"Facing Samsung in the quarterfinals, it doesn't seem too difficult in retrospect..."

In the documentary, after winning the championship, Zhu Xiaolong was very happy facing the camera.

"The opponents are all opponents entering the World Championship for the first time. It is easy to have problems with the mentality in the key rounds," he said eloquently, "Besides, SSG lost three consecutive games in the second round of the group stage. I can feel that Samsung is a bit fragile."

Gu Xing, who was next to him, deeply agreed, "One thing to say, Samsung's hard power is really not bad, but after winning the first two rounds, I feel that everyone is going to enter the semi-finals."

"Because mentality is also a very important part of reaching the knockout round," he said rationally, "I think professional players must be able to control their emotions well, and they have to get used to facing many unexpected situations."

Hongmi joked, "It would be appropriate for the double Cs to say this, since it's the first time for the two of you to enter the World Championship, okay?"

Gu Xing coughed twice and defended, "As we all know, people cannot be generalized..."

The barrage densely filled the screen.

[Who is the brat implying? 】

[The blind monk touched his eyes and used the second-stage W empty energy, but the RQQ failed. Didn't the factory manager have a mentality problem at that time? 】

[Critical rounds of key rounds are in a hurry and blindly pressing β randomly, pressing the bright key Clearlove all over again]

[Don't be embarrassed, I feel that Ming Kai is naturally cowardly, and it really has nothing to do with his mentality]

The screen is given to the game.

The impassioned voice of the live commentary resounded through the Chicago theater.

"Olaf of Virtue raised his sword and cut off the last hope of SSG's comeback!"

When the Samsung base was shattered in the last round, Gu Xing stood up to celebrate with his teammates, and showed Li Zhixun a pair of scissors.

The camera freezes at this moment and switches to Gu Xing after winning the championship.

"This is not a celebratory gesture," he simply explained. "What it really means is that there are still two 5-waves away from winning the championship."

The documentary uses Gu Xing's words as a link between the past and the future.

Amidst the touting of the barrage, the picture fell into darkness again.

When it lights up again, it is a glimpse of the other two brother teams in the same competition area being eliminated.

The voice-over sounded in due course.

"VG is the only LPL team left in the top four, will you feel the pressure outside the arena?"

Duan Deliang was very cautious in front of the camera, "It's okay... After all, not many people were optimistic about us at the beginning. Before the start of the game, I thought it would be very difficult to reach the semi-finals. At that time, I just wanted to prepare for every game seriously and be worthy of myself. s hard work."

The paragraph is telling the truth.

In the LPL league, RNG and EDG received more attention in the summer.

As for VG?

It's just a sudden emergence of a dark horse. Although the style of play is rigorous and smooth, the popularity of traffic has indeed dropped a lot!

When they won the summer championship, the audience was generally pessimistic, thinking that the top four in the World Championship would be considered a success.

After waiting until the semi-finals, with only one seedling left, VG finally got the support of the audience in the entire competition area!

Today's Gu Xing is sitting on a park bench, laughing and farting, "It's been 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi... VG fans now occupy half of the LPL!"

The influence of the first crown is far beyond imagination.

The key timing is right. 6 is when the LPL forces are empty.

RNG performed well in the first half of the year, and their performance plummeted in the summer. In the end, the World Championship was a mess, and they couldn't play the ideal system at all!

Coupled with the tricky Windtalker Zyra in the last round of Mata's knockout round, the team's popularity continued to slump.

EDG contributed a lot of famous scenes in the quarter-finals against ROX. Ming Kai, the absolute star player in the team, was a bit ruined. He became the object of group ridicule on various forums, and beat countless supporters to fans!

It is rumored that Deft, another popular pillar of the team, will also leave the team after the end of the transfer contract.

The collapse of the popularity of the entire team and the number of fans is inevitable.

At present, EDG can basically only earn money from the 2015 Mid-Season Championship.

On the other hand, VG is a real baby, took advantage of the vacancy and won the first championship in the competition area in one fell swoop, and almost all the remaining pure passers-by in the LPL were brought under their command!

What Gu Xing said about half of the country is not an exaggeration at all.

Even worse than that!

Gu Pan didn't want to look at his elder brother's embarrassing face again, so he focused his eyes on the screen.

When ROX came out, the background music suddenly became tense and hurried.

The documentary uses a lot of space to describe and render this powerful opponent. The members of the Tigers appear on the screen very frequently, and there are many interactive pictures.

Gu Xing found that his conversation with ROX players was also intercepted.

