What is a hexagon jungler?

201: Troll time is up!

"Birth of First Blood!"

The baby got carried away and shouted, "Xiao Gu's Gank is too steady!"

No background radio could erase the deafening celebratory shouts at Madison Gardens.

The moment the North American audience saw the troll jungler, they always wanted to see how Virtue would be used.

Gu Xing lived up to expectations.

Less than 4 minutes into the game, with the cooperation of his teammates, he took the lead in launching an offensive and got his first kill!

"I have to say that Xiao Gu's wild route is very weird, and the Tigers have no defense against his attack!" Miller said triumphantly.

He had seen very clearly from the perspective of God before.

After Gu Xing finished brushing the magic marsh frog and rose to the third level, he first went up to beat the three wolves, and then turned back down to fight the blue buff.

After finishing all this, he crouched in the next tower of VG just now.

The path to clear the wild was very tortuous, and Gu Xing wasted a lot of time.

But it is precisely because of this that he can successfully Gank to the Tigers duo!

Normally, even the jungler with the lowest clearing efficiency will start to clear the camp for the second round at the time point approaching 4 minutes.

Knowing that Gu Xing started from the upper stone beetle camp, ROX took it for granted that the troll is now in the upper half.

As a result, Gu Xing did the opposite, misplaced and raided to kill the support of the Tigers!

Little Peanut had just wiped out Concubine Frog in the top half of his side, when he heard bad news from the bottom lane.

He couldn't figure out Gu Xing's train of thought, his head was full of question marks.

Are you not afraid of my rebellion?

When the troll caught it, the last hit data was exposed, and Little Peanut knew that Gu Xing hadn't used F4 in the first round.

Raptors plus stone beetles reset in the upper half of VG.

There are two camps!

As long as Little Peanut takes advantage of Gu Xing's return to the city and has not yet entered the wild area, he can completely reverse the upper half of VG.

One back and one back is four groups of wild monsters, which can completely make up for the economic gap brought about by the first blood!

Moreover, Peanut himself can also build a considerable experience advantage!

Little Peanut has studied Gu Xing's video.

Especially the playoff match between VG and SKT was the match he focused on studying and analyzing.

He knew that Gu Xing had a blind β trick, which made the stupid chicken dizzy.

Specifically, it appears in unexpected places and catches the opponent by surprise. For this reason, some wild monsters will be given up to achieve the goal.

Now Gu Xing actually used this trick on himself!

Little Peanut was very upset about this.

He's not stupid.

Gu Xing can let go of wild monsters against SKT, and can beta catch people as he likes. In the final analysis, Bengi is a tool player. His own carry ability is not strong, and he can't lead the team to victory even if he wipes out a lot of wild resources.

But I am a pure wild-core play style, and I can get a C if I get the matchup lead!

Do you dare to give me resources?

Little Peanut made a decisive decision and decided to wipe out all the wild monsters in the upper half of VG first.

"Olaf's wild clearing speed is very fast, Xiao Gu just finished clearing the river crabs and returned to the city, and VG's Raptor has been reversed!"

Miller kept his eyes on the equipment bar, "The good news is that Xiao Gu took out Tiamat the first time he returned to the city!"

With five groups of camps and a river crab, as well as the first blood and the salary automatically paid by the system, Gu Xing not only collected enough 1200 gold coins for Tiamat, but also brought real eyes.

This is the reason why Gu Xing would rather abandon the wild monsters in the upper half of the area than forcibly kill Greila to get a blood economy.

If there is no Tiamat, the troll's wild clearing efficiency is too low!

Do it as soon as possible, and Gu Xing will be able to smooth out the advantage of Little Peanut Olaf's wild clearing time difference!

After going out, he could guess that Peanut was in the upper half of his side.

But Gu Xing doesn't want to collide with Peanut in the Ueno area right now.

The troop situation is really bad.

Under the heavy pressure from Smeb Jess, Bobby on the top road can only shrink in front of the tower to gain experience, and occasionally has a passive buckler to go forward to make up the knife.

As the level of the middle trousers increases, the fighting power of Ryze will become stronger.

