What is a hexagon jungler?

224: Layer upon layer of ambush, psychological game!

"Stupid chicken is too careless, isn't it?" Waffle was relaxed in body and mind, with a wrinkled smile on his face, "Why would he dare to swagger into his wild area?!"

Miller's voice was impassioned, "Galio's taunt is too restrictive when facing uncontrollable heroes!"

For as long as 2.5 seconds, Nidalee stood motionless like a wooden stake, letting VG Nakano pour the output on herself!

"The leopard girl gave the blind monk a blood, what should I do in the next matchup in the wild?" I remember hearing the miserable screams of the LCK commentator next door, and laughed unceremoniously, "Why do I feel like a stupid chicken? Will it break?"

The stupid chicken under the camera feels helpless.

Just as Gu Xing had thought before.

He thought that the blind monk would quickly return to the city to make up for Tiamat after clearing the wild monsters.

I didn't expect that the other party would come to me even if they didn't brush wild monsters!

Another key point is that Galio upgrades too fast.

Normally, the mid laner should be the first minion in the 9th wave of pawns in the mid lane after 5 minutes and 37 seconds to reach level 6.

But Li Zhixun took a blue BUFF during the period!

This caused Galio to successfully upgrade to 6 after finishing the eighth wave of minions in the middle!

Faker reminded.

But the stupid chicken didn't care at the time.

He knew nothing about Galio's strength.

Not to mention the professional arena, you can't even meet them in the usual qualifying matches!

Stupid chicken can't find any samples that can be used as a reference in the near future, so naturally he doesn't know much about Galio's style of play.

For a jungler like him who relies heavily on experience, it was a fatal blow!

"My, my..." He looked frustrated and painful.

Leopard girl is very fond of the early rhythm.

To be crouched and lose one blood is simply an extreme loss!

And the most hurtful thing is that Li Zhixun didn't even hand in the flash!

This means that Galio waits for the big move to improve, and there is still a chance to flash the statue of Duran!

"You can try the next lane later," Bang offered, "The other side can't bear our damage!"

He was very active in this game.

He has exchanged blood with the VG duo many times, and the benefits are quite rich.

Her own Zyra is already strong, but when the equipment level of Nami on the opposite side has not been raised to a certain level, the amount of milk is not enough to support frequent consumption.

Now the SKT duo has established a certain blood volume advantage.

The stupid chicken is still hesitating.

His goal before the game was to help Lee Sang-hyuk, at least to play out Galio's flash first.

This can reduce the threat of the opponent's mid laner.

But now the plan is on the verge of bankruptcy.

If the stupid chicken is killed once, there will be a certain gap in combat effectiveness with the enemy's Nakano.

It made the already difficult confrontation between the middle and the wild even worse!

He doubted that the current damage he and Lee Sang Hyuk suffered would not be able to kill any of the VG heroes!

That being the case, it seems to be a wiser choice to help the next road.

"Xianghe..." Stupid chicken first vaccinated his single at home, "It's good that you keep growing in the middle lane, I'll go to the bottom lane to help first."

Faker was very upset in his heart.

But I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

He also knew that the current situation was like this, and it would not be effective for Stupid Chicken to continue to help him.

Fortunately, Galio's ultimate move has been handed over, and his life should not be in danger for a while.

Gu Xing, who was at the other end of the player's seat, was in a good mood.

This time, he not only harvested first-blood economy, but also defeated the stone beetle at the bottom of the stupid chicken!

After all, he made a lot of money!

Putting the last eye position on his body into the camp, Gu Xing turned his head and left the opponent's wild area, returning to the lower half of his home.

He currently has enough gold coins to make Tiamat.

But Gu Xing still didn't think about going back to the city, but continued to clean up the remaining wild monsters on his side.

Because he wants to maintain a good and reasonable wild path.

At the beginning of the game, both myself and the stupid chicken followed the route from top to bottom.

Now if Gu Xing doesn't go back and clean up the lower field area.

Wait until he returns to the city to replenish his equipment before going out.

You have to swipe from bottom to top, which is equivalent to changing your wild path to reverse!

