What is a hexagon jungler?

252: Misleading and dragging!

The continuous sound of signals filled Gu Xing's ears.

"Let's stand on the defensive and don't invade..." He gave instructions to his teammates.

The team has Ice, which is a sharp weapon to see the field of vision in the early stage. You can see Cuzz's wild movement without performing a level 1 group invasion.

Besides, since winning the championship, Gu Xing likes to be more steady when facing non-championship-level teams.

There is no need to take the slant of the sword.

ig thinks so too.

The five heroes on the opposite side are all long-handed, and there are various ways to slow down and keep people. It is not a good choice to rush to the VG wild area.

Cuzz habitually keeps pressing the scoreboard, and is still communicating with the broiler around him.

"Brother Yijin, you should move more during the laning phase in this round, I want to grab the mark!"

Broiler repeatedly agreed, "Don't worry, I'll help you if I hold down the middle lane!"

Cuzz, who got the promise, calmed down and looked at the ID of the opponent's jungler on the scoreboard.


This game must be arranged for you!

He is fledgling and wants to make a name for himself.

Facing the current strongest jungler in the world, Cuzz knows that as long as he can win the game, he will be greeted with overwhelming praise!

Gu Xing didn't know what Cuzz was thinking, nor was he interested in finding out.

I only know that the other party will pay the price.

Standing in the grass far from the red buff camp in the upper half, Ka threw his javelin at the camp at 1 minute and 39 seconds.

At the threshold where the wild monster was born a second later, the javelin plunged into the red buff and made a muffled sound.

Gu Xing didn't ask smeb to help open the field, and even asked the bottom lane duo to help with acting.

Jack and Duan Deliang aimed at the blue buff, and they used up a lot of mana by throwing out their skills.

Waiting for the time to go down the road, the confusion is almost full.

However, in front of an old jungler who is proficient in human nature, he would not jump to the conclusion that Gu Xing's leopard girl must open the jungle from the lower half.

Cuzz is a newcomer in the professional arena, but he has played a lot of qualifying games and has been deceived before, so naturally he will not easily believe the smoke bombs dropped by vg.

But as long as there is a little doubt in his heart, Gu Xing has achieved his goal!

It was really hurting for Leopard Girl to open the field alone without the help of her teammates. He also lost a lot of blood after hitting the red buff. He was about to move down when he heard a signal from his mid laner.

"Juri has eyes!" Kuro marked his raptor camp, reminding Gu Xing to pay attention.

The field of vision created by Song Yijin can be regarded as a regular eye position during the laning phase of the mid laner. It can prevent gank and catch the opponent's jungle position at the same time.

After all, Gu Xing is using a flexible leopard girl with a lot of movement means. It is difficult to detect Nidalee's movements in time with the anti-grab position placed in the grass near the pawn line, and it is easy to be bypassed.

That being the case, it's better to keep your eyes on the wild monster camp, as long as the leopard girl is in the wild, you can see her!

Gu Xing first pressed s to stop in place to ensure that he did not appear within the detection range of ig's eye position, and switched the screen to see the alignment in the middle.

Just as the data and impression showed, Song Yijin did play hard.

While operating the clockwork, he can play with a sense of enchantment, turning around repeatedly to try to trick Kuro Syndra's skills.

But kuro is pretty solid.

He started the game with a q [Dark Magic Ball] and then shrank behind the pawn line, allowing Song Yijin to control the pawn line's initiative—this is why the broiler was able to go to vg's f6 camp as an eye.

Although it is really necessary to fight against each other, Kuro believes that Song Yijin is not in vain by relying on his strength as a hero.

But it's not necessary.

The task given to him by Redmi is to be steady!

Gu Xing thought of a countermeasure in a short time, and operated the mouse to continue moving Leopard Girl.

It's just a circle, deliberately avoiding the Raptor camp, proceeding from the narrow road between the red zone and his own highland to the Second Tower, and then all the way down!

Song Yijin pressed forward while still observing the opponent's f6.

After finding that there was no change, he immediately provided the information to his jungler.

"Haven't you shot Raptor yet..." Cuzz muttered.

This scene was like a weight, causing the balance of Cuzz's inner judgment to tilt slightly, thinking that Gu Xing was opening the field from the lower half, so he hadn't had time to brush the raptor.

