What is a hexagon jungler?

199: Opening of the semi-finals!

Gu Xing went back to the hotel room and compared them carefully with the chart.

Unexpectedly, he really found a loophole.

Little Peanut doesn't like making eyes very much.

As the player who uses the most blind monks in the jungle position, it stands to reason that the average score and warding data should be ranked in the forefront of the same position.

As a result, among all 16 teams, Peanut ranked in the middle.

And in the segmented real eye data, Peanut is ranked second to last, only a little higher than the ANX jungler who pays the least attention to vision.

0.12 real eyes are placed every minute, and Peanut's data is more than 50% lower than that of the junglers of the first echelon!

On average, every 8 minutes, Little Peanut will insert a real eye on the map.

For a jungler, this stat is pretty outrageous.

As for the average score, he also ranked third from the bottom.

In this version where vision is king, Peanut's move is tantamount to handing over the pressure of map control to his teammates!

Gu Xing thought for a moment, and realized that what Xiao Huasheng did was similar to Bang's reason for not buying real eyes.

It's all about maximizing the economy into equipment, so if you don't buy real eyes, even the efficiency of eye removal will be much lower.

Peanut is the real core of the Tigers, and the whole team revolves around him in transition.

How to make Peanut play more comfortably is the primary problem ROX solves.

It's just that if the jungler doesn't buy real eyes, the price he pays is destined to be even heavier than that of ADCs.

Because the bottom lane is integrated, the shooter lacks eye position, and the support can make up for it immediately.

Jungle is different.

In the early and mid-term, once you don't carry the real eye, you may lose your vision in the wild!

Gu Xing intends to make good use of it.

Coupled with the flaws in the management of ROX's Ueno linkage team that Redmi concluded before, they immediately gained confidence in facing the Tigers.

What's more, he also has a hole card in his hand.


"Virtue, stand forward, keep your body facing the camera at an angle of 45°, and look at the photographer!" The director with a beard waved his hand.

Gu Xing folded his hands on his chest and faced the camera as required, with firm eyes and a serious expression.

The little peanut next to him is also pretending to be cold, but his figure is two sizes smaller than Gu Xing, and he looks weaker.

Then the director insisted that the two of them face each other, and pushed the camera from the side.

Peanut turned around, he is only about 1.7 meters tall now, if he wants to look directly at Gu Xing, he has to look up.

Looking up to meet Gu Xing's gaze, the two remained motionless.

Before the director called to stop, the two of them could only stand still and keep looking at each other.

As a result, within two seconds, the corners of Little Peanut's mouth kept twitching, and the aloofness he had pretended to be was instantly broken.

The director said helplessly that he would start over and shoot again.

Seeing this scene, Smeb laughed mercilessly in the corner off camera.

"Wang Hao, can you have a more aggressive expression?" He tried to guide his jungler, "Look at what Virtue does!"

Little Peanut scratched his hair embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, Brother Xing, I wasted a lot of your time."

"It's okay." Gu Xing didn't care, picked up tons of Coke and poured it into his mouth, "I've been very busy these days, so I just came out to adjust and relax."

Two days ago, because of the pressure of the upcoming semi-finals, the entire VG team was tense and huddled in the hotel to train desperately.

Now I have to shoot various promotional videos for Riot, and there are also rehearsals and interviews before the game. I get outside every afternoon, breathe fresh air and receive the sunshine, and my mind calms down.

The director asked everyone in the venue to rest for a quarter of an hour, and then went to do ideological work for Peanut himself.

Gu Xing sat down next to Master Hou, and took out his mobile phone to surf.

After a few days of fermentation, the pre-match discussion of the semi-finals on online media such as Tieba and Weibo has reached an unprecedented height.

After several years of vigorous development, the player base of League of Legends reached a new high in 2016.

And the soil of the event is becoming more and more fertile, and more and more people are shifting from pure game players to event audiences!

Riot also put up a banner on the homepage of the client, wanting to be the master of drainage, build momentum for the semi-finals, and attract more players to watch the game.

Furthermore, the five major leagues are all over, and the global audience has no other way to entertain themselves.

All kinds of factors have worked together, and now the forum is full of posts related to the semifinals.

