What is a hexagon jungler?

213: SKT, what do you use to fight us?

On the screen of the mobile phone, H2K faced SKT in a one-to-one draw.

In the ongoing third round, Jankos once again relied on the extremely bloody and fierce offense in the early stage to help the team gain an advantage!

"Ah, this..." Gu Xingrao was very confident in H2K, and he never thought that the plot would go like this.

Little Peanut next to him poked his head. He was a little short in height, so he had to look up to see his friend's phone screen clearly.

Seeing that SKT was at a disadvantage, Peanut was overjoyed, "Really?"

Before the start of the semi-finals, he once imagined the scene of meeting with SKT in the finals and having a peak contest.

As a result, I failed to make it to the finals. KT is also in danger!

"No, they won't be able to make it to the final, right? Hahaha..." Little Peanut gloated, "That's really the biggest upset!"

Like yesterday's second-half match between VG and ROX, most viewers believed that the Tigers could successfully advance.

But even the most optimistic Korean netizens don't think ROX can sweep VG!

After all, the latter has shown impressive strength from the group stage to the quarterfinals, and it is normal to be anxious about playing against the Tigers.

And what level is H2K?

The second seed in Europe, something with no background at all.

Inside is Yue Lun, who can't get along in the LCK, and Jankos, a 21-year-old brazenly known as the wild king of the new generation...

There is also a bald man who uses his hairstyle to explain why his hometown Greece is on the Mediterranean coast.

Just for fun, why does this lineup wrestle with the double champion SKT?

Before the game, the audience generally believed that there was no suspense in the semi-finals of the upper half, and SKT was destined to sweep into the finals!

As a result, the two sides are now in an inextricable fight!

"Why?" Li Zhixun couldn't understand the reason, "SKT can't be so bad, can it?"

Gu Xing clicked on the battle reports of the first two rounds.

Finally found the problem. In the first game of KT, it was Xiao Hei.

"This kind of game can let Shan Jiu play?" Little Peanut laughed, "It really amused me."

He and Blank had an okay personal relationship.

Both were young generals born in 1998. According to the Korean saying, the two are called relatives, and they are of the same seniority, so there is no need to speak honorifics.

At this moment, he laughed mercilessly.

Gu Xing also thought so.

From the group stage to the present, he has studied SKT a lot.

Xiao Hei's current strength is acceptable.

But on the stage of the semi-finals of the World Championship, it is really not enough to see.

Gu Xing, Peanut, and Jankos are all top carnivorous junglers, extremely aggressive!

Xiao Hei wanted to play as brutally as the other three junglers, but reality didn't allow it.

Because he is in SKT.

The style of the whole team is to procrastinate, wait for the double C three-piece suit, wait for Duke to lead the way, and use the perfect pawn line operation to erode resources and win.

Blank is in this kind of team, and there is no way to conduct a wild offensive like other junglers in the semi-finals!

In the final analysis, SKT's jungler is a tool man.

The team wants him to help solve the troubles on the third route.

It is basically unrealistic to expect SKT players to take the initiative to help in the jungle.

Moreover, Xiaohei's own strength is indeed not as good as the other three, plus he has not coordinated the relationship between his style of play and the team's style, so his performance will naturally be very unsatisfactory!

On the whole, Blank is trying to use wild core play to be a stupid chicken.

Both the team and himself have problems, and it is difficult to integrate together in the current version.

That being the case, Gu Xing didn't understand why Kka was so obsessed with letting Xiao Hei play!

Even though Stupid Chicken needs to train new players because of his age and future contract renewal issues.

But it's not enough to use such a crucial match as the S6 World Championship semi-finals to hone Xiao Hei.

Just like now.

"Kka may think that H2K is vulnerable before the game, so he specially asked Xiao Hei to go up and practice his hands?" Gu Xing guessed.

Coach Nofe did not agree with this, "It is said to be training, but the public opinion pressure caused by the loss will be very terrifying to the players. With so many fans in SKT, accidents are likely to happen..."

He is not very good at other things, but he is really top-notch in adjusting the team atmosphere and player psychology.

In his opinion, let Xiao Hei go up now, if he wins H2k, it will definitely improve Blank.

But in the eyes of countless SKT fans, that is a matter of course.

Unless Blank plays a dominant performance, the eyes of supporters will not focus on him, but will praise the three core players of 96Line.