Because normally speaking, after adding two small wild monsters this season, f4 has become the happy bird of Leopard Girl.

Relying on the skill's short cd and range damage, Nidalee can brush the Raptor without breaking a sweat!

From Cuzz's point of view, if Leopard Girl starts from the top half, it makes no sense not to play f6!

Unless Gu Xing is still deliberately hiding the route.

Before Cuzz could figure it out, he heard the child wandering down the road yelling something.

He had just started his career in LPL not long ago, and his Chinese proficiency was about the same as that of vg's Korean aid, and his teammates spoke very fast, so he could only wait for the broiler to translate.

"The kid said that the opponent's bottom lane was very timid, and he completely let the pawn line pass!"

Song Yijin's words became the last straw, and Cuzz finally made a judgment, thinking that Gu Xing really opened the field from below.

Otherwise, the vg duo would have no reason to fight so cowardly.

Because even if they put the line in front of the tower, it is impossible for Gu Xing to come and catch it - vg bot lane ice + female gun has no stable control in the early stage, if the ig duo has a large number of troops to rely on, they can even fight two against three!

Only when Gu Xing starts to swipe upwards, vg will not even have the desire to exchange blood in the bottom lane, and obediently guard in front of the tower to make up the knife to develop!

At this time, the game time came to two and a half minutes, and Qian Jue's first layer of wolf spirit imprint emerged.

Down the river crab!

Cuzz is beaming with joy.

God help me too!

The middle and bottom of ig are all pressing the line, and the bottom half has enough ability to support him to get this group of swift crabs!

"I'll take it later!" Cuzz reacted immediately, "Brother Yijin, lean closer to me!"

Broiler responded very happily.

With Gu Xing's upward swipe, Song Yijin would have moved downward to prevent being caught, and moved closer to his own jungler, which happened to be able to protect Qian Jue from taking the mark.

However, from the perspective of God, it is a different scene.

"Brother Xing successfully reached the third level after brushing the magic marsh frog, and he is rushing to the middle!" Zeyuan said loudly, "Rookie seems to be defenseless, and is still moving down!"

Directed zoom shots.

Gu Xing sprinted towards the middle of the road against the wall of the lower jungle area of ​​VG.

Cuzz has also just reached level 3 and entered the lower river to collect swift crabs to get the mark.

The two junglers were separated by a wall, and the straight-line distance was only 1,000 yards, but neither of them found each other!

"Jack shoots the eagle spirit into the field!" Su Xiaoyan saw the new movement of Xialu Hanbing at the edge of the screen, and hurriedly reminded the audience.

Since the bottom line has to wait until the first three melee soldiers in the second wave of soldiers are killed in 2 minutes and 17 seconds, they can not be upgraded to level 2.

In the early stage of the vg duo, the strategy is to release the line to the front of the tower, so the speed of clearing troops is a little slower.

It wasn't until 2 minutes and 40 seconds before the level was raised, and the Eagle Strike was learned and cast out in the first time.

The drone crossed the lower river and successfully photographed Qian Jue's position!

The corners of Gu Xing's mouth rose slightly.

The opposite is still too young too simple.

The triple fog array arranged successfully made the enemy misjudge their position!

The third wave of gunners in the middle lane has already converged, and the mid laners of both sides are about to reach the third level. Gu Xing is crouching in the shadow of the side near the vg side, ready to freeze his hands at any time.

"Broiler hasn't noticed that Brother Xing is by his side!" Ze Yuan hung his heart.

The sporadic ig fans in the audience stopped waving their cheer sticks and stared nervously at the big screen.

They watched Song Yijin jump into the opposite trap!

Just like the data that Gu Xing got, Broiler likes to take the opportunity to exchange a wave of blood with the opponent's mid laner when he reaches the third level and unlocks all the small skills, so as to stabilize the advantage of the mid lane.

Now is no exception.

The moment he was promoted to the third level, Song Yijin leaned forward and threw out the puppet in his hand to try to consume Syndra!

Kuro's face was full of excitement.

He used the dark magic ball to cooperate with the general attack, beheaded the last melee soldier, and successfully reached level 3!

w [Drive Mind Power] Pick up the magic ball on the ground and throw it directly on the clockwork forehead!

Song Yijin was not in a hurry, and decided that Kuro would suffer from this wave of blood changes.

