What is a hexagon jungler?

262: Whose head will I take off?

Gu Xing bought the starting outfit, raised his speech speed, and explained the first-level arrangement to his teammates.

"It's better to stand on the defensive position. Brother Duan, you should take an eye on the lower river in advance. The opposite side is likely to invade. Let's try not to cause friction. If they force them to come in and change the wild area, let them!"

Gu Xing did not intend to lead the team to take over the first-level regiment.

EDG has dual shooters, and the revised version of Verus can directly increase the attack speed by 50% when participating in the kill.

Once Iboy is activated, the consequences will be disastrous!

There is also Dashu, a rogue who is hard to control. If you play a first-level team in the wild at the beginning, the minions and wild monsters have not yet been refreshed. It is unrealistic to expect Mouse to play Asian binding!

Unless Duan Deliang's Nami puts EDG in a dungeon with a blister, VG will lose in all likelihood!

Xiao Duan understood it, and followed the instructions of the care company to go to the middle of the river to insert the eye position one step ahead of time.

Just as Gu Xing said, after a while, I saw the EDG people grouped together trying to drill into the VG lower jungle area.

Duan Deliang breathed a sigh of relief. Originally standing at the back, he was going to take Jack away from the wild area and return to a safe position.

In the next moment, he saw Clearlove turn on the red jewelry, which accurately illuminated his river eyes.

"Scanning of the jungler belt on the opposite side!" Xiao Duan hastily reminded.

Gu Xing, who was about to go to the Ueno area of ​​EDG to change the BUFF start, cut the screen to look down the river.

Ming Kai's behavior was beyond his expectation.

In the current version, junglers basically don't go out to scan. Before level 9, the red accessories are very tasteless. They only scan a fixed area and it is difficult to play a role.

But the factory manager did the opposite!

And it successfully predicted the location of the short section, scanned it out and cleaned it up!

This is obviously the team's careful research in advance, knowing VG's habit of placing defensive eyes when the first-level team is at a disadvantage, and deliberately targeted it!

When Gu Xing was blocked, he could see who the other party was blocking.

Excluding Mingkai's male gun, there are also two generals from EDG.

He knew it.

"Jing Hao, you and Rui Xing, be careful." Gu Xing slowed down his voice, for fear that they wouldn't understand, "One wave of lines on the opposite side can increase by 2!"

In version 6.13 of last year's summer split, it was the first time that killing wards could gain experience.

And in the 6.22 version, the experience value obtained by clearing the ward has been improved even more.

Now the trio of Nakano and Nakano in EDG can evenly share the trinket eye, so that the solo lane can be promoted to the second level with only one wave of minions!

Compared with the solo road hero who can only be promoted to 2 by clearing the first minion of the second wave of soldiers in a normal state, EDG definitely takes advantage of it.

Gu Xing suspects that the opponent spends so much time researching, just to let the middle and top two get an advantage at the beginning of the game!

"Scout is sure to hit the line in the early stage," Kuro said expectantly, "Can you come in the second level?"

The Ryze he plays can't win the clockwork before level 3, let alone the enemy can quickly grab the second.

Scout crimping is almost a predictable thing.

And if Gu Xing's poodle really wants to catch someone, it can do it at level 2.

Waiting for Kuro's Ryze to upgrade to 2 and EW to stop the clockwork, Gu Xing can at least force out the purification of the elementary school boy!

Gu Xing thought for a moment before answering, "No, the male gun is likely to squat down below, and I might explode through it by then!"

He knew that Ming Kai was treacherous and cunning, and he especially liked to design insidious ideas.

I was tricked before I started playing professionally, and I suffered a lot after joining VG.

From the moment he saw Ming Kai opening the game with scanning and emptying the river eye position, Gu Xing became more vigilant and tried to think carefully before doing things.

He is caught at level 2, as long as the elementary school boy does not get sick, he will definitely not die, and at most he will hand over his summoner skills.

In case Ming Kai knew the movement he caught in advance and squatted back, although EDG Nakano did not have a strong control before level 6 to keep Gu Xing.