Before Li Zhixun's Victor evolved the Hex technology core, his laning offensive and defensive posture seemed to be reversed!

Regarding the upper and middle lines in the upper half, VG players have no line rights.

Gu Xing felt that even if he entered the wild area to look for Peanut, he would be surrounded and beaten.

My sprint is still cooling down, so it is more appropriate to avoid the battle with one hand.

So going straight to the lower half is the best choice.

"I'm going to the bottom lane, let's try to get another wave of Nami, this person didn't flash!"

Gu Xing wanted to start with Geruila and tear the Tigers' wounds.

However, as soon as he arrived at the Xiaolongkeng pass in the lower river, he heard Duan Deliang's reminder, "The ice is gone again!"

Hearing this, Gu Xing wanted to turn around to avoid Eagle Spirit's detection.

But the drones under the skin of Project Yuan have already struck!

The figure of the troll was exposed in the Tigers' field of vision.

The Xuanming elders resolutely gave up the line of troops that were about to enter the defense tower, and retreated to the autistic grass in front of the second tower!

Gu Xing could only feel that the other party's sense of smell was extremely sensitive.

Pray shot the Eagle Spirit towards the lower river, obviously taking precautions, guessing that he would attack the lower road.

Seeing that the ROX duo ran extremely resolutely, he couldn't continue to forcefully chase.

Since there are currently no wild monsters in the lower half of the two sides, Gu Xing simply relies on the bottom lane as a threat, making it impossible for the two elders Xuanming to return to the tower to continue to grow.

Afterwards, Pray could only watch helplessly as his turret wiped out all the minions pushed in by VG from the bottom lane!

For an ordinary ADC player, seeing this scene might make him feel irritable.

This was the case for the breasts in the quarter-finals, who were tortured so much by Gu Xing that they couldn't bear to live.

After all, Adixi regards the soldiers as his life, and if he can't make up the soldiers, it looks like ants are crawling on them.

But Pray is different.

After all, he is a veteran in the fifth year of his career.

The breast can only be described as Too seductive ng Too private in front of him.

Seeing that a whole wave of minions were about to be replaced by the defense tower, Pray remained calm and calm in his tone.

"Wang Hao, see if you can help us on the road, I can still stand here..."

Little Peanut who was named had exactly this intention.

He found that Gu Xing still stayed on the bottom road after being illuminated, and immediately pointed the finger at Zhu Xiaolong who was on the road.

Get out of the grass behind the side of the upper tower of VG, and block the opponent's retreat back to the second tower!

Brother Long didn't want to withdraw at first.

He felt that he was a Bobby after all, with 2/3 of his health left, so he had no reason to be afraid of ROX coming to the field.

4 minutes and 34 seconds. Meb hoarded a wave of gunners and came to the tower.

Peanut's Olaf approached and started sprinting, making it clear that he was going for real!

Seeing this, Miller's tone was anxious and tense.

"Jess first used the hammer form to create a damage-resistant tower, trying to use the improved dual resistance to help him reduce the damage!" Meb also did not hand in Q [Sky Leap], the skill raised his hand too obviously, and it was easy for Brother Long to use his firm demeanor If you interrupt the displacement, you will suffer a lot of damage.

After he knocked out the passive extra damage, he turned on W [Lightning Field] to continue burning.

Don't forget to use small moves to keep yourself away from the wall to prevent Bobby's wall from hitting the wall.

"Olaf sticks to his face before throwing the axe, don't give Brother Long any chance to react!"

Zhu Xiaolong adjusted the angle and hit Q [Holy Hammer Slam], slowing down and hurting two people at the same time.

Then he threw the buckler at Jace with his basic attack, ready to pick it up the moment he saw where it landed.

At this moment, a golden light flashed past!

Jess appeared at the drop point of the buckler and stepped on it with one foot!

"Smeb's flash also avoided Bobby Q's second burst..." Waowa hissed lightly and frowned, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

Bobby, whose round shield was trampled off, lost the support of his shield, endured Olaf's ax attack, and his blood volume continued to decline!

Brother Long knew something was wrong.