In order to rise to the third level and compete with myself, I hand over the q and basic attack to the minions, so how can kuro win?

But the next moment he realized something was wrong.

I placed the eye position of the vg raptor and I haven't seen Gu Xing yet.

If Leopard Girl starts from the bottom half, she should be promoted to the third level and go to the top to clear the jungle...

Song Yijin knew how good Gu Xing was, and he also knew how proficient the other Leopard Girl was.

It is impossible to slow down the jungle!

Nidalee didn't go to f6, so where would that go?

Broilers cannot think carefully for a short time.

His intuition told him to run away quickly.

But it was too late.

"Sindra uses the magic ball that drives the mind to slowly wind up, and then pushes the weak to retreat!" Zeyuan always likes to read out all the hero's skills. At this time, he articulates clearly, but he can't hide the excitement in his tone, "The chicken didn't dodge Space, just put the puppet back on yourself to get a shield!"

"Brother Xing, let's do it!" He yelled.

The leopard girl in the fog of war on the side shoots a javelin, penetrates the darkness and the wall, and shoots at the clockwork monster!

When Song Yijin saw the javelin appearing from the side, his heart skipped a beat.

The dizzy time of the weak retreated for as long as 1.5 seconds, and he could only let the javelin pierce his body!

The next moment, a bear trap appeared, and Nidalee turned into a cougar and rushed towards her!

"The leopard girl played a set of thunder, and the blood volume of the clockwork is not much!"

In the current version, the middle and wild are basically double thunders, and the burst damage can be called terrifying!

In the blink of an eye, Song Yi's blood bar was only 1/3 left!

Broiler quickly started sprinting, but the restriction of the rear trap made him unable to retreat straightly, so he had to cross the trap.

"Cuzz's Qianjue has just finished hunting river crabs and is still on his way to the middle lane..." Zeyuan spoke at full speed, pouring out vocabulary, "Kuro also sprinted to keep up, his speed is faster than that of a broiler Faster!"

The red buff carried by Gu Xing made a great contribution, and the slowing effect applied to the mainspring successfully stuck it!

"The leopard girl flashed forward and swooped forward again, aq and then changed to human form, walking and slashing non-stop to make up for damage!"

Syndra threw the dark magic ball again, and Song Yijin turned around and walked in small steps to successfully avoid the skill.

But Kuro made it clear that it was just to seal the position!

"Brother Xing took the last blood with his basic attack!" Ze Yuan's voice was high-pitched, "Qian Jue came here only to witness the death of his teammates!"

Excited cheers erupted from the auditorium.

The vg fans saw that Gu Xing had achieved something in his first attack, and they immediately gave applause and cheers even harder!

Cuzz blinked, his eyes full of confusion.

"My, my..." He hastily apologized to his family, and expressed his inner confusion, "Why is Virtue down here!"

Song Yijin pursed his lips.

You ask me?

He usually has to focus on laning, and doesn't have so much energy to help Cuzz think about the opponent's jungler position, just to report the information.

Previously, cuzz judged that Gu Xing was brushing from bottom to top, and Song Yijin didn't have any doubts, and chose to rely on the bottom out of trust in his teammates.

Who would have thought that he would bump into Gu Xing's gun instead!

Cuzz blamed himself very much.

He settled down to think, and finally got a clue.

Gu Xing actually used a series of confusing information to confuse his own judgment!

You are too mean!

Cuzz gritted his teeth.

As soon as he entered the professional arena, he experienced the sinister people here.

It is completely two games with the qualifying match that he is good at!

In the game of passers-by, no teammate would cooperate to release so much false information, even in the Korean game with the highest score, just to make the opponent misjudge the jungler position!

Cuzz dominated the qualifying all the way, and the combined score of multiple accounts on both servers was worth 7,000 to 8,000 victory points. This was the first time he felt the horror of the professional arena.

After Gu Xing took the head, he was still lamenting that the young man was too tender.

For the position of the jungler in the professional arena, don't easily believe in any thought guidance given through indirect information.

For example, just now, the vg duo pretended to open the field in the early stage and spent mana, and put the pawn line in front of the tower without resistance, while Gu Xing himself avoided the vision of the jewelry eye placed by the broiler.

Everything is indirectly leading Cuzz to misjudge his opening move!