But the follow-up factory manager's male gun can chase him all the way with his advantage of length!

At that time, EDG will rely on the line rights advantage earned by leading the middle and upper ranks, and it is likely to protect Mingkai and cover the entire upper half of the district, leaving Gu Xing with nowhere to improve his rank!

Kuro also came back to his senses, realizing how serious the consequences of the poodle being squatted back, and immediately kept silent about letting the jungler level 2 come to the middle to help.

He was afraid that Gu Xing would be affected, so he was still chanting in broken Chinese.

"It's okay, it's okay, you need to develop first!"

"You're like this..." Gu Xing told him patiently, and said his plan.

Kuro's eyes lit up halfway through.

Gu Xing stood in the EDG blue zone camp, scratching wild monsters as soon as they spawned.

After the poodle is reworked, Q [Cruel and Merciless] has become the current stab-type small displacement, and the cooldown of all levels is only 4 seconds, and the efficiency of clearing the field is instantly increased by several levels!

Gu Xing hit half of the blue BUFF, and dragged the wild monsters to move to the Demon Swamp Frog camp next to EDG.

At the moment Frog Concubine appeared, she directly handed over punishment to pull hatred, gathered the two wild monsters together, and then used the range damage mechanism of the Q skill to simultaneously reduce the blood volume of the two groups of wild monsters.

In this way, the efficiency of clearing the field can be maximized.

Miller followed the director's camera and saw Gu Xing's skillful pulling wild, and praised him softly.

Then the screen turned, and Graves, who had already cleared the blue BUFF in the lower half of VG, punished and took away Frog Princess, and hurried to the middle lane with a shotgun in his hand.

"Eh?" Wawa didn't know why, "What is the factory director going to do, is there a group of three wolves left in the VG camp that he doesn't use?"

He was standing in the perspective of God, and he couldn't hear the voices of the players in the team, so he couldn't figure out the reason.

Ming Kai is here to cover up the elementary school boy to push the line.

In the final analysis, the position of the mid laner Kuro is a bit abnormal.

He had been cowardly at the rear, when the second wave of pawns arrived at 2 minutes and 07 seconds, he suddenly started to move forward, as if he was going to fight Scout.

Even though Kuro is about to reach level 2, the dual-skill Ryze still has no advantage against Clockwork!

The only explanation that the elementary school boy could think of was that Gu Xing was squatting in the grass above.

If he dared to step forward, he would be stopped by Ryze. If the poodle forced his hands, it would be no problem to force him to be purified!

That's why he hurriedly shook the jungler and asked Ming Kai to help him back squat.

The factory manager didn't know whether Gu Xing was there or not.

EDG was pitch-black in the upper half, without even a ward. In order to avoid being caught on the road, Mouse kept pinching the ward on his body and didn't put it in the wild.

As a result, they did not get any trace of Gu Xing!

"The factory manager came over and squatted lonely!" Miller's perspective did not have the fog of war, and he could see the movements of the poodle clearly, and immediately shouted, "Xiao Gu has no intention of coming to the middle lane at all, he has already taken all the EDG Ueno area. Empty!"

The audience couldn't help laughing when they saw the factory manager squatting in the air.

This is Gu Xing's strategy.

Let the mid laner act, pretend to confuse the opponent, and trick Clearlove into crouching to cover Scout!

Kuro continues to be an old drama player.

He has nothing to fear.

There is no hard control on the opposite side, if you have to come up in a panic and grab it hard, you can turn around and run away if you hold the person with your own EW.

Ryze kept harassing at the edge but didn't do anything, the elementary school boy finally noticed something was wrong.

Scout was anxious, and moved forward a little to send Ryze's face, trying to lure Kuro to control himself.

Little did they know that this simple step revealed the fact that the factory director was squatting back on the side!

Otherwise, Clockwork is alone, why dare to move forward?

"Hurry up!" Kuro laughed loudly, and instead of attacking the clockwork, he withdrew to a safe place inside the tower and showed the VG dog tag by the way, "It's still too young too naive!"

