin looked at Jack again, "The ADC on the opposite side is a basket, not strong, you don't have to worry."

Yu Wenbo was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer.

Gu Xing was quite happy, and put his arms around Jack's shoulders, "I told you before, there will definitely be a chance to play in this World Championship, how about it?"

"In order to create space for you, my buddy just grabbed a big dragon out!"

If the last game is lost and the two sides draw one to one, it is impossible for Yu Wenbo to be on stage.

Once the game is lost, Samsung will get the match point, and everything is possible at that time.

Redmi will not take such a big risk.

Now holding three match points, VG has a lot of room for trial and error, and can let Jack go up and play a game to test the waters.

"If you play, don't worry, buddy will definitely guarantee C!" Gu Xing assured.

At this moment, he is full of energy and full of confidence.

The TV's game broadcast signal just cut to the MVP screen of this game.

In the makeup photo, Gu Xing still has the cool and stern face made according to the requirements of foreign directors, with his hands in his pockets and no one loves him.

The battle damage ratio of 5/1/7, the team participation rate is 92.3%, the team injury ratio is as high as 43.4%, and the matchup economic difference is +2235!

This is Gu Xing's fifth round MVP in this World Championship.

So far, VG has played a total of 9 small rounds and won 8 of them. He alone has more than half of the team's MVPs!

He wasn't blah blah blah blah blah about Jack's bag C.

Hongmi frowned and thought for a moment, instead of expressing her attitude directly, she asked Yu Wenbo, "Jie Kuo, what do you think?"

Jack looked away from Gu Xing's face, and after thinking for a long time, he made up his mind, "Let's go to Imp, I'll be a cheerleader in the audience to cheer you on."

Gu Chengbin was very upset about this, "What's the situation, you won't be afraid, right?"

"Will you be afraid?" Yu Wenbo sneered and retorted, "It's just that it's not appropriate for 2 to 0 to be a mascot."

When he said this, he didn't forget to glance at Easyhoon.

Li Zhixun pursed his lips and fell into memory.

In the semi-finals of the World Championship last year, they also led 2-0.

Kka finally chose to replace him, and the scene of letting Faker play in the harvest game is still vivid.

However, Lee Sang Hyuk's appearance at the time was well-received.

It's not the same as what Jack is facing now.

"Besides... I think it's a bit awkward for Bo 5 to come off the bench to complete his first game in the World Championship," Yu Wenbo grinned, "I'll designate him as a dude for next year's S game!"

If you come off the bench, the best opportunity is the wave 1 group stage, especially those games that have nothing to do with rankings.

I can go up there to get acquainted and experience the atmosphere of the World Championships without any burden on my heart.

But VG couldn't be satisfied.

In the group stage, in order to qualify for the first place, they fought against SKT until the last moment before winning with difficulty.

The previous few games were crucial to VG, and it was impossible for a substitute who had not participated in many training games to take risks.

However, in a wave of 5 games, if you come off the bench with a big advantage, you will inevitably be suspected of stealing the limelight if you win, and you will be blamed if you lose the game.

Jack figured it out.

He met Gu Xing's eyes, "I'm quite satisfied to be able to play at the LPL level this year...really."

Five months ago, Yu Wenbo came to the Shanghai stock market for trial training. What he wanted was to find a club where he could play games, and the secondary leagues could also accept him.

In the end, he followed Gu Xing and signed to VG. In the second half of the summer regular season, he took advantage of the opportunity of Imp's performance and recovery to get a lot of playing time, and he was addicted to being a professional player.

Jack's ultimate goal is definitely more than that.

But he felt that his career was still very long, and the few players present... except for Lao Gu, did not get off to a smooth start.

Seeing that Jack was determined, Gu Xing didn't say anything else.

Imp slumped in the chair and howled. He wanted to be lazy and let Jack play, but he had to do it himself.

Redmi called the players together and continued to draw tactics on the whiteboard with the full picture of Summoner's Canyon.

In his heart, he also hopes that the third game will still be played by Gu Chengbin. SG's comprehensive strength is undoubtedly much stronger than the group stage opponents C9 and G2.

