The KT main crystal shattered into fireworks, and the crackling sound was transmitted to the stands, and the sound wave aroused reached an unprecedented height!

Fireworks shot out from the edge of the stage, accompanied by dry ice mist rising into the air, forming a psychedelic and gorgeous picture scroll together!

"Champion of the 2016 Global Finals!" Miller's heart was surging. The bright dome spotlight was no match for the faint tears flickering in his eyes, and his voice was even more turbulent. "The final winner belongs to VG from the LPL division!"

The doll let out a long sigh of relief, the scorching breath rolled and spread to the depths of her heart, and her voice became sonorous and powerful when she spoke.

"Three years ago at the Staples Center, SKT gave us a tragic sweep and won the first World Championship trophy in team history. Today we also responded with a 3-0, shattering their dream of a triple crown dynasty!"

He remembered the helplessness he felt when he first set foot in this legendary stadium to commentate, and he could only watch SKT crush the royal family to win the championship.

How painful it was then, how comfortable it is now!

I remember waving my fists vigorously, my face flushed to the point of embarrassment, "Now is the era of VG! Don't wait for next year, it's this moment, this moment, we are the champions!"

Millions of netizens gathered on major live broadcast platforms, directly turning the LPL live broadcast into a stuck state.

In the chat channel, the barrage of cheers and celebrations for winning the championship was swiped all over the screen, drowning all the pictures!

[VG awesome batch! LPL can actually win the championship]

[Too bad, next year is not the 'most promising year', Ye Qingjie! 】

[I didn't expect to sweep SKT, it really broke the double crown? 】

[I'm going to download the alliance again, and the first district will open the rankings tonight! 】

[Laughing, you don't think you can get in the first district at night, do you? 】

Shen Guanshan had just finished celebrating with Gu Pan, and there was still a tinge of pink on his fair face due to his exuberance. When he saw the bullet screen covering the live broadcast screen, he quickly turned it off.

The director happened to shift the camera to the VG players' seats.

"Yes, Gu Yuyun," Gu Pan smiled into two rounds of crescents, "I really have you!"

She was really happy for her brother.

To be able to win the highest award in the field is not a bad achievement no matter what.

Shen Guanshan's eyes kept focusing on Gu Xing who was wearing the team uniform, the smile in his eyes didn't diminish, and his eyes didn't shift for a moment.

As soon as the enemy base was flattened, the five players took off their earphones and hugged each other tightly.

Gu Xing listened to the tsunami-like cheers and screams from the stands, he could feel his heart beating faster in his chest, and the lights in front of his eyes flashed and rotated endlessly. A burst of vanity.

Fortunately, he could feel the solid strength coming from his arms.

Teammates are around.

Everyone couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on their faces.

Gu Shengbin opened and closed his mouth, still yelling something loudly.

The noisy noise in the venue is too outrageous. After losing the sound-proof earphones and team voice, the communication between people can't be heard clearly at a distance.

But Gu Xing was able to tell from the shape of his mouth that it was a Chinese curse of Imp, and the pronunciation of swearing can be called correct and round, so the identification work was easy to carry out.

Coupled with Gu Sung Bin's happy expression, I don't know how many negative emotions I have accumulated.

Duan Deliang still couldn't believe all this, and asked loudly in his jungler's ear, "Are we... winning the championship?"

Gu Xing raised his head.

On the large screen directly above the center of the stage, there is a silver-white VG team logo and a set photo of the whole team with a gold background.

The word 'Vitory' printed on it is extremely eye-catching.

"Of course the champion." Zhu Xiaolong was so excited that he couldn't get any more excited, his voice was extremely high, "otherwise what do you think?"

"I'm just asking," Duan Deliang muttered to himself, "It's like a dream..."

He came from a county under the jurisdiction of Jining, and he had never seen such a magnificent scene.

I also dare not imagine that I can win a world championship trophy.

Gu Xing was still laughing at him, "Look at your reaction, it's too exaggerated!"

Reach out and grab a golden ribbon from the air.

This is the decoration of the championship celebration when the dome fluttered and poured down when the main crystal of SKT was just flattened.