[SKT vs. H2K, ROX vs. VG, it's all a gimmick if you just pull out some players]

[Really hey, Faker vs. Yue Lun in the first half, the first match after the Double Tribulation War, can Jankos break through the defense of Xiao Hei and Stupid Chicken;

In the second half, Roo vs. Easyhoon, the S5LCK spring showdown is repeated. I don’t know if Hou Ye is still teaching forehand and backhand. Xiao Gu vs. Peanut, the carnivorous invasion of the jungler’s peak duel, bottom lane Imp vs. Pray, who is the real winner? rat king? 】

[I feel that VG is only open at 37, and the promotion situation is not very optimistic...]

[If you can enter the semi-finals, you will be successful. LPL has only one seedling left in VG. You can't rely on them all.]

[I think so, the final may be another LCK civil war]

Gu Xing roughly browsed through several posts, and found that public opinion generally believed that VG was very strong, but they were not optimistic about them.

It's also reasonable.

ROX, as the No. 1 seed in the Korean League, is a proper favorite to win the championship.

Although VG has proved its strength by sweeping Samsung, but in the eyes of the audience, it is not enough to win the cup.

But this is completely different from the views of the members of the VG team.

The head coach Hongmi believes that the team has reached the semi-finals, and the probability of winning the championship is not low!

He thinks VG has figured out the version answer.

The most important thing is that VG's style of play is exactly in line with the direction of the version!

First of all... the World Championship has now progressed, and anyone with a discerning eye knows that there must be strong players in the jungle.

Most of the strong characters in the three lanes are versions of the earth-bound spirits. The junglers are basically fighting alone, and they are all carnivorous heroes like blind monk and Olaf, who place great emphasis on confrontation in the wild.

If the jungle matchup is out of balance, it is easy to have an extreme matchup between the factory director and Peanut in the quarterfinals.

On this stage where the jungler is destined to shine, Gu Xing's existence is particularly important.

He is the sharpest spear of VG's offense, and at the same time, he is also the brain of the team, shouldering part of the responsibilities.

Secondly, the mid laners except Dragon King are all brush-type traditional mages, mainly betting on the mid-to-late stage.

It is simply Lee Ji Hoon's paradise!

He can't wait to spend his time online until the end of time. Is the title of the defensive tower in the middle lane just for naught?

The third point of the World Championship version is that the bottom lane must have laning strength.

The two-person team focuses on consumption, and the purpose is to take the lead in destroying the enemy's first blood tower in the bottom lane, get extra economic snowballs, and drive the rhythm of tower demolition.

Duan himself is good at laning but not proficient at roaming.

Gu Chengbin's laning level after rehabilitation is definitely world-class.

The two teamed up, just talking about laning, worthy of any pair of bot lane combinations!

On the road, Zhu Xiaolong is usually mainly responsible for resisting pressure.

His level is not as strong as Smeb, but he is stable. Most of the time, he will not hold back the team, and he can give the team a lot of help in team battles.

Overall, the World Championship emphasizes the offensive in the lower half.

The change in the undefended mechanism of the first tower in the bottom lane makes it easy to push down the first blood tower, plus the benefits of dragons, so that the team that focuses on the lower half of the area can get massive benefits.

The teleportation guide time was increased to 4.5 seconds, which also reduced the radiation ability of the top laner on the map.

Such a change just fits VG's style of play!

The club bought Imp in the first place, in order to focus on the second half of the team and support the core of the team.

Gu Xing adapted to most of the summer season.

Not to mention that he also learned Clearlove's method of saving from the virtual game, which is even more powerful!

The rest of the teams Gu Xing didn't dare to say, but among the four teams in the semi-finals, no jungler knew better than him how to support the bottom lane!

You can say that.

From the current point of view, the version of the World Championship is perfectly integrated with the VG style of play!

Players don't even need to make much change, just let it be.

Gu Xing swipe the phone page aimlessly.

After finishing the conversation, Little Peanut came over and asked furtively, "What do you say about the pre-match appearance ceremony tomorrow, Brother Xing?"

"What do you mean?" Gu Xingye glanced at him, "You want to make trouble?"

Peanut whispered something.

Gu Xing thought for a while, "I can't make the decision on this matter alone, I have to discuss it with my teammates."

Little Peanut kept urging, so Gu Xing had no choice but to put away his phone now and go find the other four team members.