He didn't have time to think about it, flashed to adjust his position, E [Heroic Charge] pushed Smeb to an area closer to the defense tower, and wanted Ta Daddy to help him deal with Jess.

"Smeb knocked Poppy out of the way with a thunderous blow, and retreated out of range of the turret!"

Peanut's Olaf became the main follow-up output.

Only then did he throw E [Reckless Swing].

Poppy's W firm demeanor will provide dual resistance, and when the health value is below 40%, this additional bonus will be doubled.

So Little Peanut purposely swung recklessly, and waited for Zhu Xiaolong's blood volume to fade before handing it over.

We all know that real damage is the most real damage.

With one ax down, Bobby's blood bar will almost bottom out! Meb's Jess has resisted the last shelling from the defense tower, and has about 100 health points left.

The turret switches its attack target to Olaf.

But Little Peanut's blood volume is very healthy, and he turned around and retreated after cutting Bobby into a trace of blood against the defensive tower!

Zhu Xiaolong, who had used all his skills, could only watch the opponent stepping on the final acceleration effect of the sprint to escape, and ran to a safe position in the middle of the first and second towers on VG.

And Smeb, who had already retreated into the grass, turned around and fired a heavy cannon!

When the electrical energy surged away from the grass, Brother Long realized that he wanted to dodge subconsciously.

But he didn't flash, and it was difficult to avoid the enhanced shelling through the acceleration gate just by walking!

With a bang, Zhu Xiaolong's blood bar was instantly emptied!

The ROX supporters in the stands waved their light sticks excitedly, shouting for the tacit cooperation!

"This is really self-confidence..." Miller looked at ROX Ueno, whose blood volume had bottomed out, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "The Tigers not only dared to jump the tower, but also dared to kill someone in the end, and gave the economy to the most important player, Jie. S!"

The baby couldn't help but praise, "ROX's damage calculation is too accurate, and it takes turns to resist the tower to the limit. Smeb not only stepped on Poppy's passive shield in a flash, but also deliberately blocked Brother Long by a level difference!"

The sixth wave of the artillery line of the single-player line is just the node to upgrade to level 5. The minions are first upgraded after the meb brushes.

And Zhu Xiaolong was in the situation of being hoarded and entered the tower at that time, and he didn't clear the artillery line, and he was only level four when the battle broke out.

If the level can be improved, the triple value of skills, health and armor can be increased, and he can replace at least one!

Thinking of this, Zhu Xiaolong felt a little regretful, "Mine, I didn't expect that the other side could do it..."

He thought that ROX's Ueno burst damage was not enough.

As a result, the Tigers taught themselves a lesson and proved with practical actions that the two are fully capable of jumping over the tower!

Gu Xing glanced at the screen and started on the road, he was quite surprised by ROX's boldness.

However, he didn't show any panic, and responded calmly, "It's okay, you just need to teleport to eat soldiers, and you have a lot of advantages in the next lane."

Zhu Xiaolong held the transmission in his hand.

What's more, it was a wave of artillery tanks that were stored into the tower just now on the road.

During the tower jump, the defense tower has been attacking the hero, and the blood volume of the cannon car is close to full, which can withstand six or seven shells.

Brother Long teleported back online after his resurrection, and the other minions under the tower were still alive, so he wouldn't lose many soldiers.

The Tigers are not so comfortable down the road.

The two elders Xuanming didn't even dare to go back to the tower, and completely lost a whole wave of artillery vehicles!

In addition, due to the loss of the extra damage reduction mechanism in the early stage of ROX's next tower, 30% of the blood volume was stunned by VG going to the field with the help of the cannon line!

"Imp, you don't need to push back this wave of pawns, the opponent's bottom lane is almost useless," Gu Xing saw that Gu Chengbin was still deliberately not attacking the next wave of pawns of the Tigers, so he quickly expressed his plan, "I will fight back in the future. Minutes will not go to the upper half, you can rest assured."

The two groups of wild monsters above him were reversed, and the three wolves and the frog concubine in the lower jungle area will be reset first, and there is no plan to go up for the time being.

Gu Chengbin got the promise, so he pushed the line with confidence.