Li Zhixun was quite curious, he grabbed two handfuls and observed them carefully.

"Oh, haven't you seen them all?" Gu Shengbin was excited and said nothing, "This Jin Yu is just like that, it's nothing unusual..."

"This is the first time I have seen how they float down with my own eyes," Li Zhixun corrected him, "When I was on stage last year, the golden rain was all over."

Unlike Gu Sung Bin, it was the first time he really saw the whole process of golden rain falling.

When Easyhoon won the championship in SKT last year, he didn't play in the finals.

In the end, I went to the stage with Kka to find the team members to celebrate. At that time, I was afraid that showing that unseen appearance would overwhelm the audience, and my heart was full of mixed feelings and melancholy, so I didn't have time to observe carefully.

It's different now.

He is the mid laner of this newly championed team.

No one laughs at themselves.

Li Zhixun looked at Gu Xing, who was discussing something with Duan Deliang, and stretched out his hand to him.

"Thank you."

Embarking on this thorny journey, he is very fortunate to have enough reliable teammates by his side.

Gu Xing and Easyhoon held hands tightly, their smiles were brighter than the dome spotlight, "I said last night that we will definitely win the championship... Are you happy now?"

Lee Ji Hoon recalled the scene when he swung a heavy blow towards SKT's base.

At that time, I just wanted to quickly flatten the opposite crystal, and win the game first.

Thinking back carefully now, there is a throbbing feeling in my heart, followed by indescribable joy.

He left SKT, and then personally smashed SKT's dynastic rule...

Li Zhixun felt a kind of fate in the dark.

Now my heart is full of joy, and I just nod fiercely towards my own jungler.

The action coupled with his unstoppable upturned mouth looks quite comical.

He is completely different from his usual gentle personality.

Before Gu Xing had time to say anything more, he was rushed by the members of the VG training department rushing all the way from the backstage passage!

"Fucking old Gu!" Jack said indiscriminately, his big head hit Gu Xing's chest and he could only hit this position, "Why did you really win the championship?"

If someone told Yu Wenbo before coming to the United States, VG could win the World Championship this year.

He must have scoffed.

Just kidding, I dare not even think about it!

The world girl took a VG team flag more than one meter long, put it on Gu Xing and joined the carnival!

Ding Jun and the team leader are still looking around at the Staples Center after the championship was born.

The three of them are a little older, but this is the first time they have faced such a magnificent scenery.

However, curiosity was soon overwhelmed by the ecstasy of winning the championship, and he hurried forward to hug the players.

Hongmi ran to the stage in a white shirt.

His forehead and temples were wet with sweat, and he looked a little embarrassed.

But he doesn't care at all now.

Seeing the undisguised smiles on the players' cheeks, Hongmi couldn't help laughing out loud.

This is the first team where he really has full dominance over training.

After experiencing the ups and downs of S5, VG won the championship for the first time after entering the world competition after the big change. Redmi was naturally ecstatic.

Gu Xing saw that he was the only one in the sky and earth, and couldn't help reminding him tactfully, "Your button fell off."

Hongmi rubbed the fabric subconsciously, and found that at some point, the button that was close to her had slipped away from the embrace of the shirt.

He showed a polite yet awkward smile, and hurriedly put on his suit jacket.

Vincent also looked happy.

Not long after joining Riot Games, it is definitely a beautiful thing to witness their own division successfully win the championship!

He happily went to hug Gu Xing and the others, as if he wanted to get some happiness from the contestants.

"Don't forget to shake hands!" Wen Sen urged the VG players to go through the necessary procedures.

Only then did Gu Xing get out of the ecstasy after winning the championship, and he and the other four teammates left the contestant's bench and headed towards the opposite side of the stage.

Surrounded by cameramen pushing machines to point their lenses at them.

The close-up images are projected onto the big screen at the scene.

The restless noise from the surrounding stands was deafening.

The VG fans were all smiling, and the light sticks in their hands wanted to beat the momentum like a drum, and the silver-white team flag hanging in the air was waving through the waves and hunting the wind!

The Tigers are the main force.