After hearing Peanut's plan, the VG players readily agreed.

During this year's LPL Summer Finals, they had already gone through an embarrassing situation, and now their acceptance is quite high.

Seeing that the proposal was approved, Little Peanut smiled all over his face, and did not forget to speak harshly before leaving.

"Brother Xing, be careful on the field, I won't hold back, Nicole doesn't want to become Clearlove, does she?"

Gu Xing immediately replied without hesitation, "Don't cry when you lose the game tomorrow. I've been listening to Imp saying that it feels good to cry your opponent. I haven't experienced it yet. I want to try it in the semi-finals."

The two refused to give in to each other like children, until they received a notice to resume filming, and then they died down and came to the camera.

The side effect of talking to each other is that this time without the director's guidance, they looked at each other like a needle point, and the effect was surprisingly good.

The two teams then headed to Madison Square Garden for their final opening rehearsal.

The venue is empty, but it is hard to hide the grand scale.

Previously, the San Francisco Municipal Auditorium and the Chicago Theater only had auditoriums on the front side of the stage, and the number of audiences that could be accommodated was probably several thousand people.

And Madison Square Garden is a large stadium, the stage is located in the center, and there are stands all around.

In the decades of history, celebrities from all walks of life in the art and sports circles have set foot here, adding a bit of legend to the square garden.

"A total of 22,350 seats are open," Vincent described enthusiastically to the team members. "At that time, everyone will come to the stage through the elevator, and the cheers from all directions will pour into the ears. It will be spectacular..."

Gu Xing was longing for it.

At the end of the rehearsal dinner, he was still thinking about it, and when he finally returned to the hotel lounge, Hongmi interrupted his reverie.

"This is the last group meeting before the semifinals," Kim Moon-hyuk was in charge of translating the head coach's words. "The preparations that should be done have been completed. Let's chat for a while and relax properly. There is no need to be too nervous."

Red rice has a pleasant color.

"Gu Sungbin and I have participated in many global finals, do you know what they have in common?"

Jack the lazy dog ​​didn't even bother to move his head, he physically turned his head on the seat, "I can't make it!"

Redmi doesn't give a damn, "The common thing is... as long as you can get out of the group stage, you will definitely win the championship!"

In his and Imp's careers, there are only two options, the top 16 of the World Championship and the championship, without any compromise options.

Gu Chengbin also came alive, and his words meant something, "Everyone knows what this means, right?"

Before anyone else could speak, World Girl said with a confused face, "Wouldn't it be even more outrageous for Faker and Bengi to win the World Championship as long as they enter the World Championship?"

With just one sentence, World6 instantly freezes the air in the room.

"Axi..." Hongmi knocked him on the back angrily with the notebook in his hand, "I am enlivening the atmosphere, can you be more serious, is brother usually too gentle with you?"

"Your own statement doesn't stand up to scrutiny, so you can't blame me, can you?" World Girl felt quite wronged.

However, he also knew that he had ruined the coach's plan, so he tried to think of another strategy to redeem it.

World6 coughed twice, trying to sound fanciful, "Well... We saw a reverse sunrise at the beach in San Francisco before, brother Meng, can you show me it again?"

There were small rustling discussions in the living room.

Gu Xing understood what World Girl wanted to express.

The team is currently in New York on the east coast of the United States, and it is impossible to go to the beach to watch the sunrise in reverse.

You have to go to the West Coast to make this happen.

And this year's World Championship finals will be held in Los Angeles, another metropolis on the west coast!

Jack shook his head and commented.

"It's embarrassing for you to say something."

The world girl refused to accept, "You come if you have the ability?"

Yu Wenbo was confident, "I'm sure I don't have the skills, so I don't want to do porcelain work!"

However, a few people made jokes, and the atmosphere was successfully enlivened.

"Everyone, don't be nervous tomorrow," Ding Jun reassured everyone, "It's already very successful to reach the top four. If you show your strength, I don't think you will lose to ROX."

Gu Xing added in a timely manner, "The Tigers' pre-match preparations are definitely not as good as ours, and the opponent must be more panicked."

"It is said that LCK's biggest advantage over LPL lies in the mature and systematic training mechanism, but tomorrow's semi-final will be a reversal of polarities!"