There is also a scene where he made an agreement with Smeb that whoever wins will beat SKT in the final.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xing was extremely frightened.

Were there cameras back then? I do not know how!

He didn't even know when he was captured by the cameraman.

And the barrage is very keen, and immediately noticed that ROX appeared in an abnormally high number of times in the documentary.

【The relationship between the two teams is really iron】

[ROX fans are miserable, the team is so poor that they can't even make a documentary, and they can only see Peanut on the side of the winner VG]

[Both in the lower half want to crush SKT, the truth made me laugh out loud]

[Looking down on Yue Lun and Xiao Yang? The S6 top four are all besieging SKT, is there any reason for it not to die? 】

However, a strong personal relationship will not affect the competition in the arena.

In some of the small chat clips before the semi-finals, the VG players were ready to face the enemy and gave great respect to each other.

Especially Xiao Duan, whose hands were still shaking before going on stage, so he could only cover up by shaking Nuan Bao.

Seeing this, Shen Guanshan asked her boyfriend with concern, "Are you so nervous in the semi-finals?"

Gu Xing answered patiently, "Brother Duan will indeed feel a little flustered when encountering big competitions, but this is also human nature..."

He changed the subject and boasted shyly, "I'm an exception, there's nothing I can do about it, Miss Li."

"The team usually has a lot of appointments with ROX, knowing that the opponent's strength is definitely not bad, and everyone doesn't want to fall in the last step before the final."

In the documentary, the teams of both sides put on their unique poses and boarded Madison Garden!

The drumbeat of the background melody is anxious.

From Gu Xing's troll jungler to ROX female gun support.

The two sides showed their special skills, and the editing also made great contributions, playing the card of the killing screen of you coming and going in the canyon!

Until the fourth inning.

ROX pointed the finger at the middle, and Peanut repeatedly tore through the defense, limiting Easyhoon to the point where he could not develop!

There was a dead silence in the voice of the VG team that was released.

"My, my..." Li Zhixun sighed weakly, "I'm sorry."

Gu Xing could still hear Gu Shengbin's broken Mandarin pronunciation.

"Let's go to the next set."

Other than that there was no sound.

From anyone's point of view, it looks like there is a problem with the mentality of the team.

If Gu Xing hadn't known the final result, he might really have to hang his heart.

The younger sister and girlfriend around him stared at the picture intently.

The two were very curious and wanted to know how VG adjusted.

Not only them.

Most documentary viewers are also confused when they see this.

In the post-match interview, Gu Xing once said that the way to help Li Zhixun adjust his state is to share the pressure so that he can recharge his energy and prepare for the team battle.

However, the specific problems on the field can be solved, how to deal with the mentality outside the field in a short time?

The camera follows the VG players back to the backstage lounge.

Li Zhixun immediately collapsed on the gaming chair, closing his eyes and resting his mind, showing fatigue.

The atmosphere in the room was almost frozen, only the team management was still communicating with the players, trying to appease the players.

Until Gu Xing opened his mouth, claiming that the next final would be to eliminate the opponent within four rounds, the ice between the team members seemed to be cut open, and his expression softened a bit.

When boss Ding Jun tells his jungler that he is satisfied with this year's results and that the team still has a chance next year, let him let go of his burden and enjoy the game as much as possible.

Gu Xing looked back with a serious expression, and once again claimed that he could enter the finals.

Full of confidence, he swung his hammer vigorously, completely smashing the invisible ice lingering in the lounge!

The words were like giving the teammates a buff, and instantly made the members smile a little more, talking and laughing, ready to go on stage.

Seeing this, Shen Guanshan was extremely envious, and looked at his boyfriend with admiration.

A social terrorist like her is very envious of Gu Xing's ability displayed at this time.

If you change yourself...

Maybe you have to curl up in a corner without saying a word and be a boring gourd.

Gu Pan frowned first, and then relaxed it.

I am also very good at dealing with social and team atmosphere issues.

According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such an excellent effect with Gu Xing's two words alone!

She guessed that it was probably because her brother had always left a confident and reliable impression in the VG team, coupled with his strong personality, he was able to break the ice instantly.

Charisma is a mysterious thing.

There is always a kind of person who can't help but convince his peers in what he says and does in the team.

Similar qualities are vividly displayed in Gu Xing!

The number of barrage reached its peak at this time.

[What a handsome little Gu! 】

[FMVP is worthy of the name, the core of the God of God team! 】

[Turtle, the top predictor, the final is really over within four rounds]

Gu Xing couldn't control the smile on his face when he saw the screen full of bullet chats praising him.