Gu Xing didn't stay idle after letting ROX lose a large wave of troops in the bottom lane, and ran to the vicinity of the Tigers' F4.

This group of Raptors has been refreshed.

But he didn't dare to oppose it.

I didn't sprint, and if I was caught by ROX Nakano, I didn't have my own good juice to eat!

Gu Xing planted an ornamental eye in the grass next to the camp, and then returned to his wild area to develop.

After Xiao Peanut cooperated with his teammates to kill Zhu Xiaolong, he returned to the city to supply supplies and made CD shoes.

He also came to the lower half, but he could only relieve the pressure on his own duo, but he was unable to launch an active offensive.

ROX does not have enough and stable control skills in the lower field, so you can't count on Nami's blisters to hit the lottery and play first.

Peanut's sprint is also cooling down. It is difficult to catch up with the bottom lane combination of VG Jin + Karma with just a pair of CD shoes.

In addition, the Tigers are also worried about being squatted back by Gu Xing, who is still in the bottom half.

Peanut covered his teammates to make up the knife safely, pushed the line of troops into the VG down the tower, and went to the stone beetle camp to clear the field.

Anti-wild and tower jumping disrupted Little Peanut's original wild plan.

He now changes to the route of brushing from the bottom up.

At 5 minutes and 25 seconds into the game, Gu Xing discovered the trace of Peanut by relying on the eye position he had set up at the ROX Raptor camp.

Remembering the time of the opponent's F4's death, he went to the middle to do a wave of things first.

The trousers just finished clearing the sixth wave of the cannon lane in the middle lane and went back to the city to replenish it once. Now the goddess is in tears, and she casts skills unscrupulously, constantly pushing the minions across the middle line.

Gu Xing felt that if he didn't restrain himself, the other party would probably take advantage of the weak period of Marquis Victor.

"Xiao Gu came from the rear, the pillars were blocked and Master Hou set up a gravity field!" Waowa's eyes lit up, Peanut on the mini-map was still some distance away from the middle lane, he thought he had another chance, at least he could use a summoner skill come out.

But the trousers are not chaotic in the face of danger.

He knew that Victor, who had not returned to the city to replenish his equipment, did not have a high damage burst.

And the troll is quite far away from himself.

Even if he was trapped in place by Victor's gravity field, when he regained his freedom, Gu Xing would just stick to his face, and it was basically unrealistic to threaten his life.

"The trousers don't even pay for sprinting, just walk down the tower!"

The gravitational field stun was triggered halfway, and Hou Ye's laser and siphon energy only reduced Ryze's blood volume by 30%.

Gu Xing turned on W [Frozen Field] to accelerate forward.

Raise your hand to attack and receive Q [Sharp Teeth Bite] to cancel the back shake, and then catch up with Tiamat's active effect.

But before making the next move, Kuro operated Ryze EW to fix him in place, detonated two layers of runes with overload, gained a shield and explosive movement speed, and retreated into the tower!

In the end, Gu Xing's raid on the middle lane only cut half of Ryze's health.

"If the troll didn't sprint, it would be really difficult to catch Ryze..." Waowa was a little disappointed, "Little Gu can't Gank, help push a wave of artillery soldiers in, so that Master Hou can return to the city safely to replenish."

This is the ninth wave of artillery vehicles arriving in the middle at 5 minutes and 38 seconds.

As a veteran, Li Zhixun has solid basic skills in recruiting troops.

A total of two bins were missed in the 9 waves of soldiers. In addition to the economy of the system jumping money, 1250 gold coins have been saved in the backpack, and the hex technology core can be upgraded when returning to the city.

Seeing that Gu Xing stayed in the middle lane for such a long time, Kuro hurriedly urged Little Peanut in his voice.

"Wang Hao, go against the stone beetle on the opposite side, the troll can't get through it!"

The stone beetle camp was at the top of the map, and Gu Xing didn't even have straw sandals on him, so walking there was very slow.

Little Peanut can completely fight another group of wild monsters before he arrives!

After weighing it in his heart, Peanut knew that this was a great opportunity.