And in a team like SKT that needs to control the graphic jungler, Xiaohei wants to play well and outshine the absolute core, which can be said to be difficult!

Once he loses the game, Blank is bound to be blown out of the matchup gap in the current World Championship where wild-core play is raging!

Whether it's the jungler directly smashing it, or because the line exploded first and finally hurt the jungler.

In most games, the jungler statistics of the losing side will not look good, which is also the target of fans!

Especially for Xiao Hei, who has few supporters, it was a painful blow to public opinion.

Professional players who are completely unaffected by public opinion are in the minority, and Blank himself is not a player with a very strong ability to withstand pressure, and it is easy to fall into a vicious circle of restraint and worse.

Nofe doesn't understand Kka's approach.

"Don't care about them, let's go eat Tomahawk Steak after taking the photo!" Gu Xing has already made preparations to face SKT. If H2K can make it to the finals, it will be a good thing for VG.

In the match training before the semifinals, VG's winning percentage against H2K was maintained at around 65%, which is quite an exaggerated figure, and thus they have a considerable psychological advantage.

It was evening when we returned to Manhattan from Liberty Island.

Ding Jun treats guests as a host, and invites members of the Tigers to find a steak restaurant, as a way for everyone to exchange feelings.

Gu Shengbin had a great time eating, he never stopped talking from the beginning to the end, showing off the beef in his mouth. Meb was still watching the live broadcast of the semi-finals with his mobile phone.

He really wanted SKT to die.

Seeing his old enemy being crushed under H2K's swift and fierce attack, Smeb feels delicious eating bran and swallowing vegetables, not to mention steak!

Olaf, who was still pointing at Jankos now, shouted in broken Chinese, "Jankos, this basket!"

Gu Xing was taking pictures to show his girlfriend his dinner tonight, and when he heard Smeb's cheerful words, he leaned over to take a look.

"Isn't Jankos good at playing?" He was puzzled, "Just caught the stupid chicken to death with Yue Lun."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Xing came to his senses. Meb was also deceived by Gu Sungbin at some point, and really thought that basket was a Chinese word for complimenting people.

Gu Xing didn't have time to expose and correct, but just diverted the topic to other places.

"Jankos has improved obviously now." He was very satisfied with this, and stuffed a piece of smoked meat into his mouth. "This time, he can really tear a piece of meat for SKT!"

The effect of VG and H2K's joint training some time ago was fully revealed.

Gu Xing learned a more aggressive early attack, while Jankos learned a more complete operation strategy in the middle and late stages.

The result of learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses is that H2K was able to rely on the early advantage to fight back and forth with SKT around 25 minutes!

In the third game that ended before, H2K lost after 45 minutes of fierce fighting, and was defeated by SKT to take the match point.

In the fourth game that is currently going on, Jankos once again helped the team establish a 5K lead in 25 minutes with the extremely fierce attack in the early stage!

The members of ROX and VG who saw this scene applauded in unison.

"H2K Go Go Go!"

Everyone ate steak leisurely and cheered for the friendly troops in Madison Garden.

But the situation took a turn for the worse.

Faker's clockwork stepped forward at the critical moment, and Duke's Gnar made a perfect wave.

The two's ultimate moves were perfectly connected. The next moment Gnar flashed and shot the enemy on the wall, the shock wave instantly swept through the H2K formation! KT's solid operations are showing results.

At any time, they can operate through the pawn line to allow the double C to get enough economy.

With Lee Sang Hyuk's three-piece suit in hand, the damage caused by the shock wave is enough to make people dreadful!

Outu tried his best, but only replaced the two generals of SKT before he died.

The opponent can still take Baron Nash!

"Aww..." Smeb slapped his thigh angrily, gnashing his teeth and biting the steak, trying to treat the food as SKT, "Why didn't H2K be more careful!" KT successfully got Dalong, and the economic gap was evened out in the blink of an eye !

"It's over, it's over," Xiao Duan's face darkened, "Should it be over three to one..."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

There is still a gap in the level of operation between the two parties.

Even if H2K has learned a lot of details from VG, it is still difficult to catch up with the top management team SKT!

In a situation of balance of power, H2K can't beat the opponent at all! KT is well versed in this, and after leveling the economy, they made full use of vision control to slowly roll the snowball, and did not rush to advance.