In the documentary, he was still chatting with Li Zhixun after the tiebreaker BP ended.

"When I was in San Francisco, I said that I will definitely be able to enter the finals and play against SKT... Do you still believe it now?"

Easyhoon nodded solemnly.

The screen switches here.

After winning the championship, Gu Xing leaned on the chair, and the staff asked why he said this sentence at that time?

He pondered for a moment.

"Master Hou came from SKT. He also encountered some things in the World Championship last year. He wanted to prove his ability in front of his old team." Gu Xing said carefully, "I also want to help create opportunities for Easyhoon to get a team." A unique championship trophy."

The gentle and elegant Li Zhixun recalled everything that happened half a month ago, with endless happiness and joy in his smile.

When Gu Xing's blind monk kicked Pray out of the formation with a signature 7-figure roundabout kick, the battle in the canyon was settled!

Hongmi and others in the backstage lounge hugged each other excitedly, and the long-suppressed shouts reverberated in the room!

In the post-match handshake session, the scene of ROX members forcing Gu Xing to cheer for the opponent in the final was also recorded.

When the sad moment is over.

The background sound was switched to "Ignite", the theme song of this year's World Championship.

The loud electronic sound echoed in Gu Xing's ears.

He followed the camera and returned to the Staples Center, the land of dreams.

The pictures were distributed to VG fans inside and outside the venue.

The supporters were full of smiles, and some people even put the VG silver-white team logo on their cheeks, waved support banners with cartoon portraits of the players in the team, and excitedly rushed to the camera to cheer for their teams in the competition area.

When he saw Gu Xingka operate the blind monk W to flash back Lee Sang Hyuk at the sixth level, the stands burst into deafening cheers!

Gu Xing was originally receiving applause under the stage full of spotlights. At this time, the camera's perspective was in the auditorium, but he could really feel the experience of watching the game from the perspective of the game, and his body was trembling slightly.

The two devastating rounds ended, and when VG took out Galio in the last set, the venue was completely boiling!

Time and time again, Durant's shield, combined with Gu Xing's blind monk, smashed SKT's seemingly indestructible defense!

Some supporters waved the VG team flag vigorously from the heights of the stands, their faces flushed and their mouths kept repeating, "Champions! We are the champions!"

When the SKT base crystal exploded, fireworks and dry ice mist filled the venue, and the golden rain falling from the sky was dazzling!

"...It's really spectacular." Shen Guanshan murmured with emotion.

The timeline of the documentary is switched, and the perspective is on Gu Xing after winning the championship.

The voiceover asks the last question, "How high is my estimated probability of winning the championship the day before facing SKT?"

"100%," Gu Xing said without hesitation, "I don't think it's possible for VG to lose at that point!"

"The right time, place and people, a combination of various factors can win the final championship trophy."

After experiencing this World Championship, his awareness of League of Legends professional events has improved a lot.

"Sometimes it really is the only chance in this life, and luckily we take it."

Xiao Duan still smiled and concluded, "Thinking about it carefully, we have never been optimistic about our journey to reach the top of the world step by step. It is really a good time worth remembering."

Zhu Xiaolong joked, "It's like our team name, to conquer all the enemies on the road..."

The sound gradually disappeared, and the picture also dimmed.

Finally, the black screen shows Caesar's famous quote Veni Vidi Vii.

The Chinese text below indicates the translation: I come, I see, I conquer.

Immediately afterwards, the first two words were erased, and the conquest represented by Vii was affixed with Gaming characters to form the VG team logo.

And the remaining 'conquest' is the title of the documentary.

"It's over?" Gu Pan sat here for more than half an hour, his body was numb from the cold, and he hurriedly got up and stomped his feet.

"There is still a progress bar..." Shen Guanshan could see clearly that there was still less than a minute of video left.

Gu Xing was very puzzled, but he sat on the chair honestly and prepared to read it.

At the end of the documentary, his own voice suddenly sounded.

"Remember when we were in San Francisco..."

Gu Xing trembled all over, "Turn it off, turn it off, hurry up!"

He seemed to foresee something terrible was about to happen, and even became inarticulate.

Shen Guanshan hadn't realized what happened, although out of trust in his boyfriend, he wanted to kill the tablet right away.

But his own hand speed is too slow, after all, it is still a step late.

Gu Xing in the video is still talking, "Have you organized a group to see the reverse sunrise on the Golden Gate Bridge? How about doing it again tomorrow?"