Without hesitation, I immediately crossed the river and rushed to the VG Ueno area.

It is impossible for Zhu Xiaolong to obstruct it, and Bobby, who did not flash, faced Olaf in the wild, which was almost like sending him to death.

He is sure to eat this group of stone beetles!

"How about it?" Kuro, who is proficient in filling the tower knife, can still take the time to ask for credit, "Is it important for me to pass this bowl?"

"It's ok, Brother Ruixing!" Little Peanut started blowing rainbow farts after receiving the benefit, "Nicole is too strong to disrupt the troll's rhythm by himself!"

He raised the knife and took down the stone beetle.

This is the third group of wild monsters that I countered!

Although Gu Xing got the first blood, he also helped Smeb cross the tower once, so he is not far behind.

Little Peanut gradually calmed down when he saw the troll playing wild at the beginning.

The 10% off water bottle that was lifted?

He relaxed, shook his head and began to shake his legs again.

"Brothers, I'm C!" Little Peanut's voice was high, full of complacency, "Give Virtue something real!"

The Haier brothers on the commentary stage sensed that the momentum was not good.

"Little Gu felt a little misfired for two or three minutes after he got the first blood. Not only did he not get more benefits, but he was frequently invaded by Little Peanut and lost a lot of wild monster resources!"

Miller was worried, "Would it be possible for Xiao Gu to get the troll and cooperate with each other? So far, the effect is not particularly outstanding..."

Gu Xing was not in a hurry.

He is playing a big game of chess.

Little Peanut came in to invade the stone beetle and was caught by Zhu Xiaolong, so Gu Xing helped deal with the central pawn line, wiped out his own F4, and went back to the city to buy a green field knife and straw sandals.

Go out and continue to move to the lower half.

As a result, halfway through, Pray's eagle spirit shot again, seeing through Gu Xing's position with incomparable precision!

There were rustling sounds in the arena.

The audience was amazed at the ice and strange eagle spirit cast!

"Pray found Xiao Gu's location again," Waowa couldn't hide the uneasiness in her tone, "From the beginning to now, there are three eagle spirits in total, and every time I can see the troll?!"

He wondered if Pray had turned on the perspective and hung up.

"If Xiao Gu wants to attack the bottom lane, it may still be difficult to get a kill." Miller put himself in VG's place to think about a solution, "How about taking Xiaolong directly by relying on the power of the middle and bottom lanes?"

"A fire dragon can greatly benefit the team as a whole!"

After Hou Ye returned to the middle lane, relying on the evolved laser damage, he gradually snatched the line right.

Moreover, Gu Xing's previous raid on the trousers also knocked out half of his blood volume, so Ryze naturally couldn't grab the line again.

Needless to say in the bottom lane, the two elders of Xuanming missed a whole wave of experience in the cannon lane, and the already inferior combination is now no match for the VG duo.

From the perspective of line rights, Gu Xing can indeed get Huolong.

There is a high probability that the Tigers will not obstruct it.

But Gu Xing's appetite is more than that!

After clearing the two groups of wild monsters reset in the second half, he successfully raised himself to level six in about 7 minutes.

Even though Gu Xing lost a lot of camps in the wild area.

Can't wait for him to gain experience.

Gu Xing, who frequently appeared in the middle and lower lanes, used this method to save the disadvantage of matchup experience!

Then he pulled his legs through the lower river and headed for the ROX lower wild area!

Miller found that the troll's movements were not quite right, "Is Xiao Gu going to fight against the wild? It might be a little dangerous..."

Peanut now seems to be the more dominant side.

Miller felt that it was not safe for Gu Xing to rush into the ROX wild area.

However, just now Gu Xing punished his razor-beaked bird to get the Hawkeye True Sight BUFF, and he did not detect any enemy's eye position all the way through.

The data before the game is ready to come in handy!

He knew that Peanut didn't like to buy real eyes, and the team's vision would inevitably be lost.

If you want to wait for the auxiliary Greilla to help fill the gap, you have to wait for him to make a sight stone.

But now that Geruila can't protect herself, where can the economy be used as a sight stone?