If that was the case, it would mean that Gu Xing took the initiative to misplace the stupid chicken.

It is very unfavorable for subsequent wild area confrontation and invasion!

So he would rather go back to the city late to convert his equipment into combat power, but also maintain the original route of clearing the wild.

Stupid chickens are very good at catching flaws.

He guessed that after Gu Xing got the first blood, he would definitely go back and continue to brush the second half of the area, so he chose to delay the time.

After the resurrection, the stupid chicken did not go to the upper half of SKT to develop, but rushed to the bottom along the pawn line!

"The Leopard Girl wants to go to the bottom lane to catch people, and she deliberately avoided Xiao Gu's wards in the lower half of the jungle..." Miller immediately became nervous, focusing on the pawn line, and his heart skipped a beat.

"It seems that he really took a chance!"

When VG Nakano killed the stupid chicken in the lower half of the area just now, the SKT duo immediately gave up the line of troops and retreated to the tower to defend.

Avoid being attacked by Gu Xing and Li Zhixun.

Now the handover position of the bottom line is still near the center line.

Wolf's Zyra made a decisive move, E [Twisting Root] activated the seeds around her, and the grown vines hit a small section, applying a slowing effect to it!

"The leopard girl jumped out from behind and moved quickly through the grass!"

Even if Gu Shengbin manipulated the ice to hand over W [Thousand Arrows] to slow down the enemy's pursuit speed, it still couldn't obliterate SKT's killing intent.

"Jin's deadly brilliance directly forces a short flash!"

However, the follow-up stupid chicken's javelin successfully blocked Duan Deliang's position.

"Xiao Duan turned around and released the water prison and wanted to escape...but the stupid chicken directly handed over the flash to get closer!"

The golden light flashed, Leopard girl crossed the water prison, came to Nami's side and opened her sharp claws to bite!

Duan Deliang was already exhausted in the laning phase of the bottom lane. The three of KT Shimono finished a set of damage, and Nami's blood volume was even bottomed out!

In the end Bang's Jhin flashed a shot and took him away!

The long-suffering SKT supporters were yelling in the stands, and the team flag with golden wings was flying in the air!

"It's okay..." Waowa directly weighed VG's losses, reassuring domestic audiences, "Xiao Duan is a support after all, and the position of the minion line is pretty good. Imp's Ice will not be too uncomfortable to hang up alone."

I remember being on the sidelines to plan ahead, "The only drawback is that Bang's development may be ahead of schedule. He has purification himself, so it's hard for VG to target him in team battles!"

Jhin is also one of the few characters in the SKT camp with high physical damage.

It can pose a certain threat to VG's front row.

Just as Gu Xing made Tiamat, straw sandals, and real eyes to go out, he saw a conflict broke out in the next lane.

He also had to admire Stupid Chicken's ability in time calculation.

He made it clear that he was counting on his ability to return to the city after clearing the second half of the district, so he decided to attack the bottom lane!

"The Leopard girl is gone..." Gu Xing had an idea when he received the message from his teammates.

Compared to having flashing double Cs, SKT's other three positions are obviously easier targets.

Among them, the jungle is the most important.

"Master Hou, hurry up and push the line," Gu Xing said his first step plan, "Let's go and reverse the blue buff on the opposite side first."

Stupid chicken used to brush from top to bottom.

Therefore, the blue BUFF at the top of the SKT wild area should be refreshed in about 7 minutes.

It's already in the early six and a half minutes, and it's just in time to rush over!

In order to be safe, Gu Xing went to the road first to help Brother Long push the line of troops.

The top road didn't get any shots in the early stage of the game.

The main reason is that both sides played too peacefully and steadily, and did not carry out too violent and fierce exchanges.

Duke's Gnar certainly has a certain advantage when facing trolls, but when the level of W [Excitement] is not high during the laning phase, the percentage damage is average, and the advantage is not very exaggerated.

What's more, at the beginning of the game, Duke used his eyes to detect Gu Xing's open field position, and he had already lost 200 points of blood before going online.

This also indirectly affected his own laning, and he couldn't fight too hard.