Little Peanut stroked the bangs of his grandma's gray hair, happily shaking his head in his seat. meb looked towards the dome.

The lights there gather and disperse, and the bright light refracted through the golden ribbon is directly reflected in the eyes.

He once imagined the scene when he won the world championship in his dream.

Since I have never won a trophy in a similar event, I can only use the LCK Summer Finals as a sample to make corresponding associations.

But when he really witnessed all this from the stands. Only then did meb realize how lacking his imagination was before.

It is difficult to describe the situation at this moment in words.

Twenty thousand people greeted the birth of the new king with enthusiastic cheers, and the VG players on the stage enjoyed their glory amidst the fireworks, ribbons and rising mist.

This is what they deserve. Meb is very envious.

It wasn't until the director screen followed the VG members pushing to the SKT player bench that he gloated and laughed out loud.

"Did you see Faker's expression? Why do I feel like everyone else is going to be numb!" Kuro was very happy.

The outside world has always said that he is afraid of science, and he has never defeated SKT in a big game.

Seeing Lee Sang Hyuk being swept away now, it would be unrealistic to say that he was not happy for a while.

Faker under the camera is sitting on a chair, swinging the mouse with his arm, and he doesn't know what he is still watching after the game is over.

He pursed his lips without saying a word, and the edge of the stage behind was filled with fireworks.

It's just that no matter how grand and beautiful the scenery is, it has nothing to do with Lee Sang Hyuk. KT is the loser of this final.

Bang next to him slumped on a chair.

He was finally resurrected, but there was no way to stop VG from destroying the base.

Throughout the game, Pei Junzhi felt a sense of helplessness!

The shooter is indeed a late Carry role, but it is only an ADC.

In the face of VG's frequent pincer attacks, the shooter is powerless and can only follow the team to drift with the tide!

Most ADC heroes are unable to drive the rhythm of the audience by themselves in the professional arena. KT Nakano's collapse in the finals was beyond imagination.

Bang feels that every time before he has any matchup advantage, his teammates can raise a father and ride on his face to fight!

in or out?

Pei Junzhi felt tired at the thought of this, and didn't know what to say.

The LCK commentary booth was as dead silent as the SKT player booth.

After a long time, seeing that the post-match handshake had already begun, Roaring Emperor struggled to speak.

"Congratulations to VG..." He congratulated the winners with the most basic professional ethics, "They are the team that performed better in this final, and the various tactical systems before the game are more fully prepared!"

Seeing the big brother speak, Jin Dongjun quickly followed up, "Yes, VG really deserves respect and applause. They won the first championship in team history with a clean victory, showing unparalleled dominance!"

Roaring Emperor glanced at his partner in surprise.

With his nearly 20 years of rich experience in the commentary circle, Kim Dong-joon's words will definitely be criticized by Korean netizens.

as expected.

In the Korean stream live broadcast room, the number of netizens gathered was also considerable, and the chat channel exploded in an instant!

【what does it mean? If you don't want to comment for LCK, you can go find LPL! 】

[Hehe, I already knew that Kim Dong-joon didn't like SKT, so did Xiao Heizi show his feet? 】

【Not telling the truth? Some people are really glass-hearted, 3 to 0 is not called dominance, so don’t talk too much when SKT brags about its S3 championship]

[My evaluation is: SKT is really not as good as ROX, co-authored only one time system, and was smashed by VG Galio's head] KT lost the final, and the supporters of various teams that had been lurking in the live broadcast room opened fire one after another .

They usually hope that SKT will die quickly, but now that their dreams have come true, they can no longer hold back.

Samsung, CJ, KT, ROX... Many fan groups fought hard with SKT fans in the chat channel!

Plar is still analyzing calmly.

"It has to be said that the bonus of the version to VG is obvious," he said eloquently, "it is a heavy burden for SKT, especially the jungler. Stupid chickens have repeatedly hit the wall in the jungle, and basically can only hang in the mid-term. line to protect teammates..."

"However, this caused great pressure on the team's vision in the jungle, and they couldn't even get the lane right. In the end, they were repeatedly dragged to the dragon pit for decisive battles. With the lack of vision, SKT was no match for VG at all!"