At this moment, Gu Xing took advantage of the gap in the opponent's field of vision to easily break into the ROX wild area, crouched in the grass next to the Raptor camp, and began to wait and see.

In his opinion, Peanut will definitely come.

Olaf didn't appear online for nearly two minutes, and he was designated to be growing in the wild.

That being the case, Peanut will definitely get stuck and come over to brush the Raptor!

As long as it is a normal jungler, it is difficult to resist the temptation of F4.

The last time Gu Xing took a look, he saw that the ROX Raptor was killed in five and a half minutes.

That is, F4 will reset around 7 minutes and 10 seconds!

It was thanks to Peanut that Gu Xing was able to reach the nearby ambush one step ahead of time.

There were no wild monsters to farm in his wild area early on.

The progress of clearing the field turned out to be ahead of Olaf, taking the lead in clearing the camp for this round, and setting up an ambush here by taking advantage of the time difference!

Not long after, the family of four raptors jumped out, looked around and found no danger, and then quietly nestled in the camp for a rest.

And a bearded man holding a sharp ax appeared in Gu Xing's field of vision from below.

It was Olaf!

"Little Peanut relies on the benefits of fighting against the jungle, and now he has also been promoted to level 6, and his combat effectiveness is very strong. Xiao Gu really wants to fight in the ROX wild area?"

The doll propped her hands on the commentary platform, her upper body leaned forward, and her eyes were fixed on the canyon.

Without waiting for him to say anything more, Little Peanut threw an ax from a long distance and scratched the Raptor.

Gu Xing in the grass is violently attacking!

"The troll starts sprinting and directly uses the big move!"

Trundle's R [power comes first] can absorb 20% of the maximum life value and 40% of the dual resistance at the first level.

Olaf's resistance was instantly cut in half!

Little Peanut didn't expect that Gu Xing dared to ambush in the ROX wild area. Being attacked, he summoned his friends and prepared to encircle and suppress the trolls.

As a result, he noticed something was wrong the first time they fought.

It hurts, it hurts!

The troll's basic attack and Q followed by Tiamat's small combo, immediately lowered his blood volume by a large block!

Trundle Q [Sharp Teeth Bite] can also steal attack power, plus a steady stream of HP and resistance replenishment from the supremacy of power.

Even if Olaf is slightly ahead in equipment, he is not an opponent of the troll!

"Xiao Gu's damage is ridiculously high," Waowa yelled suddenly, "One face to face, Peanut's blood bar was suppressed!"

Peanut knew that the troll was one of the few heroes who could defeat Olaf in a one-on-one fight.

But we think that strong one is limited.

In the final analysis, it is because he has never encountered a jungle troll in actual combat before.

Only now do I realize how disgusting it is!

Tiamat from the troll on the opposite side, the attributes provided by the equipment do not have much blessing for heads-up.

However, it didn't prevent Gu Xing from hitting him on the forehead with a big stick just like God of War!

Peanut knew that he was invincible, so he wanted to pull it off, meet up with his teammates and deal with Gu Xing.

The question before us, however, is more brutal and direct.

How is he going to run?

The ax is still in the Raptor camp ahead, and its skills are cooling down.

Little Peanut can't enter the camp to pick it up. The terrain there is similar to a semicircle structure. If the ax doesn't flash after picking it up, he will be blocked in the wall and let the opponent ravage him!

He has no other slowing skills except Q [Current Throwing].

The key is that the sprint has not finished cooling down!

Gu Xing's Ghost Walk started in less than 4 minutes, relying on the [Insight] talent to reduce the cooldown by 15%, and it has turned around in 7 minutes.

And Peanut is still 20 seconds away from regaining sprint!

The time difference of summoner skills,

If you resist, you can't win, and you can't escape and move faster.

He can only bite the bullet and find his own mid laner, hoping that the trousers can help him.

Gu Xing didn't hand over the icicles, so he relied on the acceleration of his sprint to chase forward. Q [Sharp Teeth Bite] also has a slowing effect, hitting the little peanut desperately!

"The trousers came to help... Master Hou followed closely behind, and the two used sprint almost simultaneously!"