Hearing this, the members of the VG training department in the lounge all laughed out loud.

South Korea's e-sports industry started very early, and has developed rapidly since the StarCraft era, and the country attaches great importance to it.

This has accumulated a lot of e-sports experience and practitioners.

Therefore, after the professionalization of the League of Legends began, many interstellar players transformed and brought operational tactical systems, which led to the rapid rise of the Korean division. In the S2 season, they won the runner-up on the world stage for the first time, and then won the championship for three consecutive years!

The gap between them and other divisions is not only reflected in the hard power of the players.

The most important thing is the training system.

The LPL club was a grassroots team in the past few years, and they didn't even know what to do in the replay, let alone switch operations and play tactics.

The inaction of the competition training group has allowed many talented players to grow wildly, without receiving systematic professional training, and the gap with the Korean competition area is getting wider and wider.

In the past two years, the LPL clubs are also struggling to catch up, and they pay more and more attention to coaches.

But there is still a big gap with South Korea.

However, concrete analysis of specific issues.

In the semifinals between VG and ROX, the situation was just the opposite!

Except for Little Peanut in ROX, they are all veteran players.

But they are too poor, not much better than the Internet cafe team, and the bases are all rented in remote suburbs with power outages from time to time. Where can they get the money to hire analysts?

The entire coaching staff is Nofe alone.

In order to reduce costs, the club gave Nofe's girlfriend Sejin a salary increase and let her be the team leader and manager alone.

Working two jobs for one salary is a big win for the Tigers.

In contrast, VG is simply a giant!

After reaching a cooperation with the data analysis team, the team's competition and training department has a complete lineup and everything that one expects to find.

From the quarter-finals to the semi-finals, the period is only four or five days.

The various shoots arranged by Riot still take up a lot of energy, it is bound to be impossible for ROX to study VG thoroughly!

And VG has a big move in his hand, so he is naturally full of confidence.

October 21 at 4:00 pm.

Madison Square Garden was full of seats, and the local North American audience came here today just to appreciate the strong team matchup.

The only seedling TSM was sent back to his hometown by SKT a few days ago.

Although it is a slightly shameful three to zero.

But in the eyes of many North American netizens, this is already an early Christmas surprise.

Their expectation for TSM before the game is to qualify for the group stage, and getting the first place in Group D is definitely a success!

Now that the two teams with stronger overall strength are competing in New York, North American audiences naturally want to join in the fun and come to see how high the level of the top teams is.

The lights of the Garden Arena dome went out instantly.

In the darkness, the light sticks distributed by Fist for free show red and blue colors according to the divisions, each occupying half of the area.

Looking down from the "mountain top" area at the top of the stand, the red and blue ocean composed of more than 20,000 people collided with each other, and the scene was magnificent and magnificent.

Directly above the stage, the countdown numbers are simultaneously displayed on the giant screen composed of four screens.

The audience knew that the game was about to start, and immediately shook the light sticks desperately in their seats.

The ocean instantly boils!

Accompanied by the wave of shouts in unison, when the countdown reached '1', the wave reached its high point!

On the big screen, palms clenched into fists, smashed the virtual glass barrier, turned into a fist logo, and then fell into darkness again.

In the magnificent melody of "2016", a summoner trophy appeared on the giant screen.

The first to play is the semi-final promotional video.

The video camera gradually zooms out.

The 443-meter-high Empire State Building appears in the picture.

Next to the trophy, Imp put his right index finger in front of his lips, making a gesture of silence.

Pray, who is facing him, is tall and strong, and he is as good as a death declaration. Standing next to Gu Sung Bin, he looks like a giant, full of oppression.

The video played the narration spoken by the contestant himself during the interview.

"The opponents of OGN back then, now meeting in the World Championship is indeed a kind of fate." Pray is tall and tall, with a deep and steady voice.

"There are very few ADC players left in ancient times, and we can still meet in the semi-final stage, which is enough to prove the strength of both sides..." Imp said in broken Chinese.

Since this is a promotional video and not trash talk, Gu Sung Bin restrained a lot.

But at the end of the day, I still felt unsatisfied, and started to play steadily again. "In the OGN era, I didn't beat Pray in the wave 5. I hope I can make up for it this time."

The accompanying subtitles allow the audience to understand what the players are saying.