Right now Zhu Xiaolong is only at a slight disadvantage.

But after Gu Xing arrived, the situation was instantly reversed!

"Brother Long, you pushed the lane, let's go to the opposite field together, the blue BUFF just refreshes," Gu Xing made careful arrangements, "Leave immediately after beating the blue, don't stay too long!"

In fact, after 7 minutes or so, the Frog Concubine and the Three Wolves in the Ueno area of ​​SKT also refreshed.

But if the three groups of camps are reversed, it will definitely delay a lot of time!

At that time, both Duke and Lee Sang Hyuk will be able to clear the line and arrive for support. KT is one time ahead, and Gu Xing thinks that there is not much chance of winning 3v3 in the middle and wild.

So he only intends to grab a time difference, grab the blue BUFF and retreat quickly!

Gu Xing used his green jungle knife and real eyes to control the field of vision of SKT's upper field area, and then hid in it with the upper and middle two who had pushed the pawn line.

Seeing this, the stupid chicken immediately retreated.

He didn't flash himself, and his teammates in the solo lane didn't clean up the pawn line, so he might have an accident if he went directly there.

"I'll take a little dragon, let's let go of this blue BUFF!"

Stupid decision-making decisive and wise.

Although it is just a wind dragon, it is much stronger than the blue buff in terms of explicit value.


Anyway, it wasn't his stupid chicken who was hurt.

The second blue BUFF was originally intended for the mid laner.

Time's blue BUFF was reversed, what does it have to do with my leopard girl?

It's just that Lee Sang Hyuk's face turned dark.

Like Li Zhixun's Galio, he now has a lunch box to provide battery life.

But the disadvantage is that the magic power is not high enough.

If there is no blue BUFF to support the mana, the attribute of the lunch box alone is not enough for Lee Sang Hyuk to clear the line easily and without pressure!

As long as he doesn't have access rights, he can only stay online all the time without teleportation, watching Galio wander around!

Gu Xing's first step plan was successfully implemented.

What he has to do next is to use the blue buff gap to roll the snowball.

There is no problem with the choice and judgment made by the stupid chicken just now.

From the perspective of explicit benefits alone, the value of the wind dragon that can provide movement speed is definitely higher than that of the blue BUFF.

But Lee Sang-hyuk lacks blue and has no line power.

There will be a chain reaction.

Gu Xing wants to use the advantage of online power to make troubles!

He didn't choose to do it immediately, but went back to his own upper field to brush up the field first.

After owning Tiamat, Lee Sin's jungle clearing speed is not what it used to be.

Gu Xing cleaned up the three sets of camps above and successfully upgraded to level six.

Then go straight down the road!

"Little Gu is moving down." Miller focused his eyes on the small map. "Stupid Chicken seems to realize that something is wrong. He gave up on the three wolves and drove down the same road!"

His voice could not help but hastened.

The stupid chicken galloped all the way.

On the way, through the eye position I just made at the junction of the VG blue BUFF and the magic marsh frog camp, I saw the blind monk who was sneaking around and plotting evil.

His face suddenly turned cloudy.

Little trick!

You don't really think that you can succeed if you catch it, do you?

The stupid chicken calculated Gu Xing's level correctly.

Knowing that the opponent will be promoted to six at this time.

He himself wasted time due to brushing the wind dragon. If he continued to brush down from the upper half of the area, his progress would definitely lag behind the blind monk with Tiamat!

That is to say, Gu Xing can reach the bottom lane first.

The blind monk with big and bright eyes can deal a devastating blow to the SKT duo!

But Stupid Chicken had expected it in advance.

After he finished fighting Fenglong, he went to the lower half of VG to make a good eye position before returning.

Just to prevent Gu Xing from being caught!

Now the field of vision played its due role, accurately capturing Gu Xing's figure.

"The SKT duo didn't back down, they're still acting!" Wawa also knew that Gu Xing's grabbing movement had been noticed, and immediately hung her heart, "Will Xiao Gu be fooled?"

Gu Xing's original vision in SKT's lower jungle area has either expired or disappeared, or was replaced by him when he set up vision in the upper half of the area against the blue.