The foreshadowing of the Gank mid lane before Gu Xing was fully revealed at this time.

He really didn't have the summoner skills to force out his pants at the time.

But it lowered the opponent's half-pipe blood.

It wasn't long before Kuro made Goddess Tears at that time, and it was impossible to return to the city to resupply with half of his health remaining, because even if he went to the spring, he couldn't afford any equipment.

Can only rely on the middle road.

This led to the fact that the combat intensity of the middle and field of the two sides was not at the same level at all!

Kuro also found that there was no way to fight this fight.

He knew very well that Gu Xing was still holding an icicle in his hand.

If he went up, he insisted on helping the scene and helping Little Peanut out of the siege.

At that time, if the troll's pillar gets stuck, not only Peanut will be unlucky, but he will also get no benefit!

"Ryze didn't dare to go any further, turned around and stopped Victor, preventing him from taking the head!"

Trousers can only let Peanut ask for more blessings, he has done everything within his power.

Seeing that the opponent's mid laner didn't come forward to help, Gu Xing handed over the icicle to block Olaf's retreat!

Miller was very excited, "Little Peanut has nowhere to go!"

Olaf, who has no ability to move, has to go around the icicle if he wants to escape.

However, the continuous slowing effect made it difficult for Little Peanut to move forward!

"Peanut knew that there was no possibility of survival, so he didn't even hand in his ultimate move..." the voice of the baby was agitated, "Little Gu's last sharp teeth bit and took away Little Peanut!"

"Dansha!" He became more and more passionate, "ROX's sharpest offensive spearhead fell in front of Xiao Gu!"

In Madison Garden, the red and blue oceans divided by glow sticks suddenly boiled!

The audience couldn't believe their eyes.

The little peanut who was still in the lead just now and was in the limelight was slaughtered by the troll?

The camera showed Gu Xing on the player's bench.

He was all smiles, very excited, and he was still yelling at his teammates with his head turned.

The LPL live broadcast room was overcrowded.

Thanks to the overwhelming publicity, the number of domestic spectators is astonishing.

After all, VG is the last LPL team remaining on the stage of the global finals. Many viewers have become their fans, so today's highlight will naturally not be missed.

Seeing Peanut's Olaf being single-killed by a troll, the barrage was swiped across the screen full of 666, and the chat channel even froze for a short time!

[Holy shit, sell it! 】

[Do you understand the gold content of VG's only big dad?]

[Who looked down on the troll jungler before the game? Come out and talk! 】

[I admit that my voice was a little louder just now, why is this Olaf just like Paper Lake, it will shatter when touched]

[I just finished the quarter-finals match between ROX and EDG. Little Peanut chased the factory manager and beat him up. Why is it his turn to get beaten up now?]

[Peanut was still shaking his legs with a smile just now, I was disgusted by the look of B's ​​face, Xiao Gu killed it well! 】

Little Peanut was at a loss looking at the black and white screen.

He couldn't laugh for a long time, tears were rolling in his stomach.

The intensity of the troll's one-on-one battle was far beyond his imagination!

Gu Xing's combo operation highlights a simple and unpretentious hand, and this wave of silver can kill him.

The real difficulty lies in the foreshadowing and preparation before the solo kill.

Gu Xing counted everything to death, designed a perfect trap, and intercepted and killed him here!

Peanut bit his finger, feeling that something was wrong.

In this wave of deaths, he will not only give away heads worth 300 gold coins.

Raptor camps can also fall into enemy hands.

Moreover, ROX's red buff will be reset in ten seconds, Gu Xing has absolutely no reason to give up!

The entire lower half will be under the control of VG!

Little Peanut didn't dare to think any further.

In the silent voice of the team, Smeb spoke at the right time, "Wang Hao come help me, let's quickly push the upper tower!"

So far, there is no other better solution.

After Peanut is resurrected, he can only go up.

The lower half of the district fell completely and was handed over to Gu Xing to rule.

"Push the blood tower first, and then go get the fire dragon." Gu Xingping calmed down his excited mood due to the solo kill, "Brother Long, take two steps back, don't be caught dead by the opponent, prepare to switch lanes and go down the road!"