Especially in the handling of line transfer and Baron, he is obviously very sophisticated.

If it weren't for the mistake, Corejj's Zyra Plant hit Baron Nash with 400 more blood points, Gu Xing would definitely not be able to grab the dragon, and whether VG can win the next game is still uncertain.

Now it's hard to wait until Samsung's mentality collapses, and pursuing the victory is the most correct choice.

SSG cannot be slowed down.

Moreover, Redmi and Edgar have worked together for a long time and know each other's style.

It can be called the absolute king of the cup system!

Like the league system in the spring and summer games, the version changes too fast, and Edgar will switch to the next patch before he has time to study it thoroughly, and he will not be able to play his ability.

But in the World Championships, a cup-based competition that focuses on learning and improving from a single version, Edgar's level as a super coach will be fully demonstrated over time!

In a way, Samsung led by Edgar is completely opposite to EDG, which has lost Abramovich.

The former is getting stronger and stronger, and he has thoroughly studied the version; the latter is getting more and more crotch, not adapting to the version, but indulging in the routines that have been practiced and perfected.

Redmi knows that if it wants to suppress Samsung on the world stage, the sooner the better.

Once Edgar understands the version, Samsung will usher in a qualitative change!

He didn't want to procrastinate any longer, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Let Gu Chengbin continue to attack and win the game cleanly, which is good for everyone.

When Vincent opened the door and came in to inform VG that he was going to go on stage, Gu Xing took out a piece of ordinary dark chocolate from his bag and stuffed it into his mouth to replenish his energy.

"Come on, Lao Gu!" Jack beat his shoulders and legs, and gave his jungler a simple massage. "It's up to you whether you can go to New York for a public trip!"

"OKOK..." Gu Xing agreed and left the waiting room behind his teammates.

Along the way, Ding Jun and others patted their shoulders or touched their heads, exhorting and encouraging them all the time.

When they came to the bottom of the stage, they finally stopped.

"Fight well," Wen Sen teased with a warm smile, "If VG can win, I will follow suit."

He belongs to Riot China on the Shanghai stock market, although in name he does not have the assessment content of "the results of the world competition in the competition area".

However, there is a data requirement for "viewing popularity in the competition area during the World Championship".

When the LPL in the World Championship fell into a trough last year, this data was very bleak.

Thinking about it, I knew that the entire S5 division didn't even have a place in the semi-finals, so naturally there wouldn't be many viewers watching the game.

If VG can break into the semi-finals this year, Vincent can imagine what kind of leap the data will usher in!

This is closely related to his year-end bonus, and Vincent has no reason to struggle with money.

"If you double your year-end bonus several times, why don't you get me points?" Gu Xing responded with a smile.

Wen Sen continued, "When the time comes, the two of us will split between 30 and 70..."

"Why is it only 70%?" Gu Xingyang pretended to be dissatisfied, and Wen Sen punched him on the shoulder before he stopped.

When he was on stage, he had a face-to-face meeting with the Samsung players,

Just as everyone in VG thought. The SG players didn't have the slightest smile on their faces, similar to the ones who stepped off the stage at the end of the second game.

At the critical moment when he was about to rise, he was robbed by a big dragon. No one could stand it, and his mentality almost collapsed.

Gu Xing smiled and waved hello to Head An.

When Abixin saw him, he thought of the scene of Olaf yelling at Braia and rushing into the dragon pit to grab the big dragon. His face was as uncomfortable as constipation, and he stared at him with his lips pursed.

"Good guy, Xiao Gu, are you really daring to show your face?" Xiao Duan murmured in the back, "It's a good thing you didn't play TSM, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of the venue today."

TSM's popularity in North America is like a fault, and no team can threaten them.

Duan Deliang felt that if Gu Xing dared to snatch the big dragon in the face of TSM today, the audience would be so angry that they would throw mineral water bottles on the stage.

In China, non-soft drinks are prohibited in venues because of the Nongfu Spring Cup. I don’t know if the same is true in the United States.