Just when Gu Xing decided that H2K's journey to this World Championship had come to an end.

Here comes the variable.

At 37 minutes, H2K's economy fell behind by 4000, and it started a decisive battle with SKT against SKT under a small disadvantage.

Yue Lun manipulated Ryze, relying on Seraph and passive double shields, to use his body to tear apart SKT's defense line, creating an opportunity for his jungler to enter the Xiaolong Pit!

Without hesitation, Jankos raised his sword and flashed his punishment!

"I got it!" Gu Xing beamed with joy.

Cheers and applause immediately resounded in the steakhouse box.

Members of the two teams who enjoyed the immersive viewing experience raised their glasses and collided with each other to celebrate H2K's outstanding performance!

"Look at the faces of the SKT players," Pray quacked, "It stinks, it stinks!"

The stupid chicken under the camera rested his chin in his hand, with a serious expression.

This wave of opponents can have the opportunity to grab the dragon, mainly because SKT has little advantage and cannot completely block the dragon pit pass, which will show some flaws.

Another reason...

It's Jankos' reckless style of play that doesn't make sense at all!

The stupid chicken was taken aback for a while.

Playing for Xiao Hei and playing three games in a row, he feels that Jankos' style is very similar to Gu Xing in the play-off stage of the group stage!

It's just a pure reckless man with three tricks, he doesn't play cards according to the routine at all, and often catches himself by surprise!

Like just now.

How can there be a 5v5 team battle in the jungle in the late stage to sacrifice the mid laner and himself in order to grab the dragon?

H2K just dares to play like this!

In order to snatch this ancient dragon, they paid the price of the death of two people in the field, and the remaining three retreated to a safe position. KT wanted to quickly end the game, but was successfully held back by Outu with the help of the ancient dragon BUFF.

H2K's top lane troll cut off the line again, leaving the opponent without enough soldiers to end the wave!

The reorganized H2K made a comeback and rushed to the high ground of SKT relying on the remaining ancient dragon BUFF.

The current version of the ancient dragon does not have the special effect of beheading, but the additional damage and small dragon buff attached can still help H2K reverse the team battle and achieve a four-for-five miserable victory!

Although only one person survived, but the resurrection time lasted for one minute, H2K can still go straight to Huanglong and flatten the SKT base!

Jankos in the picture is very excited, and his mouth keeps roaring excitedly.

Yue Lun was even more ecstatic, his fat face almost turned into a chrysanthemum.

"Two to two, and it's going to be full again?" Jack was dumbfounded.

Gu Xing gloated.

They exposed a lot of tactical details when they faced the Tigers, and even lifted the trump card of the troll jungler.

If SKT easily breaks out from the upper half, wouldn't VG have to suffer this boring loss?

Now that it's the decisive game, SKT must show more tricks in order to maintain stability!

"Jankos will play a role, can you make another round and send SKT back to your hometown?" Smeb is full of expectations.

Before the start of the BP link in the fifth game, Kka's expression was all wrong.

Originally, he thought he would win the game, but he also wanted to train Blank.

As a result, Jankos used it as a breakthrough to kill the game, and after replacing it with a stupid chicken, he felt that he could win it steadily.

Who would have imagined that H2K would be able to rely on one hand against the sky to snatch the dragon in the end, and unexpectedly forced SKT into a desperate situation!

After all, in the first game, SKT insisted on going to Xiao Hei because of his own death; in the fourth game, it was because of a mistake and bad luck that he punished and failed to win. KT obviously wins in the later stage of operation, and this wave 5 should simply win.

But he played himself to the point of life and death!

At this moment, Kka will inevitably bear psychological pressure.

The double crown gave SKT an unparalleled and profound background, but from a certain perspective, it is also a shackle and a burden.

He discussed with his team members for a while, and decided to draw his hole cards.

Originally, this was used to deal with VG, and it was designed to fight against Gu Xing's blind beta Gank style of attacking out of common sense.

However, the hole cards were not drawn too much, only a little bit.

When Lee Sang Hyuk chose the Guardian of Time, Madison Garden was full of excitement!

Gu Xing was quite surprised, "This version can choose the mid laner of Time?"

Time is extremely functional, can speed up and slow down, have dizziness and resurrection, it is indeed a good choice to be placed in the support position.