The elementary school boy also realized that his position was a bit reckless, which was tantamount to selling Ming Kai's location information, and he looked annoyed and went back to make up the knife safely.

He is currently operating at a good level, but he lacks professional experience.

After all, in the end, he has only played professionally for half a year, and he has not played as many games as Gu Xing, and he has no dark chocolate to replay. He is too young to deal with certain details!

Ming Kai also knew that his position was captured by VG, and he felt a chill in his heart.

Gu Xing is truly happy.

Naturally, he would not let go of this wonderful opportunity and rushed to the middle without stopping.

"Ruixing, let me push the line for you, and get ready to enter the opposite field immediately!"

Jump straight out of the grass above and deal with the minions with Kuro.

This is the artillery line that arrived at 2 minutes and 37 seconds.

Under normal circumstances, the single line can be upgraded to level 3 by eating the first three melee soldiers.

Gu Xing blatantly came over to divide the troops, but it didn't delay Kuro's promotion to the third.

The elementary school boy realized something was wrong, and while reminding the jungler, he drove the puppet in his hand to consume the line-clearing poodle.

But he is a clockwork demon, and there are too few things he can do in the early stage!

QW plus a general attack, triggering the thunder, lowered the poodle's blood volume by 30%.

Gu Xing knocked out a bottle of reusable potion, and successfully used a Q stab to clear the line of artillery vehicles in the middle!

Then he took Ryze, who had just been promoted to the third level, and went straight to the lower half of EDG!

The factory manager was brushing his beloved F6, and when he saw that the middle lane was cleared by Gu Xing, his face showed a bit of disbelief.

"Ah this..."

How can there be a jungler who helps the mid laner push the lane like this?

You are blatantly dirty!

Looking at the scoreboard, Gu Xing ate all three long-range soldiers!

This is unbelievable for Clearlove7, a representative jungler of the grass-fed daddy style.

He had studied VG before the game and knew that Kuro liked to give way to Gu Xing.

But today's time to pass the pawn line is extremely early!

And Ming Kai felt suspicious when he thought of this.

What can you do after clearing the creeps in the middle?

When the time came to 2 minutes and 47 seconds, Clearlove relied on the [Insight] talent to reduce the cooldown of summoner skills by 15% to improve the punishment in advance, and the thunder light fell from the sky, killing the big raptor, and successfully upgraded to the third level!

Looking at VG Nakano outside the wall, Ming Kai let out a cold snort.

Still want to fight wild monsters?

There are no doors!

No one can grab my Seven's F6!

In the next moment, an eye came in.

Then the flashing golden light blinded his eyes!

Ryze and the poodle both flashed across the wall and came to Ming Kai!

"My God!" The doll's shout was amplified by the sound system and transmitted to every corner of the venue, "VG Nakano has murdered the factory director!"

Ming Kai didn't expect the other side to be so vicious, so he jumped across the wall and punched himself in the face.

How dare you? !

Before he could make a move, Ryze raised his hand and EW [Rune Imprisonment] fixed him in place!

The poodle has all the three skills of QWE, playing thunder and crazily reducing the blood volume of the male gun!

"Brother Xing's brutal value is full!" Miller noticed this detail.

In this rework, the poodle has reduced the upper limit of ferocity from 5 to 4, and the superimposed layers will disappear after 6 seconds out of combat.

The last time Gu Xing used the Q skill to clear the line of artillery tanks in the middle, superimposed a layer of brutality, and then brought Kuro to flash over the wall to attack the factory manager.

Only four or five seconds passed.

That level of cruelty just happened to continue!

With the addition of the three skills of QWE, it can stack up to 4 layers in an instant!

The poodle's skill bar, which had all entered the cooling down, re-lighted!

This is a reward for hunters!

After consuming a full layer of brutality, Gu Xing threw out E [Lasso Strike] again!

Set you monkey!

Ming Kai finally discovered the seriousness of the problem.

But he had no choice but to gasp.