Plar is a jungler, although compared to the S6 season, he was considered ancient times at that time.

But the basic theory is common.

The matchup in the wild can't stand it. In S6, the wild version of the online per capita earth-bound spirit, it is tantamount to sharing the pressure among the three teammates!

He believes that the stupid chicken's matchup was crushed by the sanctions, which is the root cause of the loss in the final.

Bengi himself thought so too.

When Gu Xing came to shake hands, he looked at the other party convinced, "You are really strong... I hope to have a chance to fight again."

That's what stupid people say.

But he knows that he will not stay in the team next year.

For SKT, his current strength and age are not enough to compete for the championship.

That would be of no use.

Because of a top giant like SKT, the goal must be the championship!

It can be seen from Xiaohei's frequent suppression of him this year that Kka is paving the way for next season.

If it weren't for Blank's dilemma in the later part of the season that his own style of play does not match the team's style and it is difficult to get out, Stupid Chicken probably wouldn't have many chances to play!

Stupid chickens don't want to stay in the LCK either, the wages here are too low.

At the end of his career, he had to make plans for his life after retirement and go outside to make a living.

The next time I meet Gu Xing, I don't know when and where it will be.

"Thanks for your hard work..." Gu Xing has a good impression of Stupid Chicken, "You are also very strong, and I look forward to having the opportunity to meet you again in the arena."

To say that The Jungle's hard power is basically equal to the all-round enlarged version of the factory director.

The difference is that Stupid likes to maximize the line-wild linkage, while the main style is more passive.

Ming Kai's rhythm in the early and mid-term is not that bad, and he is very good at opening up the situation.

The common denominator is the herbivore control map. The version of the 6 World Championship was a fatal blow to them!

If he really wanted to change the patch, Gu Xing didn't dare to say that he could take down the stupid chicken steadily.

He has been a professional player for half a year, and he also understands that in this industry, he has to eat the version.

It is normal for one generation of versions and one generation of gods.

Born at the right time like myself, when he just started playing professionally, he ran into the version that is most beneficial to the jungler of the meat-eating invasion style, it is simply a natural choice!

Not just Gu Xing.

Why didn't the other four players of VG win the championship by relying on the version against the trend?

If Master Hou hadn’t gotten the traditional mage version, would the 24-year-old really be able to fight to the death with S6’s Lee Sang Hyuk?

Without a suitable version, it is not easy for any team to reach the semi-finals of the World Championship!

Of course, Gu Xing would not belittle himself or belittle himself.

The version is here, if you can grasp it, that is your skill!

Saying goodbye to the stupid chicken, Gu Xing looked at Li Sang Hyuk with a smile.

Faker has just recovered from his trance, and with reddened eyes, he stands up and shakes his hand.

Gu Xing found out that the desktop of Lee Sang Hyuk's monitor was not the game settlement interface, and was quite curious about what it was, so he turned his head and wanted to take a look.

Then it was found that there were two newly opened documents, which covered the post-match record map.

Before I had time to think about it, I heard Imp in front of me in a panic, correcting Pei Junzhi's wrong words, "I won and you still called me basket? Basket doesn't mean spicy, I'm super..."

Gu Shengbin didn't expect to shoot himself in the foot in the end.

Imp's language expression ability is more or less problematic, he talked and gestured excitedly, mixed Chinese and Korean, and he didn't understand it.

Gu Xing's attention was completely attracted by Gu Shengbin, and he walked forward to shake hands with Bang.

Pei Junzhi regained his strength, and now he seems a little bit lost, but his fighting spirit is high, and he seems to want to fight VG for 300 rounds!

"We'll be back," he insisted. "Just wait and see next year!"

Gu Xing laughed dumbfounded.

Originally, he wanted to help Li Zhixun launch a duel similar to proof and revenge against SKT.

Unexpectedly, Bang now also has the idea of ​​revenge.

Li Zhixun behind him shook hands with Faker lightly.

The two didn't communicate much, and passed by.

The cameraman did not give up this great opportunity, and captured the backs of the mid laners of both sides at the same time, and recorded them in the lens.