But in the middle, it is still the middle of the S6 World Championship version.

It is inevitable that some shortcomings will be exposed.

The cooldown in the early stage is not stacked, and the Q [Time Bomb] cooldown is long and the push line is slow.

Moreover, the damage in the later stage is obviously not enough. The output skill of the whole body is only Q, and it cannot be guaranteed to hit accurately.

Against the background of a group of sorcerers with big nuclear brushes, Time really looks like a different kind.

Kuro and Lee Sang Hyuk have played against each other quite a lot, and now they are the first to help explain, "Faker was chosen to raise Bang, they especially like to do this, time is an enhanced version of Karma for SKT..."

"Use the resurrection mechanism to increase the fault tolerance rate of the team as a whole. As long as Bang's equipment is formed, SKT will be sure to win in the later stage."

Gu Xing understood it in his heart. KT's strongest combination removes the plane and the field.

It is the double C of Faker and Bang.

If the former is the well-deserved core of this team.

The latter is SKT's most solid backing!

If you don't know how to play in a critical moment, Bao Bang is right.

Back then, Faker played Lulu as a tool man and kept Bang running around the field. Lucian, who had difficulty finding an output environment in the late stage, was able to slash five kills, which is enough to prove many things.

This year's World Championship, Bang's performance is even better!

When the team's economy accounted for less than 23%, the average output per point approached 730, and the damage conversion rate hovered around 170%.

Proper historical performance.

"For example, SKT selected Time + Jhin double C in this round. If it lasts for 30 minutes, and when Bang makes a three-piece suit, he will be able to run around and pull the whole field, which will be very scary..." Kuro said here Can't help but shudder.

Half a year ago, they met Faker in the LCK Spring Finals.

At that time, the starting jungler was Xiaohei's Qian Jue, plus Bang's Lucian, the double shooter was almost lawless under the protection of Lee Sang Hyuk!

The rampant time mid laner left an indelible impression on Kuro.

It was also that loss in the final that the Tigers failed to make it to the mid-season.

Gu Xing was still pouring iced Coke into his mouth, all his attention was on the live broadcast screen, and he didn't notice the change in the expression of his trousers.

"Heavenly and earthly, Jankos is relying on you..."

Three minutes into the game, Smeb couldn't sit still.

"No, why is Jankos out of rhythm in this game?"

Jack rolled his eyes angrily, "Are you crazy, you want to arrest someone in three minutes?"

"Oh, I'm so anxious," Smeb didn't even bother to eat, "I just want to see the base on the other side explode right now!"

Jankos lived up to his reputation as the king of one blood.

In 5 minutes, he helped kill Duke on the road and opened the gap first.

It's just that the stupid chicken fought back and cooperated with Faker to catch Yue Lun to death.

"Huh?" Gu Xing hissed lightly, focusing on the middle lane, "Spicy is really awesome, SKT Nakano still has this kind of linkage?"

The director plays back the battle screen.

Faker manipulated the time to go up and hung E [Time Clockwork] to slow down, the stupid spider cut in from the side, flashed cocoon and successfully hit the slow-moving Yue Lun!

Immediately afterwards, Lee Sang Hyuk hung the QWQ double bombs on Yue Lun's head to make up for the dizziness control.

Although time lacks damage, the double bombs smashed down, and the spider's high explosion was enough to kill Ryu!

"There is something," Kuro was also surprised, "The last time I chose time, SKT never used a similar combination of middle and wild tricks."

"Time to use E to slow down first, to increase the success rate of the wild spider's cocooning hit... If there is no dodge or displacement in the middle, it is almost a must-kill." Gu Xing's face became serious.

Stupid chicken's spider proficiency is beyond doubt, and it is also first-class.

This kind of ferocious carnivorous jungler can also become a herbivorous map-controlling game in his hands. In the early and mid-term, there are many gangs on the line, and after the end of the laning period, he starts to give way to the C-position wild monsters, which can also play well. effect.

However, the vast majority of mid lane mages in the current version do not have the ability to move.

Under the encirclement and suppression of SKT Nakano, it is simply a catch!

After 15 minutes, Stupid got stuck in the gap at the beginning of the line change period, and came to the middle lane again to cooperate with his teammates to arrest Ryu!

At this point, Gu Xing can finally be sure.

Combining time with a jungler with control or strong output like Spider is a well-premeditated hidden move of SKT.