He had just been locked in place for 1.5 seconds by Ryze using the EW version of the rune, and he could only watch helplessly as the poodle's lasso was thrown at his face!

After the ferocity value is strengthened, the E skill will add a full 1.75 seconds of imprisonment control!

The male gun stood still and couldn't move!

"The layers of the factory director's pure man haven't been superimposed, and his resistance is not high..." Miller's voice became more and more urgent.

Ming Kai went to F6 to clear the jungle after failing to squat back. He only has two layers of pure men on his body, and the dual resistance provided is not enough for VG Nakano!

"The male gun will be charged to death for this wave!"

The poodle has four skills before and after, plus basic attack, and Ryze is on the side to give output, the burst damage is already not low!

The elementary school brother is still clearing the line in the middle.

He didn't let the factory director die in battle.

Instead, it is necessary to upgrade the level as soon as possible.

Since Gu Xing ran to the middle lane to clear the line, Scout had to put the line of troops in front of the tower, so the upgrade speed was naturally a little slower.

He finally rose to level three before Ming Kai died in battle, and quickly learned how to hang the golem on the male gun's head through the E partition wall to provide a layer of shield.

But after all, it was one step too late.

"Kuro's Ryze QEQ pierced through the wind-up shield, and reduced the male gun's health to only a layer of blood skin," Waowa took a deep breath, with a passionate voice, "Brother Xing's general attack took away the male gun Get a blood!"

There was instant thunderous applause at the scene!

The VG supporters ecstatically let out bursts of shouts, loudly calling for Gu Xing's ID!

What's more, they were so excited that they got up and shouted, "Good job, Brother Xing!"

"Brother Xing is really courageous!" Miller praised unceasingly, "And Kuro, these two people are unreasonable. After pushing the line and seeing the factory manager brushing wild, they just flashed across the wall and did it!"

"The factory manager was accused of staying in the same place for more than three seconds, and in the end he couldn't even hand in the flash!" Wawa shook her head repeatedly when she said this, "Brother Xing's cruelty is really good!"

Ming Kai was still grinning after punishing Big Bird just now.

Now, 4 seconds later, he was staring at the black and white screen with his eyes lost.

The whole process can be called face changing at the speed of light!

I just died like this?

Ming Kai was completely dumbfounded.

Is there any reason?

The apologetic Wuhan-accented Mandarin of the elementary school boy also came from the earphones, "My, my...that wave made a mistake."

Scout knew he had a big problem.

If it wasn't for him not being able to control his mind when he was seduced by Kuro, he moved forward to expose Ming Kai who was covering from the side, VG Nakano Duan would not have acted like this!

Ming Kai scratched his nose - this is his habitual action, similar to that of Little Bear spreading his hands.

With a distressed look, he had to accept the reality and examine the current situation in the wild.

After his own death, there are two groups of camps left in the lower half of EDG, the red BUFF and the stone beetle.

Gu Xing only has one punishment, and the stone beetle is close to the bottom lane, so a jungler like the poodle who has no means of escape will definitely not give priority to clearing it.

Then the red buff is supposed to fall into the enemy's hands...

Ming Kai thought quickly, and finally decided to go to the Ueno area of ​​VG.

There are still three groups of wild monsters that are intact. He can try to invade with his flash, and maybe he can get some benefits to stop the loss.

Gu Xing was still laughing.

"How about Ruixing, can I hang it?" He asked the mid laner for credit.

Kuro helped his teammates kill Mingkai and immediately chose to return to the city, synthesized blue crystals into goddess tears, added a real eye and continued to go online, and spared no effort on the way to praise his teammates.

"Niu Niu Niu, this strategy is really ruthless!"

His praise is sincere.

Gu Xing was able to seize the fleeting opportunity when he was forced to switch to the field by EDG at the beginning of the game, and the upper and middle line rights fell because he could not grab the second.

Not only did he recover from his disadvantages, but he even made a lot of money, which is enough to show how terrifying his strength is!

Kuro suddenly felt that the three long-range soldiers he dedicated to his jungler were worth the money!