Thinking of this, he still looks around nervously. Xiao Duan has learned from Imp how terrifying some extreme fans in Korea are.

Gu Xing disagrees with Duan Deliang's opinion.

"It's just a greeting. Friendship comes first and competition comes second. It's nice to be friendly. What's lip service?" He blurted out and denied, "Do you think I'm like that?"

"...I remember if you had dinner with Rotk before you went abroad?" Zhu Xiaolong put on the earphones and said.

Gu Xing quibbled, "We both talked nonsense when we went out, and we never talked about how to mess with each other's mentality."

"Really?" Li Zhixun interrupted abruptly, "I don't believe it."

"No, Lord Hou, who did you learn the mantra from..." Jin Wenhe was speechless.

With three match points in hand, the atmosphere in the VG team is brisk and active, and everyone is generally under little pressure, occupying an absolute psychological advantage.

The director didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. After focusing on the VG players for a few seconds, he cut the screen to the SSG players.

The faces of the five were as gloomy as water and quite decadent.

Korean audiences will naturally not buy it when they see such a spiritual outlook.

[What does Xiba mean, you don't want to fight after two rounds behind? 】

[You don’t have to play if you don’t want to play, can you let KT go to the World Championship? What a pity Sore]

[One thing to say, one heart to one heart, if I was ruined by Olaf's robbing the dragon like this, I would not be in the mood to play ranked that day, let alone a professional player]

[The newcomers are like this, Miss Li, the lineup of Samsung is too young, they have to pay tuition]

[I think Virtue has a good mentality, but I can only say that there is a gap between rookies and professional players]

During the pre-match preparations, Ruler turned to look at the VG player bench.

He could see Gu Xing's side face, the other party was chatting and laughing with his teammates around him, and Hongmi would occasionally join in for a chat.

Both of them only participated in the professional league this summer.

Coupled with the fact that Virtue's performance in the previous summer training appointment was quite impressive, Ruler also paid more attention to Gu Xing.

He didn't expect the opponent's mentality to be so good.

If it is said that the mood is relaxed now because of two consecutive victories without any danger.

What about the extra game against SKT?

Ruler learned that the quarter-finals would face VG, and during this period of time, he frequently looked at the opponent's game video.

In particular, the three group matches between VG and SKT are very valuable for research.

Gu Xing lost to SKT in the second round of the group match, and later on the same day, the confidence and competitive state displayed by Gu Xing did not look like a rookie at all!

Ruler's eyes were tinged with envy.

He doubted that if Gu Xing sat on the SSG bench, facing the predicament of being eliminated from the game with a score of 0-2, he would still be able to chat and chat with his teammates while talking and laughing.

After playing professionally for nearly half a year, Ruler has become more and more aware of the importance of mentality.

Some people are autistic when it comes to key life and death situations, while others can play games screaming.

Not only relieve stress for yourself, but the whole team will receive positive benefits!

At this time, the referee gave an order, and Ruler finally withdrew his mind and sat on the chair to prepare for the third game.

The sonorous and powerful crisp sound echoed in my ears, and the BP panel appeared in front of my eyes!

After the break, the voice of the one who readjusted his state was loud and clear, "VG has the right to choose the side in this game. Those who get the blue side will come up and send Syndra to the Ban position first!"

Edgar had no choice but to ban Leopard Girl.

"VG continues to choose to target Ruler, and will block it as much as possible!" I remember smiling, "Today VG has seized the breakthrough and kept putting pressure on the bottom lane!"

Hongmi won two games in a row, so naturally she won't change her Ban easily.

If the effect is good, it will continue to be used.

Edgar pondered for a moment, choosing to disable Jace.

If he has to compare, he thinks that his BP in the second game is a little more successful.

The anxious atmosphere in the early and mid-term of the game can also prove that there is no major problem with the lineup.

Edgar decided to make some fine-tuning on this basis.

He didn't even need to look to know that the red rice must have blocked the ice in the third half.

After the first two rounds, everyone is very clear about each other's BP thinking.