Before Gu Xing had time to think about it, he heard Kuro calling himself again.

"Pin Gu, come and eat the thread!"

It's like the sound of nature to the jungler!

He turned around without hesitation, and devoured all the soldiers including the artillery and chariot soldiers!

Seeing Leopard Girl's more or less dirty movements, Su Xiaoyan couldn't handle it anymore, "Brother Xing got the first blood, and even cleared the middle route... Kuro sacrificed a lot!"

Zeyuan answered the conversation beside him, and joked with a smile, "No way, Brother Xing's old team is domineering, and Kuro has to pay some tributes for newcomers!"

Kuro doesn't feel that he is at a loss.

Both he and the broiler made up 15 knives-that is, all the minions before they reached level 3.

In the process of killing Song Yijin, he only paid a total of sprints and got 200 yuan in first-blood assists.

Then push the remaining soldiers over, and Kuro can also get experience.

On the other hand, the broiler takes a bath in the spring water, and if there is no teleportation, it will lose the cannon and three long-range soldiers in vain!

"It's very hurtful for the clockwork to be killed this time," Zeyuan commented impartially, "The broiler doesn't have much money on him, so he can only make up a dark seal and come back to continue laning... and handing over all the double summons means that he is receiving It may be life-threatening for a while after coming down!"

Cuzz can only make up the line with tears and deal with the minions who entered the tower.

Gu Xing took advantage of Qian Jue's stay in the middle lane and ran to the upper half to clean up another river crab.

Then he didn't clear the wild again, but returned to the city where he was.

Three groups of wild monsters + river crabs + first blood and half a wave of soldiers, Gu Xing returned to the city and directly took out his magic shoes and real eyes!

Just now cuzz got a mark, mainly because of his luck, Wolf Spirit just captured the lower half of the line where ig held the line right.

But Gu Xing is in a good mood.

He doesn't care how good cuzz's luck is, because it's not the turn of luck to make the decision.

Gu Xing is going to let the opponent's passive layer stay at '1' forever!

Get out and hit the road!

The director took advantage of the situation and gave the two sides a single shot.

"The posture was suppressed by smeb very badly, and the blood volume dropped to less than half." Su Xiaoyan was a little surprised when she saw the laning situation, "ah this..."

The Gnar used by Song Jinghao is not particularly strong in the early stage.

It is said that the hands are long, but in fact, Gnar Jr. has a range of only 400 yards.

And Shen has extremely exaggerated basic damage, as long as the taunt is given, the q soul blade will basically be half a tube of blood if it is pulled over three times!

But at present, smeb has the absolute upper hand!

One of the reasons for the transition between offense and defense on the road is due to the perfect performance of many vg veterans.

Cuzz mistakenly thought that the chain reaction of Gu Xing's opening up the field from the bottom up also had a considerable impact on the top lane.

At that time, the posture was afraid that Gu Xing would come and catch him on the road.

Little Gnar normally controls his anger, and the third wave of soldiers happens to grow bigger. With w [Beat], he has a chance to cooperate with Leopard Girl to complete the kill against Shen!

Forced to do so, Gesture had no choice but to put the line over and control it to develop slowly in front of the tower.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xing had no intention of going up at all, and the smeb fox had a trick of pretending to be the real one, so he was fooled!

Now Posture wants to regain control of the line, but smeb refuses.

A large wave of cannon lines was stored and sent to the ig tower. Shen, who did not have the ability to quickly clear troops, could only use basic attacks to slowly clear troops.

Failed to clean up the pawn line in time, the fourth wave of pawns met in the ig tower again, forming a push back line!

"The posture can only be pushed forward along the pawn line and away from the protection range of the defensive tower step by step!" Zeyuan glanced at Leopard Girl's position again, "Brother Xing is going to patronize the road...Qian Jue is here too!"

Cuzz starts from top to bottom with the fast three route of blue-magic marsh frog-red buff.

In order to help Shen untie the line, he deliberately circled back, brushed off the three wolves and ran up the road.

From the perspective of God, the battle between the Ueno and the wild is imminent!

"Qianjue is one flash ahead of this wave," Su Xiaoyan judged the combat effectiveness of the two sides, and couldn't help frowning, "But brother Xing has an extra pair of magic shoes!"