Whoever eats who C, could it be up to me?

"Ruixing, go to the red zone and give me a look!" Gu Xing tried to use simple sentences to command his teammates.

Kuro now obeyed him, and went straight to the upper half before returning to the line, preparing to make a good eye position first.

Gu Xing returned to the city after clearing EDG's red BUFF. When he was about to return to the spring, he inserted the ornament eye partition wall that had been turned in 3 minutes into the opponent's stone beetle camp.

With four sets of camps plus minion lines and first-blood economy, he successfully made Caulfield's Warhammer.

If it was last year's poodle, Q was only single-target damage before it was changed. If you want to play wild in the professional arena, you must get Tiamat, otherwise you will lag behind in development.

Not so now.

Rengar's jungle clearing efficiency is enough to rank in the first echelon in the entire league, even faster than the opposing male gun!

Gu Xing ran directly to the forming equipment to buy to improve his combat power, and went out and ran to the upper half of his house!

Before returning to the city just now, he took a look at the stone beetle camp at the bottom of the opponent, just to track Ming Kai's movements.

It is known that there is only one group of stone beetles left in the EDG wild area.

If there is no trace of the male gun, then the other party is either arresting someone, or turning against the wild... The remaining possibility is shopping, but Gu Xing feels that Ming Kai cannot do such a thing.

It is very difficult for a male gun without a red BUFF to catch people.

EDG only has top laner Mouse with stability control before level 6.

And the VG Ueno area happens to be full of wild monsters.

From this, Gu Xing was certain that Ming Kai would most likely come to the upper half of the district. Now that he had the advantage, he naturally wanted to go to Clearlove7 to face him head-on!

"Jing Hao, get ready for support," he urged his side to take the top lane, "Try not to let Dashu go offline first!"

"Don't worry, Xiao Gu, the order on the other side is a dish!" Smeb went crazy.

Gu Xing cut the screen and went to take a look, and found that this was really the case.

Mouse took advantage of being able to grab level 2, and he still played the laning monsters like Dashu.

In the end, he was beaten by Rambo!

At that time, Smeb was able to hang Huni with both hands and backhands, but now it is even more effortless to ravage Mouse!

Ming Kai originally wanted to invade the Ueno area of ​​VG.

But the top laner, who was supposed to be the best in line, suddenly became a disadvantage, which made him very distressed.

As a jungler, the most annoying thing is to create conditions for teammates, but in the end, I still can't get an advantage online!

It made him dare not even enter the opposite wild area now!

Moreover, the bot lane duo just returned after pushing the line and found that EDG's stone beetle was still there.

Ming Kai suspected that Gu Xing might really return to the city to finish up his equipment and then come to the upper half to catch his matchup.

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to temporarily change his mind and go catch it.

"Mouse, look at my position, prepare to freeze your hands!" Ming Kai signaled his teammates to move forward.

The big tree turned into a group of moving roots, binding Rambo who was burning the line.

Take a step back, Q [Thorn Bash] smashes Gundam Bobby back!

Ming Kai slid forward and broke into the enemy's field of vision, and the smoke bomb was thrown on Rambo's head!

But before he could make a move, Smeb immediately surrendered his flash, saving skills without delay!

EDG Ueno no longer has any control that can keep Rambo, so he can only watch the opponent activate the W shield to accelerate and escape!

"It's so fast!" Mouse marveled.

Ming Kai's eyes darkened.

Handed over flash, right?

OK, I must arrange you again later!

"I'll push the pawn line over for you, and I'll come again when I have a chance!" Ming Kai said to Mouse.

Gu Xing's previous BP said that Kai basically would not catch the road.

of course there are exceptions.

Gu Xing contributed the most to the military training of Ma Datou in the summer competition last year so that he didn't even dare to take out the defense tower, but Ming Kai also had at least 1/3 of the credit!

The factory director intends to repeat the actions of the military training Marin, and offer a set meal for Smeb!

When Mouse heard that Ming Kai was going to help him later, he was overwhelmed with gratitude beyond words.