During the laning phase, rely on the linkage between the middle and the wild, allowing time to slow down the jungle and control and damage, so as to achieve a successful Gank.

Use the mid-field advantage to help the team relieve pressure, and wait until the ADC's three-piece set is formed before taking over the game.

"Redmi, do you have any solution?" Gu Xing cast a begging look at his coach.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Hme, who is good at playing dirty tricks, is the best candidate to deal with routines.

Hongmi has been paying attention to this semi-final for a long time, frowning and looking at Lord Hou, "Zhixun, you know how to use time, right?"

Before he coached Easyhoon, he checked the opponent's hero pool.

"...a little understanding, a little understanding," Li Zhixun has always been modest and low-key, without boasting, "I have used it once in the professional arena."

That dates back to the 2014 Summer Split.

Li Zhixun, who belonged to the SKT S team at the time, faced the KTA of the broiler + Kakao coal mining brothers in the playoffs, and took out his time to help the team win.

Coincidentally, the shooter of Team S who was protected by Lee Ji Hoon was also Bang.

"In terms of time proficiency, I can't compare with him," Li Zhixun stated in advance, "Faker is proficient, and I can only show it as a passing performance."

Hongmi nodded, "I'll make a plan when I get back. Just focus on practicing a few heroes this week..."

"It's probably going to be a tough battle for us in the final against SKT," he said. can win?"

Pray ate the last piece of steak on the plate, and patted Smeb's shoulder with a greasy mouth, "Don't be stubborn, do you think H2K can beat SKT?"

In the mid-term, the economic gap between the two sides has not widened.

Time is running out for H2K. meb just didn't want to believe that another team fell short when they were about to beat SKT!

"You guys must win next week's final..." He repeated it again and again.

"Let's go, go back to the hotel for training!" Gu Xing ate and drank enough to prepare for the finals.

ROX fought VG for 300 rounds that night and had 7 training matches.

They knew that Ding Jun's generous donation allowed the team to stay in the United States for a week, so they worked hard to reciprocate.

Xiao Duan even began to practice female gun support under the guidance of Gerila.

"In fact, the female gun can only be chosen as Zyra's back-up ter. If she faces Karma, the effect will be very poor," Greilla said, "This hero has serious limitations. It is best to Paired with ice, it can help keep the opponent, relying on chain control and additional damage to gain benefits..."

He didn't talk much about operational knowledge.

Gerila knows that Duan Deliang is an operation monster, and anyone can play a few games with female guns.

The difficulty lies in the corresponding system construction.

This is the core of ROX female gun support!

Redmi is also listening with the recorder on, and will organize the notes after the training is over.

Gu Xing, with the help of Peanut, practiced fighting in the wild and refined some details of clearing the wild.

The two have each mastered a lot of skills that the other doesn't know, and now they can communicate with each other to see if they can improve together, the efficiency is quite amazing!

Ding Jun was very pleased.

This money is not in vain, and if it is used wisely now, it will undoubtedly allow VG to grow further within a week!

After Gu Xing returned to his room after a busy night of training, he took the time to browse the battle reports of the e-sports forum.

Exactly the same as everyone imagined.

The winner is SKT.

They fought fiercely for 35 minutes and 22 seconds. Bang's Jhin almost became a running game under the constant acceleration of time. He used the ultra-high speed of approaching 1000 to pull repeatedly, and rushed up to shoot twice from time to time, making H2K miserable. ! KT used the method of boiling frogs in warm water to squeeze out the last hope of H2K's comeback, and advanced to the final with a score of 3 to 2!

Gu Xing also saw a picture of Yue Lun's back when he left from the anti bar.

It can only be described as devastated.

When you think about it, you know that there is nothing more cruel than seeing hope and then being ruthlessly strangled.

Yue Lun S3 and Lee Sang-hyuk went to work outside the division after the double-robbery battle, and didn't want to stay in the sad place of the Korean League.

Under normal circumstances, he will not meet Lee Sang Hyuk in the professional arena until he retires.

As a result, H2K, which has just been formed for less than a year, has passed five stages and defeated six generals, broke into the semi-finals of the S tournament, and met with SKT in the semi-finals!

Gu Xing can understand Ryu's mood.

Usually, he would probably think of the OGN Summer Playoffs three years ago.