Gu Xing in Houhai Park covered his face with his hands.

Gu Pan was stomping his feet, and his ears perked up when he heard this.

In the next second, he was poked at the point of laughter, "You go to the west coast to watch the sunrise? I really cried to death..."

She rocked back and forth with a smile, "I will definitely send this recording to my parents later, so that they can see how strong your ability to care for yourself is!"

Gu Xing became angry and wanted to refute, "This is called team building activities with the team, do you understand? How could I not know that the sun rises in the east, but I didn't say it at the time!"

Shen Guanshan pursed his lips and suppressed a smile.

In the end, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I could only watch the documentary to divert my attention.

The screen slowly lights up.

The group photos of all members of VG watching the reverse sunrise on the beach of Santa Monica in Los Angeles for the last time were released sequentially.

The smiles of the 7 contestants were as dazzling as the rising sun behind them, and their brows were full of high spirits.

When Gu Xing and his second daughter left the park, they were still immersed in the VG group chat looking for the ghost, wondering who leaked the photo of the Santa Monica beach.

All the members denied it all, and they also testified against each other, playing like a werewolf.

World6 claimed to be the most innocent, 【I can't! 】

As a result, Gu Xing immediately found evidence from the screenshots of the documentary that his sister sent mocking him.

In one of the photos, there are only six people, but the world girl is missing.

Obviously, only World6 has the conditions to take this kind of photo.

Gu Xing sent it to the group chat, and asked enthusiastic teammates to attack World Girl.

Zhu Xiaolong was the most annoyed, 【It was clearly agreed before, don't let this matter out, just ignore it, right? World girl, you wait, I have to teach you a lesson when we meet in Debei! 】

Seeing that the identity of the insider was exposed, World6 simply stopped pretending and went straight to the showdown.

[You clearly said 'you are not allowed to tell the audience during the live broadcast', what did I do wrong? 】

One sentence made Zhu Xiaolong so angry that he had nowhere to reply.

Gu Xing sat in the taxi and laughed non-stop.

He didn't dare to raise his head, for fear that the other party would laugh at him with the reverse sunrise again.

Go to the toilet of Kangba and turn around, and found that many netizens are discussing the content of the documentary.

They were basically praising Gu Xing's big heart and unparalleled self-confidence.

The main reason is that there are not many clubs doing off-site video editing and microphone programs, and they only make documentaries after winning the championship.

Therefore, the audience can only get in touch with the players in the game from God's perspective.

I can only see how the players are playing, and I don't know anything about their personalities.

This caused Gu Xing to be a professional for half a year before he was discovered by the outside world as a monster rookie with mentality, operation and command ability!

For a while, praise for him once again filled every corner of the anti-bar!

Gu Xing was very happy to watch, and then saw that some netizens started to create memes, intercepting the fragments of the reverse sunrise and making P-pictures.

He changed his face at the speed of light and turned off the phone decisively.

Fortunately, we have arrived at the gate of Peking University at this time.

"Do you want to go in and have a look?" Shen Guanshan suggested.

Gu Pan wanted to veto it for his brother.

God knows how many people he will provoke in Peking University?

Gu Xing readily agreed, and wanted to go to the highest university in the country to enjoy the scenery.

Now if you want to visit Peking University, you don’t need to make an appointment online in advance, and you can get in with your ID card on weekends.

However, it turned out that Gu Xing still underestimated himself too much.

Just two minutes after he entered the campus, he met a surprised student who came up and asked for a group photo.

After walking for a while, he was forced to stop.

Society is afraid that Shen Guanshan shrinks away.

Gu Xing felt very sorry, and ran away after seeing Weiming Lake, not wanting to cause trouble to the two of them.

"I'll go out for a walk tomorrow morning by myself, how about you accompany me to buy a suit in the afternoon?" He will take the high-speed train to Jiangcheng to participate in the German Cup tomorrow night, and he wants to spend more time with his girlfriend.

Shen Guanshan nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

The next day, after watching the flag raising, Gu Xing went to the Forbidden City for a walk, and then went to school to pick up his girlfriend and went straight to the shopping mall.

In the end, he found that he shouldn't abandon his sister in order to fall in love.

As soon as he put on his first suit, Shen Guanshan said it looked really good.

The same goes for the second body.

Later, Gu Xing found out that no matter what he was wearing, his girlfriend always said the same thing, and his head suddenly became as big as Jack's love.

"I really feel pretty good..." Shen Guanshan was also aware of the problem, and his voice was tinged with frustration.