God knows what kind of courage is needed to play the top laner in EDG?

Alone most of the time, Mouse hardly sees his teammates except for team fights!

Now that he got Ming Kai's promise, he immediately no longer minded his jungler helping to push the line into the tower.

At this time, the intersection of the cannon car lines that were supposed to meet at 4 minutes and 17 seconds became the VG upper tower.

It is foreseeable that, relying on the shooting advantage of the turret, there will be a wave of pushing back troops soon!

At that time, if Smeb wants to eat soldiers, he must leave the protection range of the defense tower with the line of soldiers constantly advancing.

Isn't a Rambo that doesn't flash arbitrarily chosen?

Satisfied, Ming Kai went back and began to swipe the camp he had reset for the second round, planning to wait for Rambo to come out of the tower along the line of troops before making a move.

Smeb was a little flustered after being arranged, and still made a request to Gu Xing in the voice.

"Xiao Gu, Xiao Gu, save me!"

Gu Xing was clearing the jungle, saw the situation of the top lane, and knew the fate that Smeb would face soon.

"I can come, Jing Hao, please pay attention to controlling the temperature!" Gu Xing made a basic request.

Smeb repeatedly agreed.

In terms of Rambo's temperature control technology, he is only stronger than Zhu Xiaolong, not weaker, and he is outstanding in his proficiency!

After Gu Xing finished brushing the Raptor, he turned his head and moved up.

At this moment, the handover point of the top lane has crossed the center line of the canyon, officially advancing towards the upper tower of EDG.

Smeb knew there was someone behind him, but he still didn't hold his head up high, but cautiously moved forward, pretending that there were no reinforcements behind him.

From time to time, I use the electronic harpoon to repair the knife, and the temperature is very well controlled at the request of Gu Xing.

Ming Kai frowned.

As mature as he is, he naturally won't be fooled by Smeb's few fake moves.

He guessed that Gu Xing was probably behind.

But there is nothing wrong with it.

Ming Kai believes that his own damage can definitely kill Smeb first!

What kind of storm can be caused by the remaining poodle who has not flashed?

He turned his head and moved up after brushing the wild and rising to level four.

The commentary for watching the game from the perspective of God can be seen clearly.

"The factory manager still wants to go on the road again, trying to catch the Rambo that has not turned around..." Miller worried, "But Brother Xing is right behind!"

The director specially moved the screen to give a shot of the jungler status of both sides.

Ming Kai's male spear maintains good health, but he only has a long sword on his body.

Gu Xing has double buffs in hand, and his equipment is also ahead.

There is no doubt about the strength of the jungler!

It's just that Smeb's blood volume is slightly lower, adding variables and suspense to the upcoming conflict.

"EDG really wants to do it!" Doll's tone was high-spirited and vigorous, "Mouse flashed and tied up, and locked Rambo firmly!"

The operation of Dashu is very simple and there is no difficulty.

Mouse took a step forward as usual, and then used Q to smash Rambo into the area close to Mingkai.

"AQE, who is proficient in male guns, stuffed gunpowder into Rambo's mouth, and then hung up smoke bombs!"

But Smeb is not a good stubble.

His temperature control is quite in place, as early as when the big tree flashed and tied up, he turned on W [Shattered Shield]!

Under the dangerous temperature, Rambo's shield value increased by 50%, helping him withstand the first wave of EDG Ueno outbreak!

"Brother Xing jumped out!"

In the doll's excited commentary.

From the line of grass closest to the upper tower of VG, a fierce-looking poodle jumped out, exuding bloody breath, and slashed at the bark of the big tree with a knife!

After the revision, the poodle jumps from the grass when it has 0 layers of brutality, and can accumulate the next layer first.

After Gu Xingpu attacked, he immediately connected to Q [Cruel and Ruthless].

The poodle swung its blade and stabbed forward, and the target was the big tree whose skills were almost exhausted!

"Brother Xing's position is a bit forward..." Miller just wanted to ask if there would be problems if he rushed too aggressively, and then he wanted to understand Gu Xing's intentions, "It is difficult for the factory manager to compensate for the damage of Rambo!"