The IDs on the backs of their respective uniforms shone under the spotlight. The feud between KT's two mid laners has come to an end.

The Roaring Emperor looked at Faker who was in a state of despair, as if he was about to burst into tears in the next moment, and said a few words of relief on the commentary stage.

"The runner-up in the World Championship is already a very good result. You must know that the difficulty of consecutive championships is absolutely first-class. No other team has completed it so far. SKT players don't have to be too harsh on themselves..."

Plar then added, "Yes, SKT's reverse version can win the runner-up. No matter how you think about it, it's not bad. Based on the results of the whole year, they also have a lot of gains!"

Spring + M private doubles, plus World Championship runner-up.

No matter how they rank, SKT is also one of the best clubs with honors throughout the year.

This is exactly how Kka appeases the players.

When the base crystal shattered, he rushed to the stage.

After the handshake session was over, the team members were called together.

"Don't take it too seriously, we have enough honors. Even if this year's results are not very successful, they are definitely not bad..." Kka's tone was as gentle as ever, not too much like after the third round of BP. There is a big difference, "not to mention the courage to accept failure is also a valuable courage."

"Everyone has experienced more than one loss, and they must know how to deal with it," he glanced at each player, "I just want you to correct your mentality."

"I have survived the hardships of two years ago, so why is there any reason to be afraid of failure?"

Everyone was silent.

Except for Duke, the other four players all spent their 2014 season in SKT.

It's really uncomfortable to be suppressed by the three-star duo until you can't breathe.

Even so, SKT still climbed up and achieved incomparably brilliant achievements in 2015.

Faker rubbed his red eyes, "If Time Leopard Girl was not used in the third round, would the result be different..."

Upon hearing this, Kka paused for a moment.

"Xianghe," he said earnestly, "do you remember what I said to you before?"

"When you lose, everything is like an excuse."

The difference between Kka and other typical Korean coaches is that he has a good personal relationship with the players, and he is a bit like a teacher and friend in the team.

This approach instead gave him full prestige in the SKT team.

"If you lose, you lose," Kka said, "VG played better than us in this final."

"There's nothing to hide about that."

He can afford to lose, and always believes that he can lead the team to comeback.

"Get off the stage," Kka put his arms around the shoulders of the players, wanting to convey strength to them in this way, "The next thing has nothing to do with you... Go back and get a good sleep, and you will be fine the next day."

Lee Sang Hyuk had nothing to say, and walked towards the backstage passage with his keyboard and mouse in his arms.

Along the way, gradually away from the glow of the Staples center stage.

He looked down at the floor.

I couldn't help but think back to my young and energetic self when I won the Summoner Trophy for the first time here three years ago.

Compared with the past, Lee Sang Hyuk feels that everything is the same here, but different everywhere.

Three years.

To sweep and to be swept.

Lee Sang Hyuk closed his eyes in pain.

The dream of the triple crown has been shattered so far. If you want to hit this goal again, you need to wait another year!

When he walked to the entrance of the backstage passage, he could hear the passionate English commentary on the scene.

"Vig, there is another team in history that won the Summoner Trophy, the well-deserved king!"

When Lee Sang Hyuk heard this, he could no longer control the tears that welled up in his eyes.

He took off his glasses and looked back to the place surrounded by applause and cheers.

Center stage.

Wearing the VG team flag, Gu Xing carefully looked at the summoner's trophy that made all the players dream about it.

About sixty or seventy centimeters high, it looks very heavy.

Five cloaked and hooded figures of summoners surround the sides of the cup.

It is also inlaid with blue spar and chaotic runes.

Under the light of the dome, it looks silvery and eye-catching.

Gu Xing smiled all over his face and called on his teammates to put all their hands up.

"Three, two, one..." He and all the VG players forcefully lifted the trophy into the air!

The clamor from the stands soared into the sky in an instant!

The spotlights were focused on the VG players, and in the blue and red ocean in the stands in the distance, there were flashing lights that flickered on and off, like twinkling stars.

Gu Xing looked sideways at his teammates.