Imp's Eagle Spirit was also used as a defense tower when it defended the tower alone, and it is cooling down now.

VG didn't notice Leopard Girl's tendency to give up the wild monsters and go directly to the bottom lane to squat!

"If you are squatted down by a stupid chicken..." Miller hesitated to speak, not daring to think further.

Gu Xing and Hou Ye had previously caught a stupid chicken in the wild.

That kill was certainly profitable.

But if it is compared with the benefits brought by anti-squatting, it is not on the same level!

If Bang relies on this wave of back crouching to get the kill again. The KT duo may have to take off directly!

Jhin's advanced development will undoubtedly bring enormous pressure to VG!

The Roaring Emperor of the LCK also knows the pros and cons.

"Virtue, hurry up, grab the bottom!" He was still urging Gu Xing from the air, "You must show off your most exciting and handsome roundhouse kick!"

Kim Dong-joon thought so too.

"Hurry up, Bang didn't flash, it's the perfect target for roundhouse kicks!"

Just as they thought.

Gu Xing also followed the route to the next route.

When Imp took advantage of Bang to replenish his soldiers, he fired a thousand arrows to slow him down, and then he got out of the grass.

A sky sound wave was thrown from a distance, and the angle was very tricky!

Bang wore a pair of straw sandals all over his body, and after being hit by the ice arrow, he didn't move very fast.

He twisted left and right, as if he didn't expect Gu Xing to come, and in a moment of panic, he actually picked up Q!

However, everyone except the VG players knows. There is a leopard girl hiding behind KT!

"Go!" Roaring Emperor tried to give Gu Xing blood, "Kick him over and touch his eyes, Jhin will definitely be kicked back!"

next moment.

The blind monk flew out.

The eyes of the three Korean commentators were shining brightly, and they were short of giving Gu Xing a compliment.

But Li Qing was flying in mid-air.

Suddenly switch back!

W [golden bell cover] was attached to the support of one's own side, and the echo shot was interrupted in a daze!

Then run back without looking back!

The celebratory jubilation that had already inflated in the LCK commentary booth came to an abrupt end.

"Ah?!" The Roaring Emperor was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"Why don't you go up?" Jin Dongjun was extremely puzzled, still yelling loudly, "Virtue, go up!"

The audience in the stands was also talking about it.

From the perspective of watching the game, they don't understand why Gu Xingming changed his mind midway when he had a great opportunity to play back and forth.

The barrage in the LPL live broadcast room is full of joy.

Domestic netizens don't care why.

As long as Gu Xing doesn't fall for the trick and gets squatted back, it's considered a success!

"Okay, okay!" Smeb applauded again and again, "It's OK in Judgment's opinion!"

Little Peanut was very happy, "Bang's acting is too similar, but it's tasteless!"

He thought carefully just now, but he could figure out the reason why Gu Xing turned back and retreated. KT's anti-squat formation is a bit fake.

From the position of the laning pawns in the bottom lane, to Bang's reaction after seeing the blind monk, the word "deliberate" is vaguely revealed.

Putting it on the weak team, Little Peanut felt that Gu Xing was uncertain, so he kicked it up.

But at the level of SKT, unless the head is dizzy, it is absolutely impossible to deploy such a weird defense!

It is also normal and reasonable to withdraw in time.

Peanut was right to think about it.

But Gu Xing thought about the longer term.

Even before reaching the bottom lane, I thought that this wave would not attack!

He didn't catch the stupid chicken's movement for nearly a minute.

Under the premise of uncertain success rate, Gu Xing has no reason to take reckless risks when he is about to win the championship.

And his real purpose is to use the right of the middle line to do things.

Now is not the time.

Gu Xing gave a symbolic kick, mainly to test it out.

Seeing SKT's reaction, he also guessed that the stupid chicken should be back squatting!

Quickly retreat to the back, and then let Li Zhixun keep an eye on SKT's Raptor camp through the wall.

Going to find out where the stupid chicken is.

It doesn't take a moment.

Then I saw the figure of stupid chicken appearing near F4.

Seeing the wild number, Gu Xing knew that the other party was swiping from the bottom to the top again.