Cuzz has no idea about this.

He thought Leopard Girl wasn't there, and even if she was, she had just finished cleaning up the Ueno area, and hadn't had time to go back to the city to replenish equipment and transform the first-blood economy into combat power!

However, Gu Xing did not take the usual path. He left the middle road and went to brush a river crab. The other two groups of camps in the upper half of the area were not touched at all, and they went directly to the spring for resupply!

At this moment, relying on the passive [Looking] to accelerate through the grass and the movement speed of the magic shoes, Leopard Girl has already arrived at the line of grass closest to the tower on the vg, and entered the grass before the pawn line pushed back!

"Smeb is getting angry non-stop, and he's still pretending that he doesn't want to let the pawn line enter the tower and reset back to the center line." Zeyuan stared at the battle situation on the road with a pair of eyes, "Pose up and mock!"

Cuzz got out from the triangular grass and appeared next to Smeb after circling.

The wolf spirit's frenzied domain expanded, and Qian Jue hung e【Born Fear】 on Gnar!

"IG was fooled!" Zeyuan blurted out, "Smeb recovered from the taunting state, first threw the boomerang and then went forward instead of retreating!"

Little Gnar caught the boomerang, and he was infused with a lot of damage and successfully became bigger!

w [Beating]!

Gnar struck out with a heavy punch, trying to stun ig Ueno.

Cuzz crossed q [Dance of Random Arrows] and moved to the side, successfully avoiding the control.

But the posture does not have the ability to dodge, so it has to be fixed in place.

A dark red javelin suddenly shot out from the grass around him!

Gesture's eyelids twitched suddenly, and his heart suddenly panicked.

However, he didn't have any ability to resist, watching the javelin plunge into his body!

Nidalee came out of the grass, sucked Gnar's milk, and swooped in after the clip was set!

"Brother Xing's damage is a bit high, and there is not much HP left in the posture!" Su Xiaoyan's voice was hurried.

The 18-point magic wear provided by magic shoes means an absolute explosion in the early stage!

The leopard girl's sharp claws tore at Shen's body, crazily reducing his blood volume.

Seeing that the posture was wrong, he quickly handed over the flash to distance himself.

"But he was stuck by the red buff on Brother Xing's body, and his moving speed was relatively slow!" Ze Yuan was very excited, "Smeb followed up and made up for the damage on the opponent!"

Relying on the blood volume bonus obtained by transforming into Danar, plus Gu Xing's mouthful of milk, Song Jinghao managed to hold on without being killed immediately.

He moved forward not only to get closer, but also to widen the distance between himself and Qian Jue!

"Brother Xing pounces forward again, combined with Gnar's damage will be carefully killed!"

Seeing that Cuzz was chasing after him, Gu Xing quickly gave Smeb an idea, "Get into the grass!"

Fearing that the other party would not understand, he even gave the mark to the nearest line grass.

In desperation, Smeb didn't bother to think about it any more, he obeyed his own wild words, and got in bored.

Seeing that the other party still wanted to pull him, Cuzz hurriedly inserted his eyes into the grass.

As soon as he saw Gnar's huge body, Gu Xing immediately planted his eyes in the grass.

It's just that his eyes are real!

In version 6.22, the original true eye [Guard of True Sight] was replaced by [Guard of Control].

The difference between the two is that the current real eye can not only expose the opponent's fake eye, but also make it invalid!

Now that the grass has fallen into darkness again, Qian Jue just raised his hand and shot an arrow when he had Gnar's vision, which was not enough to kill him!

Cuzz has never returned to the city to supply supplies, and only has accessory eyes on his body, so he has no ability to break through the defense line controlled by real eyes!

His w [Wolf Frenzy] has also entered the cooling down, and he can't even use the last method of probing the grass!

In the process of chasing Gnar, the leopard girl turned into a human form and was still using basic attacks with red buff damage to keep him!

Cuzz's heart swelled, and he handed over his cooldown q [Dance of Random Arrows] and jumped into the grass.

As a result, as soon as he entered, he saw a golden light flashing in front of him!

Zeyuan on the commentary stage uttered the wah-wah yell inherited from the predecessor doll, "Smeb ran into the thread grass next door by flashing, trying to continue to block Cuzz's vision!"

Screams erupted in the arena.