"Samsung finally contributed the ban position to Zyra to prevent VG from grabbing the strongest support in this version!"

For the remaining Karma and Nami, although there is a gap in strength, it is not that big.

In the shooter position, both EZ and the policewoman are okay, and there is no BUG-level species like Jess in the top lane.

Hongmi decides to give Gu Xing a field first.

"Or Olaf?" he asked routinely.

Gu Xing nodded.

He rarely plays the same jungle hero twice in a row in qualifying, just to avoid boredom.

But it's a game.

Everything is based on victory, and of course Gu Xing doesn't mind using Olaf continuously.

"Xiao Gu's Olaf is really good," Zeyuan looked at the SSG selection box on the other side, "It depends on whether you can get a suitable character for Crown!"

He has been a fan of the crown for more than a year.

The right way to play is very clear.

In Zeyuan's view, the current crown is more suitable to use the late stage magic core to support the team.

The clockwork in the first game met the requirements, but Crown's own clockwork proficiency is limited. In other words, Faker is the only one who can play the clockwork to a proficient level in this World Championship.

The hero itself is not particularly strong in the 6.18 version. It is only because of the rise of traditional mages that they can have a place in the middle.

In the second game, the crown even chose Ryze, who made great efforts in the mid-term to split push the side.

Zewon is now giving up hope that SSG will reach the semifinals.

After all, in the sixth year of the World Championships, there has never been a miracle of letting the second chase the third in the knockout round.

He just wants to see Crown at his best.

"Victor...no problem, one of Crown's best roles!" Seeing the appearance of the head with three hands, Ze Yuan's tone immediately turned up.

In another position, Edgar gave Yin Zerai.

He didn't choose Karma in the auxiliary position first, because once VG chooses EZ, he will only be able to choose the female police officer.

At that time, the combination of female police officer + Victor will be very awkward at the time node of 15-25 minutes, and the combat effectiveness will be extremely low.

VG's last game was this set of double Cs, which had a small advantage in the early stage, but in the mid-term, it was suppressed and even the pawn line couldn't make it.

Edgar knew that in the face of a team like VG, which had exploded in the mid-term, he must not expose the mid-term flaws, otherwise he would be at the mercy of others!

"Samsung locks the double C, and VG gets Karma and Snake Girl!"

Head An continued to take out the blind monk, acquiescing to the inferior matchup in the wild.

Edgar got Nami again, leaving the ter position to top laner Cuvee.

"VG chooses the policewoman and Bobby..." I remember sighing, "What a lineup for the later stage!"

The double C of Snake Girl + Policewoman, in terms of continuous output ability and range, looking at all the C positions in the current version, it can also be called an absolute late stage.

As long as the later stage is delayed, the growth curve that the two of them can provide will completely beat Samsung's double C!

Zeyuan expressed his findings with great interest, "As we all know, SSG is a late-game team, while VG relies on the mid-term development, but now the lineup selection of the two sides is completely reversed!"

If the team logos of the two teams were covered and the team names were judged by looking at the lineup, most of the audience would guess wrong.

"It's like this..." Remember to think a little and explain briefly, "In order not to end the battle in the mid-term by VG, Samsung can only choose a large number of mid-term heroes and try to drag it to the late stage for itself."

"VG probably thinks the same way. Since Samsung is very strong in teamfights in the late stage, I chose a lineup that is more late-stage to support the team!"

While talking, Cuvee's hero has also been selected.


"In the last game, Cuvee took out his signature Kenan, but was accurately marked by VG," Zeyuan said with some expectation, "I don't know if he will have a miraculous effect using another representative character in this game!"

Cuvee specializes in playing yordles, and Bobby Kenannaar is basically a unique skill.

In the last game, he used Kenan to be overwhelmed by VG's double bird shield. In addition to Karma's RE shield and weakness at that time, his Kenan just played dumb thunder when he entered the field, and he couldn't do much damage.

This time he decided to use Gnar, who has better split pushing ability, to pull VG, a lineup that lacks single points.