Gu Xing has a thin and tall figure, and the slim fit suit she picked was really eye-catching to her.

She looked at her dress again.

As always, the black, white and gray plain clothes are still the loose version of the sports style.

The main reason is to save trouble, and even cut the short hair to the ear because I am afraid of trouble.

Shen Guanshan felt that her aesthetic ability seemed to be a bit weak.

There was nothing I could do to help, so I had no choice but to follow behind my boyfriend as a small follower.

Gu Xing dialed his younger sister's video call and asked Gu Pan to help him as a staff officer, and finally chose a dark blue double-breasted suit with a dark check pattern on it.

"It's done! Think about what we're going to eat tonight..." He turned his head and took his girlfriend's hand, feeling that the other person talked less today, "What's wrong?"

Shen Guanshan didn't want to hide it, so he said something as soon as he had something to say. At this moment, he murmured softly, "I feel like I'm a bit useless, I don't even have the aesthetics to pick a suit."

Gu Xing wanted to understand what his girlfriend was thinking, and immediately retorted with a smile, "Where is it? It's obviously because my skin is so good-looking, and you feel handsome in whatever I wear."

"If you can pick me as your boyfriend, it proves that your aesthetics is absolutely on the line."

Shen Guanshan was dazzled by his talking skills, and then he saw Gu Xing smiling happily at himself, showing a pair of not so obvious canine teeth, and he was immediately confused and put his troubles behind him.

She felt that even if the other party didn't play professionally, he could still do something by using his mouth to fool people in the society.

"Besides, you don't need to underestimate yourself." Gu Xing led her to the dining area upstairs in the shopping mall, "I like you not because you can help me."

"What's more, it's such a small thing as choosing a suit. If it wasn't for the awards ceremony, I might not wear it once in my entire career, so I can't make up my mind." He justified, "That's why I asked Gu Pan for help. "

"Look, I don't know how to choose a suit, and I feel that I can wear almost anything, so am I useless?"

Shen Guanshan was a little confused.

Originally, she was quite quick in thinking, but when she met Gu Xing's face, she became dull in an instant.

Now I always faintly feel that the other party's remarks are not quite right.

But it was too late to find the unreasonable place.

Gu Xing struck while the iron was hot and changed the subject directly, leaving her no time to think about it.

"And to be honest, I envy you."

"Ah?" Shen Guanshan couldn't believe it.

She couldn't figure out what she had to envy.

Gu Xing sat down at a Huaiyang restaurant and explained to his girlfriend in detail, "I was not sensible when I was a child, I just thought that you didn't have a younger sister in your family, so you could have a bedroom by yourself without being nagged by your parents..."

Shen Guanshan was stunned.

"These points are reversed, and I envy you too," she said sincerely, "really."

Shen Guanshan had only his grandparents by his side since he was a child, and he hardly spent much time with his parents, and later he stayed alone in Zhenhai.

She likes the life of the Gu family very much. Although the material is not rich, the family is happy and harmonious.

"When I grew up, I envied your easy-to-use brain," Gu Xing continued, "I liked mathematics at first, but I couldn't keep up with my study progress."

Shen Guanshan was a latecomer to Mathematical Sciences, but he came from behind and was still ahead of all his peers in the town.

In the mid-term exam not long ago, she was still ranked in the top 5% in a place like Peking University School of Mathematics where lunatics gather.

"So, there are always things that people are not very good at." Gu Xing went around in a big circle, and then returned to the topic, "Isn't knowing how to pick clothes the most insignificant thing?"

Shen Guanshan looked at his boyfriend with a focused expression, the clear lake in his eyes was about to overflow.

After dinner, Gu Xing first sent his girlfriend back to school.

In a secluded corner outside the school gate, Shen Guanshan hugged him and did not let go, but still told him to be careful on the road.

"When I get to Jiangcheng, I'll send you a message," Gu Xing rubbed his girlfriend's soft short hair, "I'll return to the capital after the German Cup and I've dealt with the transfer period. It won't be long."

Shen Guanshan reluctantly let go of his arms.

Gu Xing wanted to watch her enter the school gate before leaving.

As a result, Shen Guanshan did not take two steps, and suddenly turned around and rushed over. After getting close to the distance, his lips gently kissed his boyfriend's Adam's apple, like a dragonfly touching water, and then he broke up with the touch.

Gu Xing felt as if a feather had been brushed against his neck, followed by a tingling sensation.

The touch at the Adam's apple spread along the blood, and quickly extended to all the limbs.

Gu Xing was very helpless.