The audience watched in disbelief as smeb played hide and seek with each other around the top three lanes!

Cuzz's forehead burst out with blue veins.

After the smeb flashed, he lost track of Gnar again!

Seeing Leopard Girl throw another javelin at him, Cuzz knew that he had no chance to retreat at this time.

He simply used his flash to avoid the javelin, took advantage of the situation and entered the grass where Smeb was hiding, trying to replace the opponent.

However, as soon as I entered, what greeted me was a boulder!

"Gnar's stubborn rock hit Qian Jue, applying a slowing effect to it, and he continued to retreat to distance himself!" Su Xiaoyan's voice became louder and sharper, "Cuzz is hard to catch up to!"

Manipulating Qian Jue's basic attack to crush Gnar into blood, Cuzz bit the bullet and chased after him.

Gu Xing scratched at him from behind.

Although the javelin missed.

But the damage of Leopard Girl who wears shoes cannot be underestimated!

The output has already lowered Qian Jue's blood bar to the extreme!

At this time, Cuzz's tightly locked brows finally relaxed a little.

Because smeb has come to a dead end.

There is currently no toilet pit on the canyon side road. It is a curved rectangle. Smeb can't go straight when he reaches the border, and he will naturally catch up with him!

It's fine if you can replace this head, at least you won't suffer too badly... Cuzz thought in his heart.

But just when he was about to use the crossbow to take Gnar's life away, he saw a bright green light glowing from the opponent's body, which contained endless breath of life!

"Brother Xing's e [Wild Gallop] has improved, and he gave smeb another sip!" Ze Yuan shouted in a broken voice.

The battle between the Ueno and the Ueno dragged on for a long time.

The cooldown of Leopard Girl's Wild Gallop was originally 12 seconds, but Gu Xing has a blue buff on her body, so after the reduction, the cooldown is only about 10 seconds.

At the beginning of the battle, a sip of milk declared VG's counterattack.

When the battle was about to end, a sip of milk gave up Qian Jue's last hope of forcibly chasing and changing heads!

Cuzz watched as he shot Gnar with a basic attack, and the opponent had only a trace of blood left!

But he has no chance to make up for the damage!

"Brother Xing changes form, aq takes Qian Jue away!"

Ze Yuan shouted hoarsely, "Zero for two, VG has won this wave of Ueno battle!"

"Smeb and Brother Xing cooperate perfectly, playing ig Ueno in the palm of your hand!"

He was not stingy with compliments, "The two are indeed the top Ueno combination in the world today. The level of manipulation and tacit understanding seems to be full, and the final pull is particularly exciting!"

Seeing Gu Xing get a double kill, the shouts erupted in the arena were loud and mighty like a tide!

[The crooked sun smeb is too spiritual, right? 】

[Playing with the bushes to make flowers, dragging hard to survive, the operation is full! 】

[Brother Xing's anti-squatting is outrageous enough, it's the same as turning on the see-through hanger, predicting the opponent's whereabouts in advance]

[There is also the real eye, which is far from the truth, and Qian Jue's vision is completely stuck]

[What is Cuzz doing? It crashed directly to the top order! 】

The director screen is given to the top lane at the right time.

Gesture and Cuzz were just focusing on fighting and didn't have the energy to deal with the pawn line.

A large number of ig soldiers who were pushing back just now got stuck in front of the tower.

If no one helps to deal with it next, the pawn line handover position will be stuck here for several minutes!

One can imagine what embarrassing situation Gesture will face next!

Ding Ran in the VG lounge in the backstage was overjoyed, wishing he could slip and kneel.

"Brother Xing, you are my god!" With a flushed face and an excited expression, he swung his fist vigorously into the air, "Kill me hard, show them to death!"

"Leopard girl with three heads in less than four minutes, I don't even know how to play against her!"

Ding Ran could clearly hear VG's team communication.

"Xiao Gu, you're too lazy!" Smeb said cheerfully. He doesn't know too complicated Chinese, so he can only imitate the rhetoric of the others during the training game, "Nice!"

Song Jinghao still didn't forget to ask for credit, "Is this wave of flash pulls top-notch!"

Gu Xing backhanded his praise, "Ah, yes, yes, yes, Jing Hao, your on-the-spot reaction is simply amazing!"