Players from both sides exchanged heroes, and the final lineup appeared in front of the audience.

Blue side VG: top laner Bobby, jungler Olaf, mid laner Snake, bottom laner policewoman + Karma.

Red side SSG: top laner Gnar, jungler blind monk, mid laner Victor, bottom lane EZ+Nami.

"The team battle ability of VG's lineup is really strong..." Zeyuan sighed again and again, "The front and rear rows are clearly defined, and they have super pulling ability!"

"Que," I remember nodding in agreement, "The three-star lineup is more like a split pusher, and Cuvee must be raised!"

Under the camera of the director, Hongmi was still telling the players before leaving.

"Beware of arrogance and impetuosity, don't be careless." He no longer focused on the tactics that had been emphasized several times before the game, but focused on his mentality. "We can still accept disadvantages in the mid-term, so don't panic when the time comes."

"Don't worry, isn't that how the last game came about?" Gu Xing urged, "Hurry down and shake hands."

Redmi knocked him on the back of the head, took off the earphones, and came to the center of the stage to shake hands with Edgar before the game.

"Is my BP doing okay?" Hongmi was triumphant, and did not forget to ask for credit with the big brother.

Edgar had nothing to do with him, so he had to say a few perfunctory words, "It's okay, I have 1/3 of my skills."

"Young man, Brother Yufan, you are quite arrogant..." Hongmi walked into the backstage, before ending the communication with the other party.

Gu Xing on the stage squeezed his knuckles.

"Try to win this round," Gu Sung-bin yawned, "I don't want another round."

He is in a hurry now, wishing to see the opposite base explode right now.

Then I can go to the backstage to see the stinky faces of the management of the Samsung club to enjoy my body and mind.

The other four players are gearing up and can't wait, and Summoner's Canyon is coming at this time!

The Chicago theater was buzzing with voices.

Cheers in various languages ​​can be heard endlessly.

After the first two games, VG captured a lot of spectators, and the momentum before the game was huge!

Samsung's cheering sound was much deserted, and the rest of the Korean students were cheering for them.

Gu Xing also roughly heard the number of fans on both sides through the noise feedback of the sound-proof headphones.

He didn't have time to think about it, so he bought the equipment and hurried out to take a defensive position.

Everything is as usual, the two sides still did not choose to invade in this game, and they lived in peace until 1 minute and 40 seconds to start the match.

Gu Xing opened up the blue buff in the upper half of the field and swiped downward.

He still pulls the two groups of wild monsters, the blue BUFF and the magic marsh frog, together to attract more damage from the wild monsters' concentrated fire, lower his own blood volume, and increase Olaf's attack speed to ensure the efficiency of clearing the wild.

In all fairness, the opening route this time is much more comfortable than the last one.

In both rounds, Gu Xing had to play in the bottom lane, but he had to play from the bottom up in the top game, which was a bit awkward.

This time, at least he didn't have to spend a lot of time adjusting the wild route for the second round.

In Gu Xing's view, the point of confrontation between the two teams in the early stage is still the one-blood tower in the bottom lane.

How to flatten it as soon as possible is a test of VG's linkage and offensive strength!

During the first round of clearing the wild monsters, neither side had any plans to go to other lanes to make some big moves.

For the sake of safety, Gu Xing didn't want to give An Bixin the opportunity to gain an early advantage.

Head An knew that he had no choice and no way out, so he played steadily and became even more reluctant to try to take the initiative to attack, for fear of making some mistakes.

Gu Xing returned to the city at 3 minutes and 15 seconds to make a green jungle knife.

During this period, he did not get Ambison's blind monk movements.

But Gu Xing knew that the opponent's blind monk must not be as fast as himself!

He cut the screen to observe the three roads, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

-----Off Topic-----

I have club contacts because I have played in college leagues before, and I have classmates who are also doing this.

I can't get in touch with people at the level of LPL. They are basically the second team youth training. I occasionally learn some information. If people need it, I will help to advertise.

Supply and demand balance.

The quarterfinals end tomorrow.

7k words, 7.15w.

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