Seeing four equally excited faces, and carefully distinguishing the turbulent shouting voices at the scene, I heard some audience members shouting their IDs loudly.

The bottom of my heart was suddenly filled with some inexplicable emotion.

This is what he has been looking for since he stepped into his career path.

Happiness and joy turned into every arc of the corners of the mouth at this moment.

"Thank you, thank you..." Li Zhixun muttered non-stop, sniffing to suppress the moisture in his eyes, his eyes were tightly focused on the summoner's trophy in front of him.

After a year, Gu Shengbin won the trophy again, looked around, but the teammates around him changed four.

His body suddenly relaxed, and he turned his head to look at Hongmi who was standing beside the contestant's bench.

The two stared at each other.

For Gu Shengbin, Hongmi is his former teammate, coach, and the person who pulled him out of the abyss.

Imp gave the opponent a thumbs up, and showed the Summoner Trophy in his hand by the way.

Hongmi waved at him with satisfaction.

"Congratulations to VG again!" Hostess Sjokz stepped onto the stage in high heels, with a bright smile on her face, "Our new world champion!"

Gu Xing gathered the team flag on his shoulders, and then heard the other party continue to say, "First of all, I invite the co-founders of Riot Games, Tryndamere and Ryze, to present medals to the champions!"

Starting from this year, the winners of the World Championships will not only receive the Summoner Trophy, but also receive medals, which are more convenient championship belongings.

The two fist founders walked to the center with the medals, and Wen Sen, who was working as a translator, arranged for the VG players and the head coach to line up to receive the awards in turn.

Looking at the medals hanging around their necks, Vincent seemed to be honored, and the smile on his face never stopped.

When it was Gu Xing's turn, he strode forward to shake hands with the fist executive.

Seeing this, VG supporters cheered happily in the auditorium.

"You played well," said Ryze, who was shorter and stockier, and spoke in a warm voice, "We have lived up to our expectations!"

What they want is a player like Gu Xing.

Including the rise of Peanut and Jankos are things that the fist is happy to see.

The rise of the carnivorous jungler seems to prove that the designer's adjustment to the wild area is very effective.

Even though the duration of the game was not well controlled, there was even a phenomenon of increasing instead of decreasing.

But overall, Riot is very satisfied with the results of this World Championship.

Non-SKT, non-LCK, VG's victory is of great benefit to the diversified development of e-sports events!

Gu Xing exchanged a few simple greetings, and after receiving the medal, he couldn't help stroking and outlining the shape with his fingers.

A silver-white medal hangs from a blue ribbon, and on it is a hooded summoner like the one on the trophy.

"I heard from them that you can test the quality by biting your teeth..." Duan Deliang was also looking down at the medals, still hesitating whether to do it or not.

"That's a gold medal bite, isn't our thing made of silver?" Zhu Xiaolong wasn't too sure.

Gu Xing just wanted to interrupt and join the topic.

I heard Sjokz hold the microphone and continue the process.

"The next thing to be awarded is the FMVP award of this year's global finals," she said with gorgeous makeup, looking at the crowds of people in the stands on all sides of the scene, "I believe everyone has their favorite candidate, I don't know if it is consistent with the official evaluation result... …” The FMVP award for the competition has been established since 2014.

The previous two winners were Mata Chuan and Ma Run, both of whom are outstanding players in the same position!

At the moment, the audience in the stands are talking about it.

Netizens watching the live broadcast were also discussing the final winners.

There are two main conclusions.

Gu Xing or Li Zhixun.

Throughout the entire finals, VG Nakano can be regarded as the most eye-catching player.

Facing the double crown aircraft combination, they did not lose the wind at all, and even crushed their opponents from the jungle matchup. They are definitely the key roles for the team to win!

Gu Xing turned his head and smiled at Easyhoon.

Overcoming obstacles all the way to the present, the two don't care much about FMVP.

The team's ability to win is the most important thing. Jokz saw that Guanzi was almost sold, so he opened the card in his hand.

The smile became brighter and brighter.

"Virtue player, congratulations!"

Li Zhixun clapped and clapped, and pushed Gu Xing to make him take a step forward to the hostess.