With the same score, Lee Sang Hyuk crushed Yue Lun with absolute control in the blind selection double robbery match.

Ryu must want to find his way back in his heart.

The result was defeated by Lee Sang Hyuk in a completely different way.

This time Faker did not use the peak operation he was proud of.

Instead, use awareness, experience, and the overall details of operations to crush and win through this part.

After three years, two completely different ways of failure are definitely heart-wrenching for Ryu!

Other spectators in the anti bar ushered in a carnival.

[Well, well, even H2K can push SKT into a corner, not to mention VG]

[Is this year the most promising year for LPL? 】

[Why do I feel that there is no play, except for the jungler in the five positions, none of VG is dominant]

[Classics are better than personal strength, so VG is not as good as ROX, won't they still win the semi-finals? 】

[Trust Xiao Gu, he is the pride of our LPL! 】

[Hurry up and watch the post-match interview, Faker speaks harshly]

The last comment is followed by a web link.

Gu Xing clicked on it and found that it was SKT's post-match group interview.

The first question in the clip is to ask Lee Sang Hyuk.

"May I ask player Faker, today he defeated H2K with great difficulty, and entered the final of the World Championship for the third year. How do you feel about this?"

Lee Sang Hyuk held the microphone with a stern smile, "I don't think it's difficult. Even though we reached the fifth round, we always had the advantage and didn't give the opponent a chance."

"As for entering the finals of the World Championship in the third year... I don't think there is anything special compared to before. I am just happy that I and the team have always maintained a high level."

The reporter continued to ask, "I will meet my former teammate Easyhoon in the final, do you have anything to say to him?"

This time Lee Sang Hyuk hesitated for a while before answering, "No, it feels the same as the group stage, it's just an ordinary game."

After the reporter asked about the prediction of the final result, Faker was full of confidence, "I don't know the exact score, but the final winner must be SKT!"

Lee Sang Hyuk is the absolute core of the SKT team, and he also takes care of most of the interview questions.

Gu Xing hastily skipped some unnutritious pages, and saw someone asking Stupid Chicken what he thought of him.

"Virtue player?" Stupid Chicken smiled, "I also watched the semi-finals yesterday, and I have to say that he is indeed a very good young player. After all, he must have two opponents to beat me in the group stage."

"However, in the past two weeks, I have learned a lot from Virtue by studying VG's videos. I hope to have a peak spear-and-shield contest with him in the final."

This idea coincides with Gu Xing.

He can't wait to see the level of SKT in wave 5!

The next afternoon, the team was ready to board a plane to Los Angeles on the west coast.

H2K also has to leave and rush back to Europe.

Jankos hasn't adjusted his mentality yet, looking sullen.

"Don't put on a straight face," Gu Xing thumped his chest, "It's the first time to enter the world competition, the semi-finals are already very good, let's make persistent efforts next year."

Jankos is quite satisfied with his performance in the first World Championship.

At least before he came to the United States, he really never thought that he could enter the semi-finals of the World Championship.

But turned around and sighed again.

"I don't know if I can enter the World Championship next year..."

He is also considered a veteran of the league and has never entered the global finals before.

Being able to come in this time is really the right time, place and people.

FNC's sudden hip pull gave other teams in the European Division a chance. 7 Maybe the ancient giant FNC will make a comeback!

"It will definitely work, be optimistic," Gu Xing encouraged, "Your skills will definitely have no problem entering the World Championship!"

Little Peanut also echoed in simple English, "That's right, the three of us must meet again in the World Championship next year."

The consolation of the two made Jankos calm down a lot.

He was quite optimistic at first, but now he is really worried about gains and losses.

I usually like to drink, but the amount of alcohol I drink is definitely not too much, at least it is below the average level in my hometown of Poland.

But Eubal, who is from Greece, follows local customs and basically does not drink alcohol. When he sees Jankos drinking, he calls him an alcoholic.

In addition, Ou Tu was already rebellious.

It's no secret that the jungler and ADC in the H2K team are at odds.

The team may be rebuilt next year, and Jankos has no idea when his contract expires.

"Leave a contact information, and you can play with the mic when you have nothing to do..." Seeing that he was about to board the plane, he quickly sped up his speech.

Then he looked at Peanut, "Aren't you going back to Korea?"