"Squat back and adjust the path to clear the jungle..." He made a judgment in his heart.

Stupid chicken specially changed the route of brushing wild from bottom to top.

Want to stagger with Gu Xing.

This can avoid the pressure of the wild area to face in the future.

Gu Xing refused to let him get his wish!

Go to the opposite red area and do another eye, and then go back to the city directly.

In this way, the lower half of Gu Xing was not erased.

He can also brush from bottom to top when he comes out again!

Gu Xing's thoughts are simple and simple.

Desperately find Nakano confrontation. Nakano like KT Time + Leopard Girl are pure toys against Galio!

He has no reason not to take advantage of this!

After mending the mercury shoes, Gu Xing moved down first.

"Master Hou will get you the mana later," he communicated with his teammates, "Can you push the pawn line in the middle?"

Li Zhixun replied decisively, "No problem, time can't stop me!"

After having a lunch box, Easyhoon is even more unscrupulous.

Sometimes to stand up to the damage of time is to clear the line of soldiers and control the line.

After all, he has W [Strong Fortress], which absorbs damage and also has HP recovery.

With Shi Shi's output, it can't pose much threat to Li Zhixun at all!

At this time, seeing that Gu Xing wanted to make a big move, he immediately started to use his skills to slap Binxuan.

With little effort, Galio, who had plenty of mana, pushed the pawn line over.

"You go up..." Gu Xing gave instructions in the voice.

Li Zhixun was stunned for a moment, "Time has inserted a thread!"

Faker knew that he didn't have the line right, so he gave a line eye near the VG middle tower to detect Lord Hou's wandering movements.

If he goes up, his position will be completely seen through by SKT!

"I know," Gu Xing gave him a signal, "Go up, and then circle around our wild area!"

Li Zhixun did not refute this time.

He leaned up obediently.

This move immediately caused a burst of tension in the SKT team.

"Haocheng, step back!" Stupid Chicken hurriedly reminded from behind, "Galio might go up the road and jump the tower to kill you!"

Duke just completed the equipment transmission and went online.

There is more blood now.

But it is in the form of small Gnar, which does not seem to have any deterrent effect.

"I'm pulling!" Duke said angrily.

Manipulating Little Gnar to hit the three rings on the troll, relying on the speed to open the distance, and then quickly cleared the line of soldiers, trying not to let the soldiers enter the tower.

The stupid chicken was relieved a little.

He just finished brushing the three wolves above, and now he is going to move down.

Bengi didn't want to go up the road to help back squat.

Because he knew very well that if Li Zhixun dared to go up the road in front of the eyes, he must have something to rely on!

There is a high probability that Gu Xing also didn't notice Gu Xing in the field of vision he set up between the blue BUFF and the magic marsh frog camp in the lower half of VG to clean up these two groups of wild monsters.

Then the blind monk seems to be in the upper half for granted.

The three on VG made a move. If they really wanted to kill Gnar, there must be no reason for Duke to escape!

The stupid chicken didn't get better after flashing, and he didn't purify it. He ran up and got ridiculed by Galio, so he was courting death.

He simply avoided the battle and went down the road.

Maybe there will be something to gain, and by the way, pull out the Tower of One Blood!

After formulating a battle plan, the stupid chicken ran down without stopping, leaving Duke to ask for more blessings.

Until he walked into the red zone and passed the grass.

A blind monk suddenly jumped out of it!

The stupid chicken under the camera was taken aback.

The hand holding the mouse visibly shakes randomly, and I don't know where to move the pointer!

what's the situation? !

Why is the blind monk here?

"Xiao Gu's wait-and-see success again!" Waowa's voice was as loud as a bell, "Stupid chicken is stuck in the face, this wave is very dangerous!"

Gu Xing touched his eyes and put his face on his face, and received E [Sky Thunder Break] and Tiamat with his basic attack!

The slow effect attached to the red BUFF keeps Leopard Girl!

Stupid chicken suppressed the panic in his heart, shaking people in his voice.

At the same time, he did not forget to operate the escape, W [swoop] to pull away.