The big screen above the stage showed some statistics of Gu Xing's finals, and beside it was a photo of him pretending to be cool and cool.

Average matchup economy lead +4693

Participation rate 91.1%

Team output accounted for 22.0%

Injuries accounted for 34.4%

Battle loss ratio: 19 kills, 3 deaths, 22 assists

Every item is exaggerated to the extreme for the jungler!

In an instant, there was thunderous applause from the stands!

Even the most demanding viewers can hardly question Gu Xing's role in this VG after seeing rows of luxurious data!

"You deserve it!" Hongmi looked at Gu Xing with pride.

The first jungler FMVP in history is also the only one!

"Shi Yiye!" Gu Shengbin booed from the side, showing the classic mouse-skinned deity's smile, "Xu Gu, you are a god!"

Standing beside Sjokz, Gu Xing hurriedly waved to the supporters around the stands when he heard the applause from the audience.

"Interview with our upstart FMVP." Sjokz handed another microphone to Gu Xing, "Win the final with a near-perfect performance, how do you feel now?"

Similar routine questions are asked in every interview.

Gu Xing told the truth, "Before the game, I discussed with my teammates and thought that I would win the final today, but I guessed the ending correctly but not the process..."

He had expected to hit the fourth inning.

Unexpectedly, SKT was a bit irresistible, losing 0 to 3 at the speed of light, and the speed was comparable to that of France.

The audience in the LPL live broadcast room did not think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and they also tried to interpret the content of Gu Xing's interview.

[High EQ: Guess the ending correctly but not the process, low EQ: The opposite party really sent β dishes, why did they get smashed after only three dishes]

[You stupid chicken is playing with Leopard Girl, can he play? I don’t have the ability to know]

[Is this the largest field distance in history, with an average economic lead of nearly 5000 per game, really NM outrageous! 】

[Little Gu suddenly seems to be on the hook! 】

[Using two Bodhidharma sets, Stupid Chicken used two sets of Leopard Girls, and can still play such a poor economy, I can only say that SKT really can't do it! ] jokz immediately raised questions about FMVP.

"Of course I am very happy to get the award," Gu Xing thought for a moment to answer, "I also have to thank my teammates, they are not incapable, but sacrificed to achieve the victory, so that I can be unscrupulous in the opposite wild area Invade."

"Thanks to Hongmi, too." He looked back at his coach, and found that the other party was competing for medals. He was stunned for a moment when he heard his words. "Without him, I should not be able to grow so fast."

Half a year ago, Gu Xing was struggling with whether to play in the LPL rotation or LSPL.

Now, he is world champion.

From a high-scoring passer-by with full Rank play style to a professional player who emphasizes strategy and operation step by step, Redmi has contributed a lot!

With the general level of the current LPL coaching staff, there are very few coaches who can establish the correct operation and overall situation in the early stages of player growth.

Not only can Redmi do it, but the effect is extremely outstanding, and it trains players step by step.

Gu Xing now feels that joining VG is the right choice!

The director's shot was cut separately to give a close-up of Redmi.

The double crown coach showed a childish smile because of the approval of his players. jokz let go of Gu Xing, and pointed at Li Zhixun again, "Is there anything Easyhoon wants to say about defeating his teammates from last year?"

Li Zhixun did not hesitate, "I watched a movie when I was young, and I want to borrow a sentence from it. I want to fight for it. I don't want to prove that I am great. I just want to tell people that I must get back what I lost!"

"And now..." He held up the silver medal on his chest, "I did it."

When Li Zhixun was young, Hong Kong style was still popular in Korea, and "A Hero's True Colors" was quite well-known.

Easyhoon was very impressed by this, and this was also what he had in mind before the start of the finals.

Goo Sung Bin pushed forward noisily, wanting to fight for an interview question. jokz satisfied him with a smile, "Does Imp have anything to say to the final opponent SKT?"

Gu Shengbin held back the whole game, and finally started to talk, "It's not really how good we played, it's mainly because the opponent's level is not good..."

"And I said before the game that Wo and Bang played wave 5 and never lost a single time. It's the same now!"

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