Peanut puffed up his chest, "We have to accompany VG to the training camp, take a stroll around Los Angeles, and go back after the finals!"

SKT, who was also waiting for the flight, finally realized something was wrong.

The flight back to South Korea is about to board, why don't the ROX group leave?

Kka suddenly heard what Little Peanut said, and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. KT has not played scrims for a week.

Before the semifinals, H2K was the direct opponent, and ROX and VG were potential contenders for the championship.

The three teams, SKT, did not make any appointments, and usually played qualifying matches to score points.

The training effect is naturally not as good as meeting with a professional team.

Originally, Kka thought that before the finals, both sides could not make an appointment for the training match, and the gap would be infinitely narrowed.

Unexpectedly, VG actually resorted to tricks and coaxed ROX to board the thief ship!

These two strong teams study every day, maybe they will come up with something in a week!

Kka looked at the ROX members with sinister and cunning smiles, and panicked in his heart. After consulting the team's management, he decided to find H2K for help and arrange two training matches.

Ou Tu belongs to the top talker players, and the irritable brother refuses to accept anyone.

After listening to Kka's suggestion, he lifted his head up, revealing his shiny forehead.

"Who are you sending the β to? After we were eliminated yesterday, you want to drag H2K into a training match in a blink of an eye?"

"My buddy still wants to go back to the Mediterranean to bask in the sun, how can I spend time with SKT?"

Ou Bald refused to cooperate.

Not to mention Yue Lun.

If you want to choose someone who has blood feud with SKT, except for ROX, he is Yue Lun!

Because of Zed's background, Ryu was nailed to the pillar of shame all his life, and his career was affected a lot.

When he was looking for a job back then, the boss of the outer competition area immediately thought of him as soon as he saw him, which made his first impression score so bad that he almost couldn't get into the team.

This is no different from cutting people off.

Yue Lun now wants SKT to die quickly, and still play training games with you?

Why don't you go to heaven?

Double C flatly refused, and the other team members did not want to stay in the United States, and they wanted to go back to Europe to recuperate.

Kka has nothing to do.

He knows that SKT has been too popular in the past few years, and it is quite annoying in the circle.

After all, no player wants to live in the shadow of such a dazzling Faker.

Jack grinned happily when he saw that SKT was struggling with H2K.

"Old Gu, there are three teams in the top four who all want SKT to lose the game, are they the only ones?"

"Hmm...why doesn't it count?" Gu Xing asked perfunctorily.

He was busy taking photos with Peanut and Jankos.

The three punched each other in goodwill as they bid farewell.

"See you next year...Whether it's private or the World Championship, I feel that the future belongs to us." Gu Xing was very confident.

"That's for sure," Little Peanut said wildly, "The old things should go down and move quickly, we are the future!"

Jankos also ascended to heaven with pride, waved goodbye to the two friends he met in this World Championship, and embarked on a journey back to Europe with his coach.

VG boarded the plane in the evening and headed to Los Angeles, the city of angels.

This is the largest city on the west coast of the United States.

Hollywood, where entertainment is paramount, and Caltech, which pursues academic rigor, are both located here, but it does not appear to be inconsistent.

Plus, there's the Lakers.

And the end of this World Championship is the home of the Lakers, the famous stadium Staples Center!

After arriving in Los Angeles, the VG team did not have time to appreciate the local cultural customs, so they devoted themselves to hard training.

"SKT's time system is like this..." Gu Xing was still advising Redmi, "Let's target each point accordingly and find a way to restrain it."

"First pick out the disadvantages of time, such as the speed of pushing the line in the early and mid-term, and relying on blue buffs, correspondingly, there is no line right, and the ability to protect the wild area is weak..."

Redmi turned the signature pen, "We can start from these aspects."

"The time routine is really strong when it is dragged to the back, and it is a huge boost for Bang...Then why don't we let his equipment take shape?"

Around this goal, the contestants expressed their opinions and kept discussing possible successful plans.

Then let ROX choose the corresponding lineup, and the two sides will play two training games to see the effect.

Just as Kka thought.

ROX just serves as a practice object, which can benefit VG a lot!

They can quickly put their ideas into practice, and eliminate wrong options one by one through training games!

On the eve of the finals, Redmi finally decided on a plan to deal with time.

Now, he is full of confidence in the next wave 5. KT, what are you fighting with me?

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