North American audiences have a high tolerance for Imp, a player who likes to talk harshly before the game, and they all let out good-natured ridicule and laughter.

Then the screen kept flashing, and summoner trophies appeared one after another at every famous landmark in New York City.

And the counter players around the trophy changed and changed.

In the end, against the background of the Statue of Liberty, Gu Xing and Peanut stood opposite each other.

They made it clear that it was the focus of the official match.

Not only does it appear last in counterpoint.

Even in the group photo of ten people at the end of the promotional video, both of them are standing closest to the summoner trophy.

The camera zoomed in, and in front of the silver trophy, the two junglers looked at each other.

The screen freezes.

Suddenly, a beam of dazzling light was projected from the dome, which shot straight at the center of the venue stage.

The actual Summoner trophy appeared in front of everyone.

"Everyone on the scene and in front of the screen, this is Madison Gardens!"

The host in formal attire came to the lights.

"After nearly three weeks of fierce competition, only four teams can set foot here, and today will be the first semi-final..."

"Please invite both teams to come on stage!"

The light in the center suddenly spread to both sides, lighting up the entire stage.


Gu Xing boarded the elevator under the command of the staff.

He looked back, and at another machine more than ten meters away, ROX players also lined up in an orderly manner.

Gu Xing happened to meet the eyes of everyone in the Tiger team.

It was rare for the ROX players to stop laughing.

Both sides are well aware of what this semi-final means to each other.

"See you on the field!" Little Peanut yelled vigorously, his broken English pronunciation passing through the noisy and chaotic backstage.

The corners of Gu Xing's mouth rose, and as the machine slowly rose, the figures of the Tigers gradually disappeared from the field of vision.

"Brother Moe, are you ready?" Imp was eager to try, "Today we will let the audience shout our names!"

Gu Xing listened to the increasingly clear cheers, his heart beating violently in his chest.

Excited and bloody, he has adjusted to the best condition.

The host's loud voice was transmitted to every corner of Madison Garden through the microphone.

"First of all, let us invite the champion of the 2016 LCK Summer Split, the No. 1 seed ROX Tige!"

Under the dazzling spotlights and the dry ice mist rising from the edge of the stage, the five Tigers compared their moves when they debuted in this year's summer finals.

A gray-haired little peanut stretched out his arms towards the sky with his teammates, and the rock tiger logo on the team uniform was extremely dazzling.

The restless screams at the scene did not stop, reverberating in the venue!

"Smeb for the top laner, Peanut for the jungler, Rorilla for the mid laner, and Ofe for the substitute!"

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and the host and other noisy voices died down, before he said, "Next, please invite the 2016 LPL Summer Champion, No. 1 seed Vig!"

The dry ice mist gradually disappeared, but the cheers of the audience intensified!

The lift carried everyone from VG up to the stage, and Zhu Xiaolong squatted at the front with his knees bent, his arms slanted down like eagles flapping their wings.

Gu Xing, who was at the back, raised his arms and stretched out on both sides of his body.

The rest of the contestants moved in different ways, and the five of them formed a strange formation!

The appearance posture of the Ginuit team from Dragon Ball is now being used by VG in the semi-final stage.

Although it was an impromptu idea at the invitation of Peanut before the game, I only practiced it a few times.

However, the five VG members also learned it vividly.

There are not a few Dragon Ball audiences in North America, and they shouted excitedly after seeing this scene.

Jack laughed beside him.

Hongmi pursed her lips and turned her head away, she really didn't want to admit that she was the coach of this Chinese and Second World Team.

Gu Xing enjoyed it a lot.

As long as he doesn't feel embarrassed, it must be someone else who is embarrassed.

"Top laner Loong, jungler Virtue, mid laner Easyhoon, bottom laner Imp and support, and substitute Jame!"

The on-site host shouted loudly in a drawn-out tone.

"There is only one seat, and the winner can get the tickets to the final in Los Angeles. Let us wait and see!"

The applause in Madison Garden lasted for a long time, and the sea of ​​continuous boiling set off turbulent waves!

-----Off Topic-----

I wrote some BP manuscripts but didn’t finish it, and it’s not appropriate to stop in the middle.

Post less today, let’s put it together tomorrow.

6200 words, 9.39w.

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