"Isn't the upper field on the opposite side cracked?" Duan Deliang smiled, recording that the enemy's summoner skills were cooling down, and his legs were shaking involuntarily, looking very embarrassed, "How can this be played?"

On the other side of the player's seat, the posture was stern and silent.

He is aggrieved!

Let cuzz come on the road to help him untie the thread.

It's good now, but it brought him a big rhythm!

Cuzz felt guilty.

In addition to surprise and panic.

Compared with Gu Xing's ability to control the rhythm on the field, it is a world of difference compared to the qualifying match where the two met!

The other party seemed to have completely guessed his intentions and set countless traps.

As long as I am a little careless, I may be doomed!

Cuzz was sweating coldly on his forehead. After being resurrected, he bought the equipment and continued to move up.

He knew that if the top lane was stuck, his posture would be very uncomfortable.

In line with the basic principle of rehabilitating the aftermath, Cuzz decided to make up for the sins he made, and went to the top road to help untie the line.

The price to pay for this is really not low-he has no wild monsters in the upper half, and it is a pure waste of time to help solve the problem!

"Brother Xing brushes from top to bottom, the speed is quite fast..."

Zeyuan was still watching Leopard Girl's movements.

"He suddenly stopped near f6!"

Nidalee stood motionless in the raptor camp, looking like she was hanging up.

Just when some viewers were deeply puzzled by this, Su Xiaoyan gave an explanation.

"Brother Xing is carding Qianjue's imprint!"

The first layer of the wolf spirit mark was captured by Qian Jue at 2 minutes and 48 seconds.

There is a 75-second cooldown, which means that the wolf spirit will not be active again until 4 minutes and 03 seconds.

Now that the two river crabs have been killed and have not been reset, the wolf spirit will only capture the Raptor as a hunting target.

Gu Xing's card is the node where the 4:03 mark appears!

When the head of the wolf spirit appeared above the head of the razor-beaked bird, Gu Xing killed it without saying a word, and then turned his head and ran down.

At the same time, my mind is still calculating like crazy.

The next time Wolf Spirit appears is 5 minutes and 18 seconds.

However, there were no wild monsters in the canyon that met its requirements at that time, and the wolf spirit would only mark them when the first group of camps that met the standard appeared!

Today, when the refresh interval of wild monsters has changed to 150 seconds, f6 must refresh later than river crabs.

There is also a gap between the scuttle crabs.

The crabs in the lower river are the earliest to be spawned, and naturally regenerate the fastest.

In other words, Wolf Spirit will hang on top of the lower river crab at 5 minutes and 48 seconds!

Gu Xing's computing power is quite terrifying. He can operate La Yejia to cut the screen to watch his teammates while calculating the Qianjue mark like a humanoid machine.

What he has to do now is to establish an advantage in the lower half before Wolf Spirit's next mark, so that the opponent cannot compete for the mark!

Brush wild all the way until 5 minutes and 45 seconds.

The opportunity has come.

"Brother Xing came to crouch in the grass above the middle road, and his whereabouts are quite secretive... ig thought he was brushing all the way down, so he didn't have enough vigilance on the upper half, and let him crouch without his side noticing. here!"

Kuro saw that the broiler wanted to make up the knife, so he seized the opportunity to do it decisively!

"Sindra's general attack minion is promoted to level 6 first, qr smashes the ball on the clockwork, and then the weak retreat, and the goddess scatter flowers!"

The non-displacement character has no countermeasures against the forcible stun of Syndra's Scattering Flowers.

Even though the broiler realized that the situation was wrong, he couldn't run away, and was still stunned and unable to move!

The javelin shot from the side made Song Yijin despair!

With a muffled sound, the leopard girl immediately suppressed the blood volume of the clockwork to less than 40%.

Bite up and trigger the thunder to kill him!

"The fourth head!" Ze Yuan yelled loudly, "Brother Xing is going to be invincible!"

Su Xiaoyan, who always pays attention to Qianjue's imprint, also quickly added, "And the wolf spirit imprint appears on the lower river crab, and the ig mid laner can't compete for it without the ig mid laner!"

Gu Xing took the swift crab into his pocket without any effort.

Cuzz can only accept the reality that another mark has fallen into the enemy's hands.

He felt that the game had not gone according to his expectations.

A heart falls into an endless abyss.

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