Zhu Xiaolong thought with his feet, he knew that Peanut was coming to the upper half.

Having suffered a loss once, he withdrew to the autistic grass without hesitation, returned to the city to make cloth shoes first, and headed down the road.

The two old men Xuanming were numb.

They are counting on Peanut to use his own advantages to alleviate the disadvantages of the bottom lane.

As a result, Peanut himself died first!

The lower half of the area was pitch black, and Pray Eagle Spirit didn't turn around again. The two of them didn't even dare to go to their own lower jungle area!

As a last resort, Xuanming and Elder had no choice but to give up the next tower to VG, return to the city and go on the road, starting the line transfer period in advance.

"Karma beat the first tower into residual blood, so he ran to Xiaolongkeng to help the jungler to control the fire dragon, and the economy of the first blood tower will be eaten by Imp!" Waffle felt relieved, "With the financial support, Youmeng will be exhausted. on the way!"

Peanut also covers Smeb to flatten the tower.

The two outer towers collapsed, and the economic gap between the two sides remained at about 1,000.

However, VG has an extra fire dragon with a large damage bonus, and the team battles in the later stage of the lineup are more intense, obviously they have already grasped a lot of advantages!

The transition period is here.

The first thing Gu Xing did was to go to the upper half of the district to make trouble.

Both the duo and himself have decent matchup advantages.

Little Peanut didn't dare to do anything wrong at all, he was afraid of avoiding it, afraid of being caught by Gu Xing in the wild area and killing him solo, he simply released the upper half of the area.

The two elders Xuanming made up their minds to seek space for development, and they didn't have much will to defend the defense tower on the road, so they gave in after a little resistance.

All the upper and lower turrets were destroyed, leaving a middle tower that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

ROX finally got a moment of respite.

At 12 minutes into the game, Pray shot out the eagle spirit, and the drone saw that Gu Xing had just brushed the magic marsh frog in the ROX Ueno area, and was already reading back to the city.

Gerila waited for a few seconds before operating Nami to enter the upper half of her wild area, trying to quickly regain her vision.

In the end, what was waiting for him was an icicle!

"Xiao Gu didn't go back to the spring to replenish the water at all!" Miller was very proud, "After the vision given by the Frost Eagle disappeared, he canceled the return to the city and squatted in the grass in the ROX blue zone!"

The unlucky one is Gerila.

The wild area is already densely covered with walls and the space is small.

The icicles got stuck again, leaving little room for Gerila to move!

"Facing the approaching troll, Greila surrendered his big move and water prison, trying to stop Xiao Gu from letting him touch his face..."

Gu Xing didn't even think about his skills, R [Strong Power] sucked away Nami's few resistances.

A bullet fired from a distance.

It's the best W [Fatal Brilliance]!

This is the effect that VG wants to achieve when it chooses the combination of troll + jin.

Long-range sniping is extremely threatening under the position of the troll pillar!

"Grela surrenders to dodge, but Imp uses his ultimate move to include him in the range!"

The sniper range of the perfect curtain call surrounded Nami.

Gerila was desperate.

He is a short-legged Nami, there is no way to escape!

The director's camera suddenly cut to the middle.

Pray's ice shot R [Magic Crystal Arrow] towards the intersection of the perfect curtain call sniper range, and wanted to interrupt the exhausted ult to help his teammates escape in the wild!

The audience also cheered and made loud noises.

The magic crystal arrow spun out, and seeing that it was about to hit the target, a figure with a shield stood in front of him!

"Karma arrived in time to help block the big ice move!" Miller clenched his fist vigorously, "create a long-distance output space for Imp!"

It was Xiao Duan who was stunned.

Gu Chengbin was unaffected, the sniper rifle fired continuously, and the super bullets hit Greila one by one!

Crispy Nami was shot into residual blood, Gu Xing caught up and took a bite Q [Sharp Teeth Bite] to keep it slowly.

Show the VG dog tag and stay where you are.

In the next moment, a super bullet roared past, piercing through Nami's blood bar!

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