The poodle is stuck right between Ming Kai and Smeb!

It would be fine if Clearlove7 used other heroes.

But he used a male gun!

The shooting mechanism of the shotgun makes it easy for Graves' basic attack to be blocked!

For example, even if Ming Kai puts the pointer on Rambo, the bullets fired by the male gun will be blocked by the poodle!

And EDG Ueno has almost used all the skills that should be handed in, so it is obviously unrealistic to try to shift the fire target now!

Ming Kai fell into an ice cave.

If Rambo can't be killed, all his plans will be ruined!

He finally knew why VG Ueno dared to fight him.

The opponent clearly confirmed that Smeb would not be instantly killed!

The enemy has full ability to operate!

"Mouse's big tree is still throwing basic attacks at Rambo, but relying on him alone, it is impossible to make up for the damage!" Waowa said loudly, "Smeb's Rambo is still pulling and turning around and breathing fire!"

Gundam Poppy fired the last electronic harpoon, officially reaching the red temperature state.

Rambo yelled 'Warning, warning', and the drill bit pierced into the tree, which made people feel a pain in the heart.

"Brother Xing used the red BUFF on his body to still stick to the big tree, and at the same time moved his body to block Rambo firmly, protecting Smeb comprehensively!"

Miller's eyes lit up, "VG Ueno's cooperation is very tacit, and Smeb hides behind the poodle!"

It turns out that Gu Xing often cooperates with his new top order.

Sometimes there is also poor communication and inconsistent thinking.

But now the degree of running-in between the two is much stronger than at the beginning of the season!

Smeb does not speak Chinese by leaps and bounds, but for simple game language, it has been able to react and give feedback in the first time.

Now he knows what to do just by relying on the signal and Gu Xing's sporadic words!

Seeing that Mouse would be the first to die in battle if it dragged on, Ming Kai finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"The factory manager flashes forward, jumping over the poodle to make up for the damage of the basic attack!" Wall raised his voice again in the middle of talking, "But Brother Xing is full of brutality points!"

The poodle handed in all WE, instantly stacked up four layers of cruelty, and waved his hand towards the man behind him with another E [Lasso Strike]!

The noose bound Graves without incident.

Gu Xing will also get a burst of movement speed bonus after handing over the brutal value skills, and once again cross the male gun and block in front of Rambo!

In Ming Kai's heart, ten thousand muddy horses galloped.

When he flashed up this wave, he fired a general attack bullet at Rambo.

The opponent still has a little over 100 HP left!

"Smeb is still hurrying up to export big trees!"

Gu Xing also stabbed Mouse.

Relying on the blue BUFF he won with the first blood from killing the male gun and Caulfield's warhammer, he superimposed a 20% cooling effect, and the Q [Cruel and Merciless] cooldown was only 3.2 seconds.

Now with another thrust, he successfully killed the big tree!

"The only one left is the male gun of the factory manager!" Wow widened his eyes and shouted loudly, "He has passed the flash, and there is nothing he can do to face Rambo who is fleeing to the rear!"

Ming Kai watched as Rambo took advantage of the gap between being imprisoned and escaped into the grass without showing his face.

After he was killed last time, he didn't have the money to buy real eyes, so the accessories were still scanned.

It is simply impossible to A to Smeb in the grass!

"Brother Xing sticks to the factory manager and keeps outputting. The male gun equipped with this equipment is no match for the poodle in hand-to-hand combat!"

Gu Xing would naturally not be polite when facing the prey brought to his mouth.

Walking freely and smoothly, the blade kept slashing at the male gun.

Finally, just as Graves was about to walk into the grass, an electronic harpoon shot out from inside, emptying his health bar!

The instigator is Rambo who has ended his red temperature state!

Ming Kai knocked on the table, his face was auburn red.

I can't come out!

(Tomorrow's update will still be at 10:00 p.m.)

-----Off Topic-----

In this playoff division, the teams above are a bit ruthless.

7600 words, 11.6W

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