As a result, the pounce action was just made.

The blind monk suddenly raised his foot.

R【Raptors wagging its tail】!

Leopard girl flew in mid-air uncontrollably.

Sky sound wave!

Gu Xing's hands are very steady, as usual, the blind monk's RQ must hit.

After hanging up the mark, he followed up with the second echo strike!

"Leopard Girl doesn't have any armor or HP equipment, she is a group of fragile people, and she was directly beaten to residual blood by a blind monk's combo!"

Miller's voice was full of passion, "I want cinnabar!"

Leopard Girl doesn't have any movement skills.

Being stuck by the blind monk is the only way to die!

"One more shot to tie A, Xiao Gu took Leopard Girl's life!" I remembered and was very excited, "His wave is too outrageous. Steadily avoid SKT's ward placement in the lower half of VG!"

Cheers erupted in the Staples Center.

The director quickly gave a fast double-speed playback.

When Gu Xing moved to SKT's lower jungle area, he first walked forward on his own lower route.

Then turn around, enter the lower river, and then touch the eye from the Xiaolongkeng to pass the wall, perfectly bypassing the vision that the stupid chicken had arranged before!

With this situation, the chat channel of the LPL live broadcast room was full of disgusting praise.

[Fucking little Gu! Is there such a circle around the field of vision? 】

【This is not a perspective hanging, I can say whatever you want】

[Don't be embarrassing, Xiaotou doesn't count! 】

[It's cinnabar again, stupid chicken is really not good, the wild area is blown to pieces]

[Leopard girl was killed in almost the same location twice, maybe this place has good geomantic omen, right? 】

Stupid chicken looked at the black and white screen, scratching his head helplessly.

Gu Xing did the opposite, fully grasped his psychology, and then crouched.

He had to admire him.

"This kid is really amazing..." Stupid Chicken sincerely sighed.

Then he realized another problem.

Gu Xing didn't go on the road.

In other words, his plan to kill Duke by crossing towers in the middle field on VG was wrong?

Stupid chicken suddenly reacted.

"Pull back!" He raised his voice and reminded his teammates in the bottom lane, "Galio might be there too!"

The wolf stick combination also sensed something was wrong.

The two quickly retreated.

Unfortunately it was too late.

Jhin and Zyra, two non-moving characters, rely on a pair of legs to run.

Only then retreated to the protection range of the next defense tower.

Just see Galio from the perspective of the triangular grass!

The gargoyle is flapping its wings, and its ugly appearance is not easy to mess with!

Then a blind monk emerged from the back, blocking SKT's retreat route!

"There is nowhere to go!" Miller hoarse until his voice became hoarse, "There is no way for the SKT duo to leave!"

"Bang's flashing hasn't improved yet, he can only watch Galio flashing over to taunt!"

The stone statue of Durang controlled all the wolf-stick combinations.

"Jin turned on the purification for the first time and wanted to retreat...but Imp's magic crystal arrow shot over!"

Without any suspense, it hit Bang right!

Even after the purification is turned on, the controlled duration for the next few seconds will be shortened.

But for VG, it is completely enough!

"Little Gu Tianyinbo made a precise hit!" Wawa clenched her fists and tapped on the commentary platform to express her inner excitement, "The only thing that welcomes Jhin is death!"

Gu Xing gave up the head to Imp.

There is only one Zyra left, who has no ability to fight back at all!

Hou Ye's flash taunt, the control time is as high as 2.5 seconds!

With Zyra's crispy body, VG can easily kill her!

"SKT's downfield was all killed in a short period of time," I remember blushing, "they met in the spring for a meeting!"

"The four of VG can even push down the next tower of SKT in one go!"

He was very relieved, "Through Xiao Gu's wild Dansha and Hou Ye's flash taunt, VG has established a huge advantage in an instant!"

"The economy of 2.2k is leading, just be steady and steady!" I remember that I can't wait to jump up and down, "When I'm stupid, Leopard Girl is completely abolished, and he will have no ability to fight back when facing Xiao Gu!"

-----Off Topic-----


End tomorrow.

Well played TES!

6800 words, 6.98w

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