He knew that his girlfriend always liked to stare at his neck, but he didn't expect to do this.

"What is your special hobby?"

Shen Guanshan took a step away, suppressing the heart that was about to jump out of his chest, his cheeks were rosy but he boldly looked at his boyfriend, "I just like it..."

She helped Gu Xing tidy up his collar, "Let's go, I won't be able to catch the car later."

After waving goodbye to the other party, Shen Guanshan trotted into the school gate.

In the dark, she gently stroked her lips.

It's a wonderful feeling.

Gu Xing arrived in the river city of Wuhan at eleven o'clock at night.

Follow Jin Wenhyuk's instructions to go to the Internet cafe.

Yes, it is still planned by Banana.

Separately assigning training rooms to each team in the German Cup is simply not something they can do.

The 16 teams can only hire two Internet cafes for training.

Jack is still not old enough to enter an Internet cafe, but no one dares to report against VG now. The official attitude of wanting to lift the first championship team to the sky makes all other teams dare not to suffer.

"How is it, is it okay?" Gu Xing stood behind the seat in his box, staring at the situation of the training match.

"Play whatever you want!" Gu Shengbin, who was also watching the game, poured beer into his mouth, "I think we can win the championship with two substitutes!"

At present, the fist has not updated the preseason version, let alone the LPL, which is already one step behind.

The German Cup is still using version 6.19.

Compared with the World Championship, the difference is not very big.

Even though VG took the leave very late, they played the World Championship version for a full two months!

The level of experience far exceeds that of teams in the same competition area!

Their version 6.18 understanding has reached the point of being the only one, which can be called the pinnacle. No one can break the wrist with VG!

With World Girl and Jack, VG can still maintain its dominance in tonight's training match!

Seeing this, Gu Xing felt relieved and let World Girl play to the fullest.

November 11.

The German Cup officially opened.

VG showed amazing game-ending ability in the group.

They rely on operation madness to pull with their opponents, torturing their enemies to death!

After the lack of Gu Xing, VG's early rhythm has become relatively mediocre.

However, relying on the unsolvable operation during the first-hand transfer period, they can establish an economic advantage in four or five minutes!

Hou Ye's ability to take charge of the game in the later stage can be seen at a glance.

In the group stage, his average team output ratio was as high as 35.23%!

The old god Gu Xing was there, lay down on a chair in the backstage lounge, and silently listened to the voice of the team.

"Shi Senming, your basket!" Yu Wenbo began to show his face, "Isn't it quite good? Come if you have the ability!"

In the closing match of the group stage against YM, Jack was a bit miserable by Xiao Meiji during the laning phase.

Shi Senming's Tauren can always catch Yu Wenbo in unimaginable positions, and Ning's shooter can give him a hard blow!

However, when the transition period came, Yu Wenbo immediately relied on operations to gain an extra defensive tower and two waves of soldiers, directly making up for the disadvantages!

While personally in the leading position, Yu Wenbo's face-riding output ability made Gu Xing amazed.

He had never seen an ADC that rushed into someone's face!

Gu Shengbin stared blankly in the background, "You dare to do it too, Jie Kuo!"

Sometimes he couldn't understand Yu Wenbo's thoughts.

Inexplicably, an ADC is at the forefront of the formation!

Imp thinks he is already a pretty good player.

But it still follows the basic rules, and then rushes to the opposite face when it is safe.

When he saw Yu Wenbo's way of playing, he could only feel ashamed.

Unreasonable, indiscriminate, as long as Jack is equipped, he will hit the opposite face hard!

There is no logic at all!

Opponents are often caught off guard the first time they encounter him.

Before he had time to react, the formation was pierced!

The victims are not only YM.

IM and IG in the quarter-finals and semi-finals were also defeated by Yu Wenbo's face-to-face play!

By the end of the semi-finals on the 13th, VG hadn't even lost a single game!

And the next day's opponent in the final will be EDG, the five-time winner of the German Cup!

"Brother Xing, come to the last final!" World Girl had a good time, and excitedly pushed the chance to Gu Xing again.

"Hou Ye's last round of wave 5, strive to win beautifully!" World6 had a good reason, "You can't leave regrets after retirement, right?"

Jack thought so too.

He told Gu Sung Bin to show off quickly.

Gu Xing thought it was reasonable.

Even the lazy dog ​​Imp agrees.

"Succeed, let's try our best to finish the last game quickly, don't dawdle with EDG!"

-----Off Topic-----

What a cruel day!

The German Cup will not be written in detail, the award ceremony in the next chapter

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